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Daily Poll: Do you think B.C. should sue Alberta over legislation to restrict oil and gas flow?

Total Votes: 6,523

  • Eveline - 6 years ago

    I live in the Shuswap. The train tracks dissect our town, skirt our lakes and run the course of least resistance, along rivers, valleys etc all on the way to the coast. The oil train traffic is on the increase and we all know the track record of CP Rail, guaranteed a derailment. You protesters on the coast keep going on about water being life but ignore these trains travelling alongside our lakes and rivers, which are also our source of drinking water and OUR tourist dollars. A spill into our lakes or rivers is so much harder to cleanup than an ocean spill. You people are hypocrites as you use your phones and tablets and laptops to type how wrong the rest of are, every damn product you have or use in your daily life is oil based or uses oil. Even your plastic protest signs, the clothing you wear to protests etc etc. Build this pipeline, shatter the NDP/Green alliance And either take this to referendum or take us back to the polls. Pick one but either way build the pipeline.

  • Colleen - 6 years ago

    The western coastline does not belong to BC. It belongs to Canada! You have no right to deny the rest of Canada it's prosperity. You are hypocrites when you allow an Asian pipeline and other environmental atrocities to take place.

  • Shelagh Murphy - 6 years ago

    So let’s get this straight. A pipeline is being built through Richmond for the Vancouver airport can get their jet fuel from Asia! A mine has been given permission(can’t remember its name at moment) to dump its waste into a lake in bc. Vancouver is the largest exporter of COAL in North America, the dirtiest resource in the world. A UNDERWATER pipeline from Washington to bc is being built, underwater, nothing could go wrong there, eh?? But yet your neighbour to the east can’t get a safe pipeline, that has been there 1953 without any major incidents. Bunch of hypocrytes!!!!

  • Fred - 6 years ago

    If they think you can sue for not having oil products being sold from Alberta it's the same as me trying to sue somebody from 7-Eleven for not selling me a Slurpee cuz I want a Slurpee. Our economy depends too much on oil if these environmentalist think that not having another pipeline is better when the new pipeline is more safe than the old pipeline which is a single wall pipe line. If they would think that we could have the new pipeline and then build another one to replace the first pipeline you would then have twin pipelines double-walled or even triple walled in some areas and they would be have a less effect of a spill chance. These environmentalist are kindergarden idiots they don't know what they're talking about half the times if they would do their own research and look into what is being proposed it would be a lot safer for everyone in the end.

  • BC Against NDP-Green - 6 years ago

    This is so ironic. Why BC government not allow increase oil flow and also not allow reduce oil flow. Are they just like a babyÉ

  • Michael Noble - 6 years ago

    Should our BC NDP/Green party sue? Absolutely. They of course would lose but they should sue because of the principles involved. BC NDP/Greens are all about being principled. Principles like it is OK to USE carbon based fuels as long as they don't sully our province with jobs or money.
    BC'ers are an interesting group. We dip our toes into NDP governments about once a generation which means our next BC NDP premier is now under the age of 10 and in all likelihood not yet born.

  • Alex Bruce - 6 years ago

    If BC doesn’t want a pipeline, I can respect that. Then they won’t mind uses someone elses oil. Turn the taps off and let them suffer. You are affecting our livelihoods and feel there are no repercussions to holding up this project. So suffer like we are, I hope your gas price goes to $5 a litre. Oh and when I go visit BC, I am bringing a tidy tank of diesel so I dont have to suffer through your upcoming fuel shortages.

  • Chris - 6 years ago

    Pipelines are better than iron horse pipelines, build it we all benefit including BC

  • Darren - 6 years ago

    The Horgan/Weaver scam needs to come to an end. BC cannot withstand another NDP government, especially one that has to say "Yes Dear" to Weaver.

  • Sheldon Reed - 6 years ago

    Rachel Notley the most disliked woman in Canada, Did she forget who's province she wants to go through? She has only one interest her own. Perhaps if people actually liked her and she wasn't such a self centered bitch who has shown nothing but ignorance to BC. This would be a much easier and productive method of working with people. Maybe BC should put toll gates in at it's entrances to offset the Notley fuel prices, As every year we are trampled with Albertans, Taking advantage of our Beautiful landscapes from the Rockies to the West Coast! With little to No respect to our lands or waterways! Perhaps limited stays, Regulated and controlled. No they probably wouldn't like that either! These Governments period are ridiculous, As for the NDP well it won't be long until they have everything shut down and going from not bad to terrible just as they have always done. Why the Hell do we need a Texas based company? Maybe Trudidiot should stop spending Billions on immigration and out of the Country and start focusing on CANADA FIRST!

  • David D - 6 years ago

    No need to fight, kind of waste of time. Just turn off the tap, then everyone will be quite and think about.

  • Danielle - 6 years ago

    All that's left to do is let out an sarcastic & exasperated sigh while shaking my head at the kids play fighting...
    This pipeline cannot be accepted or refused by our mainstream governments and I roll my eyes over the fact that my fellow Canadians haven't realized this yet.
    The people that will ultimately decide this pipeline's fate are the indigenous people of BC who's rights, land & cultural survival of and on Mother Earth have for the most part been ignored or not taken seriously.
    The Indigenous People and/or a judge(s) will ultimately make the final decision and there's nothing that a couple of politician(s) who are throwing a fit and having a temper tantrum can do about that. ✌️

  • David D - 6 years ago

    No need to fight, kind of waste of time. Just turn off the tap, then everyone will be quite and think about.

  • Vancouverite - 6 years ago

    Notley made a point of coming after BC government hard and playing games with "refinery maintenance" and the like before demanding Trudeau set Horgan straight. Despite understanding her motivations, I don't like the idea of someone like that having the power, on either side, to punish another when they don't get their way. We have procedures for a reason

  • don ellis - 6 years ago

    With Horigan and Weaver being such ass's we deserve any thing Alberta can do to us. The sooner we can have an election to get those jerks out the better it will be. Trudope should show some balls and force this pipeline through.

  • Mohammed Ali - 6 years ago

    Let’s just all get along! What do you guys say?!

  • lorne jackson - 6 years ago

    Build the pipeline .Get our economy rolling again. People need jobs The,Environmental people don't care about you . They don't seem to have to work welfare and the government are looking after them.

  • JO - 6 years ago

    The price of gas should be set below a dollar in BC permanently if they want the pipeline.... Needing "Daddy" Trudeau to scold his kids and make them play nice. This is tourist season. And like every year at this time gas goes up... The tourists are not the ones who are here year round trying to make ends meet. Wether you have a high income or not.... The extra hike at the pump hurts everyone....even the tree huggers that take the bus....nxt bus fares go up again....on Vancouver greater victoria....extra at the pump to pay for bus maintence.... the stupidity of it all.. Not sure Hogan gas BCs best interest.....also move the Capital to Vancouver....will financially fuck over families with these jobs only 14000 families...some of those must be single people....choosing a costly commute or take a chance at homelessness in renovictiion mainland ..... Daddy Trudeau should be shutting these ego maniacs down...give ur heads a shake and actually look at some of the major problems...stop stupid spending!!!!!! 27million on a bike lane ....Mayor Helps in Victoria looks 30 yrs down the road when shes in her mid 70s she wants to be able to drive her bicycle downtown without fear some past peeved millianial doesn't run her down on purpose! I know many would change it back if they could. As a millianial i have no confidence in the BC .gov or the trudeau govt. The future of Canada is very uncertain. Sooo many systems being outdated and need attention....all the way across from coast to coast...when little fires are only worked on....the bigger fire is gaining momentum. Shortage of doctors across canada.. Phoenix system just absolutly ridiculous. If Trudeau had to work a real job...would he continue to do it for the constant fuck ups with your pay?....or getting none???... Seriously why can we not fire people or hold them accountable......we have to be at our jobs or to someone daily... smoke mirriors and bs speechs of what you think we want to hear isnt enough!

  • Vera - 6 years ago

    Why are we allowing three heads of government act the way they do?
    I believe that all of Canada is now involved in what will happen between BC and Alberta.
    This is as another comment suggested , why are we forgetting the coal being shipped and yes dirty, yet here we are using rail and or trucks today hauling fuels crossing over , bridges, through towns ,cities and our railways ol lows the river beds , now everyone is worried about the ocean , coast yet seem to forget the statement I just wrote on , we have numerous ways now of having a catastrophe not only our coastline !
    I would love to have a referendum, on this or a vote from this entire Province on how the entire Province feels not just parts of it.
    Another thing why and since when do we allow those from out of country or Province get to come and protest on something that is not theirs to protest on .

  • g lorne - 6 years ago

    So Hogan's government which is our government is going to sue the Alberta government for not sending us oil products through the current pipeline. But the B.C. government is against the pipeline??? It may sơon be uneconomical to just supply the needs of B.C. through the pipeline.
    So let us sit back and think for a moment ,the mode of transport in B.C. is mostly through oil consuming vehicles. So the opposition are they using electrical powered if not why not does the government use electrical vehicles ?
    So I have a idea ,why not have a charge on all oil products flowing through the pipeline be set aside for clean up only and be put into the government coffers.
    Other wise lets answer the government at the next election especially the 70%.

  • Mike - 6 years ago

    I’m with Jared Candle, how hypocritical of Horgan. He doesn’t want crude shipped through BC, Notley threatens to give him what he wants and he threatens to sue. Anyone else think this is getting out of hand? Until we all stop using fossil fuels I think it’s prudent that we find the safest means possible to transport it. A pipeline sure seems like a much safer bet than truck and rail. To anyone on here that is against this, what did you use to post your comment or cast your vote? A computer, tablet, cell phone? Guess what, oil is needed to manufacture that device, ship that device. We are dependent on Oil...... for now. We’re a long way from not and I would much rather have Canada supply the oil needed globally than other countries with lax safety regulations and questionable business practices.

  • Ash Clark - 6 years ago

    Politicians just want to hang on to power and taking our economy for a ride. Build the pipeline and boost Canadian economy. Charge alberta a royality and get jobs in BC.

    US has become our competitor thats why US based companies are interfering and doing environmental extremism.

  • Alex myers - 6 years ago

    I think the pipeline has to be built. Period

  • L Leeman - 6 years ago

    I think Alberta should turn off he taps ASAP so people who live here in BC finally get the picture.

    If Canadian bitumen stays in the ground, do you really think that Russia will not step in to supply Asia with the petroleum it demands? And do you not realize that to meet this increased demand, Russia will push forward drilling for oil on the Arctic seabed?

    USA operates 5 icebreakers. Canada operates 7 icebreakers. Russia operates 46 icebreakers.

    Why do you think Russia does that and has 11 more under construction?

    Turn of the taps NOW Notley. It's actually urgent.

  • Bruce - 6 years ago

    Nah, don’t sue Alberta, charge all Alberta
    Residents over 60 that move to B.C. To retire a $100,000. Head tax to cover their Health care costs. They all move to beautiful BC so they can get the H out of a province totally dependent on a sunset oil industry.

  • S Taylor - 6 years ago

    I'd like know what Horgan and green partys plan is for jobs and revenue in BC and the rest of Canada if this pipeline doesn't go forward?

  • Peter Hanssens - 6 years ago

    Even though we need to move away from fossil fuels as quickly as possible the BC gov is wrong on this count. There is a great deal of hypocrisy here in BC when it comes to the environment for example why are we exporting so much dirty coal to Asia ? Let us clean up own Province first before going on in an irrational rant that will get us nowhere.

  • Robert in Vancouver - 6 years ago

    The pipeline will add just one more tanker per day to current tanker traffic. These are double hull tankers that have never spilled oil anywhere. The world needs our oil to replace oil they buy from countries who don't give a s**t about the environment or workers rights. We need to sell our oil at world prices to maintain our social programmes. Smarten up BC, approve the pipeline.

  • Sonny James - 6 years ago

    Knothead Notley and wanna be candidate Kenny are to Trumpize the discussion with over the top threats.

    If Trudeau said a toxic waste storage facility was to be put in your community and simply declared it was in the National interest...would you not say...NO WAY!

    This is no different. This project is way too risky to be worth taking the chance of a catastrophic oil spill of bitumen. This stuff can never be cleaned up and will permanently destroy the beautiful west coast for ever.

  • Jay - 6 years ago

    Read again Frank. That's >70% opposed to the lawsuit.

  • Frank Peters - 6 years ago

    Interesting how most of the comments on this story are anti-BC but the poll is 70% plus in favour of BC lawsuit. Obviously there are a few posters posing as many.

    Large majority of BCers don’t want this abomination and now we have Quebec on our side to counter spotlight seeking Sask premier siding with Alberta.

    BC separation sounds good to me.

  • Pay - 6 years ago

    We are starting to look to the world just as ridiculous as the US with childish behaviour of not playing well with others.

  • John Bitumen - 6 years ago

    Over here in Ucluelet on the ...for now... pristine BC coast, the most prevalent out of province plate is Alberta. Maybe we should ban Alberta tourists.

  • S Taylor - 6 years ago

    I feel that not only is John Horgan and the Green party costing us jobs and revenue but court costs, and could cost us 1.5billion for our oceans if this pipeline doesn't go through!!!

  • Edmontonian who loves BC - 6 years ago

    We all care about our planet and want to take care of it for future generations, but unfortunately at this time, we rely on fossil fuels. Last time I looked pretty much everyone was driving cars in BC and planes were flying. Not to mention, all of BC's food is transported by truck or rail. The Green's are wrecking your province, tarnishing your reputation and killing any investor confidence in Canada. You should ask them who will pay for the government's social programs once the economy goes in the tank. The majority in BC needs to tune in the Greens and let them know, they are a tiny % of the population and do not speak for the whole province.

  • Bobby B - 6 years ago

    We love you B.C but not your gov't. Help a neighbor out and lend us some sugar. At least Sask is on our side

  • Dutch - 6 years ago

    The pipeline should go ahead. The Greens and the NDP will not have any tax dollars left when construction leaves B.C. Why should the minority’s always get there way at the cost of hardworking tax payers? Enough is enough

  • Gotta go - 6 years ago

    I hope the NDP enjoy their remaining time in power. I voted for them but they have to go. Horgans we can screw them but they can't screen us attitude is BS. I am totally behind the Alberta and Saskatchewan government. I hope the tap gets shut off and then they can wind about how they are screwing us. Furthermore the Indians can't even decide amongst them if this pipeline should happen or not. 45 Indianbands are for it while that moron Chief Phillip says no idiot. We approve site c when we don't need it, don't play fair with pipeline when we do need it. I really thought the NDP was the way to go after the liberals but I will take them back tomorrow. Oh yeah...polls show more British Columbians are for it versus against. Pretty intelligent for the government to piss off the majority...goodbye Horgan and take the flake Weaver with you!

  • Robert B - 6 years ago

    Isn't it wonderful that out premier has 'll of our hard earned tax dollars to spend on a green party whim....nust to continue a hold on governing.
    I think he should put the question to the voters to get a real response...before any incurring any further costs (our tax dollars).

  • Becarde - 6 years ago

    Every so many years the ndp get in. Then we remember why they should never get in again. I’m sure they get elected again in 12-16 years. Just to cause more problems for bc.

  • Kimberley - 6 years ago

    Being from the Esst Kootenays, there is a lot of talk again of drawing the Alberta border in a straight line in order to add us to their province. There is a huge amount of oil sands workers in this area and we are being dictated to by our hypocrites at the coast who apparently don’t use fossil fuels. This country is heading in a very poor direction due to the socialist environmental policies being implemented by B.C. and by the idiot running things federally

  • young tax payer - 6 years ago

    Horgan takes from us in his left hand and gives it away in his right hand. Does this sound familiar (with all past governments). We'll never get the promises he said with is slivered tongue.

  • American Bully - 6 years ago

    Readers now know that the U.S. is the end destination for Alberta bitumen. There is no deal to send any to China. Opposition to pipelines south of the border means the pipe needs to cross Canadian soil to get to tidewater and the tankers destined for the U.S.
    The Americans will have Canadians fight amongst themselves in the familiar divide and conquer scheme that the USA uses routinely in the world.

  • Jared Candle - 6 years ago

    It's hilariously hypocritical. Horgan and Weaver are ticking off the silent majority by pandering to vocal minorities. BC needs to go back to the polls and get these bozos out of office asap.

  • Mike Adams - 6 years ago

    A safe and monitored pipeline needs to continue. BC's Frankenstein government is on a slippery slope to not only lose this fight but to cost BC taxpayers Millions

  • Vancouverite - 6 years ago

    BC is considering suing Alberta for the same this its trying to enforce, Which is controlling the amount of resources that come and go from its province. Doesn't Horigan realize how hypocritical this is????? Just build the dam pipeline and stop playing with out gas

  • sharon svanda - 6 years ago

    Trudeau should never have let this go this far..applaud Alberta .... and how many times do we have to pay the Indians for the same thing

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