Do you think that it's ever morally justifiable to kill animals so that their fur can be used for clothing, furnishings, or trinkets?


  • LaVerne Flatt - 9 years ago

    I have no doubt that this whole website is a staged production complements of the resourceful organization PETA. PETA is a affiliate of HSUS whose soul purpose in this life, is to take away ALL animals. Yes little Fido won't be sleeping with you if they finally get their way. This is what these people are all about. Go to the HSUS or PETA website where they post their financial statement. They have to since they claim tax exception. You will find less than 3% of money collected goes to care of animals. It goes in their pockets as salaries and benefits or lobbists pockets. They definitely know how to get people carried away.

  • Melanie - 10 years ago

    Whoever voted yes are sick human beings.

  • Toby Glanville - 10 years ago

    The only exception is when Aboriginal people have no other resources in order for them to survive the harsh winters. I believe it is morally justifiable in that case. However, killing and torturing animals for unnecessary trinkets and other products is reprehensible. The individuals in China who engage in this disgusting industry are about 200 years behind in mankind's evolution. I will NEVER wear fur as long as I live.

  • Meg2900 - 11 years ago

    What they do to animals is horrible and should be stopped! The abuse that happens to animals and people is horrible! People NEED to think about what they're doing to animals and kids. They're hurting poor, incident, LIVING things! And it's horrible!!!

  • Your Conscience - 11 years ago

    It's stuff like this, that is going to change the fate of the human race. The problem with humanity is that there are so many people, the Earth can't sustain everyone. So countries become so desperate to keep their population alive, that they horrifically mutilate animals just to make money. How selfish is that? Way to show who you really are, humans, I am ashamed to be human because of people like you. Why not put the phone down and change? Why not start caring for something other than humans? You are what's wrong with the world, nothing else. If humans were gone, the world would be a better place. Animals would only take what they need, the world could handle their co2 production, everything would be better. Look at what everyone has done. But how else would we live? Right? It's not like we can help out how we'd like to because the government is greedy. They don't make Eco-friendly vehicles available for the average joe. Probably because of all the debt from other countries. Everyone is in a rut. They all have the shitty end of the stick. But that gives you NO right to take the easy way out and hurt animals like this. If you keep taking and taking and taking---soon there will be nothing. And all of everything you did, will have no purpose, and you will have to pay the ultimate price for everything you have done. But me even saying this wont change anything. You may read it, be inspired to change, think to yourself "fuck animals, I want humans to live! Death to animals, death to trees, death to the earth!" Have you thought about that? You know, the earth being the only place to live in the entire universe? Yes? No? What value will money have then? Nothing. Everything will be gone, and there's no one to blame, but ourselves. Go on with your lives the way you're living now, go on Facebook, go on twitter, play stupid online games, drive like you aren't doing anything wrong, follow the crowd, get a job, make money, support your family---live the way you want to. But the least you could do, is let innocent animals live their lives without you in it; unless you actually care enough to give them happy lives. Otherwise leave them alone. Everything is better off without humans.

  • Pat - 11 years ago

    They should skin the fur traders alive and see how they enjoy it! Those poor innocent animals being tortured like that. It's unhumane! Sick people in this world.

  • mario - 12 years ago

    J'ai compris que les animaux sont les meilleurs amis de celui qui les charcutent. nous avons beaucoup a apprendre d'eux.

  • Pat - 12 years ago

    I can't believe some people voted yes! Have you seen the video of animals having their fur ripped off while they are still alive! China believes the more an animal is tortured the leaner the meat. Come on people where is your sympathy and heart. No animal should be treated this way. We need to be their voice and rid China of their barbaric ways!

  • Jo - 12 years ago

    It's one thing to kill for survival and use ALL the resources the animal can offer (As they did in medieval England, nothing was killed just for fur. Everything was used.) , it's ENTIRELY different to breed and kill animals only for the purpose of clothing/fashion.
    And if anyone says that it is justifiable for survival, really needs to take a look at the world today. The only people who may have cause to need the fur to live would be the more primitive tribes living in extreme cold, but even then the kill is not JUST for the coat. And it most certainly isn't skinned alive.
    And if some fashionistas out there insist on having fur to placate their vainity, you can get bloody good faux fur these days. I own some, and no-one can see nor feel the difference, they even blow on it to see how it moves, and they still don't know it's fake till I flip it over and they see the man-made backing. Have a heart! What if someone wanted to skin your little dog for a bag?

  • Kelsey - 12 years ago

    I had to vote "yes" for the sole purpose of survival. Never do I believe it is acceptable if it is not needed for one's survival, no matter what method is used.

  • Dan - 12 years ago

    "Oh for gods sake please hippies get over it!! Its ok to kill animals for food and stuff for humans AS LONG AS THE ANIMAL DOES NOT SUFFER AND IS DEAD. And if we would not kill animals this planet would not work GET OVER IT!"

    Ok, I'l l skin you alive. After all the planet is overpopulated with humans. Where does your mother live?

  • I liek animals!!! - 12 years ago

    Skinning animals alive is not efficient or economical: nobody would actually skin an animal alive, it would result in a net loss of profit. It does not increase the quality of the fur, and, in fact, lowers the quality. I call shenanigans.

  • anita lupulescu - 13 years ago

    and by the way money can't buy you a place in heaven, i'd rather die with a clean concious and poor or of starvation than do such a cruel act for money....and whoever did this PETa or the chinese they should be killed seriously,even if it's propaganda or not.and if you PETa did this just to win over our hearts and rip us of our money why do you even call yourselves animal lovers/rescuers? your just a bunch of crap.there are laws that stop animal cruelty/experimenting in every country.

  • anita lupulescu - 13 years ago

    there is no point denying some point most of us bought something made out of animal fur,maybe even without realizing it, but we never imagined the cruelty behind it.whoever voted yes have no right to be called human and they should go straight to hell.after watching those racoons get skined alived i fell like skinning those bastards from the scalp down.i wish i could do something about it but it's china what would you expect for such small brains.i hope those midgets have the same fate as those animals.

  • Kathleen Michaels - 13 years ago

    No kill, even if you're hungry.Try vegan, you will have better health!

    I've read many of the comments and agreed with most. I watched many videos, got so very sick, mentally and physically but had to be truly informed to everything. Am getting together info from animal lovers. And shelters such as Peta, HSUS, Best friends, aspca and everything I can observe or read. Compile and analyze data. Then charge after these horrid human creatures. Would like to do more but have to do it legal. Help and tears to our lovely fuzzy and non-fuzzy critters.

  • Joaquin Fuentes - 13 years ago

    hmmm i put no cuz its really wrong and even if u need to eat there is no need for meat! we have crops and trees...they're food aren't they? then why do we keep killing animals for their fur when we already developed fake fur....even the leather is fake! just because u want fur u skin an animal even if its alive? for the people that think that its right i have some bad news for you.... u need to go to a hospital and get a new brain... "we kill them bcuz of their meat" or "we kill them because of their fur" etc etc. what if the animals rebel against u and skin u alive? would u like that? would u like an animal eating ur body? if u say yes then u suck and ur sick man! the animals kill less humans than humans themselves! what a hell we live in huh?!

  • Emelie Lööv - 13 years ago

    The 'reason' they give for skinning them alive is that bullets and chemicals damage the fur... Like a life trapped in a highly over-crowded cage, then to be ripped out by some huge creature and Skinned ALIVE doesn't keep the shine OFF the coat!

    Clothing companies should Seriously KNOW W.T.H. kind of industries they are financing!

  • maria joaquina - 13 years ago

    quienes son lop hijueputas y mal nacido que digeron que si o que no estan seguros idiotas

  • emmanuel - 13 years ago

    no quiero ni imaginar el dolor que sienten esos animales . matar por comida esta bien. vi una tribu que mataba por pieles pero comian la carne del animal ademas lo mataban instantaneamente . hacer sufrir de esa manera a un animal para no dañar la piel? quien puede ser tan enfermo como para comprar pieles? uf cierto casi todos los famosos, las modelos, los ricachones, las mujeres que creen que para ser elegantes deben hacerlo , los ignorantes , los esclavos de este mundo comercial donde no importa nada de nada . y cuando uno se siente mal por las cosas que pasan se le rien en la cara y lo llaman maricon

  • Kat Parks - 13 years ago

    It appears that there are quite a few people who are judging without knowledge of facts. I was raised on wild meat, but we were taught that we need to use all of the deer, elk, moose, which ever animal, and Dad sold the hide to be tanned so it wasn't wasted, he took the bones that still had some meat on them to a wildlife rehabber so that even the marrow would provide sustenance to another creature.

    Because we have eliminated all of the top predators, the herbivores become overpopulated too easily and then they become weak from lack of food and the whole herd dies off or becomes too ill to recover back to a healthy state of being. Hunters must now do what the predators had done, only humans choose the healthy animals instead of the weakest, thereby doing an inadequate job of maintaining the health of the herd. The idea of releasing a pack of wolves in any area that may have livestock is located is going to be fought with more resistance than hunting ever will. So, it is not only valid to hunt animals for meat and fur/leather, it is necessary.

    As far as the video, it was explained in the post by Kelly Merkel on 11/4/10 that the video was staged by PeTA who cares not one iota about the suffering of a few animals for a video if they can destroy an entire industry built around the use or keeping of animals.

  • answer from Lizzito to jake - 13 years ago

    JAKE, who said that the animals can be use
    for humans?

    who said that we can do with them
    anything we want to?

    who sais that?

    please, think about it

  • Lizzito - 13 years ago

    Its just sad to know that there is people in the world who thinks
    its justifiable... makes me feel sad

    we have to do something big about it
    and we have to do it NOW


  • Jake - 13 years ago

    Oh for gods sake please hippies get over it!! Its ok to kill animals for food and stuff for humans AS LONG AS THE ANIMAL DOES NOT SUFFER AND IS DEAD. And if we would not kill animals this planet would not work GET OVER IT!

  • Isabel ( USA) - 13 years ago

    This sort of stuff is the stuff that goes on everywhere, so why blame only those people, blame the people around u for not doing anything about this horror! I've never been so mad before in my life!!!!!

  • WONG MAUN CHIN - 13 years ago

    LOOK INTO ITS EYES. It will tell all (The video shot).

  • WONG MAUN CHIN - 13 years ago

    It's very inhumane. No such sane person would do this to animals.


    To those who have quick profit making, think twice. the next time what if another person skinned alive any of your love ones just for quick profit? I am not surprise in the next decade, say 10 years later, people wanted younger (human) skin to "replace" the old skin, perhaps? You can sound protest but obviously not THEM (the furry animals).

  • ana maria somarriba - 13 years ago

    Opino lo mismo que el amigo Juan, y les haria lo mismo, son una maleta de miserables muertos de hambre que ni el pais mas pobre de esta tierra permite tales bajezas, con el mayor placer de la vida los colgaria de las patas que tienen y no les harrancaria la piel de una sola vez sino de apoquito para que sientan los estupidos esos lo que sientes los pobres animalitos. No soy alguien que desea el mal a otros pero esto si es del desprecio de cualquiera que tiene corazón y amor por la vida.

  • juan manuel ortiz - 13 years ago

    personalmente me encargaria de agarrar a esos chinos de mierda y les sacaria la piel mientras estan vivos, para que sientan lo mismo que estan sufriendo esos animales, nunca vi una aberracion de tal magnitud, mataria a esos chinos !

  • alfonso - 13 years ago

    from the people that say yes fuuuuckk youuuuuuuu

  • ana paula - 13 years ago

    is disgusting to see dead animals i mean they feel like us is not just please stooppp killlinggg

  • enitz - 13 years ago

    what kind of people are so inhumane as to say they approve this deal so cruel!!!! or they have not seen the videos?
    you can only see the sadness and hopelessness in the eyes of these wonderful animals who are hurting ... must stop this now!

  • KILL THEM WHO DO IT !! - 13 years ago


  • nelieanne - 13 years ago

    I know that in the past we had to use animal fur to survive those harsh winter blizzards, but we don't need it anymore we have sweaters, jackets, why still kill animals for their fur? they just can't see that some of this animals are close to be extinct. THIS HAS TO STOP!!

  • lucero - 13 years ago

    that few have ... are some stupid ... come to where the world ... Why do it? ia not buy more leather abrigon ia not allow this to happen

  • never-forget - 13 years ago


  • justing beaver - 13 years ago

    I voted yes cause I think it is necessary to kill animals for their fur.

  • Justin Beiber - 13 years ago

    Save the animals!!

  • whee - 13 years ago

    I drove to the store, bought a steak, beat the brakes off that foo when I got home, and ate the most tender piece of cooked animal flesh I've had in a while. If I could vote yes for this another 200 times I would. You fricking hippies! It's more of a crime that you guys don't bath than to eat an animal.

  • Justin Kwok - 13 years ago

    171 voted yes? f***ing morons!!! go die!!!

  • Soymotron - 13 years ago

    Well, even speaking as a vegan, in some cases where people have absolutely no alternative like synthetics, it would be acceptable.
    But of course we're speaking about a tiny percentage of people that have no choice, given their place of living.
    If indigenous people in the amazon rainforest dress in leather, you'd have to be an idiot OR just too bilnd to condemn them for not shopping at wholefoods or vegetarianshoes.

    But apart from that, there is NO excuse. NONE.

    Oh and about the leathermyth:
    "shouldn't we at least save other animal's hides in other countries by using the skin of our food?"

    No, because leather is the most valuable part of any slaughtered animal.
    It's not true that it's just a byproduct.

    Then again, it's all your choice and my vegan warrior days are over.
    Just follow your heart.
    It'll lead you to tofu. :P

  • Gergana - 13 years ago

    I pray for this innocent, likable, sweet and charming animals! Let God and people help them!!!
    This H O R R O R MUST STOP!

  • Thinking of both sides... - 13 years ago

    MOST of the people here are very narrow-minded and need to educate themselves on what's going on in BOTH sides.

    Who orders these furs? Mostly Western companies who use it to make their brand coats to sell for money. And who buys them? PEOPLE MORE OR LESS LIKE YOU. Fur coats are expensive! The people that skin the animals are poor, they cannot afford the coats, only the well-off can.

    There is a lot of hate against Chinese people who do this. However, they are not the only ones--they are the ones EXPOSED SO FAR. I bet you any large country (yes, even US and Canada) with large populations have done so-- skinning animals alive, from deer, cows, foxes, to seals, you name it. It is just not as many, since Western culture has more love of animals, so these illegal, cruel activities have been more hidden. But nonetheless, they still go on (have you heard the news of a beagle skinned?)

    Many of these "heartless skinners" have families and children they must provide for, but without a living somehow, they die. Most people that commented on this topic cannot comprehend the amount of poverty that goes on in these rural places, and just surfing the net and posting on this topic shows that you are more well-off than they are, for they are so poor some may have NEVER even heard of the internet, or videogames, or washing machines, etc.

    Yes, it is, and I agree they (animal skinners) should at least kill the animals first. However, if they shoot or knife the animal, it damages the fur. And they have no "doses" to inject in the animals be cause that costs money too. So unfortunately, they throw them and step one them.
    POVERTY PLAYS A HUGE ROLE in these acts. People without money cannot live, and we all know how many people are in China. Thus, they must make a living somehow.
    Do you think they enjoy this? It is a last resort. Skinning animals is their job because they have no other, and they have grown used to it, just like the people who work on animal farms, where animals are cut throated alive, upside down, dipped into scalding hot water.
    In addition, many of these animals are STRAYS with diseases especially in these poor rural areas, and many are just poisoned or killed since euthanization is expensive for every animal. (Drugs, injections cost money!) So, consider putting yourself in other people's shoes!

    Eliminating this fur industry can affect MANY countries, since it has been going on since men was given their first animal skin by God (Genesis, Bible).

    In addition, in America is the top cattle industry, and since they kill all these animals anyways, shouldn't we at least save other animal's hides in other countries by using the skin of our food? I doubt it's possible for the country, neverless the world, to stop killing animals for meat. 90% or more people here eat meat. Isn't that a little hypocritical?

  • KATHRYN - 13 years ago

    obviously the question should have been do you think it's ever morally torture life of any kind?we have to stop this.this is our home,our childrens home our grandchildrens god or aliens can come and save anyone,cuz they would also be sliced apart.the government tells people get rid of this and that,bring in the money,do what ever you want.then like the devil sits back laughing with clean hands,at how vicious and evil people can be.HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAY FOR DECENT PEOPLE TO START GETTING INTO OFFICE AND GET LAWS TO STOP THESE HORRIFYING THINGS WITH ANIMALS OF ALL KINDS.BEFORE HITLER RETURNS AND STARTS ON THE PEOPLE AGAIN.HOW LONG DID HE GO FOR? WAY TOO LONG

  • kathryn - 13 years ago

    to the person defending canada what about the thousands of baby seals the torture alive for their beautiful white fur and it is legal the government has them do this evil.for the person that thinks the live skinning is staged yikes!!!! you believe what you need to believe to be able to turn away and let it continue,but watch all the videos,see what goes on with the35,000 pigs per day to be slaughtered and tortured before,and all the other daily could all of those videos from all different places all be fake.OPEN YOUR EYES,YOU KNOW IT IS REAL, NOW START HELPING!!!!!!!! THANK YOU

  • KATHRYN - 13 years ago


  • kathryn - 13 years ago

    GOD HELP US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • kathryn - 13 years ago

    to whee nov 4th TORTURE of any kind is evil and demonic WE ARE NOT JUST FOR ANIMALS!!!!! animals are not yet being protected the way people are.ever heard of the evil people who started on animals,then went to people after being allowed to torture animals and bugs. it is not inflick unbelievable extreme torture on any fellow can you possibly feel it's ok to skin anything alive,and after all that torture leave it laying still alive? are you one of the people doing this?give us your name so your family can know what kind of non human you are END ALL SLAVERY AND TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • whee - 14 years ago

    I always order meat with extra cruelty. It's more tender.

  • LeBeau - 14 years ago

    What kind of sick human being can do this to a helpless animal? This horrific act is unexcusable, there is no reason for this. The country of China and the people in it are discusting, how and why are they allowing this to go on. How do these people go home to their wife and kids at the end of the day? But most of all, how can you explain yourself to God.....SHAME ON YOU !!!!!!

  • whee - 14 years ago

    I beat my meat everyday. Matter of fact seeing this makes me want to go find something fury and beat it. I swear you people are all for animals. I think we should save our own species first. What about starving children? You'd spend 10 dollars on a fricking animal over a starving child? You people are screwed.

  • Kelly Merkel - 14 years ago

    It is nonsensical to suggest that skinning an animal alive is normal practice since even this film of inhumane behavior proves this process to be difficult and dangerous, and furthermore the pulse of the living animal would cause extensive bleeding and damage to the fur. It is therefore highly likely that these scenes were staged.

    The fur industry in Europe requested the original unedited footage from the Swiss animal rights group and was refused. The China Fur Commission and China Leather Industry Association challenged the authenticity of the material, saying: "Pictures showing animals being skinned alive are obviously plotted. All those with common sense would not choose this slaughter method to attain fur." The government of Suning County, Hebei Province also issued a statement outlining welfare practices on its fur farms, calling the alleged practice of skinning animals alive "unimaginable", and urging Swiss Animal Protection Organization to "respect the truth".

    The media and general public should be highly suspect of this footage and work with the fur industry to determine the true story behind its production

  • Kelly Merkel - 14 years ago

    The German High Court found PeTA guilty of paying people to skin animals alive. The witness who committed this act for PeTA, a videographer, told the court that he didn't understand why they wanted it done that way, but he needed the money. This video was made in a third world country and the prosecutor found the man in the video who skinned of the animal.

  • Cody Gaudet - 14 years ago

    Why isnt there any justice to the unnecessary acts of the animals skinning. Cant the chinese workers be arrested for these brutal, thought less, actions.

  • Emilie - 14 years ago

    HAH, we should skin these people alive, or anyone who wears fur. And whoever put 'yes, or undecided' is sick in the head. The answer should ALWAYS be no, not 'undecided'.

  • kathryn - 14 years ago

    if you notice they pound on the dogs necks to shut up their vocal intention of killing or knocking out .thesick evil demons enjoy the torture.if you see the food videos,they reach inside the slit neck,and rip out vocal cords with their hands.

  • Tim Metcalfe - 14 years ago

    There may be notable exceptions to this poll with regard to living in a wasteland without a supermarket within a couple of hundred miles. You cannot say that people choose to live in a barren wasteland if they were born into that environment and know nothing else other than how to survive there because that is the limitation of their skills. This is not to support what happens only to try to give a balanced point of view.

  • Tez - 14 years ago

    I am a British born Chinese. Watching these videos makes me physically ill. The country is a disgrace if it allows things like this to go on. If I ever went there, as a Chinese person, I'd grab all those workers, hang them upside down, might even stamp on their necks before doing so, and just simply smash every bone in their body with it.

  • Farrukh - 14 years ago

    No. never, Not at all. Skin those fucking peoples by hanging them with one leg with a rope who skins our beautiful animals alive and ask those fucking peoples how they feel now if they stay alive to say anything, please stop this. Rabbits, cats, dogs etc these all are our pets, please save them from an Australian.

  • Saleem - 14 years ago

    No, not at all. It should be stop straight away, ask those workers if we hang them by one leg with rope and skin them how would they feel, whats the offence of these beautiful animals only this that they born in china, you can't kill beautiful animals, we love cats, rabbits, dogs, these all are offenceless these all are our pets, we love them, put them in prison who kills them, please so something to save our beautful pets.

  • Mary - 14 years ago

    It IS morally justifiable to use animals for clothing, it is NOT however, morally justifiable to kill them in the manner the Chinese are. In America, there are guidelines and rules in place for the humane euthanasia of animals bred for fur.

    I voted yes, because the question did not say "Is it morally justifiable to kill the animals how the chinese do for clothing?" If it asked THAT, I would have said NO.

    It is disgusting and shameful the way the chinese treat those animals.

  • Jocelyn - 14 years ago

    I can't believe 104 voted yes.

  • Jocelyn - 14 years ago

    I just want to know how the workers sleep at night.

  • dewid ramadoro - 14 years ago

    Per chi ha risposto "no" :
    "Pensi che sia moralmente giustificabile se scuoio vivo tuo figlio per farmi una giacca? Sai,ho molto freddo!...o forse potrei arderlo vivo?"
    Per chi ha risposto "incerto" :
    "E' molto grave non saper decidere davanti a questi eventi! Aprite gli occhi,ora,prendete una posizione! Insieme possiamo fare qualcosa contro questo scempio!"
    Dio,togli il dolore dagli occhi di queste povere creature ! Ferma questo abominio! :'-(
    Per quanto riguarda i responsabili e gli esecutori di queste barbarie....Dio fermi la mia lingua e la mia mano!!!
    Io li farei implorare di fare la stessa fine di quei nostri poveri fratelli!
    Quando acquisti qualcosa che deriva dagli animali sei tu ad armare la mano di quegli assassini ! Sei responsabile di quella sofferenza!

  • Eileen Parkinson - 14 years ago

    The chinese do not seem to have any respect or compassion at all for these animals, how can they inflict this sort of pain on these poor defenceless creatures

  • jon - 14 years ago

    if you wear fur you should feel thehert of the animals that was killed for somebody to look good

  • Kasper - 14 years ago

    I think the type of use is crucial in this case
    i would not go so far to say native Eskimo should stop using real animal fur and i also prefer leather shoes
    but to kill an animal for the sole purpose of making an fancy coat i think it's wrong !
    i liked the thoughts of many native tribes who see it as an honor to be allowed to kill an animal and who will not waste any part of it

  • brendan - 14 years ago

    this is totally insane the goverment should be forced to stop these dirty little chinks to kill innocent animals i have already got my school into this and want more people to join we all can help so please donate

  • Letícia - 14 years ago


  • Peter Koch - 14 years ago

    Hi Melinda,
    Thanks for your response, I'm happy to dialog regarding the pros and cons of conservation and sustainablity. Ontario used to be known as the rabbies capital of north america until a few decades ago when trappers and biologist developed a program of treatment and monitoring (when was the last time you heard of a human case of rabbies?). Beaver population is not governed by prediation, but rather by habitat (degrades with increased population) and a disease called Tularemia which almost all but wiped out all beaver in the 1940's in Ontario; Tularemia is also transmitted to humans, so part of my responsiblity is to check the liver of the animal for infection. I agree with you on your points of balance but I think we can be apart of that balance when we listen to nature. Natures way is not to have 10 well fed deer in a given area; it's to have enough food for 10 but put 12 half starved deer in that same area, and only the strong will survive. What if I take 2 out of that equation, the 10 that are left eat well and live longer healthier lives. If you think humane trapping is cruel you should see a animal die of distemper or stravation.

  • Leslie Hathaway - 14 years ago

    It makes me sick when I think about how careless the Chinese people are. They don't care how much pain they inflict upon these innocent animals. I read somewhere about the overwhelming sounds of animals crying and screaming in pain on these farms. There has to be a way to stop this forever. I think about it every day and it makes me furious and very sad. It makes me wonder what kind of person could actually do this to an animal while they are screaming and crying.

  • Melinda McGucken Chedid - 14 years ago

    Please rethink your view of animals and their place in our world. I applaud you for your more humane methods, especially for not skinning animals alive. However, there is no such thing as fur "harvesting".

    If there were natural predators and nature was balanced in the area you are hunting, there would be no need to kill animals for their fur. The cycle of life would ensure that there would be no overpopulation. However, there is, and it's our fault as humans. This is no excuse to kill animals for their fur.

  • Rhi - 14 years ago

    The question is 'is it EVER morally justified...' well yes it is if you're an eskimo and there is no alternative.
    If the question was included 'justified in modern western society' ...then no, obviously not - we have alternatives which eradicate the necessity & capitalism which creates the greed & the cruelty.

  • Peter Koch - 14 years ago

    I am a licened trapper in Canada, and I am AGAINST the act of pelting while the animal is still alive! There is no respect, no reverence for the life given. There is no greater respect for the animal then to use it entirely and with gratitude. In Canada wild fur is harvested using international trapping standards using instant kill traps (the animal lives free and wild) Wildlife management is funded by the fur industry; beaver would die of disease or famine if the biologist didn't set a quotas for population control. If you don't buy fur these animals die without purpose. DON'T JUDGE CANADIAN FUR MANAGEMENT BY CHINAS ABUSE.

  • romina - 14 years ago

    do this people know that animals suffer in the same way human beings do??? besides, we're losings species of animals, i wonder, when will people realize that MONEY CAN'T BE EATEN, i mean, we will wait untill the moment we have no vegetables, no animals, no water, after that, maybe human beings will regret everything they did to our planet.

  • maryse - 14 years ago

    Why would this cross any mind of any live being. It makes me ashamed to be human. Just think when you buy fur coats or clothing, you are WEARING skin that belongs on some animals body, not yours, would you like it if animals skinned humans alive then wore clothing of our skin, i think not!!!

  • Jessica Lauren Penate - 14 years ago

    The 69 who voted yes should go die.

  • Paula Tavares - 14 years ago

    I think that having your own skin is enough isn't? Anything that makes people or animals suffer is outrageous!

  • Adahi Gallardo Zugarazo - 14 years ago

    La matanza de animales solo para obtener sus pieles es moustroso.
    Es justificable cuando, por ejemplo, los esquimales mata focas, pero ellos las matan por que no ai de otra ademas aprovechan todo del animal, piel, carne, huesos, TODO.
    No solo las pieles y ademas solo matan por necesidad no por dinero o divercion.

  • Alexys Ewing - 14 years ago

    these poor things getting skinned alive and some even surviving! As me in that animals body i would rather get killed and then get sheded, Dont get me wrong or anything but have something for my whole life and then it getting taken away from me and seeing these sick people wearing my skin and then every cold day i would be freezing without my skin. no it is not ok. These re some sick human beings if they think this is ok. And if i were a animal as well, i would defintly give them a tatse of their own medicene.

  • Jawad Logic - 14 years ago

    we humains are just like other creatures need to kill other creatures for surviving but we have to not kill just for fun

  • Justyna Gubała - 14 years ago

    in early 80' , when i was so young tht my memory is not much clear, in small villages in beautifull country called Poland , when you needed to stand in line for a 1 kg. of sugar lol and there was no democracy , i remember having rabbits who some day disapeared (all whts left was fur, we ate meat) ... and was my grandfather a heartless bastard was I a heartless child? im not sure and iam undecided today tht it was morally justifiable .

  • Stephanie Fippel - 14 years ago

    Of course not, what would we say if this would happen to a human person!! This has to stop immediately, please we need a law also for animals!!!

  • Sandra Lang - 14 years ago

    NO! It is NEVER justifiable to indiscriminately kill ANY animals for their fur, or to boil them alive and eat them! Only uncivilised and uncultured barbarians do this sort of thing, and then WEAR the items as a fashion statement. Stop breeding out like flies and allow farmers to farm - you will then be able to provide food for all, and not have to resort to this savagery. To the 4% out there who vote for it - up yours!

  • Sharmistha Nandy - 14 years ago

    its indubitably inhumane to kill any living being, yes we are not dwelling in the stone age era that we ll kill animals to cover our bodies,there are alternates to fur. cuz of China, tigers from the Indian jungles are disappearing rapidly.

  • Donna Adams - 14 years ago

    Some humans have a serious God Complex going on. They have no regard for the lives of other animals, and think their lives are vastly more important than anyone else's. They've infected this planet like a virus and are expanding rapidly. Soon, to the stars...

  • TreeHugger Melissa - 14 years ago

    Who are the morons that fall within the 4% who think its ok to kill animals for fashion???

  • Penelope Ryan - 14 years ago

    People need to know celebraties allow fur in theiir fashion lines. Even tho they know it comes from dogs and cats skinned alive in China!!!!!

  • Maricela Bruna - 14 years ago

    the cruelty against animals never is justifiable!!!

  • Yolanda Gonzalez - 14 years ago

    fuck no its not ok we dont fucking need fancy shamcy clothes made out of fur he-ll no

  • Antonio Lucca - 14 years ago

    Basta usare gli animalei!!! CAPITO??!!

  • Robert McCutcheon - 14 years ago

    In a survive or die situation

  • Robert McCutcheon - 14 years ago

    Its sort of a trapped question. Yes for clothing no for furnishings and trinkets. If a 200 dollar winter coat isnt keeping me warm. Bet your ass I'll kill something to help with not freezing. Ever morally justifiable? YES!!!

  • Robyn Cook - 14 years ago

    It is an indescribably cruel practice and we don't live in the dark ages anymore so why do humans need to wear fur anyway.

  • Martyn Prince - 14 years ago

    It's horrible. Eating meat is repulsive too is it not?

  • Paula Lacerda - 14 years ago

    Compassion is my fashion

  • Gina Sykes - 14 years ago

    Personally I don't think its any more justifiable that skinning a person - alive or dead!!

  • John Hopper - 14 years ago

    no,it's totally reprehensible & unnecessary

  • Melissa McCulloch - 14 years ago

    The kids of China need education on how to care for all animals or else they will be taught the trade and they will just carry it on and their kids it will never stop unless something is done.
    But what kind of person could do this kind of thing. I wish i could get my hands on them they dont have respect for any kind of living creatures. What will happen next they kill everything and then move on to the panda they already kill and eat tigers and every thing else that has a heart beat...

  • julie - 14 years ago

    If there is such a high majorety of no..why is it still happening ? We dont do enough, we feel sick at the video, we want to do to those what they are doing to those poor animals!! We curse,shout and swear at the computer but 95% of us will do nothing! Such a sad fact !
    I'm one of those 95% and i hate myself for being that statistic.

  • Jackie Godfrey - 14 years ago

    No its awful ,cant bear to think about it!!

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