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Who's Got The Best Little Black Dress? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 255,798

  • Amused - 13 years ago

    I hope #12 won just to to show #18 a lesson... getting played by your own game must suck! Yes, and it shows that the radio station didn't give a shit.

  • disgusted - 13 years ago

    whoever said there was no way to cheat obviously lied or has no f'ing clue what they were talking about. many messages have been sent to polldaddy regarding this contest and there will be a protest against the station and polldaddy. cheaters should be ashamed of themselves. karma will find you.... contestants 4 and 12...

  • Shanna D. - 13 years ago

    Thanks for the votes peeps! My promise of naked pics in exchange for votes worked at 1st but I ran out out of printer paper! Awww shucks!

  • Trixie - 13 years ago

    Hoping for some Dirty Dancing with the Boys Friday nite......................... Bumping and Grinding

  • Mel - 13 years ago

    Hey Hunter .... apologies aside (and sorry, I don't think you're sincere) .... WHERE THE HELL DO YOU GET OFF MAKING A REMARK ABOUT SOMEONE (I'M WILLING TO BET THE BANK ON) THAT YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW?!?!?!

    Trying to save face here by apologizing to us doesn't mean shit. You owe Mary Beth (# 16) a HUGE SINCERE apology. Not some half-assed attempt at one to everyone else to make yourself look better! Who the f*ck to you think you are?!

  • Exhausted - 13 years ago

    I just want to thank everyone who did vote vote for me I have been up extremely late getting votes in and trying to get the few friends I have to vote for me. Ive made sure to put votes in for the other contestants as well. :) Ive been been a fan of Duran Duran since my mom was pregnant with me :) now that I'm finally out of the military and home I'm happy to finally get a chance to see them. Good luck all and congrats to the winner... I'm going to bed now

  • Exhausted - 13 years ago

    I just want to thank everyone who did vote vote for me I have been up extremely late getting votes in and trying to get the few friends I have to vote for me. Ive made sure to put votes in for the other contestants as well. :) Ive been been a fan of Duran Duran since my mom was pregnant with me :) now that I'm finally out of the military and home I'm happy to finally get a chance to see them. Good luck all and congrats to the winner... I'm going to bed now

  • Trixie - 13 years ago

    Can you produce the tweet?
    I need my man in good shape for what I want to do with him....
    Back issue woukd but all the work on me.

  • memyselfandi - 13 years ago

    Trixie sweeetie that was from a few days ago in NYC...John Tweeted Simon is better :)

  • Trixie - 13 years ago

    Sirius XM postponed 3-30-2011
    The band’s performance on Sirius XM had to be postponed this evening as Simon has thrown out his back. Please stay tuned for more info on when the band will be able to re-schedule their performance.

  • Trixie - 13 years ago

    Sirius radio says Duran Duran is cancelling? Anyone else hear this?

  • Hunter - 13 years ago

    Sorry about earlier comment..I was talking about my mom and got confused along the way in my self hatred for myself came out.

  • Hunter - 13 years ago

    Contestant 16 is a huge whore she was fucking with warren in the old days...
    we have photos and videos... soon

  • interesting - 13 years ago

    Interesting that in 2 hours since i last visited this site that contestant #18 managed to go up by thousands and thousands of votes...went from 44,000 votes to over 52,000 votes...just thinking that either thousands are voting for you which i somehow don't think is happening or someone's figured out how to generate votes automatically that aren't being stopped by the freezing people out of voting for a while to cool off for submitting too many votes...just sayin'......

  • Mel - 13 years ago

    Don't worry Rhonda. Obviously someone's life is so pathetic that they resort to crap like that. Apparently intelligence isn't a requirement when posting here. Something very familiar with other sites as well.

  • RhondaCrombie - 13 years ago

    Wow. Rhun Da Crumble. Impressive stuff, asswipe.

  • Mel - 13 years ago

    @ Leopard:

    I think at this point in the game .... ANYTHING is possible.

  • Charlie - 13 years ago

    I think I have done them all

  • Leopard - 13 years ago

    I get the stuff the box concept but is it really possible to get 1200 votes in ONE hour and be legit? Just sayin....

  • Rhun Da Crumble - 13 years ago

    LOL!! have you seen the ugly people wh0 infest durantard?! They are so quick to point people out yet they are some of the fugliest apes I have ever seen! and so paranoid they have most of their board hidden! pathetic cunts!

  • liars suck - 13 years ago

    hey duran7609, how would you know that? is it you? fact check, please.

  • Pfft - 13 years ago

    Hey Duran7609 - if you know what's going on over there, doesn't that mean you are a durantard... er I mean member?

    And really... just look at the name of the stupid board. DuranTARD. That's because all those people ARE a bunch of tards. If you have to make fun other people to make yourselves feel better... What does that really say about you? KARMA is a bitch.

    at FYI - stalker much? DO you know where EVERY contestant is from? And if you know so much about #16 and what her Facebook says and think it's okay to broadcast it, what kind of person does that make you? Just because people are talking shit about #6 doesn't mean they are friends of #16. Don't assume then knock someone around when you have no proof.

    As for bot voting, I think technology has come a long way and maybe Polldaddy has enough brains to have firewalls and filters in place to avoid that kind of thing. They're an internationally known company, not some rinky dink fly by night POS run by cave-dwellers.

    This radio station blows. #16 and #18 should win just for having the class not to stoop to #6's level of offering bribes for votes. Next time, try allowing votes by a person's VALID email address. It would do well to keep things a little more honest and on the up and up.

    And people, quit your bitching about rules and residency. Like has already been mentioned, the RADIO STATION should have VERIFIED all the contestants before the contest started.

  • Mel - 13 years ago

    # 10 ... I do hope that you get your chance this time to meet the guys. Hell, if Friday night doesn't work out, use your stalking abilities on Saturday to see what you can accomplish. It might be easier than you think.

    Have a great time regardless!!! It's bound to be a fantastic weekend all around!

  • DURAN7609 - 13 years ago

    making FUN

  • DURAN7609 - 13 years ago

    did u know that one or two of the ddmers are running back to durantard and making fin of y'all???

  • #10 jr - 13 years ago

    Up to 465..Woot Woot..LOL!! It'll be a good time, am sure of it =)

  • outtahere - 13 years ago

    WTIC, you have created quite a contest and quite a stir. All of these girls deserve a great deal of credit for having the substance to put their pix in your contest. The comments are, of course, what you expected. The fire has been lit, especially with all of the sniping going on. All of these ladies deserve a ticket, step up to the plate and do the right thing. Give the vote winner the special recognition she has earned, and let all of the contestants get together at the prom and enjoy the evening. I am sure it will not be dull. They are all deserving.

  • fyi - 14 years ago

    #16 lives in New York City according to her facebook and twitter page. No disrespect to her, but I assume the people above who were going on about residency didn't know that, that's kind of funny.

  • devils advocate - 14 years ago

    Devils Advocate here- anyone could be using a bot, just because you know your friends are voting for her, there could be one person using a bot just to keep the votes at a certain level.. No one would know if the person didn't tell and if the person didn't go overboard.

  • math whiz - 14 years ago

    Hey Rachel

    How 'bout doing a little math before you accuse people of cheating. You say 20 people can't swing the votes you saw on Friday unless they worked at it 24 hours straight? Let's see... say you click a vote every 6 seconds. That's 10 per minute. Working 45 minutes an hour (to allow of course for reasonable breaks), one person can accrue 450 votes an hour. 20 people - well they can rack up 9,000 votes an hour! So by your analysis, the contestants ahead of you (those 'cheaters') should accrue 216,000 votes a day. hmmm....

  • Mel - 14 years ago

    # 10 .... as odd as it sounds, it's not that difficult when it comes to meeting the guys at these shows anymore. Hanging outside of the Wellmont in Montclair, NJ 2 years ago w/a friend, we managed to catch up with everyone except Nick. And that was due to their trailers being right outside the venue. They all hung around, chatted w/people, didn't rush anything and it was more of a blast than the scheduled M&G's truth be told. You'll get your chance ... just don't give up.

    As far as the votes for # 16 ... I can tell you that there is NO automated voting going on with her. Her friends (and their friends and so on) are voting for her legally and just happen to be keeping it up in hopes for her to win. If she doesn't win, she's already said that she's planning on having a great time that weekend regardless. I do find it a little unbelievable (sp?) that # 18 has gone from so far behind to over 30k votes like another poster said. But as in those accusing # 16 of cheating and those of us voting for her know that is the furthest thing from the truth, who am I to accuse # 18 of the same thing? At least the 2 of them are not rumored to be offering up favors (or rewards if you want to call it that) in exchange for their votes.

    Good Luck to Everyone!! It's bound to be a fantastic night!!

  • autobot - 14 years ago

    Some people are such sore losers!!!! Good luck to all of you!

  • DD - 14 years ago

    I like the pool pic! And how do any of you know if any of these people live in CT lol???

  • Shanna D - 14 years ago

    Heyyy guys, apparently the only filter the station has against automatic voting programs is timing out voting that goes too fast... and they think that's fair and fullproof, lol... so I say, go for it every1! LOL!!! Can't wait to see DD anyway, gonna have a kick ass time! :D

  • stoptheinsanity - 14 years ago

    Hey 10 - It's NOT hard to meet the band if you put a little effort into it... At the bar, at the hotel, at the backstage door... Just be careful what you wish for, it may not live up to what you hoped it would be.

  • 10 - 14 years ago

    At this point were hoping for the last place boobie prize..........a Walk By from Duran Duran

  • Hero - 14 years ago

    Jacqueline - I loved for you. You are clearly the hottest! :)

  • Jacqueline - 14 years ago

    Nobody loves me :( C'mon, I wore my dress in the pool at Harrahs in Atlantic City! Party time!

  • i agree with rules - 14 years ago

    The point is that you should reside in the state to enter the contest. That's only fair. If not, why not open it to the nation? the world? It takes a few bad apples to ruin it for everyone. If you don't live here, work here, pay taxes here to support local services then don't come in and try to compete. It's a local contest! Its pathetic to do otherwise. As far as multiple votes / bots etc.. Its all fair game! You go get a bot and vote, you go get people to vote, you post in social networking sites its all fair game.

  • whocares - 14 years ago

    Now on a side note: Shame on the radio station for opening up the proverbial can of worms of stuffing the ballot box. They have opened the door for this kind of drama. In my humble opinion, the easiest way to avoid this crap in ANY contest would be ONE vote per person. Simple, easy, no drama. It avoids the potential for bots and bullshit. I don't blame the contestants in this, I find the culpability with the station for creating a situation that could so easily be avoided. I think they should scrap the current voting and go to a one vote system immediately and then truly let the one with the most votes when based on that system of fairness.

  • whocares - 14 years ago

    @rulez--your semantics of my point are tedious. First of all, it is not a requirement to be a registered voter in the United States (you know that land of the free thing we call democracy), so what in the world does that have to do with this contest at all???? Secondly, it is legal to establish a trust for the division of multiple residencies which covers the vehicles situation so a vehicle can be registered or a home owned under a trust with myself being the trustee. Your logic is beyond moot...many retired people RESIDE in Florida for longer than 30 days and don't have to change their license plates. You are so wrong about your post it amuses me. THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE TO DO IS PAY TAXES IN THE STATES WHERE YOU OWN OR EARN INCOME! You know the "death and taxes" thing. If your logic was correct then it sure would make it interesting for the stars who have Cali and NYC residences, ah but alas they know the whole how you set up a trust or corporation of ownership thing ;)

  • Paula L - 14 years ago

    Just cause #18 is catching up doesn't mean it's a bot. Just some good ol' voting! Don't hate! Btw if you don't live here, you don't belong on this list. Pretty pathetic that you'd enter a contest 1000 miles away. Hope a classy candidate wins! All you ladies look wonderful, good luck!

  • Debby - 14 years ago

    @ #18 - I am in AWE of the bot script that is being run, with or without your knowledge, on your behalf. It is an impressive program and I really hope that the individual who wrote it will share it with all of us when this contest is over! :)

  • karma - 14 years ago

    There is no way #18 is getting votes legally. They are certainly using a bot script. How is it possible to gain over 5,000 points in an hour? On top of almost 30,000 points in less than 24 hours while it took the other 2 people 3 days to get where they are?

  • Shanna D - 14 years ago

    Anyway, done with the dispute over residence. I'm not disclosing any info to any of you on purpose, because I know it drives you crazy. I am kind of enjoying that. This was a fun contest and I'm not sure why some of you had to bust in out of nowhere to make it so serious and truly high school. My high school peers weren't as scary, though.

  • Shanna D - 14 years ago

    Hey, Pfft, how about taking a pill & try to understand that Rachel might not know about how hardcore some fans can really be?
    Anyway, Im super excited for the shows this weekend and will be partying my butt off regardless! :D

  • rulez - 14 years ago

    @whocares - you can't be an official resident of 2 states. You must have a legal residence in ONE state for voting purposes, so legally, you need to be a resident of one or the other. Same thing goes for the contestants. Whatever state you are legally registered to vote in is your official state of residence. Someone needs to get their facts straight... AND - If your state license plates (your vehicle registered to you) differ from your state drivers license, that's against the law and you can be fined and in some states, even jailed. So... if anyone is pulling this, the truth coming out over this contest isn't worth it.

  • Shanna D. - 14 years ago

    I'm not sure about everyone else, but Rachel, I can assure u with 100% certainty that all of my votes were manual. Not sure if u know, but some of us have traveled the world & have met many, many other fans while seeing Duran shows, belong to online fan communities and we've met a lot of people who are just as excited about us winning as we are ourselves. Seriously, you are adorable, but this is fandom on a whole other level. Friends repost to friends who repost to friends and so on, and it is worldwide. I feel like Ive Tweeted, e-mailed, and FB'd everyone I know on the planet, and I prob have. You can totally come check out my pages if you want so u can see the support I've gotten... If I were cheating I'd seriously be winning lol! Please don't feel cheated. :) I know that feeling, and it sucks!

  • Pfft - 14 years ago

    What a bunch of whiny babies. Just because a few people have some devoted friends and family who don't mind spending time voting, people are cheaters? Give me a break. Ohh... and 2 messages sent to 96.5 about WHAT fraudulent activity? GOT PROOF? Doubt it. As soon as the pics were up and voting was open, which was what... FRIDAY???????????? Gee... wow, how crazy is that, that their friends and family started voting like crazy. What's the matter Rachel, not enough devoted friends and family willing to vote their little fingers off for you? Maybe you should spend time voting instead of writing letters to the station or tracking what everyone else is doing. Is this Duran drama, or just plain old catty jealous women drama?

  • WOW! - 14 years ago

    I hope that this doesn't affect the performance on Friday night. I, for one, (I won tickets) will not attend if this continues. It's embarassing. Good luck to you all.. I wonder what the radio station will think about this tomorrow morning when they read the comments?

  • really people? - 14 years ago

    I cannot believe what I am reading on here...although with Duran always comes the pettiness and DURAMA. For those spending so much time researching other people's lives - so sad. Do you not have one of your own?? Either vote or don't. Otherwise, shut up.

  • Rachel Von Daacke - 14 years ago

    Lets put it this way, I've been tracking this site almost hourly and unless these girls have 20+ friends on their computers 24 hours a day and not sleeping you cannot swing the votes they did on Friday alone. It doesn't matter how many friends or family someone has - its just not possible. Contests should be legit voting practices. We all have lots of friends and family but watching those scores Friday alone was a joke.
    So much so two of my friends wrote to 96.5 about the fradulent activity.

  • Theresa - 14 years ago

    haha...yes it has

  • whatsit2U - 14 years ago

    Wow this has turned into the ugliest little contest ever.

  • Theresa - 14 years ago

    cant help but giggle when I read everything!

  • answerthequestion - 14 years ago

    You can't answer because if you say Yes you're lying and if you say No you'll be disqualified.
    Avoiding the answer makes you appear guilty.

  • Shanna D - 14 years ago

    answerthequestion-- is part of the entry to the contest require answering to random people who can't even post as themselves? Man up and I'll consider conversing. :D In the meantime, u can continue contemplating it.

  • Mary D - 14 years ago

    One of the reasons that I decided to enter this contest is because Duran Duran was the first concert I attended. It was at the Hartford Civic Center during a snowstorm! It was an awesome experience. I also attended concerts since then and have posters and (still have) many early albums. It would be amazing to actually meet them. Kudos to the women who are ahead that have so many friends voting continuously for them. Good luck to everyone!

  • Melissa - 14 years ago

    I personally think Rachel (contestant 11) is darling and the cutest best's a shame she is being overlooked....I like 16 and 18's attitude though....they'll get my vote... :)

  • answerthequestion - 14 years ago

    Shanna. Answer the question.
    No backchat, no nonsense just a simple yes or no.
    Do you live in CT?

  • Shanna D - 14 years ago

    Actually Lee Bon, I said nothing about anything except that I'm legit and for ppl 2 vote for me because details of my life aren't anyone's business :). I hope u can find it in you to move on now that one POSSIBLE explanation has been suggested. I would have preferred to keep you obsessing... But I'm sure u will anyway. :)

  • Lee Bon - 14 years ago

    Dual residency sure except she posted herself that she no longer lived there as soon as this contest was announced. She should be an EXPERT on her own life. Don't need a fact checker..fact is she said she moved away years ago..

  • whocares - 14 years ago

    I do find it funny that people don't realize it is possible to have dual residency. I have it in Ohio and Florida :)

  • Shanna D - 14 years ago

    Glad ur all experts on my life's story, lol... I must be an interesting subject to have u invest so much time researching me... U need a fact checker though. Maybe one who knows me personally, maybe? :)

  • Yasmin - 14 years ago

    This isn't anyone's race yet! I'm voting tonight straight through tomorrow for my favourite so look for others who may be creeping from behind!

  • drew - 14 years ago

    I don't want to step down into this fray but some folks [like whatsit2u] are starting to accuse my wife [#18] of cheating-and with no proof other than she has garnered a lot of votes as of late. To be sure we both have this posted on our Facebook and MySpace pages, have asked friends worldwide to post it on theirs as well and perhaps, geometrically, we have started an onslaught as a result.
    I don't believe anyone here is cheating and also think all the ladies pictured here look lovely-especially the pair with the cardboard cutout and drawn marker dresses. Points for humor and creativity.
    Now I'm going back to voting.

  • Neutral Party - 14 years ago

    @vote for 18 - Nice to see you lower yourself to everyone else's maturity level on here. Name calling is SO mature and adult. You don't help #18 with behavior like that. Um, who is the douche?

  • Andie - 14 years ago

    Shocking to see the comments being made about people on here...good thing i live in Canada and am voting when i have some down time for a really incredible friend on here and i hope she wins...i would think by now the radio station would have had the sense to disable the comments page as contestants are being talked of nastily by people who don't reveal their true names (e.g. anon, etc.)...i'll continue voting for my girlfriend as others are but just saying that everyone who entered look beautiful in their own way...

  • Anon - 14 years ago

    Shanna you live in NC. Sorry but this is a contest for Ct residents. Stop playing the victim! Bah Bye!

  • Shanna D. - 14 years ago

    Wow, you have too much bitter time on your hands, and there are way too many details about my life that unfortunately for you, you have no idea about, and that includes my residence in CT. Now stop trying to peep into my windows! I can tell you that I'm 100% following the rules of the contest. Sorry. :) Now go see your psychotherapist before I get a restraining order, or I guess you could go back to researching my life's details as you were. :)
    Weirdos. Seriously.

  • vote for 18 - 14 years ago

    @neutral party - don't be a douche. go #18, come from behind underdog! wait to go!

  • Lee Bon - 14 years ago

    Lets see now..Shanna claims she lives in CT. yet here is her post from a public website...


    Joined: 23 Dec 2004
    Posts: 6265
    Location: USA
    Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:02 pm
    Post subject:


    OMG the second chance fecking prom? Gahd I remember them announcing that every year before I moved away... part of me said, 'Wow. How delightfully corny.', and the other 1/2 said 'I wanna go, but I wouldn't tell any1.'

    Thats so funny!
    AND her Twitter page info stating that she in fact lives in NC. she is the top Google it and see it in black and white from Charlotte, NC. LIE MUCH???
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- da ros address&xhr=t&q=Shanna Da Ross address&cp=14&qe=U2hhbm5hIERhIFJvc3MgYWRkcmVzcw&qesig=zOiwIYpwzDBAeRqVPQb3UQ&pkc=AFgZ2tlFoWhqD8nFs6QtGCrnl4zjb_9DSO5plbX1Cl6aPlAVtKNsGvEAry-4pc_TXohN-S_x3GI0vXKW4uJ41bZYP3rjmywsCw&pf=p&sclient=psy&


  • memyselfandi - 14 years ago

    whatsit2u... I agree with you on both accounts..

  • whatsit2U - 14 years ago

    Oh yeah #18 totally has a vote bot going, over 2k votes in less than an hour? Lots of cheating going on here, not that I'm surprised, DD seems to bring out the worst in people.

  • memyselfandi - 14 years ago

    I happen to know 5 of the ppl who are in the running which I think it really great! I have to say #6 and #16 are not cheating with the voting they both have oddles of friends and know how to work it on facebook and other venues to generate votes, I do not know #18 but found it odd out of no where and over night she jumps thousands and thousands of points, again not saying she is cheating maybe her friends and family where like whoa we have alot of catching up to do.
    Either way EVERYYONE looks stunning in their little black dresses. I wish each of you luck!

  • somethins fishy - 14 years ago

    drew- I found your wife on a few networking sites + their hasnt been a peep about the contest on none of the 2. Ive been voting for over an hour + u are getting 100 votes per minute since iI've been checking ur votes. when i was on yesterday u werent even in the top 3 if im remembering right. my friends have been working like mad for 3 days. Its awful fishy. honesty? Well hopefully thats not a bold faced lie and shes not aware someone is running an auto voter for her.

  • Neutral party - 14 years ago

    (@ vote for 18) While I appreciate the passion in which some people protect and support their friends, I don't see how lumping #16 in with #6 is anywhere feasible, fair or makes any bit of sense. And I am betting more than half of the people on here griping don't know either of the ladies. #16 is a VERY classy lady who hasn't said a peep about anyone else in the contest and should not be held accountable for what others say. If you don't know the people involved personally, keep your stupid comments to yourself. Actually, just keep any stupid comments to yourself, period. #18 - I wish you loads of luck! What a run from behind!

    I think the radio station really has an epic fail on their hands the way they conducted this contest and in all fairness, should take, at the VERY LEAST, the top 5, if not ALL the contestants backstage to meet the band. Half before they go on, half after. Pretty simple. If you are going to make certain requirements of contestants, than make sure those are met PRIOR to letting them participate. It's not hard to do a little fact-checking. If you don't know how to do that, then contestants should not be held responsible for the radio stations laziness.

  • drew - 14 years ago

    My wife has these votes because we have posted this to every friend site we have and we have friends. I just voted this morning for the first time. I think I'll go vote some more.

  • drew - 14 years ago

    My wife is #18. Back in the day I like punk rock and thought that DD were just a bunch of poofs [although I liked "Planet Earth"-just didn't admit it]. She has successfully enlightened me and I am now a fan! For that alone I think she should win. And for the record she won't be taking me [she did ask but I deferred to her taking a friend and bigger fan]
    I thank those of you who vote for her and recognize her honesty and beauty.

  • vote for 18 - 14 years ago

    I voted for 18. she sounds classy unlike sone others that are not playing by the rules. grow up!

  • Nicolina - 14 years ago

    #18 good luck! I became a fan at 13 too. Never did I imagine back in 1988 that I'd meet Simon someday and I did... I can die a happy girl now...I think every true DD fan needs to meet them at some point! It should be a great night and good luck to you!

  • emiliedoll - 14 years ago

    I'm number 18, and I just asked my facebook friends to vote for me! Thank you guys very much, by the way! I've been a fan since I was 13. I used the very first money I earned to buy a DD album. I just want to say you are all very pretty in your black dresses and god luck!

  • Jb - 14 years ago

    I know #16 is not cheating... she is also a friend of mine and when I have had down time I have been also sitting here voting. Probably have done over 500 myself.
    She has been a fan also forever. She has many DD fans and I know they are all voting for her. All of these negative comments just make me sick.
    People just need to stop saying anything nasty about all of the contestants.

  • Anon - 14 years ago

    Honestly guys. Way to kill a vibe / nice contest.
    How fucking pathetic.
    #6 looks great. That's why she has votes.
    #16 is average but clearly popular and loved.
    The rest don't have a look in.
    That's life.
    Get over it and may the best girl win.

  • Shanna D - 14 years ago

    Friggin awesome, lol!! Where did #18s votes come from? I was secretly hoping something like that would happen to shut every1 the hell up about me haha! But yes its obvious like 18k votes in 1 night is questionable, but I'm laughing so hard! That seriously made my day... :D

    Nicolina- to answer ur question, I've loved them since I was 6! Saw Hungry Like the Wolf on Solid Gold and I've loved them ever since lol! I obviously didn't do the collecting, concerts, posters, etc stuff back then, but they have been with me ever since. I was elated when they got back together- I always thought it had sucked that I had missed them in their heyday. Wasn't the same (for me) when it was only S & N left in the 90s... :)
    (I promise u that I at least haven't cheated, lol, Id be winning! Ive posted everywhere I can think of on the internet multiple times a day and my friends are reposting and voting like as well!)

  • Louisa - 14 years ago

    I'm in the UK and a friend of mine asked me and a bunch of her UK mates to vote for her friend who is No. 16. It's a Sunday afternoon and I'm just sat at the computer placing some votes every few minutes - passes the time...

  • Nicolina - 14 years ago

    I partied with Simon back in 1997 at the Mohegan Sun's Longhorn & let me tell you, nothing will beat that experience! I really do believe that this contest is rigged or someone is staying up 24/7 just hitting the vote button. Regardless, I'll be there Friday night! Whomever gets to meet him, congrats b/c Simon exudes such an amazing energy & is one of the sexiest men I've ever had the pleasure spending time with!

  • Nicolina - 14 years ago

    Just curious, how long have the leading contestants been fans for?

  • sad... - 14 years ago

    This is so sad now...and just no fun for anyone anymore. Let the people running the contest decide if the winner is eligible and if the voting is fair. Regardless of who you are/were voting for, can we all just be adult enough here to quit the mudslinging and turn this back into the fun competition it was supposed to be??

  • Shanna D. - 14 years ago

    ... especially when I'm trailing. That's quite telling! :D

  • Shanna D. - 14 years ago

    Don't u think it's just a little low of you to be spreading lies about my eligibility? Play fair, at least. Get me disqualified for something else if you're that desperate. :)

  • Shanna D. - 14 years ago


  • Um - 14 years ago

    Maybe because you live in NC but still have your ID saying you live in CT. You also already have a ticket for the prom but that's not enough for you.

  • fun - 14 years ago

    so evry contestent DOSE have to live in CT!!!!
    and as a Friend of #16 I say she rocks and Derves all the votes she gets!

  • Shanna D. - 14 years ago

    I'm not sure why people are still trying to play dirty when I'm trailing. Puzzling!

  • Um - 14 years ago

    I think #6 should step out of this competition. She does not reside in CT.
    More than a "nice try" it's a fact.

  • Shanna D. - 14 years ago

    ... but I'm willing to bet I won't be receiving that info from you, whoever you are. Ahh well.

  • Shanna D. - 14 years ago

    I wouldn't have entered the contest if I didn't qualify for the prize. I read the rules completely. If you would like to give me your real name and email address we can chat.

  • liars suck - 14 years ago

    @WHOCARES ---yes you do have to reside in CT- see sentence 1. And not everyone in this contest does.

    1. The contest is open to all WTIC-FM listeners who are 21 years of age or older
    and who reside in the Greater Hartford, CT area. Employees of the Station, its
    licensee, CBS Radio Inc., CBS Corporation, subsidiaries, and affiliates, its
    advertising agencies, participating sponsors/promotional partners, other radio
    stations in the Hartford, CT metropolitan area and the members of their
    immediate families and/or households are ineligible to participate or win.

  • Danesh - 14 years ago

    looks to me like this is a case of what can happen when the unhappy homely people of the world unite for a cause

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