I never got to vote Asheville still #1 fucking bastards need to update when they are doing the polls to contact people to actually be able to vote instead of fucking us around.
Debbie Russell - 12 years ago
Do they sell Miller Lite?
Wes - 12 years ago
I can't wait to retire so I can move up north..said no one..EVER!!!
Christina - 12 years ago
Congrats Grand Rapids! Big love from AVL!
Shane - 12 years ago
Looks like Asheville has finally started to loose its appeal
Jonesy - 12 years ago
Congrats on your good showing K-zoo, I'm shocked! With only Bell's, Olde Peninsula and Bilbo's (do they even count?) you were able beat out a four time winner that has so much more going on, very impressive! Now come on up to GR and expand your horizons... Cheers!
HotKarl - 12 years ago
It's interesting how many people in Michigan voted for this compared to other states. North Carolina only had 2500 votes and Asheville still had 10,000. Pretty good still. I guess after a few years people got bored with the title.
Derek - 12 years ago
@Dynasty - You are exactly right. @ this poll - It would be truly interesting to see how many different people voted for each city. Since some cities exploited the polling I know a couple of people that voted 18 times for the same city.
Craig - 12 years ago
1)Grand Rapids, MI 27,005 (2012:17,849 tie for 1st)
2)Kalamazoo, MI 11,150 (2012: none)
3)Asheville, NC 10,075 (2012:17,849 tie for 1st)
4)Ann Arbor, MI 847 (2012:581)
Beer City Dynasty - 12 years ago
Why does this vote even continue year after year? Has Asheville not more than proven itself by this point. Seems every year there is some city scraping votes, by making degrading remarks about the Appalachian culture, and they always end up in 2nd place. Sometimes the mods have even been nice enough to call it a tie. To spread financial benefits of the title possibly? The next year the 2nd place city's votes seem disappear and they fall out of the running. The next year anew 2nd place city jumps in wash rinse repeat. Congratulations Asheville. May your Dynasty continue. You are Beer City and polldaddy can not change that.
Nicole B - 12 years ago
Grand Rapids!
Jonesy - 12 years ago
Some of these comments are unbecoming of beer people... I'm from Grand Rapids, we have great beer, LOTS OF GREAT BEER, and the local craft brew crowd is awesome, Kalamazoo has Bells, more great beer, I think the fact that Asheville and Grand Rapids tied last year says a lot about the passion both cities have for their beer, unfortunately NONE of the Asheville Beer is available up here, not that I've been able to find anyway, and my past experience is that if you can't get it at Siciliano's or the Lansing Horrocks it's not here, I'm sure that will change once the transplant breweries (Sierra Nevada & New Belgium) are up and running, but we already have those so we still don't really know what they have going on down there, unless of course you've been able to visit, so all this trash talking is BS, I'm sure they're an awesome beer community just like GR...
Michelle - 12 years ago
Shane - 12 years ago
When will the results be reveled?
Bill - 12 years ago
Asheville reigns supremely.
Kevin - 12 years ago
As an original investor and long time backer of Bell's no matter where in the world we were living, Kalamazoo is my personal beer capital of the world! Amsterdam was a close second, but the Zoo takes it all!
Jeanie - 12 years ago
People need to hush up about football teams and native vs non natives and other totally unrelated topics. I know Avl has good beer and a lot of beer festivals and I'm sure Gr and Kzoo do too based on the comments. So everyone just leave the nastiness and go have a beer!
AshevilleNative - 12 years ago
Jethro, just so you will know. Not a single person who owns, operates or works for a single microbrewery is southern or native to any part of NC. The people who own, operate and work at those places are from New England, the north west & California. The population of Natives/southerners in WNC is the largest minority. There are more blacks or Mexican that live in Asheville than there are natives. The vast majority of people who live in Asheville are from a northern state.
"Really Assville thats your claim to fame, one time in 2007 our football team beat Michigan......wow. Does everyone one of you toothless sheep lovers put this on your resume? I bet you do right behind listing being able to cipher and how many times you got lucky with your sister. Come on Jethro you need to quit sniffin Ellie Maes panties, she is kin and all."
that was appalachian. not asheville. UNC-A has no football team. and i'll keep sniffin' ellie mae's panties. we call it WINcest for a reason.
Kelli - 12 years ago
Grand Rapids, der.
Alisa - 12 years ago
Kalamazoo, of course!!
Don Cook - 12 years ago
Beer is king in Asheville!
JD - 12 years ago
I have been looking back at some of the comments,.... and there is a lot of passion out there. Just wanted to shoot a shout out to all my beer friends in all the competition cities; We all do love and appreciate a good craft brew scene. Yes, I work at one of the breweries in GR, but that has given me the opportunity to meet so many cool, cool people from around the States. Guess what? We have a lot in common. With the sharing of the title of "Beer City USA" with Asheville, many many people from that town has headed North to what this Sister city of GR has to offer. Let me tell everyone; These are really cool people. It sounds like you guys have a chunk of paradise down there. And I would not mind at all the sharing of the title with you good folks again, if that happens to be in the cards. Well whatever.
Asheville; you have become a destination I need to check out someday. I've had so many gracious invitations from you folks.
Kzoo; thanks for making us keep up our game. Thanks Larry for setting up Michigan for these type of ventures.
PHILLY! You guys just keep on being awesome.
Peace out Folks,
Christina - 12 years ago
@Rich: are you aware that AVL is a national melting pot? Nobody here is *from* here (in fact, a good portion of ppl I've met since moving to AVL are MI transplants), so that's one reason the Appalachia stereotypes you're dropping are way off... The other reason being that stereotypes & painting w/ derogatory broad brushes are quite unbecoming. It's an internet poll, nothing to get all worked up about. Have whatever beer makes you happy, please.
Cheers to whatever city wins the 2013 title!!! :)
Rich - 12 years ago
Really Assville thats your claim to fame, one time in 2007 our football team beat Michigan......wow. Does everyone one of you toothless sheep lovers put this on your resume? I bet you do right behind listing being able to cipher and how many times you got lucky with your sister. Come on Jethro you need to quit sniffin Ellie Maes panties, she is kin and all.
JJS - 12 years ago
To ALL of the great beer cities listed (and those not listed), best of luck now and moving forward! Philly is probably my favorite beer scene, but anyway...
@ Johnny T, it is quite possible to be from SW MI and relocate to WNC. In fact, I think I'll wear a Bell's shirt to Wicked Weed and / or Wedge today... Cheers!
JJS - 12 years ago
Curious that there seems to be one city with self-righteous "hipsters" referring to any people different than their uber cool selves as "frat-boys", "morons", "rednecks", etc. Thankfully most of the people at the Asheville breweries I've met are nice people and don't discriminate. They're smart enough to realize the revenue that visitors bring to Asheville... Cheers for your beer, sorry for those "locals" wanting to keep others out.
Slunky - 12 years ago
Kalamazoo is gonna be really embarrassed when they see how far down they are in this poll...
Got my last minute GR vote in even though riverbank run tomorrow has ..... Mich ultra for the post race beer.
Swasia - 12 years ago
Asheville all the way
Johnny T - 12 years ago
Why does everyone keep saying, "Yes, there really is a Kalamazoo."? I grew up in Grand Rapids, so I have always known about Kzoo. Do other people think it's like Neverland or something?? I just had Bell's Expedition Stout and it was amazing! I still voted for GR though.
Ann - 12 years ago
Love Kalamaxoo
Ann - 12 years ago
Love Kalamaxoo
copper rabbit 1950 - 12 years ago
Oregon has great craft beers; reading the comments makes me want to sample Asheville, but my vote has to be for the state of Michigan and the town of Kalamazoo ! Yes, there really is a Kalamazoo!!
Sami - 12 years ago
Asheville!!!! Because we do beer good and you drink it in the mountains!!! Oh yeah.
Handy dandy guide to the breweries & beer destinations of AVL--> http://bit.ly/Y9TEQQ ....... Plus 3 NEW breweries (Hi-Wire, Sweet Leaf, One World Brewing) that haven't yet been added to the map!
Sally Wagnar - 12 years ago
Funky Brewster - 12 years ago
Love Kalamazoo Brew
Jim - 12 years ago
Mateo - 12 years ago
Grand Rapids for the win! Such a great beer drinkers' town. If you're within a days drive, I highly recommend checking it out.
Liebert - 12 years ago
Liebert - 12 years ago
Kory - 12 years ago
Asheville all day.
david - 12 years ago
Avl few (again)
Lovemesomehomebrew - 12 years ago
Let's do this, Grand Rapids! It's time to get our brew on!
BeerGuru - 12 years ago
Grand Rapids without a doubt!
TheBeerDude - 12 years ago
All are great. But truthfully, Kalamazoo has to be the best IMHO. So many microbreweries and gigantic beer super stores in the city. Add on top of that, four more microbreweries will be opening in the zoo soon from an article I just read. Then there is the new Alamo Drafthouse movie theater/bar/restaurant opening downtown, which will be the first and only one in the Northern part of the USA. Bell's will have the new sports bar opening. There is good beer made in Kalamazoo and great places to drink. Kalamazoo just has the best beer and best beer scene.
-If you have drank Oberon and like it. Then vote Kalamazoo
-If you have drank Hopslam and like it. Then vote Kalamazoo
-Two-Hearted? Like it? K-A-L-A-M-A-Z-O-O
-If you have ever tasted any beer from Bells, Old Peninsula, etc...vote Kalamazoo.
-If you live near Kalamazoo and like beer then you know how amazing the Zoo really is when it comes to beer.
-Why are all these microbreweries and such moving to Kalamazoo? Hmm, wonder why!! Because it is just the best city for beer.
JD Y'all. - 12 years ago
An informal poll that doesn't require you to login and allows multiple votes per person is just fine if all you want to do is make random claims... it is the internet after all. It is problematic though when that poll becomes a contest and the only barrier to entry is internet access and time. Ah well, the main takeaway is that there is some outstanding beer brewing in this country and whichever town takes home the title will certainly use it to drive tourism which some of these towns need more than others at this point.
AshevilleNative - 12 years ago
Punch Me in the Labia Again and I'll Burn You....what is this, like your 3rd or 4th time posting this exact same comment?
Lou - 12 years ago
Good people, good heritage, good Beer x many brewerys = Kalamazoo, a happy artsy place
Jon - 12 years ago
Asheville by a beers head
Jon - 12 years ago
Asheville by a beers head
Punch Me in the Labia Again and I'll Burn You - 12 years ago
In Asheville, the people that come for the "Beer" things are unsettled redneck Mooks, who are completely disrespectful to servers and locals because they are cornfed christian conservative nuts who attack the actual asheville culture.
The Merchants of Cool." Mooks are archetypal young males(teens-early 20s) who act like moronic boneheads. They are self centered simpletons who live a drunken frat-boy lifestyle(or are frat-boys).
Grand Rapids is the home of licking their mom's balls. AVL will crush their mom's balls and GR will make next years batch out of the sauce that was crushed out of their mom's balls. AVL STAND UP!!!
I'm from GR, but Denver kills GR. Great Divide blows Founders out of the water, and it isn't even close.
laura needham - 12 years ago
Yeh Kalamazoo
Tony - 12 years ago
It is very obvious that a great number of the so called " voters" on here have not had an extensive background or opportunity to taste the beers from many other states/brew towns- they are simply voting for closest to hometown!
Get out and make it a vacation theme, a holiday party theme or something to just get people together. It is a lot of fun- even if you are smart/nerdy enough to keep a diary or guest book with everyone's comments on different beers.
But more to the point- right now, Kalamazoo Michigan would have the edge on everyone. Colorado is doing well and so is Oregon, but Grand Rapids is the best number 2 pick.
It's just the state of micro brewing right now. Good luck to the others in years to come.
Adam - 12 years ago
easily the best
Martyna - 12 years ago
John Lemmenes - 12 years ago
Founders alone has three of the best beers in the world and Hopcats has one in the top ten. On that basis alone its Grand Rapids. Last summer I met a German tourist up at Sleeping Bear National Seashore.He knew GranRapids for two things 'the great gardens' Meijers and Founders
John Lemmenes - 12 years ago
Founders alone has three of the best beers in the world and Hopcats has one in the top ten. On that basis alone its Grand Rapids. Last summer I met a German tourist up at Sleeping Bear National Seashore.He knew GranRapids for two things 'the great gardens' Meijers and Founders
Ware - 12 years ago
Ryeguy - 12 years ago
Was prepared to vote for my hometown of GR, until I noticed my new transplanted home of Missoula, Montana was also on the list. Big Sky Brewery ROCKS! We've got all the high calibre craft beers that GR fas... plus mountains! Go mZOO!
Don - 12 years ago
GR two years running...
Brian - 12 years ago
I've noticed a lot of people from Asheville bragging that they were beer city last year... That's not exactly true... Asheville tied Grand Rapids last year... They both won the title of Beer City USA. I have the stickers that came from Grand Rapid breweries to prove it!
Doug - 12 years ago
Dan T - 12 years ago
C'mon GR!
Rob - 12 years ago
Go Grand Rapids MI... Beer capital of the USA!!!! By far the best craft beer around period!!!!
Herbert Wetterkamp - 12 years ago
Asheville forever, though beer city of this universe is Münster, surestly, for Pinkus Müller beer is...what can I, what can anyone say...just taste!!!:-)!!!
Grand Rapids, Michigan is hands down the best beer city. Quality & quantity are unmatched. Ashville is good, Kalamazoo is good... but don't hold a candle. Want great beer? Grand Rapids is your destination.
I never got to vote Asheville still #1 fucking bastards need to update when they are doing the polls to contact people to actually be able to vote instead of fucking us around.
Do they sell Miller Lite?
I can't wait to retire so I can move up north..said no one..EVER!!!
Congrats Grand Rapids! Big love from AVL!
Looks like Asheville has finally started to loose its appeal
Congrats on your good showing K-zoo, I'm shocked! With only Bell's, Olde Peninsula and Bilbo's (do they even count?) you were able beat out a four time winner that has so much more going on, very impressive! Now come on up to GR and expand your horizons... Cheers!
It's interesting how many people in Michigan voted for this compared to other states. North Carolina only had 2500 votes and Asheville still had 10,000. Pretty good still. I guess after a few years people got bored with the title.
@Dynasty - You are exactly right. @ this poll - It would be truly interesting to see how many different people voted for each city. Since some cities exploited the polling I know a couple of people that voted 18 times for the same city.
1)Grand Rapids, MI 27,005 (2012:17,849 tie for 1st)
2)Kalamazoo, MI 11,150 (2012: none)
3)Asheville, NC 10,075 (2012:17,849 tie for 1st)
4)Ann Arbor, MI 847 (2012:581)
Why does this vote even continue year after year? Has Asheville not more than proven itself by this point. Seems every year there is some city scraping votes, by making degrading remarks about the Appalachian culture, and they always end up in 2nd place. Sometimes the mods have even been nice enough to call it a tie. To spread financial benefits of the title possibly? The next year the 2nd place city's votes seem disappear and they fall out of the running. The next year anew 2nd place city jumps in wash rinse repeat. Congratulations Asheville. May your Dynasty continue. You are Beer City and polldaddy can not change that.
Grand Rapids!
Some of these comments are unbecoming of beer people... I'm from Grand Rapids, we have great beer, LOTS OF GREAT BEER, and the local craft brew crowd is awesome, Kalamazoo has Bells, more great beer, I think the fact that Asheville and Grand Rapids tied last year says a lot about the passion both cities have for their beer, unfortunately NONE of the Asheville Beer is available up here, not that I've been able to find anyway, and my past experience is that if you can't get it at Siciliano's or the Lansing Horrocks it's not here, I'm sure that will change once the transplant breweries (Sierra Nevada & New Belgium) are up and running, but we already have those so we still don't really know what they have going on down there, unless of course you've been able to visit, so all this trash talking is BS, I'm sure they're an awesome beer community just like GR...
When will the results be reveled?
Asheville reigns supremely.
As an original investor and long time backer of Bell's no matter where in the world we were living, Kalamazoo is my personal beer capital of the world! Amsterdam was a close second, but the Zoo takes it all!
People need to hush up about football teams and native vs non natives and other totally unrelated topics. I know Avl has good beer and a lot of beer festivals and I'm sure Gr and Kzoo do too based on the comments. So everyone just leave the nastiness and go have a beer!
Jethro, just so you will know. Not a single person who owns, operates or works for a single microbrewery is southern or native to any part of NC. The people who own, operate and work at those places are from New England, the north west & California. The population of Natives/southerners in WNC is the largest minority. There are more blacks or Mexican that live in Asheville than there are natives. The vast majority of people who live in Asheville are from a northern state.
"Really Assville thats your claim to fame, one time in 2007 our football team beat Michigan......wow. Does everyone one of you toothless sheep lovers put this on your resume? I bet you do right behind listing being able to cipher and how many times you got lucky with your sister. Come on Jethro you need to quit sniffin Ellie Maes panties, she is kin and all."
that was appalachian. not asheville. UNC-A has no football team. and i'll keep sniffin' ellie mae's panties. we call it WINcest for a reason.
Grand Rapids, der.
Kalamazoo, of course!!
Beer is king in Asheville!
I have been looking back at some of the comments,.... and there is a lot of passion out there. Just wanted to shoot a shout out to all my beer friends in all the competition cities; We all do love and appreciate a good craft brew scene. Yes, I work at one of the breweries in GR, but that has given me the opportunity to meet so many cool, cool people from around the States. Guess what? We have a lot in common. With the sharing of the title of "Beer City USA" with Asheville, many many people from that town has headed North to what this Sister city of GR has to offer. Let me tell everyone; These are really cool people. It sounds like you guys have a chunk of paradise down there. And I would not mind at all the sharing of the title with you good folks again, if that happens to be in the cards. Well whatever.
Asheville; you have become a destination I need to check out someday. I've had so many gracious invitations from you folks.
Kzoo; thanks for making us keep up our game. Thanks Larry for setting up Michigan for these type of ventures.
PHILLY! You guys just keep on being awesome.
Peace out Folks,
@Rich: are you aware that AVL is a national melting pot? Nobody here is *from* here (in fact, a good portion of ppl I've met since moving to AVL are MI transplants), so that's one reason the Appalachia stereotypes you're dropping are way off... The other reason being that stereotypes & painting w/ derogatory broad brushes are quite unbecoming. It's an internet poll, nothing to get all worked up about. Have whatever beer makes you happy, please.
Cheers to whatever city wins the 2013 title!!! :)
Really Assville thats your claim to fame, one time in 2007 our football team beat Michigan......wow. Does everyone one of you toothless sheep lovers put this on your resume? I bet you do right behind listing being able to cipher and how many times you got lucky with your sister. Come on Jethro you need to quit sniffin Ellie Maes panties, she is kin and all.
To ALL of the great beer cities listed (and those not listed), best of luck now and moving forward! Philly is probably my favorite beer scene, but anyway...
@ Johnny T, it is quite possible to be from SW MI and relocate to WNC. In fact, I think I'll wear a Bell's shirt to Wicked Weed and / or Wedge today... Cheers!
Curious that there seems to be one city with self-righteous "hipsters" referring to any people different than their uber cool selves as "frat-boys", "morons", "rednecks", etc. Thankfully most of the people at the Asheville breweries I've met are nice people and don't discriminate. They're smart enough to realize the revenue that visitors bring to Asheville... Cheers for your beer, sorry for those "locals" wanting to keep others out.
Kalamazoo is gonna be really embarrassed when they see how far down they are in this poll...
Got my last minute GR vote in even though riverbank run tomorrow has ..... Mich ultra for the post race beer.
Asheville all the way
Why does everyone keep saying, "Yes, there really is a Kalamazoo."? I grew up in Grand Rapids, so I have always known about Kzoo. Do other people think it's like Neverland or something?? I just had Bell's Expedition Stout and it was amazing! I still voted for GR though.
Love Kalamaxoo
Love Kalamaxoo
Oregon has great craft beers; reading the comments makes me want to sample Asheville, but my vote has to be for the state of Michigan and the town of Kalamazoo ! Yes, there really is a Kalamazoo!!
Asheville!!!! Because we do beer good and you drink it in the mountains!!! Oh yeah.
Grand rapids is a great place!
Grand rapids is a great place!
Asheville makes beer. App state took the big house down... These are 2 facts Michigan people must learn
I voted for Kalamazoo and do not regret it. It just does not get any better than that city when it comes to beer. Hands down
Grap harmony brewing, founders, Perrin what up
Grap harmony brewing, founders, Perrin what up
Grap harmony brewing, founders, Perrin what up
Grap harmony brewing, founders, Perrin what up
Kalamazoo, the greatest brew town in america
Handy dandy guide to the breweries & beer destinations of AVL--> http://bit.ly/Y9TEQQ ....... Plus 3 NEW breweries (Hi-Wire, Sweet Leaf, One World Brewing) that haven't yet been added to the map!
Love Kalamazoo Brew
Grand Rapids for the win! Such a great beer drinkers' town. If you're within a days drive, I highly recommend checking it out.
Asheville all day.
Avl few (again)
Let's do this, Grand Rapids! It's time to get our brew on!
Grand Rapids without a doubt!
All are great. But truthfully, Kalamazoo has to be the best IMHO. So many microbreweries and gigantic beer super stores in the city. Add on top of that, four more microbreweries will be opening in the zoo soon from an article I just read. Then there is the new Alamo Drafthouse movie theater/bar/restaurant opening downtown, which will be the first and only one in the Northern part of the USA. Bell's will have the new sports bar opening. There is good beer made in Kalamazoo and great places to drink. Kalamazoo just has the best beer and best beer scene.
-If you have drank Oberon and like it. Then vote Kalamazoo
-If you have drank Hopslam and like it. Then vote Kalamazoo
-Two-Hearted? Like it? K-A-L-A-M-A-Z-O-O
-If you have ever tasted any beer from Bells, Old Peninsula, etc...vote Kalamazoo.
-If you live near Kalamazoo and like beer then you know how amazing the Zoo really is when it comes to beer.
-Why are all these microbreweries and such moving to Kalamazoo? Hmm, wonder why!! Because it is just the best city for beer.
An informal poll that doesn't require you to login and allows multiple votes per person is just fine if all you want to do is make random claims... it is the internet after all. It is problematic though when that poll becomes a contest and the only barrier to entry is internet access and time. Ah well, the main takeaway is that there is some outstanding beer brewing in this country and whichever town takes home the title will certainly use it to drive tourism which some of these towns need more than others at this point.
Punch Me in the Labia Again and I'll Burn You....what is this, like your 3rd or 4th time posting this exact same comment?
Good people, good heritage, good Beer x many brewerys = Kalamazoo, a happy artsy place
Asheville by a beers head
Asheville by a beers head
In Asheville, the people that come for the "Beer" things are unsettled redneck Mooks, who are completely disrespectful to servers and locals because they are cornfed christian conservative nuts who attack the actual asheville culture.
The Merchants of Cool." Mooks are archetypal young males(teens-early 20s) who act like moronic boneheads. They are self centered simpletons who live a drunken frat-boy lifestyle(or are frat-boys).
Kalamazoo all the way
Grand Rapids is the home of licking their mom's balls. AVL will crush their mom's balls and GR will make next years batch out of the sauce that was crushed out of their mom's balls. AVL STAND UP!!!
Asheville is beer city.
Hands down, Ashevegas!!!
Grand Rapids has the Best beer. I'm just sayin'.
AVL hands down! Best local brews by far!
Grand Rapids
Going to visit wicked weed in Asheville tomorrow
My friend Scott G indicates we are the right place and he is very intelligent.
I can't deny that there are several deserving cities on this list, but it's Kalamazoo that gets my vote.
I'm from GR, but Denver kills GR. Great Divide blows Founders out of the water, and it isn't even close.
Yeh Kalamazoo
It is very obvious that a great number of the so called " voters" on here have not had an extensive background or opportunity to taste the beers from many other states/brew towns- they are simply voting for closest to hometown!
Get out and make it a vacation theme, a holiday party theme or something to just get people together. It is a lot of fun- even if you are smart/nerdy enough to keep a diary or guest book with everyone's comments on different beers.
But more to the point- right now, Kalamazoo Michigan would have the edge on everyone. Colorado is doing well and so is Oregon, but Grand Rapids is the best number 2 pick.
It's just the state of micro brewing right now. Good luck to the others in years to come.
easily the best
Founders alone has three of the best beers in the world and Hopcats has one in the top ten. On that basis alone its Grand Rapids. Last summer I met a German tourist up at Sleeping Bear National Seashore.He knew GranRapids for two things 'the great gardens' Meijers and Founders
Founders alone has three of the best beers in the world and Hopcats has one in the top ten. On that basis alone its Grand Rapids. Last summer I met a German tourist up at Sleeping Bear National Seashore.He knew GranRapids for two things 'the great gardens' Meijers and Founders
Was prepared to vote for my hometown of GR, until I noticed my new transplanted home of Missoula, Montana was also on the list. Big Sky Brewery ROCKS! We've got all the high calibre craft beers that GR fas... plus mountains! Go mZOO!
GR two years running...
I've noticed a lot of people from Asheville bragging that they were beer city last year... That's not exactly true... Asheville tied Grand Rapids last year... They both won the title of Beer City USA. I have the stickers that came from Grand Rapid breweries to prove it!
C'mon GR!
Go Grand Rapids MI... Beer capital of the USA!!!! By far the best craft beer around period!!!!
Asheville forever, though beer city of this universe is Münster, surestly, for Pinkus Müller beer is...what can I, what can anyone say...just taste!!!:-)!!!
Go Grand Rapids, you rock the brews!!!!
Good luck Kalamazoo
Im a hater from the future.. but i love all craft beer...
Cheers to Kalamazoo's Brews!!
Best beer city ever
Bells and Kzoo. All the way
Kalamazoo Gazette is live blogging a panel of brewers right now happening in Kalamazo.... another reason Kalamazoo is beer city USA
Grand Rapids, Michigan is hands down the best beer city. Quality & quantity are unmatched. Ashville is good, Kalamazoo is good... but don't hold a candle. Want great beer? Grand Rapids is your destination.