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  • TVfanatic - 15 years ago

    Jon needs to get a "JOB" and stop talking bad about his still "wife" and stop acting like a child....why did he move to NY...what is he doing...? is he working? or just going out with different women everyday...? he is nothing but a LOSER.

  • yuli - 15 years ago

    wow.. just... wow.

  • Oregon Resident - 15 years ago

    If you look back at ALL of the older episodes it was Jon, not Kate that did the most caretaking of the children. He was the one getting them ready for school and trips, while Kate stayed in bed. She even laughed that he brought her coffee in bed because she could not face the day until she drank her coffee. This is coming from a woman with eight children. He was the one brushing their teeth and getting them ready for bed. The children cried at the window to go with their Dad whenever he left. When she was screaming at him in public it was not because he was acting like a child, it was because she had to endure some of the responsibility herself and she could not handle it.
    This being said.. yes, Jon has lost his mind this past year and Kate has realized she needs to participate more with the children in a positive manner. Until this year she had never done anything with the boys by herself, so some good has come from their breakup.
    Now I believe Jon needs to reenter the picture, start thinking of the kids first, and get them off the air!!! Better too late, than never at all. Hopefully she will continue to progress without a camera following her.
    Kate will continue to progress as a Mother even without the camera on her.

  • PA resident - 15 years ago

    Since stopping the show would leave the large family with no income, I have a request. Please move to another state so that state's welfare system can support you.

  • Mrs. Pgh. - 15 years ago

    I used to be a huge JG fan. I thought Kate was demeaning and downright cruel. Since the announced divorce Kate has obviously had much better advice. Both parents have done 180's. Kate seems strangly non-judgemental and considers having a little fun with the kids instead of only obsessing about the mess. Jon who was always ableto shake off Kate's constant ridicule now seems so selfcentered.
    You let me down more each week with your statements and actions.
    Epiphany, my ass!

  • Mick2254 - 15 years ago

    Evidently - dating younger women while you are still married, having sex with these women in your home while the children are "sleeping" and saying you despise your wife on national television is not harmful to his children? He bought a bachelor pad in NYC - I guess that told his children how welcome they are in his life! I hope Kate has a good lawyer and will show how unfit he is to be a father.

  • Joanne - 15 years ago

    I forgot to say one thing. Jon, grow up, be a man and do whats best for your kids!!

  • Joanne - 15 years ago

    Kate has been accused of being harsh on Jon, but if you honestly look at their situation with 8 kids, it was really 9 counting Jon. He never step up to the plate. Keeping her household organized was a very stressful task,she had to be the stern taskmaster. She did an incredible job. She has 8 beautiful, flourishing children. She took some frustration out on Jon,, can you really blames her? She is not perfect,who is? Jon moved 2 states away to NYC,last night it was reported he was partying with the guy that does "girls gone wild", the man has 5 daughters! Yuk! Who out there would turn away from this opportunity of having a tv show? There are 8 kids to send to college, get cars for and just wait until you hear how much car insurance is for teenagers in PA. I have 2 on my policy now, ouch. Jon , you may have 5 weddings to pay for! How are you planning on taking care of your children without income?

  • Kristine - 15 years ago


    Grow up you self absorbed idiot! your just mad because your name is being taken off the show and it will be about Kate and the Kids. You are only doing this out of spite and no other reason, you know by being taken off the show you will no longer have any money coming in. It's about you and not the security of your children. Kate is a great mother and I see her as the victim, you tried to make yourself the victim in all this but, I see right through you and see you are nothing but a self absorbed punk. You priority should be and have always been your kids and by doing this you are taking from your children's mouths. Go back to your girlfriend (s) and leave Kate and the kids alone, or would you rather take and have to pay child support for 8 kids. Oh wait that's right it would require you to have a REAL JOB. which for as long as I have watched the show you haven't had one. At least Kate is providing for the children and giving them all she can with whats available to her what a wonderful childhood they must be having with such a giving mother. Too bad their father is only concerned with himself. I am a KATE FAN I think if she has 8 wonderfully behaved children she is doing her job and I give her Kudo's for having CLASS during this entire mess Unlike Jon who has been a total DOUCHEBAG ya I said it DOUCHEBAG! Walk away Jon leave your kids and Kate alone and let her continue with what she is doing. You didn't want to be on the show anymore your wish has been granted so walk away and let Kate do her thing. GO KATE! ya I think I am the Head of the cheering section for TEAM KATE! As a single mother of 3 boys I am in FULL SUPPORT of Kate! Kate darling you are my hero and I appreciate all the class you have shown and how you have been in your kids corner don't let the haters get you down because if the truth be known, EVERYONE if afforded the opportunity to have a show making the money you make wouldn't think twice about it and would do it to. Kudo's to Kate Gosselin for being a TRUE Mother and Hero to her kids!

    Jon just pathetic!

  • SanDeE - 15 years ago

    Jon has no concern for his children, he has spent the better part of 2009 with as many women as he can possibly bed and all of it happening on TMZ...his kids see this. And does he think we are all idiots, the minute he no longer has a paycheck from TLC he tries to stop a paycheck for Kate. Typical of a man who walks out on his family, if the family suffers he just sits back and says see they couldn't live without me...if the family thrives then the man does all in his power to destroy the family so he can sit back and say see they couldn't live without me. Wether you like her or not, wether you believe children should be on TV is this manner, you have to agree that the show has provided so many opportunities and has financial benefitted these children. The home that they live in now is a huge asset, not only for the space it provides indoors but for the incredible amount of outdoor acreage. The trips that the family has taken just by offers alone which are only offered because of the TV show. I can't see where the children have suffered from the I believe the marriage suffered from the filming...oh yeah...had it not been for this show no one would have known who Jon was and when he cheated on his wife no one would of cared. Of course if not for the TV show, no one would have cared about what Kate would do with 8 children and no way to support them when her marriage ended. The show is a blessing for any mom her matter what she has to deal with due to the break up of her marriage, becasue of the show she will never have to decide wether to pay a light bill or buy her children some food. Try being a single mom sometime and then comment on this show.

  • Dee - 15 years ago

    Jon now has concerns for his childrens welfare, well they look happy, and they have a mom that loves them, everyone makes mistakes and I think Kate has made some early on and learned from them, but as for a mom she is great, structure, security, love, is all there and always has been. Jon admits tonite he made mistakes and has to learn from them, well when, tonite you once again look like a little boy, first Kate was your speaker, now your lawyer, grow a set, be a man, not a player, liar, and an idiot and go be a dad, fathers sometime grow in a test tube, daddies dont suckface with 22 year olds in public for someone to snap a picture for his kids to see, OMG go away and be a daddy. Your kids are well adjusted normal kids cameras and all, why you ask, because of the mom they have, go away BOY!

  • Non Sense - 15 years ago

    What does "conciquently[sic]" mean? And for the gaggle of you, the word is loser, not looser. To fraternize means to associate with others in a brotherly or congenial way; so what's wrong with that? And to use the word uneducated in a fragmented sentence like "Uneducated and wasn't trying to get educated or better himself.[sic]" is hilariously ironic. "I would not want him for be my father.[sic]" is another interesting sentence coming from someone talking about mental stability. I agree with Tara.

  • Stephanie - 15 years ago

    He should think twice about this. If he cuts off the show "for the sake of the kids" where is the income going to come from. He has no money. It's not a wonder he put the divorce on hold, so they can't come after him for child support. I don't buy his sudden change of heart. They cut his income and now he wants to cut the only income those kids have. Shame on him.

  • Connie - 15 years ago

    What a looser!! After all the nasty comments, oh and him finding his soul mate "RIGHT" He better grow up and let Kate take care of the kids.. Or him and his soul mate will be working four jobs to pay child support.

    Wonder how long his soul mate sticks around then??? Two or three seconds:-)
    Just had to write this...

  • "V" - 15 years ago

    I totally agree with Dorothy, what a looser, when Jon was getting a custom motorcycle, or on the ski trip, he went twice, and all the other benefits from the show until HE decided and made it clear he wanted out and let the WORLD see his girlfriend or boody call, there wasn't anything wrong then. Uneducated and wasn't trying to get educated or better himself. Hmm let's figure since he was kicked off, and not seeing those figures anymore ...shame on him. I don't think the show should stop, haulted yes, until they take legal action to get rid of Jon and figure out everything. He doesn't want the divorce to go through because that means no MONEY or spot light for daddy who isn't doing anything but living off the babies. Anyway was is he qualified to do?

    This show is good for Kate, she is the MOTHER of 8 children, Jon has NO means of taking care of his family. Guess, he's not relaxing on the boat now.

  • patti - 15 years ago

    kate hang in there and pleeeese do not take this guy back. you have done well and we know you are hurting inside. do not support this guy. has he had the decency to care about his family with all his galavanting around and women. make him get a real job, support his eight kids. sad to say in the long run the kids will be fine either way. we will miss the show. just be strong.

  • Carolyn - 15 years ago

    Once an idiot always and idiot. It's clear the man is in desperate need of some serious therapy. I would not want him for be my father. I mean the man has only himself to blame for what is going on. No one made him go out and and "socialize" with other women. Every poor choice he has made is out there on tape for his children to see and be embarrassed by in the future. Oh well he made his bed so now he must take what goes with it. He whines like a little girl and I can't stand it. Make him go far, far, away as soon as possible.

  • andrea - 15 years ago

    Jon has done exactly as he pleased in 2009--does anyone remember Deanna Hummel? All of these women, including the Las Vegas girls are lying? He has not cared to curb his appetites in order to spare his children day after day after day. Now he is concerned about them? He even brought the girls to his house, (oh, the babysitter is lying, too). Please, Jon, I do not believe your concern is sincere for one moment!

    Don't worry, folks! No matter what Jon says, he will end up unemployed again and Kate will be the one providing everything.

  • Dorothy - 15 years ago

    Since the divorce was announced, Jon has demonstrated that he is erratic and irresponsibly self centered. His kids are so evidently not a priority for Jon. He’s willing to record himself bashing their mother, fraternizing with young women, and demonstrating that he’s happy to move on. Ultimately, he's an uneducated lazy man with little work experience who has nothing to offer. Had he a brain in his head, he would have at least protected himself from public humiliation by hiring people who are educated to manage his image. Kate will be so much better off once she is beyond this loser. I was so happy to see that TLC kicked him off the show and I’m hopeful they will have his contracted consent to continue. The kids are blessed and lucky TLC found them. People assume they know this is the worst thing ever. I would imagine living in a tiny cramped house with parents who work constantly to pay their bills would have a drastic impact on their well being. How lucky they are to have a Mom like Kate who is willing to put them first. She almost makes up for what they lack in a father.

  • Pgh Gurl - 15 years ago

    what a d-bag. Just another way to hurt the mother of his kids.

  • Donna - 15 years ago

    Thank goodness he's getting the kids off the show. If Kate wants to strut her stuff (ha), then go ahead. Let the kids stop being a side show! There are families who have 8 children and they have made it without being on T.V. eating cereal. Why can't they!! Hopefully he wouldn't go back with her and take her abuse, but if his intentions are to get the children off T.V. and grow up like normal children, then good for you Jon!!

  • Tara - 15 years ago

    Thank you Jon!

    I'm so glad to hear that Jon has halted the show. I hope he is successful in permanently putting a stop his children being filmed. I don't think his motives matter, this IS best for his kids.

    Shame on TLC, and especially Kate. What kind of mother expoits her children for personal financial gain and fame? RTemember, Kate's not a real mom, she just plays one on television.

  • Traci - 15 years ago

    Grow up!!! What the hell is your mental issue? You have been taped saying the this is a good thing for your kids and now that you are being punnished and pushed out of the show.... for your OWN action might i point out to you!!
    Did anyone ever tell you that they are conciquences for every action good or BAD in your case...grow up and let life goo on for your kids and Kate they deserve it.......Youve moved on so let them your freekin looser!!!!!!!!

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