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Who wins the proposed Patriots-Bears trade?

Total Votes: 2,424

  • Cory - 7 years ago

    Pats found the GOAT in round 6. I'm not sure why people think they will trade up for his replacement.

  • Dennis Weber - 7 years ago

    This trade favors NE big time. First of all, when trading up for a QB you must overpay (due to the nature of the position). Example: The Jets gave up 3 second round draft picks to move up three spots- a massive overpay. If you don't believe me, check out the Trade Value Chart.

    Secondly, the draft experts are saying that in this year's draft there are only 15-18 legitimate first round guys. Therefore, the Bears would be giving up the 8th pick for the equivalent of 2 second round selections as NE picks are numbers 23 and 31. The Bears would be idiots to agree to this trade.

  • MIke - 7 years ago

    ZERO Chance the Bears do that deal... They don't trade the #8 pick and receive LESS draft value from NE. The Bears will trade down if Nelson & Chubb are gone, however, they would have to receive more than the 2 1st rd picks and a swap of 10 spots. I think more likely would be the Bears giving up #8 & #105 and getting back #23, #31, and #64. There has to be a premium paid to get them to give up #8.

  • Brian Birch - 7 years ago

    No way the Pats would trade for a flake like Rosen. Locker room cancer. Can you imagine Belichick listening to the constant harping of Rosen, questioning every play called.

  • Paul Starr - 7 years ago

    Rosen will never fall that far - Mayfield more likely for Patriots.
    Bears need a linebacker more than a running back - I see Vander Esch in the 31 spot.

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