How do you not include Frisco & Felicia? Seriously!
Tiffany Oliver - 7 years ago
Actually Sonny and Brenda are my #1 OG couple followed by Jason and Sam and funny enough Sonny and Carly! And I mean old school Sonny and Brenda not the new mess of a character they wrote as her recently.
Jennifer Haddix - 7 years ago
Jason and Sam are my fav, but Sonny and Carly are a REALLY, REALLY Close second.... Maybe even a tie!
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How do you not include Frisco & Felicia? Seriously!
Actually Sonny and Brenda are my #1 OG couple followed by Jason and Sam and funny enough Sonny and Carly! And I mean old school Sonny and Brenda not the new mess of a character they wrote as her recently.
Jason and Sam are my fav, but Sonny and Carly are a REALLY, REALLY Close second.... Maybe even a tie!