Do you agree the money should go to treatment and research?


  • I ain’t leaving a name - 7 years ago

    Build the wall.

  • IEATBUBBLES - 7 years ago

    Ah, I see...the research is to find non-addictive painkillers.
    Seems Marijuana would do the trick.
    I guess Tennessee politicians would rather keep funding the pharmaceutical industry than farmers.
    Farmers never have the big bucks to donate to politics.

  • IEATBUBBLES - 7 years ago

    What kind of treatment and research?
    Seems a bit vague...

  • Larry - 7 years ago

    Use it to build prisons. If you really want to alter the behavior of these addicts and other criminals then make the penalty so horrible that only an idiot would continue. If caught with Opioids or other illegal drugs then 20 years with no parole. Felon in possession of gun, 20 years no parole. These criminals would only get to commit two crimes in their lives because they would be in prison for over 40 years. It would take all of 30 minutes for these penalties to hit the streets and then lets see how many drugs dealers and criminals with weapons are arrested. Of course this will never happen. Too many lawyers, bail bondsmen, jailers, parole boards and other criminal related jobs would be lost. Too many judges losing their bribes and kickbacks. Too much money involved to disrupt our criminal enterprise industry for it to be fixed. Problems can be solved but no one wants to solve them.

  • One more theft of the American paycheck - 7 years ago

    This money will be spent the same way the last Gazillion dollars has been spent in the last 50 years. Some politician or their relative will be given a grant for $500,000.00 to open a treatment or research center. Their salaries will be $499,000.00. They will then use the last $1000 to print up pamphlets on the horrors of drug use to place on tables in the lobby. This will not do a darn thing to stop the ILLEGAL use of Opioids.

    The political thieves have enslaved us with their confiscation of our earnings to be redistributed to enrich themselves. Anyone know how Phil Bredesen came to be the CEO of Silicon Solar Ranch? Can anyone tell me how the Clintons became multi-millionaires while drawing a government salary? The Republicans do the same damned thing. We work our rumps off, look at a good part of our paycheck being confiscated and what is left goes to sales tax, property, tax and too many fees to count. This is the only Bi-Partisan agreement you will see with our government and that is both parties steal every penny they can squeeze out of us. Meanwhile our "leaders" get rich with their perks and thefts.

    Now lets get back to arguing over guns, school safety, Black Lives Matter and white supremacists, Russians, and adultery like the politicians want us to do.

  • George Hart - 7 years ago

    While I agree Opioids are a problem. Everyone is ignoring the problems with alcohol and tobacco. I am sure that just as many are dying from the affects of alcohol and tobacco. Both of which are available on every street corner in this country. Legalizing marijuana could help with these addictions. Opioids are available through doctors and also the black market.

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