[logik-shok] "I just want to say from my side, i apologise profusely if i had offended anyone, that was really not my intention."
[Clive] Apology accepted! After all, you know, if you're an ass, it's you that's gotta live with it, we can just tune you out.
FBI - 15 years ago
hey gray-to-da-ham
got your IPs, your isp and your location.
enjoy the visit you will get.
logik-shok - 15 years ago
Graham take your offensive shit somewhere else, for your sake i hope you don't slip up and reveal your real identity coz there will be a queue of people waiting to knock you the fsck out...and i will be first in line to ass-violate you with your head.. this isnt a platform for you to voice your bitch fits now fuck off
Gray to da Ham! - 15 years ago
@ cwisM Fk off back to westlife. fkn soft focus on an av. how utterly pathetic.
Dude, they're voting for themselves. So, um, in YER FACE!
Graham again! - 15 years ago
Haha! Cow girl to judge on cwisM.
The circle is complete!
Graham "the Troll" - 15 years ago
Of course it's rigged. Don't let's pretend we don't know about it.
The voting's still ok for the ladies though?
Viva lack of consistency, viva!
FFS - why all this respect for Sheebee? (because you're her little clan)
Can't even find a voting system that works.
Even the fucking sa blog awards (God rest their souls) can manage that.
I have been banned from the discussion on her site because I am not in her clan and I was telling the TRUTH. That cuts to the bone.
FFS - it's just some ghei interwebs competition - the right people ( ie Sheebee's choices) will win in the end. Watch it happen.
Any further discussion with regards to this competition will be taking place here please: http://moralfibre.co.za/nerdmag/2010/02/11/the-nerdies-is-it-a-fail/
I'd like your feedback, everyone, if possible.
O Ren - 15 years ago
Yup... bummer. I think it would be civil not to level blame at the competitors - this is obviously somebody who's messing with the poll, I don't see how this would be in any of the competitors interests. I say this because one of you has already allocated blame on his personal blog, but I won't mention any names.
I have actually worked very hard getting this far in the vote.
Because other people are cheating, I had to write a long email yesterday explaining myself, and my strategy to Sheena. I have screen shots, etc. that show my methods. I've made this voting thing an almost full-time job in the past few days. and now, in one night I get trounced by clear cheats.
Because of what's this seems to have turned into, I feel obligated to throw in the hat. Which upsets me terribly. I have spent a lot of time, and my friends and family have spent a lot of time getting this far.
I'm at a loss.
I felt if I just kept quiet (as a nerd should) this would all blow over and I could quietly win.
Yeah, I tend to agree. But frankly this whole thing has been fucked over by tards. Why run it again when everyones actually got a bitter taste in their mouth now?
Anyway, up to the Nerdies Gods
O Ren - 15 years ago
Guys - why don't we suggest to SheBee to restart the poll, this is obviously bombed.
logik-shok - 15 years ago
to the immature pricks who rigged the voting, you ruined something good.. something that took a lot of time and effort. Do you even know that the nerdies are for Charity??? you are an oxygen thieving tool! Thats right....hide behind your keyboard like a lil cyber bitch, cowardly asshole!
To who ever thought it would be funny to vote for me over and over ..|.. That's a big fat fuck you.
I do not want my name dragged through the mud because some tosser has nothing better to do with his time than to rig votes and fuck this up for so many people. Sheena put so much effort into this, and you guys have ruined it. Shot guys, way to be mature.
I'm pulling out, I don't care who wins now, no one deserves to at this point.
someone is rigging these votes.
as i see now, Richard's votes have just climbed 70 votes in the space of a few minutes and it is not him. clearly someone out there is causeing crap.
Richard would not stoop down to that level.
as i see it now, this voting is flawed in a big way.
Finally, someone figured it out. Well actually I think both Chris (I think the lady doth protest too much) and Nick figured it out quite some time back, with jumps of 100-150 votes at a pop. But a primitive method. Script it, and have a cup of coffee.
ctrl-shift-del D
click, click
Rinse repeat = $vote++
BTW - 15 years ago
Ah, don't be hating on Owen. I even'd all of you out until Chris started annoying me.
logik-shok - 15 years ago
I just want to say from my side, i apologise profusely if i had offended anyone, that was really not my intention.
However, I'm pretty sure that most of the so called slander is just fluff not meant to be taken seriously. As a fellow geek you would know that the SA geek community compromises of the good the bad and the ugly and geeks very rarely are malicious towards their fellow geek.(Unless we are talking of the darker variation of geekdom)
I am part of geek irc channels, forums, mailing lists etc etc and I can assure you no matter how much crap talk and "slander" goes on a true geek will drop anything and everything and put effort into helping another geek.
... Not all geeks are squeaky clean, some of us stir and bitch and moan thats just how it is, "slander" is ugly....should be taken seriously though ...Out of respect for Shebee..I will refrain from it .. In the end its all about the votes. Much respect to shebee for putting this together, it is really a commendable effort which all geeks appreciate.
Lastly I want to add it that graham/brother of graham/mavis... or whatever pseudonym he decides to use is not a true geek and never will be one , the link he has in his post links to a porn site, (free6.com - I googled didn't open) and this is something to be disgusted with. Seriously dude.. that is not nice...it is one thing to stir a little in the comments .....but porn?
I am pretty disgusted at how these comments have been flying around, with a complete disrespect for SheBee and the effort she has put in getting this competition going.
I am appalled at the slander taking place here, and cannot fathom why it has to be done in this forum. Jokes aside, I think this has now extended far beyond friendly banter.
SheBee is one of the most caring people, someone who I dearly respect for what she is doing for geeks and nerds in South Africa. If you simply cannot respect her and the Nerdies, please remove yourself from these comments, or at least take your slander off this poll.
I am so disappointed. I never for a second thought that a simple contest would become a slandering match. If you have a gripe with a particular individual, contact them personally.
"The main reason for this compo is FUN. If you’re not having it, you shouldn’t be in it.
Sheebee said that.
Sheebee didn't say "The main reason for this compo is to whine about how other people have got more votes than you and then hastily backtrack when you realise that you misjudged public opinion. If you’re whining, you shouldn’t be in it."
But shee should have done.
Spencer - 15 years ago
Chris I wont vote for you - simply because of that k*k emo hairstyle that you're rocking. Jeez dude, get to a barber. Now.
And Owen, Owen, Owen....the facial hair my man, it's got to go. I'm swinging my vote and the support of the unseen majority to the Benoni Peroni. GO RICHARD!
natalie - 15 years ago
@logik : couldn't agree more ... wish i'd voted for richard now damn
Nick Hunt-Davis is the BIGGEST nerd i know. He should win. He seriously sucks at making conversation away from nerdy stuff....*sigh* i HATE that.
A man called Graham - 15 years ago
Sorry folks - had to pop away briefly - minor incident involving next door's annoying cat and my cricket bat. All sorted now and the kebabs were lovely.
Owen dahlink - I pulled my considerable resource behind you and NHD (which is like GHD, but for Nicks) and got people to vote for you. If I'm honest, I don't really know who you are, but I do know who you're not.
Zeus hit the fail on the head - you started it and it's no use pretending that you didn't mean any of your nastiness now you realise that it has backfired and people don't like you or your Jonas-Brothers haircut.
Zeus is god. Well - a god anyway.
Oh - and for Ms Logic-Shock's benefit, I am completely able to use teh interwebs and maybe you're missing the point. Repeatedly.
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/i wonder if some idot will try and click this link
Meanwhile, the AMCG beat goes on. Forza NHD, Forza. Viva, Amandla, Amanda!
honestly... Clive walker you have a heavy crush on Owen swart dont you.. just wish you could get your hands all over his pale trembling hairy body after ripping off his trekkie outfit with your teeth.. right down to the captain spock thong... yeah you would love that. Well to HELL with that! This is nerdie not some high school crush comp
@Chris you look like some a boyband singer..why dont you just stick to singing okay and go back to
Great fun, finally a lot of people are seeing what it's all about, it's not "let's hold hands and sing together", it's war :) This is a battle between keyboardists, the battle of the best hustler and the battler to prove that you're the biggest nerd.
A lot of the people here haven't been involved in this sort of thing before and I can understand this aggresion has come into play, but it's important not to get so serious about it.
If anything, Owen has the right to give me the finger for accusing him, but I think he knows how this works, so I'm hoping he saw it as a joust/stab/flame/bait :)
I bet my bottom dollar that Owen and Nick have both acquired a lot of followers through this, the hype starts a snowball and it's not just about winning this award, it's about building a network.
Nice popularity contest you guys have going here, it's like high school all over again! Hope you guys don't get your heads put in the toilet this time around! Holding thumbs... really...
Sheesh, Graham, who pissed in your porridge this morning?
The Nerdies are just a bit of fun, so relax.
Chris M, dude you need to grow up. First you make an accusation and then you say you're only joking. If you're going to behave like that, then there needs to be a category for cry babies.
I'm thinking the "best nerd" should make a sacrificial donation to Wet Nose should he win, to say thanks for all of us wasting so much time watching this neck-and-neck race.
Lolz @ graham. Calm down dude. It seems your getting your panties in a bunch because cwisM (it's Chris M, if you can read, or maybe you just have a lisp) is in the top few and you aren't even listed? You ppl need to chill out and relax!
I doubt anyone is cheating, and my the best man/nerd win!
Wraith - 15 years ago
Hey Graham, cool story bro!
Keep trolling and perhaps one day, you might be able to tell your kids that you managed to come out on top as a keyboard warrior.
There is something dodgy going on though, one minute its neck in neck, and the next minute people are missing votes, while others take an enormous leap ahead.
Friend groups? Vote moving?
As for this comment - "If you lose - and with God's will, you shall - then the streets of South Africa will come out in celebration and we shall feast upon the holy cow. "
Its hardly up to you to make claims based on something that many others claim their religions, and with that, you should consider some respect, you might be an atheist, you might just be another tit on the internet, but as Chris was trying to say YOU should learn some respect and by the above post, you clearly need to rethink your position in the group of 'respectful people'.
So once again - Cool story bro!
supercopygurl - 15 years ago
Shouldn't nerdy ingenuity be celebrated? I reckon the guys who got around the systems should win. After all, they want it bad enough. But carry on, this banter is amusing.
A man called Graham - 15 years ago
cwisM - Have some respect? Respect??!!!! Do you actually even know what that means? (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/respect)
You're the one whining and moaning and bitching, and whining and bitching about how "Owen's got more votes than me", alleging that he's cheated because apparently YOU must be the most popular person on teh interwebs ever, ever, ever (TM)* and you'll happily tell anyone who says different that they can kneel down upon some oke called Matt and perform the wonderous act of fellatio upon other competitors who shall remain nameless but it's Owen.
No - respect is something that YOU must learn, cwisM. Respect for Sheebee and these silly awards. They're the Nerdies, not the cwisMies. I have very little doubt that you would succeed at winning those, because you are quite the most nauseating little cwisM I've ever met.
You conceited, self-centered, spolit little brat. The world does not revolve around you. You need to learn that lesson well.
If you lose - and with God's will, you shall - then the streets of South Africa will come out in celebration and we shall feast upon the holy cow.
I'll have mine steaks medium-rare.
* Statistics provided by the cwisM Statistics Foundation: "working towards a more conceited asshole"
Have heard back from PollDaddy dudes. They say they have systems in place for dodgy votes, and although there is a way to get around hacks, they don't suspect this is the case.
They also suggested I upgrade to a premium account though. Snort. Not right now, boys - I'm still figuring out how to do this thing with the least likely route to online spartan war.
A man called Graham - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/contradiction
A man called Graham - 15 years ago
So much of infighting in sheebee's happy little band of followers. This used to be my playground.
No more
cwisM - you being silly, bitchy, nasty. You know you have your own little clan at work, so just get them to vote for you. Or just SEO your vote page, you guru you!!
owen - your feigned surprise at the sudden excesses of your ballot percentages was feigned. i am a medium and i know this. your avatar invites punches. both you and the blowjob-suggesting bad loser above are classless.
Nick - you are the only one not rigging this election. why the fuck not? while COPE and the ineffectual IFP are bickering, sneak yourself a couple of hundred votes, anc-stylee!!
actually, just another 10 would do it as there are only a limited number of sheebee clan members and they've all voted 12 times already.
silly circlejerking. silly.
Spencer - 15 years ago
I have no idea who Owen is but I just voted for him like 40 times. GO OWEN YOU ROCK. Apparently.
Just to let everyone know, I've contacted PollDaddy and will hopefully have some answers soon. I'm still not sure if its a cache issue on their side or if the system is being rigged, or even if its just votes coming in when they're cast. But here's hoping they know.
In the mean time, dudes - be as competitive as you like but this is a friendly competition for a good cause, and if you make this experience horrible for everyone else, then actually you don't deserve to win imho.
So ya, chill the fuck out before I bring you each a ruler and we can settle this the old fashioned way.
logik-shok - 15 years ago
this fighting is not Ayoba...... being the biggest nerd and being the most awesome nerd are two very different things.... Arcainus u rock!!!
Ah Shebee, I think these people don't get it - tongue and cheek, flaming and baiting, that's how all these interwebs competitions go, people just end up getting too serious and taking it personally. I see this every time, the regulars get it and laugh, the rest get all emo'd (",)
I thought the voting was all about bribery and corruption, threatening and black mailing people. Why all the fuss? This is going towards a good cause, stop being whiny little bitches and have fun with it.
Zeus - 15 years ago
Well, Nick's went up by 60 votes again in the space of 30 minutes last night again - so Christopher - if you're going to level blame, you have to spread it around. I think people are just voting in time blocks - end of work, before sleeping, etc.
Pffft - 15 years ago
@Chris - it's m-a-t, not matt. -5 points on the nerd scale. And for the record the expression that comes to mind is spelt s-o-u-r g-r-a-p-e-s.
It's so sad to see you resort to such low blows Chris (pun intended). Owen can clearly handle being the bigger nerd and deserves the win! So deal with it in your own way and spare the masses of social media networks having to read your tripe.
[logik-shok] "I just want to say from my side, i apologise profusely if i had offended anyone, that was really not my intention."
[Clive] Apology accepted! After all, you know, if you're an ass, it's you that's gotta live with it, we can just tune you out.
hey gray-to-da-ham
got your IPs, your isp and your location.
enjoy the visit you will get.
Graham take your offensive shit somewhere else, for your sake i hope you don't slip up and reveal your real identity coz there will be a queue of people waiting to knock you the fsck out...and i will be first in line to ass-violate you with your head.. this isnt a platform for you to voice your bitch fits now fuck off
@ cwisM Fk off back to westlife. fkn soft focus on an av. how utterly pathetic.
so much of cheese.
Wow hey. Bunch of crap from a bunch of n00bs and a bunch of fap fappers.
back to jerking off, please. your spooge is not required on the internet.
So much of yawn.
And you think that cwisM doesn't do everything his mummy (cow girl) tells him?
So much of naive.
in your face
Dude, they're voting for themselves. So, um, in YER FACE!
Haha! Cow girl to judge on cwisM.
The circle is complete!
Of course it's rigged. Don't let's pretend we don't know about it.
The voting's still ok for the ladies though?
Viva lack of consistency, viva!
FFS - why all this respect for Sheebee? (because you're her little clan)
Can't even find a voting system that works.
Even the fucking sa blog awards (God rest their souls) can manage that.
I have been banned from the discussion on her site because I am not in her clan and I was telling the TRUTH. That cuts to the bone.
FFS - it's just some ghei interwebs competition - the right people ( ie Sheebee's choices) will win in the end. Watch it happen.
Any further discussion with regards to this competition will be taking place here please: http://moralfibre.co.za/nerdmag/2010/02/11/the-nerdies-is-it-a-fail/
I'd like your feedback, everyone, if possible.
Yup... bummer. I think it would be civil not to level blame at the competitors - this is obviously somebody who's messing with the poll, I don't see how this would be in any of the competitors interests. I say this because one of you has already allocated blame on his personal blog, but I won't mention any names.
Not cool guys.
I have actually worked very hard getting this far in the vote.
Because other people are cheating, I had to write a long email yesterday explaining myself, and my strategy to Sheena. I have screen shots, etc. that show my methods. I've made this voting thing an almost full-time job in the past few days. and now, in one night I get trounced by clear cheats.
Because of what's this seems to have turned into, I feel obligated to throw in the hat. Which upsets me terribly. I have spent a lot of time, and my friends and family have spent a lot of time getting this far.
I'm at a loss.
I felt if I just kept quiet (as a nerd should) this would all blow over and I could quietly win.
I don't know what to do now.
Very uncool.
Yeah, I tend to agree. But frankly this whole thing has been fucked over by tards. Why run it again when everyones actually got a bitter taste in their mouth now?
Anyway, up to the Nerdies Gods
Guys - why don't we suggest to SheBee to restart the poll, this is obviously bombed.
to the immature pricks who rigged the voting, you ruined something good.. something that took a lot of time and effort. Do you even know that the nerdies are for Charity??? you are an oxygen thieving tool! Thats right....hide behind your keyboard like a lil cyber bitch, cowardly asshole!
I'd like to thank all my voters, whoever he may be... I couldn't have done this without you. no really...
Throw in some Steg Anon, shuffle the IP and you're absolutely covered :)
To who ever thought it would be funny to vote for me over and over ..|.. That's a big fat fuck you.
I do not want my name dragged through the mud because some tosser has nothing better to do with his time than to rig votes and fuck this up for so many people. Sheena put so much effort into this, and you guys have ruined it. Shot guys, way to be mature.
I'm pulling out, I don't care who wins now, no one deserves to at this point.
someone is rigging these votes.
as i see now, Richard's votes have just climbed 70 votes in the space of a few minutes and it is not him. clearly someone out there is causeing crap.
Richard would not stoop down to that level.
as i see it now, this voting is flawed in a big way.
Either way, it's pathetic.
Finally, someone figured it out. Well actually I think both Chris (I think the lady doth protest too much) and Nick figured it out quite some time back, with jumps of 100-150 votes at a pop. But a primitive method. Script it, and have a cup of coffee.
Why go to all that trouble when you can just:
Rinse, repeat.
ctrl-shift-del D
click, click
Rinse repeat = $vote++
Ah, don't be hating on Owen. I even'd all of you out until Chris started annoying me.
I just want to say from my side, i apologise profusely if i had offended anyone, that was really not my intention.
However, I'm pretty sure that most of the so called slander is just fluff not meant to be taken seriously. As a fellow geek you would know that the SA geek community compromises of the good the bad and the ugly and geeks very rarely are malicious towards their fellow geek.(Unless we are talking of the darker variation of geekdom)
I am part of geek irc channels, forums, mailing lists etc etc and I can assure you no matter how much crap talk and "slander" goes on a true geek will drop anything and everything and put effort into helping another geek.
... Not all geeks are squeaky clean, some of us stir and bitch and moan thats just how it is, "slander" is ugly....should be taken seriously though ...Out of respect for Shebee..I will refrain from it .. In the end its all about the votes. Much respect to shebee for putting this together, it is really a commendable effort which all geeks appreciate.
Lastly I want to add it that graham/brother of graham/mavis... or whatever pseudonym he decides to use is not a true geek and never will be one , the link he has in his post links to a porn site, (free6.com - I googled didn't open) and this is something to be disgusted with. Seriously dude.. that is not nice...it is one thing to stir a little in the comments .....but porn?
or just be like me, carry one of these at all times -> \_/
if you are a geek/nerd you will know what that is, if not, then you should rethink about calling yourself one ;)
I am pretty disgusted at how these comments have been flying around, with a complete disrespect for SheBee and the effort she has put in getting this competition going.
I am appalled at the slander taking place here, and cannot fathom why it has to be done in this forum. Jokes aside, I think this has now extended far beyond friendly banter.
SheBee is one of the most caring people, someone who I dearly respect for what she is doing for geeks and nerds in South Africa. If you simply cannot respect her and the Nerdies, please remove yourself from these comments, or at least take your slander off this poll.
I am so disappointed. I never for a second thought that a simple contest would become a slandering match. If you have a gripe with a particular individual, contact them personally.
That's a horribly american turn of phrase.
Are you horribly american?
You are forgiven... it must suck to suffer from multiple personality disorder and all your personalities are douchebags :(
im sorry i could'nt resist posting something... coz thats just how i roll
"The main reason for this compo is FUN. If you’re not having it, you shouldn’t be in it.
Sheebee said that.
Sheebee didn't say "The main reason for this compo is to whine about how other people have got more votes than you and then hastily backtrack when you realise that you misjudged public opinion. If you’re whining, you shouldn’t be in it."
But shee should have done.
Chris I wont vote for you - simply because of that k*k emo hairstyle that you're rocking. Jeez dude, get to a barber. Now.
And Owen, Owen, Owen....the facial hair my man, it's got to go. I'm swinging my vote and the support of the unseen majority to the Benoni Peroni. GO RICHARD!
@logik : couldn't agree more ... wish i'd voted for richard now damn
Soooo... To whoever "adjusted" my votes too. Thanks, I think, altho, I don't really see your motivation.
@Logik Thanks dude :) Been a while since I posted something though, I'm getting lazy!
@Richard your blog rox dude :D
@Dragon Nick might be the biggest nerd, but, I am the BIGGEST nerd, I could fit all of you in my pocket, vote for the giant!
My campaign begins...
Nick Hunt-Davis is the BIGGEST nerd i know. He should win. He seriously sucks at making conversation away from nerdy stuff....*sigh* i HATE that.
Sorry folks - had to pop away briefly - minor incident involving next door's annoying cat and my cricket bat. All sorted now and the kebabs were lovely.
Owen dahlink - I pulled my considerable resource behind you and NHD (which is like GHD, but for Nicks) and got people to vote for you. If I'm honest, I don't really know who you are, but I do know who you're not.
Zeus hit the fail on the head - you started it and it's no use pretending that you didn't mean any of your nastiness now you realise that it has backfired and people don't like you or your Jonas-Brothers haircut.
Zeus is god. Well - a god anyway.
Oh - and for Ms Logic-Shock's benefit, I am completely able to use teh interwebs and maybe you're missing the point. Repeatedly.
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/i wonder if some idot will try and click this link
Meanwhile, the AMCG beat goes on. Forza NHD, Forza. Viva, Amandla, Amanda!
Holy crap! I take my eyes off the poll for one evening to deal with my wife's car accident, and my votes double? wtf?
(not that I'm ungrateful or anything... but holy crap!)
Wow there was a big jump in votes during last night.
@logik-shok:, yep, plus i've seen it been done!
@nick: you DOTA too? :D what's your nick, nick? :D?
@chris: i wonder what the other cats would think if i gave them another terrorist.
On a serious note. This poll mechanism is flawed, it is very possible to vote endlessly from the same computer, by doing some really basic stuff.
Who are all these random people here creating noise?
Just vote, isn't that what this is about? Unless, while you're busy manually fixing the results, you need to comment about boy bands... Obsessivemuch.
@Nick - I just recorded a video of the votes page refreshing constantly, you'll have a seriously good chuckle :)
Anyway, I admit defeat, I've called on my peeps for votes and I've reached the limit, so that's me.
Battle forth gentlemen!
Angry Nerds?! What is this? A Game of DoTA? :p
I'm applying Nerd Rule #2 here.
Confrontation Avoidance!
burnnnnnn.......good comeback Closet Trekkie :}
LMAO! Nice one Closet Trekkie :D
That will have to be 1000TB of lesbian porn, I'm a chick. :-P
Projecting your fantasies, perhaps?
honestly... Clive walker you have a heavy crush on Owen swart dont you.. just wish you could get your hands all over his pale trembling hairy body after ripping off his trekkie outfit with your teeth.. right down to the captain spock thong... yeah you would love that. Well to HELL with that! This is nerdie not some high school crush comp
@Chris you look like some a boyband singer..why dont you just stick to singing okay and go back to
Dude, get one anyway, I'd kill for a new kitty!
if i had to win i would have adopted a kitten. true story!
Great fun, finally a lot of people are seeing what it's all about, it's not "let's hold hands and sing together", it's war :) This is a battle between keyboardists, the battle of the best hustler and the battler to prove that you're the biggest nerd.
A lot of the people here haven't been involved in this sort of thing before and I can understand this aggresion has come into play, but it's important not to get so serious about it.
If anything, Owen has the right to give me the finger for accusing him, but I think he knows how this works, so I'm hoping he saw it as a joust/stab/flame/bait :)
I bet my bottom dollar that Owen and Nick have both acquired a lot of followers through this, the hype starts a snowball and it's not just about winning this award, it's about building a network.
Nick, Owen - Beers on me aight?
Wow this has been quite entertaining, its now very close for first place.
Nice popularity contest you guys have going here, it's like high school all over again! Hope you guys don't get your heads put in the toilet this time around! Holding thumbs... really...
Because you started all of this, Chris honey.
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/passive aggressive
I'm just surprised all this jousting hasn't led to anyone getting out their duelling swords.
I mean, come on! Be men and not keyboardists!
Pistols at dawn, you wusses :D
This has been mucho's funny to read.
Good luck to whomever wins.
John - Why exactly?
If ChrisM wins now... it'll be lame.
People need to relax, wow, let the votes go and let's see who wins :)))
I'm with Elan... Let's do this properly...
Sheesh, Graham, who pissed in your porridge this morning?
The Nerdies are just a bit of fun, so relax.
Chris M, dude you need to grow up. First you make an accusation and then you say you're only joking. If you're going to behave like that, then there needs to be a category for cry babies.
@Owen, I hope you win, you rock!!!
As long as peeps are having fun :)
Looks like I am doing ok without any marketing. Thanks geek girls. xx Champers and roses all-round if I win.
I'm thinking the "best nerd" should make a sacrificial donation to Wet Nose should he win, to say thanks for all of us wasting so much time watching this neck-and-neck race.
Game, boys?
Lolz @ graham. Calm down dude. It seems your getting your panties in a bunch because cwisM (it's Chris M, if you can read, or maybe you just have a lisp) is in the top few and you aren't even listed? You ppl need to chill out and relax!
I doubt anyone is cheating, and my the best man/nerd win!
Hey Graham, cool story bro!
Keep trolling and perhaps one day, you might be able to tell your kids that you managed to come out on top as a keyboard warrior.
There is something dodgy going on though, one minute its neck in neck, and the next minute people are missing votes, while others take an enormous leap ahead.
Friend groups? Vote moving?
As for this comment - "If you lose - and with God's will, you shall - then the streets of South Africa will come out in celebration and we shall feast upon the holy cow. "
Its hardly up to you to make claims based on something that many others claim their religions, and with that, you should consider some respect, you might be an atheist, you might just be another tit on the internet, but as Chris was trying to say YOU should learn some respect and by the above post, you clearly need to rethink your position in the group of 'respectful people'.
So once again - Cool story bro!
Shouldn't nerdy ingenuity be celebrated? I reckon the guys who got around the systems should win. After all, they want it bad enough. But carry on, this banter is amusing.
cwisM - Have some respect? Respect??!!!! Do you actually even know what that means? (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/respect)
You're the one whining and moaning and bitching, and whining and bitching about how "Owen's got more votes than me", alleging that he's cheated because apparently YOU must be the most popular person on teh interwebs ever, ever, ever (TM)* and you'll happily tell anyone who says different that they can kneel down upon some oke called Matt and perform the wonderous act of fellatio upon other competitors who shall remain nameless but it's Owen.
No - respect is something that YOU must learn, cwisM. Respect for Sheebee and these silly awards. They're the Nerdies, not the cwisMies. I have very little doubt that you would succeed at winning those, because you are quite the most nauseating little cwisM I've ever met.
You conceited, self-centered, spolit little brat. The world does not revolve around you. You need to learn that lesson well.
If you lose - and with God's will, you shall - then the streets of South Africa will come out in celebration and we shall feast upon the holy cow.
I'll have mine steaks medium-rare.
* Statistics provided by the cwisM Statistics Foundation: "working towards a more conceited asshole"
This is blasphemy! This is madness! no, THIS IS NEEERRDDIIIEEEES!!
Have heard back from PollDaddy dudes. They say they have systems in place for dodgy votes, and although there is a way to get around hacks, they don't suspect this is the case.
They also suggested I upgrade to a premium account though. Snort. Not right now, boys - I'm still figuring out how to do this thing with the least likely route to online spartan war.
A man called Graham - Look at the votes, your comment is redundant - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/redundant
Please stop with your comments.
Have some respect for SheBee.
cwisM - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sore+loser
contradiction, hey? who is contradicting what, exactly?????!!?
It's SheBee, dude. One 'e' in She. Geddit right.
A man called Graham - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/contradiction
So much of infighting in sheebee's happy little band of followers. This used to be my playground.
No more
cwisM - you being silly, bitchy, nasty. You know you have your own little clan at work, so just get them to vote for you. Or just SEO your vote page, you guru you!!
owen - your feigned surprise at the sudden excesses of your ballot percentages was feigned. i am a medium and i know this. your avatar invites punches. both you and the blowjob-suggesting bad loser above are classless.
Nick - you are the only one not rigging this election. why the fuck not? while COPE and the ineffectual IFP are bickering, sneak yourself a couple of hundred votes, anc-stylee!!
actually, just another 10 would do it as there are only a limited number of sheebee clan members and they've all voted 12 times already.
silly circlejerking. silly.
I have no idea who Owen is but I just voted for him like 40 times. GO OWEN YOU ROCK. Apparently.
LOL Geoff :P~
I know Arcainus would win that, hands down, I'll send who ever pics if you vote for me :P Lmao
Haha Richard :D
So ya, chill the fuck out before I bring you each a ruler and we can settle this the old fashioned way.
double post ftl :(
logik-shok! now that's a name i have not seen in years! ( but i know who you are) :D bring back the good old #hack days!!!!
logik-shok! now that's a name i have not seen in years! ( but i know who you are) :D bring back the good old #hack days!!!!
Just to let everyone know, I've contacted PollDaddy and will hopefully have some answers soon. I'm still not sure if its a cache issue on their side or if the system is being rigged, or even if its just votes coming in when they're cast. But here's hoping they know.
In the mean time, dudes - be as competitive as you like but this is a friendly competition for a good cause, and if you make this experience horrible for everyone else, then actually you don't deserve to win imho.
So ya, chill the fuck out before I bring you each a ruler and we can settle this the old fashioned way.
this fighting is not Ayoba...... being the biggest nerd and being the most awesome nerd are two very different things.... Arcainus u rock!!!
Ah Shebee, I think these people don't get it - tongue and cheek, flaming and baiting, that's how all these interwebs competitions go, people just end up getting too serious and taking it personally. I see this every time, the regulars get it and laugh, the rest get all emo'd (",)
Wow guys. Way to get personal.
*shakes head*
I thought the voting was all about bribery and corruption, threatening and black mailing people. Why all the fuss? This is going towards a good cause, stop being whiny little bitches and have fun with it.
Well, Nick's went up by 60 votes again in the space of 30 minutes last night again - so Christopher - if you're going to level blame, you have to spread it around. I think people are just voting in time blocks - end of work, before sleeping, etc.
@Chris - it's m-a-t, not matt. -5 points on the nerd scale. And for the record the expression that comes to mind is spelt s-o-u-r g-r-a-p-e-s.
@Kate - You want a matt too?
It's so sad to see you resort to such low blows Chris (pun intended). Owen can clearly handle being the bigger nerd and deserves the win! So deal with it in your own way and spare the masses of social media networks having to read your tripe.