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Do you think Jesus is down with Maggie's coup?

Total Votes: 39

  • Mrs.CT - 7 years ago

    Jesus is down cause he’s a clown. I don’t think he is as emotionally invested in the Rick clan as much as we think he is. I think he’s only invested in Maggie and seeing her star shine. He’ll be down for whatever Maggie wants to do, but if Shit actually goes down, he’ll be the first one out the door.

  • EvieE - 7 years ago

    I think he is with Maggie simply because the writing has been so inconsistent in the last season. He’s not even as cool as he is in the comics. He was a Kung foo fool. Now he’s a chump

  • Leslie - 7 years ago

    If Maggie really wanted to kill Negan she should have done it herself. Michonne holding her couldn't have stopped her. After all this fighting and killing you don't think she could have gotten away from her. Same with Darryl, Jesus and Rosita watching Rick. None of them stepped up to help Rick. They wanted Rick to kill him. I think the others besides Maggie wanted the fighting to stop. "There has to be something after this"

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