Should CNN fire Lou Dobbs?


  • Gigi - 15 years ago

    To Grandmasmad and LL, I would like you to read this link:

    I have to say your posts made me, a person who was absolutely sure Obama was a citizen, rethink my views according to what you wrote about natural born citizens. If you read the whole thing, you will see the term really described as it relates to other previous presidents and surprisingly-JOHN MCCAIN. Really interesting stuff. Please read and pass along.
    Be blessed.

  • smeddles - 15 years ago

    It's so amusing watching liberals running around, not caring that Obama is a foreign USURPER of the office of POTUS, but boy oh boy, get one journalist that questions their messiah's eligibility, and they want the journalist fired. Neo-nazi useful idiots, every last one of you leftwingnuts that have NO CLUE. Why won't Obama produce a long-form BIRTH CERTIFICATE (not a COLB, there is a difference, you liberal, brainwashed morons)? Why? Why did the orders of Major Cook get rescinded when he challenged Obama's legality to send him into a war zone? He wasn't court martialed. He wasn't kicked out of the armed forces. Nope, he just had his orders cancelled by "higher ups." Are you lefty losers capable of having a thought of your own? Are you capable of understanding the implications of a POTUS that REFUSES to provide PROOF that he is CONSTITUTIONALLY ELIGIBLE to hold the office for which he was elected?
    You morons are doomed. Obama can continue to stonewall, in which case his eligibility questions continue to erode his power and popularity, or he can face the music, in which case, he gets his usurping ass out of the office which he illegally usurped. Either way, you lose, and America wins! It's all good! :-)

  • Marjo van Veen - 15 years ago

    Fire Bill O'Reilly and hire Lou Dobbs.

  • jcsjcm - 15 years ago

    Lou Dobbs is a patriot and a fine journalist - possibly one of the only journalists left. I don't believe that journalists investigate anything anymore. They take word of mouth and then lash out without investigating these issues on their own. Thank you Lou for giving this a shot!

    Maybe this question that was asked by another person should be asked by Lou to vital records in Hawaii - here is an excerpt of this persons question:

    So I asked specifically if the Director could make a statement that she has the STATUTORY AUTHORITY TO MAKE:

    “As Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, I have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has President Barack Obama’s AMENDED original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.”

    But I got this in return: “The director has nothing further to add to her statements.”

    Hmmm.... Can't answer that question? Maybe Lou could ask them as well if they hold an amended certificate? Yes, we already know they hold the original - big deal!

    Love you Lou!

  • showyourbirthcertilicate - 15 years ago

    I am a supporter of Mr. Lou Doobs. His programs is the only news I watch
    in CNN. He is my hero because he speaks of truth and dose bent to some politic force which want to destroy free speech in the United States. If Obama's was real born in side United States why is hard to show his birth certificate?
    He is surely hide his birth certificate form American people. I am an Asian
    American and I am sick and tired this politic force which uses racial as
    weapon to attack people with different views.

    CNN should not bent to this politic force to fire Lou Dobbs. Keep American
    Free Speech forever!

    CNN should find more people like Lou Dobbs and people in FOX News to increase you readings .

  • Dave Wallace - 15 years ago

    Lou Dobbs is doing his job as a news person--seeking the truth (whatever it may be without bias), which so few news people do anymore.

    America could use more news people like Lou Dobbs.

  • Mark K - 15 years ago

    If Obama has nothing to hide, then why the big cover-up? Records all sealed means they're hiding the truth be it forever or just until such time as replacements can be fabricated.


    Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck are the only two shows that are actually worth watching on all of TV. I still get them on radio so it doesn't much matter to me if they're on TV or not.

  • Todd - 15 years ago

    Regardless of being a citizen or not Obama is the worst POTUS ever. Never has the Constitution been so under attack.

  • Lou - 15 years ago

    Lou Dobbs is the only commentator on prime time news networks with the guts to tell the truth about a lot of things. Fire him?? Absurd!! I watch CNN only because of Lou Dobbs. Fire him and he'll be hired by Fox before the ink is dry on his CNN departure papers. It looks more and more as if the Obama Kool Ade drinkers are trying to eradicate every bit of opposition to anything the Annointed One says, leading us more and more into becoming a socialist country. Thank God for Lou Dobbs.

  • Michael McN - 15 years ago

    Would it be so awfully indecent for a journalist to actually THINK, once in a while, about what is good for the country? Instead of stirring up shite just for the ratings or increasing circulation, might it not be too much to ask that an actual kernel of hard truth be in every story that is aired or printed.

    You know, following the yellow journalism phase at the turn of the last century, newspapermen's professional reputations ebbed to a level slightly above streetwalkers' and just below used-car salesmen, and it wasn't until men like Walter Cronkite, who died last week, came along that a young person's decision to go into journalism no longer prompted heartfelt and sincere expressions of sympathy to said young person's parents by their friends and neighbors.

    Truth. The whole truth. Nothing but the truth. Nothing but the truth that matters for our time. Why can't we have THAT in our trashy newspapers, on our I-witless news programs, from our cable news drivel-mongers? Why must we have Lou Dobbs insisting on CNN — after CNN has painstakingly shown the opposite to be the case — that Obama may not actually have been born in America? There was a time in this country when it was a dreadful thing to be a damn liar. Apparently, nowadays, they give you a "news" show in prime-time for it.

    Someone call the cops. Lou Dobbs is prostituting himself for the right-wing crazies again. What a shame for honorable journalism (or what little is left of it). And the sight of Lou Dobbs in fishnet stockings should sicken us all.

  • cayla - 15 years ago

    "No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President"

    If you notice, even in the article of the Constitution itself it makes a distinction between Citizen and Natural born Citizen.

    In a letter to The Law of Nations author, Vatell, in 1775, Ben Franklin wrote "It came to us in good season, when the circumstances of a rising state make it necessary frequently to consult the law of nations. Accordingly that copy, which I kept, (after depositing one in our own public library here, and sending the other to the College of Massachusetts Bay, as you directed,) has been continually in the hands of the members of our Congress, now sitting, who are much pleased with your notes and preface, and have entertained a high and just esteem for their author."
    The Law of Nations was strongly used as a common reference by the continental congress and those who framed our constitution. The Law of Nations defined "Natural Born Citizen" as one who is born of Citizen PARENTS (plural).

    Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.
    John Adams, in Defense of the British Soldiers on trial for the Boston Massacre, December 4, 1770

    No matter what you think of Obama, the facts are the facts. We will never know for sure just what these facts are until the day what is being hidden in darkness is brought into the light.

    Should Dobbs be fired for wanting to shine the light on the facts? Now that is INSANE.

  • Grandmas Mad - 15 years ago

    I wish people would just "Open your ears" and LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A Natural Born Citizen MUST have BOTH parents that are CITIZENS....or is that to hard to understand...Obama has stated in his book that his father was ruled by Britian...NO DUEL CITIZEN parents....can you comprehend that???????????
    Also...I am NOT a racist cause that will be your comeback when you read this....Obama has admitted that his father was NOT a citizen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Again...repeat after me.....NATURAL BORN CITIZEN = BOTH PARENTS ARE CITIZENS.... and he is NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • joan - 15 years ago

    I have given up watching Cnn after 7PM. "The most trusted name in news " is starting to sound like Rush. How can a reputable news station with people like Wolf and John King continue to to broadcast nonsense of the type that Lou Dobbs is spouting. An INDEPENDANT? Give me a break how about an ANTI everything. His show is not news it's the worst kind of sensationalism using a reputable station to do it. Sell him to FOX they deserve each other.

  • Lou DiMarco - 15 years ago

    Dobbs has become a running joke. By the pulpit to the mentally challenged among us, he has all but put the final nail in an already tarnished reputation as a "newsman". CNN needs to let him go. Pronto.

  • Jillian M. - 15 years ago

    He should be fired. Actually he should be checked into Bellevue.

  • mack w. - 15 years ago

    Yes fire him. so Fox News will hire him. He's to good for CNN. The ONLY time I EVER watch CNN is to watch Lou. other than that CNN blows

  • LL - 15 years ago

    Nice little lie you try to slip in there. For the record Lou Dobbs never said he believed Obama was a "Natural Born Citizen" as you state. Lou Dobbs said he believes Obama is a "citizen". Very different. You are intentionally trying to confuse the issue. OBAMA is not a Natural Born Citizen by his own admission. He is NOT eligible to be POTUS and being a constitutional law professor he very well knows this and is making all his sheeple look like the duped fools they are. You do understand that one must be a NBC to be President, right,? I remember this from 6th grade government studies.... NBC = both parents US citizens at birth and born on US soil. IF Obama is an NBC, and therefore qualified to be POTUS, it means his father is NOT Obama Sr,, who was definately not an American. In that case, Obama and you have something in common.... you're both liars. Oh, and careful what you wish for.... if CNN fires Lou Dobbs this issue will turn into a firestorm of controversy that Obama will not be able to continue to duck from.

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