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Who Should Replace Alan Colmes on Hannity & Colmes? (Poll Closed)


  • Max - 15 years ago

    Why are the names so limited on the poll? I voted for someone else, but I really think they should eliminate the show and just have Hannity do more of his solo shows. So, Colmes is doing some specials? How is that possible? He's just a sidekick for Hannity, so I'm not seeing how he will be successful. You can only go so far with liberal sound bites. Not a whole show of it, unless you're on CNN or MSNBC.

  • shawn hergenrader - 15 years ago

    sean hannity should run solo,,,i love this guy,i watch him every night,and hannitys america,on sunday,,i really only watch because of hannity,a real american hero in my book,keep up the great work, bro....shawn from california

  • BSmitty - 15 years ago

    Al Franken! Can you imagine anything more entertaining that Sean beating up on Al on a daily basis?

  • Cindy - 15 years ago

    How about Dan Rather. He needs a job.

  • Doug Branham - 15 years ago

    Please no more simple minded, nauseating liberals. If I want the liberal view, I will watch CNN. I want conservative host. I could not watch Hannity and Colmes because of Alan. Please spare us.

  • Scott Burch - 15 years ago

    Let's hear it for Kirsten! She much better looking than Alan!

    No seriously, I think she is intelligent and would bring a good solid and respectful debate to the program.

  • Yogi - 15 years ago

    My vote is for Stephen Colbert!

  • Larry Davis - 15 years ago

    I am sorry to see Alan leave the show. It will be tough to replace Alan with someone with more common sense and still a liberal.

    My recommendation for replacing Alan would be Bill Clinton.

  • Garen Cox - 15 years ago

    Mr. Burgess, he'll tear you up?

  • Kim - 15 years ago

    Joy BeHar.....not!!! I honestly would not watch any more. How about Whoopie? Or ..... maybe ...... Geraldine Ferraro! Ha, LOL. Just Sean, please!

  • Dave - 15 years ago

    What about Ron Paul? He is Republican, but many liberals love him, and the exposure would make him more visible for a presidential run in 2012.

  • LB - 15 years ago

    Sarah Palin!!!!!!!!!!!Okay, at least float the rumor; that alone would be worth the price of admission.

  • LB - 15 years ago

    One word: Sarah Palin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Now, we need ideas on how to dump her current gig.....................................

    MAN! Would that drive the Left nuts! The mere mention of her name causes them to foam at the mouth, especially Feminine Leftists. Oh, can't forget those "Intellectual" Leftists/Marxists like Obama and Bill Ayres
    Wait! Wait! The "Legitimate Media" OMG! Just imagine!

  • colby - 15 years ago

    You say Sean needs someone that is strong, well Colmes sure wasn't strong. Sean rips on him every show. haha Colmes is WEAK.... I am glad he is gone.

  • Sue - 15 years ago

    Must have lost my reply. Here it is again. Oh what the hell. Hannity likes to make muck, muck with Ann Coulter anyway. Looks like any minute there gonna rip each others clothes off and jump on the consul and make out. I'm sure Hannity's wife won't mind. Obviously the conserv vs. lib isn't helping them win. So go all pure conserv and see what happens in 2012. Remember, doesn't always have to be a book promo to bring her on the show for commentary. Good luck. Keep this comment up.

  • Sue - 15 years ago

    Oh what the hell! Hannity likes to make muck, muck with Ann Coulter whenever she comes on anyway. Book promo or not. Looks like there gonna rip each others clothes off any minute and jump on the consul and make out. So why not go all the way. I'm sure Hannity's wife won't mind. The more conservatism the better. Obviously they can't win conserv vs. lib- so go all pure conserv this way and see what happens. Good luck.

  • Kokopelli - 15 years ago

    No! - Powers - Boring - Condescending
    No! - Beckel - Mean spirited
    No! - Estrich - Godzilla mouth
    No! - Franken - No comment needed
    Maybe! - Harold Ford, Jr. Has a good perspective and civil
    YES! YES! Liberal Guests - It would be great to listen to all serious debates, and really determine what lurks in the minds of other liberals.

  • Kokopelli - 15 years ago

    No! - Powers - Boring - Condescending
    No! - Beckel - Mean spirited
    No! - Estrich - Godzilla mouth
    No! - Franken - No comment needed
    Maybe! - Harold Ford, Jr. Has a good perspective and civil
    YES! YES! Liberal Guests - It would be great to listen to all serious debates, and really determine what lurks in the minds of other liberals.

  • Christine Steele - 15 years ago

    Juan Williams is such a gentleman but yet states his case. I always enjoy hearing his point of view. I hate to be rude but I am so over Alan. I had to restrain myself from throwing something at him on screen during the election. Ha Ha!

  • sukkie34 - 15 years ago

    I've given a lot of thought, and I believe he should pick Roland S Martin. The next four year of the adminstration is going to be tough, and will cause a lot of criticism, maybe so, and will need someone who is able to speak as openly as possible. Even though we don't want to speak about it, race will be a factor in this administration, and it is best served up raw, not sugar coated. Roland's intermittent appearances on the "other" chanel, showed him to be a smart, passionate, quick witted person, and will give as good as he gets. That kind of exchange would make Hannity's show very exciting to watch, and we would all learn from it. TAKE A CHANCE, BE A TRAILBLAZER!!!

  • shad - 15 years ago

    i will bomb your house


  • Nathan - 15 years ago

    How about George Suros Ha Ha. Is that how spell his name?

  • tom blaschka - 15 years ago

    If you and all the other conservative radio folks would run for congress ansd the senate maybe we would not have a democratic majority..but i suppose that you are like Limbaugh and you would have to take a pay cut to be a senator..besides, you can't bad mouth yourself for failing to make policy, especially when you do such a good job quarter backing from the side lines. chickens have small balls and I don't think any conservative radio joke ever served in the military?? did you?? or limbaugh or savage? mark levine? mike medved?? glenn beck??

  • tom blaschka - 15 years ago

    If you and all the other conservative radio folks would run for congress ansd the senate maybe we would not have a democratic majority..but i suppose that you are like Limbaugh and you would have to take a pay cut to be a senator..besides, you can't bad mouth yourself for failing to make policy, especially when you do such a good job quarter backing from the side lines. chickens have small balls and I don't think any conservative radio joke ever served in the military?? did you?? or limbaugh or savage? mark levine? mike medved?? glenn beck??

  • Martin - 15 years ago

    I Vote for Ron Reagan! It would have good entertainment value. I'd love be reminded every day how much I/We Don't like him, and how much we DO love his father. Plus, maybe he'd wear a tutu occasionally! :)

  • bella - 15 years ago

    Santa came early! I like the James Carville Idea.He is smart like Sean. And hes not Alan. Where is Alan going? In Obama's cabinet?Ha!

  • Myrna - 15 years ago

    GO SOLO!!! My late husband use to hit the "mute" button everytime Alan opened his mouth. Can't say that I blamed him.

  • Sharon Knopping - 15 years ago

    The thought of Bob Beckel or Ellis "the smirker" Henican on a daily basis is absolutely appalling. I am surprising myself by suggesting Juan Williams;but he was rather fair during the campaign so I think he could be given a chance as Sean's partner.

  • gracie - 15 years ago

    I've been wishing Bob Beckel would replace Colmes even before the announcement he was leaving!!! Sean and Alan never acted as though they could stand one another. Sean and Bob seem to have a good report and Bob's dry humor is great - Alan doesn't have a sense of humor and that's why he and Sean just didn't mesh.
    And please, not Susan Estrich. I can't stand listening to her talk! Sounds like a 4 packer a day...
    Kirsten? Naw...She has a bad case of superiority, real snobby and seems detached from viewers.
    Go Bob!!!

  • Kim Brittain - 15 years ago

    What about Juan Williams? How about Howard Dean? Maybe Al Gore should consider it?

  • CJBarca - 15 years ago

    Just had to jump into the fray again...I hope the people who suggested Sharpton were kidding. Fox News loses credibility ANY time they put that scumbag race-baiting waste of humanity on. After the Tawana Brawley case, he should've been black listed from any national medium. As much as I love Sean, I cannot watch any of his shows if Sharpton is on-I end up changing the channel. To see Sean welcome this garbage on his set breaks my heart every time. Still though.....God Bless Sean Hannity!

  • Quaren - 15 years ago




  • Menas - 15 years ago

    I've been watching Hannity and Colmes for the past 2 years, and I really don't want to see Alan leave. In my opinion he can't be replaced. I'm conservative, but, as Joe Hayden said, you have to love Alan. Out of the above choices, though, Kirsten would be my pick. She's fair, and she's not bad to look at. I would like to see Sean go solo, but I do enjoy getting all sides.

  • Robert - 15 years ago

    James Carville would be good... besides, he's just as cute as Colmes! (grin)

  • Joe Hayden - 15 years ago

    I like the idea of having different liberal guests! Lets face it, even though Alan is wrong on every major issue, you gotta love him, and no one person could replace him! Another person that could be a good co-host would be Ellis Hennican.

  • david - 15 years ago

    kirsten powers---she is the hottest of all the candidates.

  • tim - 15 years ago

    Al Franken once said Alan Colmes was nothing more than a ditto head for Hannity. Franken's going to be needing a job anyway.

  • Jesse McKay - 15 years ago

    Fatal flaw of each replacement choice in the poll ... KIRSTEN POWERS already has a track record of talking over guests... BOB BECKEL not only believed that the 2000 election was stolen but mailed out a pamphlet to Bush's electors hoping to overturn the election after the fact by converting them to "faithless" electors who would cast their vote for Gore... SUSAN ESTRICH is a nice person but is snowed by Obama, her voice sounds like a garbage disposal, and she should be checked for a stage 1 lung cancer pronto... AL FRANKEN is a rageaholic on steroids, if he loses the recount he will be in rehab for a year... HAROLD FORD, JR. can't get the job unless his father has it first (ha-ha, just kidding.)

  • Hubert - 15 years ago

    Personally I am very pleased to see Alan go, and would you please not have Bob Beckle on again. They are so extremely rude and far left that when Beckle has been on lately I could only switch stations. I personally see NO need for you to have a liberal partner. Believe it or not most of us conservatives want the truth and I mean the real truth and you are not going to get the truth with a liberal partner or a bunch of liberal guests. There is very little news that I watch or listen to lately, and this includes (two-faced Fox). Sean, I listen to your radio show consistently and your show brings out the truth. Please bring your radio show news to television. THE USA NEEDS YOUR RADIO TRUTH ON TELEVISION!!!!!!!!

  • Jesse McKay - 15 years ago

    Best choice for a replacement for Alan Colmes: Dick Morris.

    Sean Hannity needs top talent on the show and what better co-host than his best guest ever, Dick Morris. Ann Coulter should have at least a weekly spot on the show, and my guess is, she will need it because Obama is good for at least one superstar Coulter book per year. Sean, I respect your friendship with Alan but in my opinion you have carried him for twelve years and in two months he will become "Alan Who?" Alan isn't in the same league as you.

    Second choice would be Mark Levin, because a good way to "balance" a nice conservative like Sean would be with a mean conservative like Mark. The best answer to Marx & Lenin is Mark Levin. Conservatives should feel better knowing that not only will Hannity & Levin win the debate with the liberal, but who knows, maybe there's a chance of an altercation in the parking lot. Go get 'em!

    Good third choice: James Carville and Mary Matalin on alternate days because he needs the rest. (The Ragin' Cajun is now the Agin' Cajun.)

    Fourth choice: Pat Caddell. More of a dark horse; worried about his health, something is going on, but not as worried about him than Susan Estrich; rumor is she is in Europe for the holidays getting a lung grown.

  • Bonnie - 15 years ago

    Please, please Sean not Kirsten...I do not want to give you up and I do not care for her at all. I would definitely rather have Bob. No to Kirsten.

  • Dennis Cline - 15 years ago

    Sean please go solo, we don't need any more jerks.

  • Rye Guy - 15 years ago

    Come on, Steve has charisma, humor, intelligence and humility...he's like Rocky to you as APollo Creed! He knows the issues, he's not afraid to challenge but also respectful enough to not hit with any low blows. Draft Steve Young...check out his site and vote for him Come on Sean! Pick STEVE YOUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STEVE YOUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check his site out and tell him if he should be drafted

  • Ryguy - 15 years ago

    Come on, Steve has charisma, humor, intelligence and humility...he's like Rocky to you as APollo Creed! He knows the issues, he's not afraid to challenge but also respectful enough to not hit with any low blows. Draft Steve Young...check out his site and vote for him Come on Sean! Pick STEVE YOUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STEVE YOUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check his site out and tell him if he should be drafted

  • CJBarca - 15 years ago

    First of all, Alan was fantastic. I like him because he obviously isn't a radical, and he has a great sense of humor (loved the bit he did pretending Alec Baldwin's voicemail to his daughter was left for him). I didn't see Juan Williams on the list, but feel either he or Kirsten would be great. Both will be honest and will admit when the left is wrong. Kirsten is hot however, so she edges out Mr. Williams.

    On the conservative front, I would love to see more of Kate Obenshain on the show. She just oozes beauty and grace and is incredibly intelligent. In any case, God Bless Sean Hannity. He is a national treasure!

  • Carolyn/JacksonvilleNC - 15 years ago

    Sean is a Strong Host and stands alone anyway...he needs no sidekicks. But, if he was forced to have a co-host, I think it should be a good mix of our Congressmen, our Teachers, our Border Patrol/Police, maybe people such as FDA heads, spice things up...maybe get a common person who wins a lotto-sort of appearance...just to keep it ALL REAL..............Love the show, Carolyn

  • SweetTalkin'Woman - 15 years ago

    Eww, not Bob Beckell. No offense, but he reminds me of a miserable, constipated grump.

    I think Sean should have his own show with liberal guests. Or better yet, put Mark Levin in there...."GET OFF MY SHOW YOU DOPE!" LOL!

  • Xavier - 15 years ago

    James Carville would be good, he has a sense of humor and can stomach conservatives since his wife Mary Matilyn is a famous conservative. Donna Brazille may be an option and give the show some interesting moments. Juan Williams is another good suggestion but I would miss his availibility on other fox shows as a contributor (Juan is balanced and if he see's liberals making mistakes he admits it! Gotta repect that). Kirsten Powers is okay, not a bad choice, I'd still watch and enjoy the show. Ellis Henican is another good choice except he never admits when the Dem's do anything wrong which is annoying. I do like Harold Ford Jr., but he may not be spicy enough to excite viewers and he is a democrat operative so he may not be willing to admit when the dem's are wrong on something.


    Al Franken
    Rosie O'Donald
    Anyone from MSNBC, they don't deserve the viewers that Fox News pulls in
    Anyone from CNN see my comments about MSNBC above this line
    Anyone from the New York Times, Washington Post, Atlanta Consitution, Dallas News, LA Times, Newsweek or like minded biased news outlets.
    Any bomb throwers (I guess that actually ruins it for Ellis Henican)
    Bob Beckel (dem operative - he will say anything true or false to support dems) that is unacceptable....truth is the truth and one needs to admit it
    Anyone from "The View" past & present
    Anyone that has served in the Clinton/Carter administrations...we call them plants or dem operatives who will say and do anything whether it's true or not
    Michael Kinsley (I rather here fingernails on a chalk board)
    Paul Begala (just the mention of that name makes me throw up)
    Bill Press
    Anyone from the basciallt defunct Air America Radio (I'd rather push tooth picks under my finger nails or spend the night with Cortney Love)

    Thanks for reading!


  • Dan - 15 years ago

    I vote for Kirsten. She one of the very few liberals that still appear capable of independent thought and intelligent debating instead of simply reading prepared talking points off a sheet of paper regardless of what the guest is trying to say, as Alan would usually do.

    I, for one, have had enough of listening to angry liberal koolaid drinkers over the past 8 years, and would welcome a thoughtful exchange of ideas, instead of listening to a liberal and a conservative shout talking points at each other.

    And she is also easy on the eyes.

  • Jingle - 15 years ago

    The Donofrio case scares the hell out of the main stream media. They don't want anyone to know what's going to happen on 12/5.

    Hannity needs to grab a set of gazoons. God knows even Rush Limbaugh has enough guts to tell the public about this.

    Yup, it's all right there.

    Colmes isn't news. Colmes is a has been.

  • Lance - 15 years ago

    Why? Is Colmes leaving? Not that I would shed any tears. He's an idiot.

    Speaking of Hannity, I'm not sure he's so unafraid about speaking out. I mean he hasn't even covered the United States Supreme Court cases against Obama's eligibility coming up before the nine Justices on Dec. 5th. What's he afraid of? What's any of the MSM afraid of?

    You mean to tell me that they're scared of a NJ attorney who actually made it the USSC? I think so.

    Before you worry about a replacement for Alan, maybe you ought to think about covering some real news Sean?

  • Tammy - 15 years ago

    James Carville.

    Kristin isn't educated enough. Get someone polished for pete's sake! You guys vote on trendiness, not intelligence.

  • Dean - 15 years ago

    Barach Hussein Oobooma, will need the job when the Supreme Court determines that dual citizenship disqualifies him from becoming POTUS. He is the perfect balance for Sean. Conservatives know he is full of lies and deceit and liberals relish the flavor of his coolaid.

  • Bailey - 15 years ago

    I cannot stand Kristen Powers or Bob Beckel. I would much prefer to see Sean solo with different liberal or independent guests on. As a matter of fact I can't stand Kristen even when she guests on other shows. So if you choose her, I may wind up not watching at all, or at least not that much.

  • CG - 15 years ago

    I would prefer Sean with libral guests. You always knew Alan was going to say the opposite of Sean on nearly every topic. I think it would add more interest to the show if different liberals voiced their opinions, and you would be expecting something different every night.

  • CG - 15 years ago

    I would prefer Sean with libral guests. You always knew Alan was going to say the opposite of Sean on nearly every topic. I think it would add more interest to the show if different liberals voiced their opinions, and you would be expecting something different every night.

  • coolpillow - 15 years ago

    I know it wouldn't be fair and balanced- but "The Great One"- Mark Levin and Sean together would put ratings through the roof!

  • jake - 15 years ago

    I say John Batchelor

  • Gregg - 15 years ago

    I'd rather see a guest Lib every night but if I had to pick a permanent replacement, I'd go with Kirsten. She has good points and she isn't overbearing like Beckel. Besides, she's pretty hot looking.

  • Rob - 15 years ago

    God does answer prayers! I just said last night that I wish they would replace Alan - I'm going home and have a beer - make that 2 beers!

    Replace him with anyone that has a PERSONALITY! Oh yeah, make sure whoever they are that they try to make a point with something other than a one liner.

  • JPThomassen - 15 years ago

    Mark Levin, Boortz, Glenn Beck, Hugh Hewitt. Please no leftist like Alan. Why cater to the left, they NEVER cater to conservatives. We are so thankful that we won't have to listen to Alan and his ridiculous nonsense!

  • Kevin Miles - 15 years ago

    "HANNITY & CLINTON" I think would be great.It would give Bill the the stage he would love to have every night.The conversations could be very interseting and the ratings would be huge.No one could argue that your not trying to "Fair & Balanced"I'ld get started working on this,it's a win/win.

  • Marcia Baracaldo - 15 years ago

    I like Kristen,

    Alan Colmes leaving now just because " Dems won WH and Congress is SELFISHNESS.


    I HOPE he goes quickly.

  • Kate - 15 years ago

    Stephanie Miller!

  • peter sanger - 15 years ago

    time for Sean to go solo--Hannity's America every day--with liberal and conservative guests to discuss the topix of the day--

  • meg - 15 years ago

    NONE OF THE ABOVE! I'm personally tired of the whole lot. Kirsten is SO BORING...absolutely no personality. Get an unknown out there. Just don't put the same ole tired talking heads on the air. I'm tired of talking points on both sides. In fact, after the election I swore off ALL the political shows. I just heard about Alan leaving from someone else. Please get someone interesting to lure those of us back who are tired of the same ole, same ole....okay???

  • Terrence - 15 years ago

    I could care less what liberal dirtbag replaces him. Everytime Colmes opens his gash, I hit the mute button. I will do the same thing with the next fool. They have a right to free speech, not a right to be heard in the privacy of my conservative home.

  • Sunny - 15 years ago

    As a conservative republican I watch Hannity and Colmes to hear Hannity mosty, but it is the liberal side brought in to the show that makes Hannity shine and to let us know what is the real truth of the matter . Hannity breaks it down and shows what the problems are really all about and where were America is going if we continue on the way we are going. Colmes when he gets a question rants on the guests until they can't answer and then it goes to a break so I'm glad he is leaving. Please put someone in( if you have to) but not susan estrich she is terrible she is like listening to someone from a bar on the street she is not very businesslike and kirsten powers doesn't seem to stay with her agenda she acts like she is just in this for showbiz and to get attention. If you would come up with more people to vote for it would be nice because I don't see anyone that would be a good liberal opponent that is fair. Probably because liberals are never fair to begin with. I really think Hannity could do this his self with liberal quests.
    Thank you Hannity for being a great Amercian . I watch your H&C show, listen to your radio show and hannitys america. Without you, Rush limbaugh and Glenn beck we would be lost. We really need the Conservatives that are famous to stand up more now than ever so we can rebuild the conservative base for 2010 and 2012. God Bless you and our country!!

  • Bill D. - 15 years ago

    Harold Ford Jr. is a real classy guy. I'm from his home town in Memphis and I met him several times when he came out to support the local Children's Hospital.

    He is a real person and not full of himself like many politicians. Don't always agree with him but he's a class act.

  • Grammalady - 15 years ago

    Can I change my vote to BoortZ!? I LIKE that guy. He'd give Hannity what for in a good way. The one I voted for stinksonice but that was the only total opposite I recognised.

  • Scott - 15 years ago

    I think Sean should just be alone. I can't stand a good debate being interrupted by a loud mouth liberal who always let's the guest off the hook. If you need to hear a liberal then let Sean be the one asking the questions without interruption. The liberals have their time on every major network and several cable news channel, so if you really want fair and balanced, no liberal host is necessary.

  • SCOTTIE BROUSSARD - 15 years ago


  • Doug Carter - 15 years ago

    I don't like any of the choices. I want Sean solo! Period! Just Sean solo with whomever he wants as guests. Why must he have Liberal guests? Liberals are on ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, CNN and all the other networks by the dozens! If Sean is solo with whomever he wants for guests, he will soon be the number 1 rated show on Cable TV! I betcha!

  • joel larson - 15 years ago

    I have the perfect replacement for you Sean. How about John McCain? Hannity and McCain !!!!!!!!!!! Lets kill 2 birds with 1 stone... Get rid of liberal republicans and have you cream McCain every night... Sounds like a winner to me.....

  • Tim Carroll - 15 years ago

    I would love to see Sean Hannity debate and discuss the issues with Bill Maher on a daily basis; but I do not believe that Mr Politically Incorrect has the stones to truly debate and discuss the issues in an honest and open forum in a fair and balanced manner.

  • John - 15 years ago

    I don't know, I find Kirsten intelligent and reasonable, which is more than Colmes has been over the last few years, I hate when he interupts and talks so fast. It is annoying... How about a total wild card... Bill Clinton!!! Hanity and Clinton!! They wouldn't even have to change the intitials!! Hey, he needs a gig since he won't be able to run around to all those foreign countries and get those huge fees!! I am telling you, it would be huge!!

  • Nagaer the Confessor - 15 years ago

    I think Kirsten would be ideal. Even though, as a conservative, I agree with her about 1 percent of the time, she is not one of the foaming at the mouth, poison-spewers that personify some of the libs who are Fox News contributors. And she is one of the few liberal women I've seen who is not only attractive, but a real hottie!

  • philly - 15 years ago

    Hannity plus liberal guests would be great. It would get us to see all of the different liberal Zombies who are threatening our way of life. Al Sharpton, Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Madelaine Albright, Monica Lewinski... the list of infuriating liberal guests is endless and would be great ratings and entertainment.

  • Stevan - 15 years ago

    Kirsten Powers. You have to have a liberal on the show, and she is far less intellectually dishonest than most liberal pundits. The fact that she is not part of The Messiah's cult would also be a plus.

    Al Franken would be interesting for a week, but I think he would end up being arrested for trying to physically assault Hannity.

  • Joe Blow - 15 years ago

    Kirsten Powers is BORING. And she needs her teeth whitened....

  • Mayr - 15 years ago

    I vote for Larry the Cable Guy

  • John - 15 years ago

    How about Bill Maher (sp?).... He is about as opposite of Hannity as a person could be!

  • Hilary - 15 years ago

    Well If it has to be a liberal, I vote Kristen! I actually like her even though I disagree with most of what she has to say! I would really like to get Elizabeth Hasselbeck away from Joy and put her on with Sean! That would be the best ever! Love both of them!

  • LB - 15 years ago

    No Bob Beckel the Budda braces gotta go, can't sit straight, etc etc.

    Is Ann Coulter left of Shaun? Either way, she's hot and it would work. Dump Fair and Balanced for an hour.

    Carville? I could live with that. Juan Williams, maybe....just sombody that will NOT dominate the conversation; like Ellis Henican, that world class interupter.

    Harold Ford Jr is an interesting choice, he's polite and seldom rude like most liberals.

    Susan is too screechy, almost as bad as Kerry...."when I was in Viet Nam" only her story is, "remember when I brilliantly managed a losing Presidential Campaign"

    Kristen? I don't think so. She has no better credentials that what Obama has to become.....nevermind.

    In fact, this is a tough job. Where are you going to find a liberal who isn't rude, will allow a guest to talk, and won't irritate Conservatives?

  • BuhBye - 15 years ago

    Who cares?

  • SteF - 15 years ago

    Thank goodness that no one is even mentioning Howard Wolfson. I could NOT watch it with him at all. He is the most annoyng and so egotistical!! Please also not Susan Estrich, just becasue I do not see her as quick thinking and I do not think I could handle her crackling voice....not to be offensive!

    Juan Williams gets my vote!!

  • kathy Whitehouse - 15 years ago

    Finally, Colmes is gone! (Sorry Allen) But I knew the day was coming, as everyone else did, I'm sure.
    Beckle -no
    Susan Estrich NO, NO, NO!
    Dick Morris - already on enough (but I like him)
    Juan Williams - like him, but not strong enough
    Elizabeth Hasselbeck - maybe
    Hannity alone? No, 'cause I already have 3 hrs. a day
    Boortz - hmmm
    James Carville - He'd be good because he'd sure spar strongly with Sean, but he's a little grating at times also.
    Hannity with different liberal guests - sure
    Or why not try different co-hosts for a month each and we will all sort it out!
    Franken - NO NO Please
    Keith Obermann - I don't THINK so.
    Algore - ha ha
    Kristen - not sure, try her.
    Ya gotta have some regular liberal balance -- FOX fair and balanced, right? So glad Colmes is gone. He's the only reason I couldn't bare to watch every night. Love how Newt handled him!

  • proud minnesota native - 15 years ago

    If Al Franken were to be selected to co-host with Sean, the ratings would PLUMMET , Sean would have a hard time to maintain his composure as that slime ball Franken would sicken him, and in 6 months the show would be history. Being from Minnesota, I am ashamed that Franken garnered the votes he did. The Democratic Nat. Comm. poured millions & millions of dollars into Minn. to promote this jerk. If he should win the recount it will be a prime example of the DNC buying votes....SICKENING! He was not good on SNL, would be WORSE with Sean.

  • Zack - 15 years ago

    how about Geraldine Ferraro???

  • just a thinker - 15 years ago

    I voted for Kirsten because I'm a chauvanist and think she'd be great to look at for an hour a night.

    Seriously, though, she is intelligent and respectful of the opinions of others. She isn't such a looney hardline lib that it would be sickening - in fact she might just calm Hannity down a little bit (which sometimes is needed).

    Someone earlier mentioned Ellis Henican - he actually would be very good if he were interested. He knows his stuff. Libs would have to back off the "where's the fair and balance" crap they spew all the time. Also - contrary to Ms. Powers calming effect on Hannity, Hannity and Henican would probably be great sparring and very lively.

    Just for the fun of it - why not Michael Moore, or Joy Behar? Moore is such a lying, blubbering buffon Hannity would pound on him endlessly.

    I especially would like to see Joy Behar on a show with Hannity - she'd be in tears within the first 5 minutes every night!!!! Of course she can't handle that - she only fills in for Larry King when it's an all liberal panel, and on the View it's a 4 to 1 gangtackling constantly.

  • Margie - 15 years ago


    If I want to listen to a drunk smoker I'll go to a bar.

  • The Real Bobby Hill - 15 years ago

    I voted for Kirsten, but Ellis Henican of Newsday would be good too.

  • Kip - 15 years ago

    James Carville

  • Karen - 15 years ago

    Somebody said Elisabeth Hasselbeck? Are you thinking straight here? How could Elisabeth Hasselbeck support the liberal viewpoint and replace Colmes? Isn't that the whole point, not to get anyone who has the same beliefs as Hannity? It wouldn't be fair and balanced that way and it wouldn't be the "same" formatted news show. I agree with Hannity all the time but LOVED having COLMES and his cronies on so I could yell, scream, and fuss. Always a good ending to a day:-)

  • Lynn Rockney - 15 years ago

    I would like to see a Democrat commentator who will let the the person who is making a point to finish the sentence. Alan Colmes never let the person finish a sentence.
    Why don't they have on the show some Democratic Congressman and Senators with Sean. That way we can get the actual thought of the Democrats.

  • Brenda - 15 years ago

    ABB Anybody But Beckel

  • Casey657 - 15 years ago

    Please let Sean go it alone with guest liberals. I don't mind Kirsten on a guest basis, but she's a lightweight. Susan can be a rational liberal, but I couldn't take her voice on a nightly basis, so guest spot for her. I mute Beckel whenever he is on any Fox show..he is rude, crude and ignorant. All he ever worries about is who will buy him his next steak at Ruth's Chris. Will not watch if either Beckel or the idiot Hennigan co-host. Juan Williams is wishy washy, depending on who or what is being analyzed. Sean made the show, Alan was simply the liberal baffoon that had to be muted. There's no reason why Sean needs a liberal co-host. I think if he MUST have a regular liberal co-host, he should feature a different lib each night, including those we are not that familiar with. Everyone needs to see how they "treat" all guests, lib or conservative, and how they interpret the topics. We also need to see how they interact with Sean. After all have had their "debut", run a viewer poll. Ultimately, the decision should be Sean's since he has to "live" with him/her, but he also needs to keep in mind we have to "live" with his choice. And please, I hope they don't even consider Geraldine Ferraro!

  • gregory Caputo - 15 years ago

    Hannity alone. Sean and Dick Morris as a regular would cut to the chase on all issues for both Con/lib. Rather than debate each other they would complement each other when breaking down all the possibilities. Sean I love to watch every night and every weekend on Hannity's America. Hannity's America is super well done always. Hannity Unplugged. Hannity looks good, sounds good and looking out for the good for all of us. Gregory C P.S. I love Ann Coulter too

  • RevRenzo - 15 years ago

    Anyone but Beckel. He is one despicable human being. We already know what he would say about any subject. No need to watch or listen if he's the choice.

  • Trevor Nigger - 15 years ago

    I loved it when Ann Coulter stormed off the set when Kirsten Powers treated her like Hannity treats liberals :)

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