Is a suggested lesson plan a propaganda exercise provided by the White House?


  • not on my watch - 15 years ago

    Wally, get your facts straight, its Obama who went to a church for 20 years whose Pastor is a jew hater Farakhin friend so don't put that idiocy out there about people posting here against Facist Obama being Holocaust deniers. Your education obviously stopped in the fifth grade. Do your own research you moron.

  • merrick - 15 years ago

    RBarr, you and others just can't accept that Obama is president. Bush handing him the biggest mess in history. Obama will give good advice to our children and they should listen closely. As the future generation they can stop global warming and live in a world where all have good health care and equal jobs. But then i know everyone on here is rich and doesn't want to share that with others. They don't want to pay their share of taxes to help the needy. The children will listen because it is right to do so.

  • Don Rnc - 15 years ago

    The day Congress passes an Obama care bill with microchipping all of us, access to all our bank accounts, an internet switch to disrupt communications, the required use of the govt option, the forced abortions, the sterilization, the death counseling, the turning our kids over to the state, etc. etc. WILL be the signal for CIVIL WAR in this nation. Choose sides America. War is coming.

  • Mark - 15 years ago

    Thank God my children are all homeschooled, I only see more of this bulls_it in the future.


  • RBarr - 15 years ago

    Wally Walter Just another typical liberal

  • AS - 15 years ago

    Americans are dumb. Talking about Hitler and Marxism as if they have ANY clue what it was and/or is like. Typical. AND SCARED OF EVERYTHING. Scared that their kids will get a day of Obama lesson. OMG. Lets all freak out. Sh*tty parenting reflects your reactions. You don't care about whats being taught in schools. You probably don't have any idea what other education is being shared. And God forbid that someone would have to sit and communicate with their child. Teach tolarance and compromise. You people are pansis. The rest of the world is laughing at the US because of people like you. Pull up your FAT PANTS, slip on your FANNY PACK and have another cheese filled snausage. Greatest country in the world - ha ha - never been outside of the country - Disney Land doesn't count - pathic sheep

  • denise - 15 years ago

    pray people. pray ll Chronicle 7:14

  • Wally Walter - 15 years ago

    Wahhhhhhhhhhhh, the wingnuts are crying on the Fox website. How shocking. I guess you were all happy when the Buffoon in Chief we had for the past eight years was the "Shining" example for your kids.

    What's the problem? Can't handle a President who is smarter than a "Fifth Grader"?

    I am glad all of the stupid people have a place to commiserate. Go ahead, look it up. Yea Fox!!!!

    Oh and by the way, the Hitler stuff is getting old, since you are all probably a bunch of anti semites and Holocaust deniers.

  • Miller - 15 years ago

    OBama (Hilter) will be speaker to our children on 9/8/2009 why did he not wait tell 9/11 then he could have told them that nothing realy happen on day in history!!

  • Miller - 15 years ago

    OBama (Hilter) will be speaker to our children on 9/8/2009 why did he not wait tell 9/11 then he could have told them that nothing realy happen on day in history!!

  • Cynthia - 15 years ago

    If my children were still in grade school you can bet they wouldn't be there on Tues.

  • not on my watch - 15 years ago

    This type of wickedness is straight out of Socialist Germany. Can you say Hitler youth? This is why I have my child in private school. And these people dared to call the right "Nazi" during the Bush years. These people in the Obama administration run the range of Communist to pure Facists, which are all about the same anyway.

  • RBarr - 15 years ago

    Merrick- You are the ridiculous one.....the letter sent to the Superintendents states none of the things you say YOUR president will talk to our children about. Take off the blinders you fool

  • Greg Gonzales - 15 years ago

    Mr. Obama is adhering to the LEFTist hand book. What he is attempting to do is shamefull! Mr Obama and others of his ilk are following Saul Alinsky! Wake UP America this president is bad for this country! Mr. Obama is either incrediably naive or a hardcore LEFTIST! I think he is a hardcore LEFTIST and as such should be made to be held accountable for all of his actions and policy's.

  • JG - 15 years ago

    Consider the following he wants to : - totally change health care; - use cap & trade to cripple our economy; -weaken our intelligence community and thus our national defense; -can not develop a middle east policy, but believes he can bring peace to that region by throwing Israel "under the bus"; -allows Iran to move forward with getting nuclear weapons; AND SOME HOW FINDS THE TIME TO GIVE A LESSON ON THE WHITE HOUSE. When what he really wants to do is 1) feed his ego, 2) divert attention away from everyone of his failures to date and 3) move forward on his socialist agenda through our children. This is a play right out of Hitler's, Stalin's, Mao's and every other despot in history. IF YOU WANT CHANGE - VOTE IN 2010 BY SENDING REPUBLICANS TO THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ADN THE SENATE. This will tell the Democrats that their idea of America is totally wrong and that Obama is finished as leader of this great nation.

    Real change would be for the US Congress to be limited to TWO (2) TERMS just like the President of the United States. Congress and all government employees should be on Socail Security & Medicare like the rest of America. That is how the American people ensure that the people we send to Washington work for us.

    It is time that people get their heads out of the sand, start learning history and really listen to what politicians promise, say and do before voting for them. This is your country and you are repsonsible for how it is functioning and what type of government we have.

  • Richard S. - 15 years ago

    I am tired of seeing obamas face on everything I look at. This man is dangerous. I am embarrased that so many people do not see this person for what he really is. He is going in areas he should not go. Being from Chicago, all we did was transfer corruption to the White House. The American people who love and cherish this country will rise to stop this maniac.

  • Frank - 15 years ago

    Maybe he will explain to the kids why he wil not show them his birth certificate or how it was growing up mentored by communists then praying in a Black Liberation Church teaching against America and the White man....hmmmm

  • merrick - 15 years ago

    Obama is right to do this! These complaints are ridiculous. Obama will be installing good FAMILY VALUES to the students. Caring for one another, helping the needy, making sure that everyone is cared for, respecting the environment. These are values that every child should hear and take to heart. It will make for a better America where everyone has a fair life, not just greedy republicans who only want money.

  • Don Werstler - 15 years ago

    This a portion of an e-mail I just sent to the President:

    You have just drawn the line in the sand: I have recently seen an article that tells us as American taxpayer’s and parents of school age children you will be addressing them on Tuesday, September 8th. This is however the most disturbing thing any Politian can do. It is unimaginable that you or any Politian would bring a political issue into the classroom. I have read the Lesson Plans and it looks eerily similar to that of Stalin and Marxist socialist management. Get them while their young. THIS IS A LINE YOU DO NOT CROSS. Fight your fight on Capitol Hill and among adults and our non-representative representative and not our children.

  • Liberty or Death - 15 years ago

    Hitler said once - “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” Enough said.

  • Steve - 15 years ago

    I would encourage everyone to voice their outrage to their school superintendent. Parents should have a choice as to whether or not their children attend.

  • Kim Marks - 15 years ago

    I guess that ol saying still holds true "Desperate times call for desperate measures"? If he can't force the adults to bow to his way of thinking he'll force the kids to.

  • merrick - Go Obama! - 15 years ago

    This is an important event. Obama is a great leader. You should be proud to have such a leader for your children who will teach them not to be greedy republicans. They will grow up to care about others and live in a world where all will be healthy. These comments about Obamba are sickening to me.

  • tina - 15 years ago

    Keep praying for change, but also get off your butts and fight back. Take your country back!

  • K - 15 years ago

    Whatever your political affiliations, liberal, conservative, democrat, republican, this point, we have enjoyed at least some level of freedom and liberty. It is important to know your history of the world and its governments for ignorance and apathy will lead to our demise and history will repeat itself if we are not vigilant in protecting our freedom and liberty.

  • Libertarian - 15 years ago

    CAN WE SAY HITLER PLAN ! nothing like right out of the rule book , go after the youth, we'll guess what MR Obama my child knows exacyly who you are and your colorful background, you will not brainwash my chid. - Every parent needs to update there children on how this country is really ran and the crooks who are running it. They'll never learn the truth in the public school system.

  • Rubber Duck - 15 years ago

    Can you speak "OBAMANEZE" boys and girls ??

  • JOE - 15 years ago

    Obama You are a Stupid SOB...Do you think we are as stupid as you?
    My kids will not attend your fkng indoctrination session..GO to FKN KENYA YOU AHOLE

  • William H. Jones - 15 years ago

    This is totally rediculous. They don't won't the kids to hear, speak, or see any thing about GOD but they want to teach more about this N...... Sorry that is the only word I can think of for this low life. I really hope these people that voted him in are happy now. Maybe their kids will learn who their daddy is.

  • Victoria - 15 years ago

    Yes I agree this is an out in the open, in your face Americans attempt to BRAINWASH our youth. I made a Facebook group named.. "Keep your children home from school sept 8, 2009" ..Every American Parent should keep their children home that day!!

  • Crusadir - 15 years ago

    Remember the Disney cartoon , "Education for Death?" This is the absolute indoctrination of the psychotic rantings of a coward bent on world domination. Coup De' etat! Liberty!

  • Andrew Rauch - 15 years ago

    I have already informed my teachers that our kids will not be attending. Kinda of Scary that a politician wants/needs an audience with K-6.

  • AS - 15 years ago

    Who-ever voted 'yes' is missing a chromosome. Don't forget to put on your propeller hat before boarding the short bus.

  • Michelle Glawson - 15 years ago

    This a a direct step towards Socialism and is how Mussilini and Hitler got people to convert. It is sad that in a so called "Modern Society" simple tricks like this still work. Talking directly to the students as he is and saying what he has makes it even more shady. We already see him Strong Arming his agenda's and not completely following through on his promises. So I fear what is coming.

  • GW - 15 years ago

    God you folks are stupid. A bunch of fear mongering!

  • brad russell - 15 years ago

    Mad as hell, frustrateed, fed up and many other unrepeatable words for this administration. For those of us that think his views are bad for the country, he now can have a direct influence on the way our children think or view the government's far left views.

  • Brad - 15 years ago

    My kids will be out that day. And I have been 'sick' since King Obama became ruler

  • x- ray eyes - 15 years ago

    In our home Obama is used as a negative role model for this very type of thing . My kids are older and they understand this very well and I must say our training is now part of my chrildren and will be forever. Obama can't touch them. Parents will override anything teachers or this guy says if you start young and are involved with your kids. DON'T TURN THE KIDS OVER !

  • Becky - 15 years ago

    I pray for our Nation... to elect a man who makes no claim to even be Christian.... How much will GOD take before we are treated like those in the Old Test.... We will suffer for placing this power on his man, with his radical beliefs and total disregard for all that made this Country great..>GOD>..

  • Reggie - 15 years ago

    it just seems to sound a lot like narcissistic personality disorder - creepy

  • J S - 15 years ago

    The schools would have never even considered it if Bush had asked the same thing. But boy, would there have been a lot of noise about it!!

    There's always homeschooling.

  • tommy knotts - 15 years ago

    This moron of a President is not only foolish about money but he is an egomanic as well.

    Suggesting that he should have a special place in our education system is bone headed.
    This man is not good for America, He praises Islam and does not hold Judeo
    Christian values as clearly American.

    I would suggest impeaching him but then Biden and Pelosi. Yuk!

    America what have you done to yourself?

    God help us.

  • Mr Mike - 15 years ago

    Hey Eric, you liberals are the masters at trumped up hater charges. I can recall 8 years of it.

  • Eric - 15 years ago

    So this accusation of propaganda is based on one question in the worksheet? Certainly a child could answer that the way to help Obama is by explaining the pitfalls of gov't run health care?

    The accusation is baseless. Trumped up hater charges...

    Fox News feeds the fire of Obama haters because that in turn feeds their ratings. Are they going to call out the Obama haters like they did the bush haters? Probably not.

  • Judy - 15 years ago

    I see nothing wrong with it. It is our president, and it is a good opportunity to get kids involved and discuss whether or not they should allow what they hear on TV to influence their thinking or to research our leaders opinions and then
    make their own decisions.

    Propaganda ! That is preaching from the pulpit, propaganda, are all political speeches propaganda, are all teachers opinions, propaganda... let's take this opportunity to have kids speak for themselves.

    Actually, if you look back in history, FDR had his fireside chats. Everyone is so quick to critize. I see nothing wrong with this. In fact, I applaud it as a great opportunity to teach our kids.

  • Alex - 15 years ago

    My children will not be attending.

  • Bill Scott - 15 years ago

    I am calling on all americans to have a mass sick out of all children in the public schools. Do not attend classes on September 8th and hear this fraud BO. Adolf Hitler did the same indoctrination of the youth in Germany. We need to take our nation back from both political parties before it is too late!!!!

  • Tony - 15 years ago

    Well I guess they let the cat out of the bag. They should have kept it quiet until after the 8th. My two children will not be at school. I have already sent an email to my district. Asking them to explain.

  • Lynda Bishop - 15 years ago

    Obama is a disgrace to our nation. His agenda is to bring our nation down to nothing but a third world nation, with him being a dictator. He is full of anger and hatred for we americans who have sacrificed our lives to make our country the greatest nation on earth. He has weakened our nation in the eyes of the world with his apologies in other countries, some of which would not exist today without the intervention of our military.His true character is revealed in the people he has chosen for his cabinet.

  • dum dum dum repubs - 15 years ago

    "While I likely wont keep my daughter home - I WILL WATCH IT MYSELF and I will immediately correct anything he tries to shove down our childrens throats. Obama and the ignorant socialists running the dems right now are not going to indoctrinate my daughter, PERIOD!

    Having said that though, my daughter (9) isn't going to fall for his BS anyway. I have taught my children responsiblity and to think for themselves, in addition I have made it very clear to her that Obama does not represent American values and his policies are clearly out of line with American values and morals.
    Thankfully my daughters school wont allow itself to become a propaganda engine. If he tries to make this an 'Obama youth' thing I think he'll find most parents will be shutting him out for the next 3+ years."

    Wow. You are the one brainwashing. "I will immediately correct anything he tries to shove down our childrens throats," "I have taught my children responsiblity and to think for themselves," "I have made it very clear to her that Obama does not represent American values and his policies are clearly out of line with American values and morals." Yeah what free thinker you have taught her to be. She obviously has been taught to think for herself.

  • Mike E. Coon - 15 years ago

    Shades of Russia circa 1917 and Germany circa 1935 ! Chicago politics the Rev. Wrong, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Doehrn, and Saul Alinsky way...GOD , help us all, not you Demonrats , that is, you're helpless and quite stupid !

  • CWP - 15 years ago

    After living in Venezuela and seeing these tactics before it makes me wonder if Chavez is giving Obama pointers.

  • Wes - 15 years ago

    This is the most rediculous thing I have ever heard of. I have taught my children better than to fall for this kind of crap and I hope everyone else out there have to. The advice that the kids should be giving Obama is to resign, leave Washington and take his propaganda machine with him. in 2012 we need to vote out the morons in washington and get someone that thinks like normal Americans to run the show.

  • teapartyjack - 15 years ago

    Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Ho She Min, Mao Tse Dun, Fidel, Chavez, Kim Jong-il, Achmadinejad, Obama. ANy questions??????

  • Tarese - 15 years ago

    OMG ... "self-appointed" righteous one at his celebrity best!!! How much better can it get???!!!!


  • Joe Malmort - 15 years ago

    You have to hand it to the Obama administration. They studied the methods of Propoganda master Joseph Goebbels really well.

  • Crazy Republicans - 15 years ago

    How is this brainwashing? Conservatives try to brainwash our kids everyday and dismiss laws on seperation of church and state. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is going to address the youth of America about education and its brainwashing. YOU ARE ALL MORO>NS

  • MARGA - 15 years ago

    Agree with Truth. Obama has an agenda that needs to be followed no matter
    who gets hurt. Being an import of a communist country I see the danger forthcoming. The political propaganda on children attending public schools(Eventually all private schools will be gone)How this will be applied to every subject that they are taking. No more bipartisan engagement. Democracy will
    be gone. This is serious America. Please!!!!!! wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Curt - 15 years ago

    Any teacher, principal, school system, legislative body that allows these shenanigans to take place in classrrooms under their jurisdiction should be taken to the town square and placed in a Plexiglas box for all to ridicule. Shame, shame, shame on the President and his keepers. Shame.

  • Handle The Truth! - 15 years ago

    Welcome to Communist Russia.

    Americans MUST nip this in the bud NOW! 2010 and 2012 - cannot come quick enough - hopefully, we still will have our voting rights.

  • rj - 15 years ago

    Everyone! Go vote in 2010 & 2012! These law makers for "the people" have got to be "changed". We will never see the great 50's and 60's again, but this situation needs to be brought under control, NOW. Republican or Democrat, Left or Right, we need Leaders, and not selfish Morons.

  • Mr Peabody - 15 years ago

    To Christi: You obviously didn't read the instructions that were given out to the schools. They basically instruct the students to write down ways they can support the president (not America, but the president himself), set goals for providing this support, have their progress reviewed, and then be held accountable for meeting these goals. I doubt Mr. Obama is planning to talk about things like beautifying our parks.

  • Mr. B - 15 years ago

    Divide the Nations adult population with government policies and procedure changes and then start to re-educate the nations children. hmmm.....has this ever happened before?!?!?

  • Pat McFatridge - 15 years ago

    Sounds like we are going back to the late 30's and early 40's, come on people stand up, don't let this administration take our lives away from us. They are having trouble with the adults, so go after the children! Unbievable what a president!!

  • Nomad 2003 - 15 years ago

    leave the little kids alone.. prek to 6th grade....
    more steps for the government to just take over our lives...
    if I want my kids to volunteer, they should do so at church...

    Obama still thinks he is a city organizer....

  • lex - 15 years ago

    and I agree with those that said a President can go to a school to read a book to the children, but NOT PASS ON THEIR POLITICS....not EVERY parent, and in fact the polls show MOST parents, DON'T AGREE with his policies....

    so what disrespectful thing does Obama do? he goes BEHIND THE PARENTS AND TALKS STRAIGHT TO THEIR KIDS.

    so sickening.

    we're on to you Obama...don't you dare think different.

  • Mr Peabody - 15 years ago

    To merrick: Of course you agree with "GO OBAMA"; you ARE Go Obama! And I agree with rj: Obama can't go fast enough!

    Unfortunately, there are too many people like merrick who are so blind they will never see what's happening right in front of their very eyes. They make their decisions based on how they FEEL and what they WANT to believe rather than what the facts indicate. Fortunately, I believe the American people will ultimately get this great country back on track. Let's just pray it happens before too much damage is done.

  • Reva - 15 years ago

    I would think that having Obama's face on the TV 24/7 would be enough brainwashing for the country. But, to invade our schools and our children's impressionable minds is simply unthinkable.

  • lex - 15 years ago

    merrick, you should be ashamed of yourself. give me 1 good, factual reason as to how and why this is good for our country? it shows nothing but one view, which is NOT educational to our children.

    You seriously need to wake up. It's people like you that are really scaring me.

    People use to give their life for freedom...and now you're willing to give your freedom for a financially free life (i.e. free healthcare).

  • Mike N - 15 years ago

    Keep my kid at home that day !

  • Christi - 15 years ago

    no one that made comments even knows WHAT is going to be said! What if its how to help do good for others - like volunteering? maybe picking up trash, or visiting nursing homes? And I think EACH president, no matter what "side" you are on, should give a lesson to school children. They then learn about the world, instead of what clothing some pop star is wearing. . . keep an OPEN mind - you don't know what is going to be said!

  • BluePhoenix - 15 years ago

    I second Joanne Giddix's comment. Very well stated. It makes me glad I DON'T have kids so that they have to be exposed to this bullshit. Obama hasn't done anything to warrant children to learn about him. Sure he is the first president of African descent, but he hasn't shown me why we need to praise him.

  • Unhappy Voter - 15 years ago

    I completely disagree with the proposed plan. I like it better when Presidents go to an individual school to read a book to our children, but not pass their politics on to them in a mass forum that they are required to watch. Presidents should be a part of the curriculum as a history lesson, and as a live web feed.

  • Pat Williams - 15 years ago

    Thank God my grandson attends a private Christian school. If he did not he would be having an extended weekend. Every child in public school should stay home and let Obama talk to the empty desks!

  • DJH - 15 years ago

    While I likely wont keep my daughter home - I WILL WATCH IT MYSELF and I will immediately correct anything he tries to shove down our childrens throats. Obama and the ignorant socialists running the dems right now are not going to indoctrinate my daughter, PERIOD!

    Having said that though, my daughter (9) isn't going to fall for his BS anyway. I have taught my children responsiblity and to think for themselves, in addition I have made it very clear to her that Obama does not represent American values and his policies are clearly out of line with American values and morals.
    Thankfully my daughters school wont allow itself to become a propaganda engine. If he tries to make this an 'Obama youth' thing I think he'll find most parents will be shutting him out for the next 3+ years.

  • Steve - 15 years ago

    We are undergoing a bloodless coup and hopefully we will wake up before its over. I believe we are beginning to wake up but will it be too late? Obama's ratings are way down but I think that 1/3 of the American people will support him no matter what he does. How come only Fox questions his comments about raising a civilian force as strong and as well trained as teh military? What does that mean ? What is this force supposed to fight?

    I have never been so concerned about the future of america. This man must be defeated. We must defeat obamacare and then we must defeat cap and trade. We must make obama a lame duck president as soon as possible. And then we need to evict every single congress person from their cushy jobs. They have lost touch with the american people. We need term limits.

    This is a perfect storm for obama. A combination of a friendly press, a recession, a reaction to Bush's incompetence has combined to permit obama to do alot of things that he wouldn't ordinarily be able to do. He is accumulating power at an alarming speed. And the liberals don't seem to care. Wake up, he's incompetent, naive, and dangerous. And a radical.

  • truth - 15 years ago

    I am sooooo disgusted with Obama and his administration! This is serious. He and the democrats are ruining America with their liberal thinking and agenda, and spending money like it is growing on trees, and spreading garbage information and untruths, trying to pass this health care HR 3200 bill which will ultimately make government in charge of your healthcare. Indoctrinating our children is the last straw! These people are dangerous and mr. George Soros is at the helm of "owning" Obama. Axelrod, Emanuel, michelle Obama, and the rest hate this country and will try to change it, for their hope and change only. Power in their hands is not for the is all about them. Obama is arrogant, and bad for America. I will not give up to these fools in the white house.

  • Bumbles - 15 years ago

    my sister in law told me of this planned speech. She is a teacher's aide and when she told me, I questioned her on the subject to what Obumma was speaking. Funny, when she told me, I immediately thought of the Hitler youth movement. This jack-n-the-box has got to go by any means. it's a damn shame we don't use the recall/referendum on the votes that took place back in November. So now we have a wannabe Pres whose approval #'s are falling like a rock trying to desperately find someone who will go back to thinking he's a cool cat. Pandering for votes amongst the kids isn't wise dude. When you leave Washington, don't bother cleaning up - we'll come in and bleach the place clean to disinfect.

  • Kris - 15 years ago

    Taking over my health care, brainwashing our children I don't think so. again. another comparison to Hitler.

  • Magend - 15 years ago

    This is "Great News"....

    "All our children can write about "HELPING" President Obama FIND an ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE and HOW WE CAN ALL HELP HIM OUT OF OFFICE and OUR COUNTRY when he can't find it!!!!

    G-d Bless Israel!!!

  • John - 15 years ago

    I remember reading about another fella that did things like this, his name was Adolf.

  • matthew williams - 15 years ago

    The anti-christ is alive! Doom is coming to the world especially to the U.S.

  • Judy - 15 years ago

    He has just gone too far. I don't want him speaking to my child when I am not there. I don't want their teacher asking questions to my child. He is doing nothing short of brainwashing. I would keep my child home that day.

  • merrick - 15 years ago

    I agree with GO OBAMA! THis is a good thing for our children and our country. I don't see why no one understands that! Dumb people...

  • ptb - 15 years ago

    My daughter graduated HS at 15. Has just accepted a full-ride ROTC scholarship to a Tier 1 university.
    BO's address is just another reason we will continue to homeschool our children. Well educated, strong base in Christ, well rounded and responsible.
    NEA - please continue to stay out of our lives.
    (What do do want to bet our very existence and success, just Ps them off BIG TIME!)

  • RJ - 15 years ago

    This charlatan has got to be thrown out of office before America descends into civil war...He is the new Hitler...Forget 2010 & 2012...He is moving really fast!Every day we are hit with more shocking news and events about this creep We are purposely being overwhelmed...This is the kind of stuff the mainstream media folks at NBC, ABC, CBS,CNN, and MSNBC didn't want us to know... EVERYONE TAKE YOUR KIDS OUT OF THE SCHOOLS!!!...

  • Stevie B - 15 years ago

    Hitler did the same.
    So did Stalin.

    All part of the cult of personality so we take our kids minds off of the communist takeover of the USA.

  • DEBRA - 15 years ago

    Anyone ever hear of Bill Ayers & INDOCTRINATION? This guy and his buddies are BAD news for our freedoms.

  • carol - 15 years ago

    i am going to call all three schools where my grand children attend, and tell the administration that they are not to listen to this crap.

  • D.J. in New Mexico - 15 years ago

    Teaching Obama?! No, the only thing it teaches children is that "politics" matter to every one of them as they mature and take their rightful place as citizens in our free nation. As Americans, we can and must discuss at home what "propaganda" means. As parents, we must be vigilant to teach our children about their rights as Americans. Use this opportunity to teach children the truth, the principles upon which this nation was founded and why Mr. Obama's approach is dangerous and wrong. It will be a good negative example for them to guard their rights and freedoms as citizens. Propaganda works only when free speech is smothered. So far, even though any disagreement with the White House is trivialized and ridiculed by the opposition, we can still exercise our right to disagree and our right to free speech. The question becomes, "but for how long"?

  • rj - 15 years ago

    go oboma ! pleeeease go

  • RBarr - 15 years ago

    O NE

    B IG

    A SS



  • GO OBAMA! - 15 years ago

    GO OBAMA! When are you Obama haters going to realize that this is a great man? He is doing this for the children of America. We need to pull together as one nation and do our part to make this a fair and just nation for all the citizens not just big oil and republican fat cats who prey upon the downtrodden.

  • Dave - 15 years ago

    He needs to be impeached now, before its too late, He's a wolf in sheeps clothing.

  • WarEagle - 15 years ago

    This clown is looking more and more like "Dear Leader" all the time. You can bet MY kids won't be watching this nonsense.

    I thought Jimmy Carter was a joke. I wonder if Obama will wear a cardigan sweater while he gives his address? Maybe his daughters will advise him on nuclear non-proliferation matters, too?

  • Barry - 15 years ago

    Will we be a free nation until the 2010 vote? Passing a healthcare bill that will reduce medical care for our elderly (whom know what it is to be a free nation how important our Constitution and Bill of Rights is) too having a propaganda lesson for our youth (whom do not know the importance of our Constitution and Bill of Rights) out of this White House is worrisome about the continuance of our Free Nation as we know it. This lesson plan in my opinion is a way to influence our kids’ beliefs in order to pass this White Houses agenda now and in the future. My kids will not hear this lesson because, I feel that it is propaganda that is detrimental to our Free Nation. Is this to gain more votes and acceptance to the change of America into a new direction according to this government’s vision for America that is ever more evident from bills being passed that is in conflict with our Constitution?

  • Pepper K - 15 years ago

    Here is something else to think about………What if a child has conservative parents or they don’t agree with Obama – what happens with that child? If the child is hesitant to participate in the “lessons” or “activities” or doesn’t show support for Obama like he should – what happens? Is the child black-listed? Does the child get a lower grade? Is the child looked down upon? What?
    This is why political agendas (and religion) should be kept out of school.

  • winston - 15 years ago

    Another bold move to get his way. Call it what you like but it is straight from
    Marxist ideology. Because of his unbending ways he will lose the American public that voted for him. His change will be one of scenery when he leaves office.

  • Royce Rhoads - 15 years ago

    Where does Hussein Obama find the time to teach a class? I would think he would be covered up with tearing down the economy, picking the next czar, ruining the health care system, vacationing with the elite class and having night's out with "Lady" Obama.

    I am wondering who is really conducting this administration take over?

    I think impeachment talk should start anytime now.

  • Amy - 15 years ago

    This is crazy! This is a step towards indoctrination. UGH! The kids should have an option to not participate if this is being shown in their school. I was very fortunate to learn this morning that there are NO PLANS to show this in our elementary school.

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