Yeah, Ashville's got some good ass beer but I gotta say Grand Rapids has got more to offer.
Mike - 12 years ago
Y'all got NOTHiN on KZOO!!!!!
LiBEERaLADYinGR - 12 years ago
Beer = Good
Grand Rapids Beer = Woohoo it's Everywhere
To an earlier comment about the impossibility of GR being Beer City because of its conservative christian majority!!?? I say that it WHY we are Beer City - those of us who don't fit that mold need and have found places to enjoy great beer with non judgmental neighbors, friends, and area patrons! The beer brings us together to escape the madness :)
@jay - 12 years ago
The west has the best water? Phoenix, AZ? Wtf! Sounds like someone has never left their state.
Joi - 12 years ago
ASHEVILLE!!! Between Highlands, Asheville Brewing, Wedge, Pisgah, Oyster House, Green Man and now Wicked Weed (Vixen Stout is AMAZING!!!), we have got it all. Not to mention New Belgium and Sierra Nevada coming to town and a lot of new breweries set to open. Asheville is it!
I Moses believe asheville has the best brews, but Moses believes in a lot of junk
GR BEER CITY! - 12 years ago
Is it bad that I'd vote for GR based soley on the beer cocktail list at Harmony? Because some Black Squirrel Smoked Peated Ported floated on top of a Michigan-made bloody mary on a Sunday is all I need to cure the chaos that beer in downtown GR will create on a Saturday night. That's my church in Grand Rapids. Or Stella's, obvs.
"The Wedge" in Asheville has the best IPA (Iron Rail) that I have ever had personally...that combined with the likes of ; Pisgah, Oyster House, Thirsty Monk, Green Man, Highland, Ashevile Brewing Company, French Broad, Wicked Weed...just to name a few of the exceptional breweries. In addition we have multiple up and coming hard hitters such as Sierra Nevada and New Belgium...
Timothy - 12 years ago
AJ - 12 years ago
Daisy - 12 years ago
Originally from Michigan, will not vote for Grand Rapids. How in the world can a conservative "Bible City" make the best beer? Another awesome vote for Asheville. Of course, they are beer city. There is absolutely no contest. To the poster that claims Asheville doesn't have variety? You obviously haven't been there.
Jalaine - 12 years ago
Be the beer...
Christopher - 12 years ago
ASHEVILLE! I have traveled and lived in most of the country, Asheville produces THE BEST beers out of any place I have been. The Wedge is THE BEST brewery in AVL, which in turn makes it the best in the nation.
Stacey D - 12 years ago
GR rocks
Ashlee - 12 years ago
Clearly it's Grand Rapids. No need to mention all our accolades, but I mean, HELLO!! HopCat No. 3 Beer Bar in the world 2013!! The owner put another beer bar 20 yards down, founders a block away, Perrin, Vivant, HideOut, etc. I've been to Asheville, variety is not their thing. GR, GR, GR!!
Roger - 12 years ago
Asheville Asheville Asheville
We have incredible quality...but there are at least 3-5 new breweries in the works for our small town...on top of all that has been said.
Go Asheville!
Bill - 12 years ago
San Diego truly makes the best beer... West is best!!
Joe - 12 years ago
All of West Michigan is great for beer! Although, as someone who frequents both Kzoo and GR, the Zoo is just a lot more fun! I mean... we have Beer Exchange! And between Founders and Bells, Founders has a few that I like... Bells is just all around amazing!
Kzoo for Beer City USA!
st - 12 years ago
Kelly L - 12 years ago
It's all about the craft, Tampa!
Kate - 12 years ago
I am proud to live in the true and original Brew City..... Milwaukee!! And Go Brewers! ;)
Ashley Davis - 12 years ago it out all the time...come Bells is where its at!! Get er done Kzoo get er done!!!
Ticket - 12 years ago
It isn't just about the beer. GR has some of the best beer in the world. Too bad they treat the citizens like a revenue stream at $20 a pop.
Scott Crosby - 12 years ago
Bring it back to where it belongs.......Asheville
Malissa - 12 years ago
They make beer somewhere other than Kalamazoo?
Elizabeth - 12 years ago
Haters going to hate everyone knows Grand Rapids is THE Beer City USA!!!
Elizabeth - 12 years ago
Haters going to hate everyone knows Grand Rapids is THE Beer City USA!!!
Elizabeth - 12 years ago
Haters going to hate everyone knows Grand Rapids is THE Beer City USA!!!
Elizabeth - 12 years ago
Haters going to hate everyone knows Grand Rapids is THE Beer City USA!!!
ticket - 12 years ago
Yup I agree GR is Ticket City USA
to many tickets for my vote - 12 years ago
I can't vote for GR - the city is handing out to many tickets around the construction site at Founders. I live an work in GR but will vote for K'zoo.
wick - 12 years ago
GR Baby! Good Friends, Good Times, and Great Beer!
Josh - 12 years ago
Kzoo Beer all the way!
Jeff - 12 years ago
KALAMAZOO has it. Not only do the brew pubs have their own beer, but most restaurants in KALAMAZOO also tap Bells, Arcadia, Old Pennisula etc... Also, you can buy great beer ANYWHERE in KALAMAZOO.....all of the grocery stores, party stores, gas stations all carry an excellent variety of local brews....not just the big corporate brands
brian keith sargent - 12 years ago
kalaazoo is it
lee - 12 years ago
Da ZOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Qui - 12 years ago
I second that emotion!
Mark - 12 years ago
West Michigan is the place to be for great beer. Bells in Kalamazoo, New Holland Brewery in Holland, Arcadia in Battle Creek, and Founders in Grand Rapids. Over the last few years, the Grand Rapids beer scene has really come into a league of its own with a great group of new beer makers like Brewery Vivant, Grand Rapids Brewing Co. and a slew of others. Grand Rapids is ascendant now. Go GR!
James - 12 years ago
Brewing the best beer in Grand Rapids!!!
Papa B - 12 years ago
GR has it. Not only do the brew pubs have their own beer, but most restaurants in GR also tap Founders, Perrin, Rockford Brewing, etc... Also, you can buy great beer ANYWHERE in GR.....all of the grocery stores, party stores, gas stations all carry an excellent variety of local brews....not just the big corporate brands.
Scott - 12 years ago
Jeanette - 12 years ago
Bell'l is the best!
Jason - 12 years ago
It is what it is.
Jule - 12 years ago
Yes in the West! Western North Carolina that is!! GO ASHEVILLE!!!
Jay - 12 years ago
Everyone knows the best ingredients are in the west, the best water is in the west, the best brewers, and the absolute best beer consumers...all out only makes sense that Phoenix, AZ is the Best BeerCity, USA!
Cassie - 12 years ago
Asheville all the way!!!
felix jimenez - 12 years ago
Grand Rapids is Pure Michigan!!!!!! Best Midwest City!!!!!!
Former Portlander/Washingtoner/Coloradian - 12 years ago
I grew up drinking beer in college in all of them there cities. They may have great bars and microbreweries, but GR is just heads and shoulder 'bove them rest. A top 5 brewery in Portland or Colorado couldn't lick the krausen out of Founders or Vivant's bungholes, if they made small batches, that is.
Get your head out of the sand, dude. I've had many different offerings from microbreweries across the country and GR has some of the best. Also, this is "beer city USA", not "microbrew city USA." I've been brewing my own beer for some time and I can rattle off dozens of names of people I went to undergraduate/graduate school with that are living in the GR area and brewing their own beer. In GR, it's almost a way of life.
Wob - 12 years ago
Hey, I see no reason to hate! I am telling you all right now who I am. K-Zoo is awesome! Hands down! Same with A2! No question! Look.....GR has a beer scene, period. We make great beer, we encompass surrounding cities, and to me it isn't just a vote for GR, but a vote for West Michigan. We're all in this together, and as much as we'd all like to dismiss the fact that GR has more breweries than K-Zoo and A2 combined and some serious beer bars, and beer grocery stores, the simple fact is, GR has it stores, beer bars, and a significant number of breweries, oh and the overwhelming support of our Mayor, and other city officials...and our tourism industry. We are continually killing it nationwide and worldwide! The proof is in the puddin'! Hate on our city...yeah...hate on my beer, we can talk! Seriously, come talk to me in person. GRR! Duh! Tap the vote! #beercitygr
Josh - 12 years ago
Greg L, another reason why GR is not deserving of the title.
Greg L - 12 years ago
Hope Kzoo doesn't play Nader to GR
cyndy - 12 years ago
Grand rapids mi
Rogue Spuds - 12 years ago
So just curious, who is in the lead and why are they not posting the results?
Yvonne - 12 years ago
Grand rapids
Dordan - 12 years ago
Grand Rapids rocks!
beefeatr - 12 years ago
Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor, Ashville, Tampa, Jacksonville, Kalamazoo. The point is that we all love beer!!!!! However, since I did vote, in what other city can you live in East of the Mississippi that within a 2 hour drive you can hit over a dozen breweries in one day. What other city does a micro brew reside that has won top 10 in the nation, oh, that's right, Kzoo!!!!! GR, BC, AnAr, PawPaw, Marshal, so many cities, so many breweries, so close for a swerving drunk to drive. You all need to pass tha Zoo, it only makes sense. KALAMAZOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay West Michigan!!! I favor any flavor of Founders but adore Two Hearted (Bell's in Kalamazoo), Wayne's Green Tractor Ale (57 Brew Pub in Greenville), Bee Sting Honey Rye (Waldorff in Hastings)... we just drink great beer up in here!!!
Yay me ~ I live in West Michigan!!!!
melly - 12 years ago
@larryQ GR, jist discovered beer 4 years ago, and Founders was a hole that nobody went to 6 years ago? Wow! I have to strongly disagree with both of those statements. There has been a strong home brew community for more than 20 years. I have been going to Founders since they opened 15 years ago. From the begining it could never be described as a hole or a place that nobody went to. Hence the reason they moved to a bigger building and that they are now expanding that building. I voted for GR, but I have respect for all the citys that were nominated.
Larry Q - 12 years ago
I lived in GR. They just discovered beer like 4 years ago. When I lived there (no more than 6 years ago), Founders was a hole that no one went to and 3 breweries went out of business. Now they have a hipster crowd and think they're beer city USA. Please.
Josh - 12 years ago
The derogatory comments about Kalamazoo from Rich and Ray are primary examples of why Grand Rapids is not Beer City USA. Kalamazoo all the way.
ella - 12 years ago
Asheville is the total definition of "beer city". The BEST
Wendy - 12 years ago
Love my Beer City!
Stephan - 12 years ago
GR baby!!!
Felesar - 12 years ago
I've lived in Asheville. I've lived in Chicago, Ann Arbor, and a handful of other places on this list. Through my travels and time in the military I have lived in 38 states for varying amounts of time, and on 4 continents.
Still chose Grand Rapids to call home when it was time to hang it up.
Founders is great. Hopcat is nice but far too popular (read: crowded). The Hideout is fantastic (and much less crowded).
It's too bad we couldn't get a "West Michigan" vote and encompass Holland, K-zoo and GR together. I don't think the Asheville brew scene is "all" in Asheville. A lot of that area is pretty rural and Asheville is just the big city in the area to some folks.
If someone else wins this year, I am cool with that. But I have to be a homer and vote for GR, and I hope we win again.
Nolan M. - 12 years ago
@WNCBadWolf I entirely disagree with you, the title of Beer City USA for Grand Rapids this past year has brought in a lot more revenue for our fair city of Grand Rapids through tourism. I was reading about one of the local breweries, I can't remember which one exactly, experienced a ten-fold increase in tours this year. I don't think that that is just a coincidence. Not only has it increased revenue and tourism in Grand Rapids, it has brought a source of pride for Grand Rapids and an increase in interest in our local craft breweries and home-brewing. While you say that people need to change their point of view in regards to this poll, you also haven't been able to see all the sides of this poll and the large impact that it actually has on a city. So, in these regards, I respectfully disagree with you and honorably ask that you check yo'self before you wreck yo'self.
Nick - 12 years ago
What a great spirited competition! The craft brew scene is alive and thriving! My growler count now stands at 146. Mostly from michigan but also all over the Great Lakes States and some out east. Been from Greenbush Brewery in Sawyer, Mi. all the way to Brickside Brewery in Copper Harbor, in the upper peninsula. All Grand Rapids breweries are outstanding in their own way. I have also heard nothing but great things about the breweries in Asheville and what a great city it is. I will be down there within the next couple of years to experience the beer and atmosphere. In the meantime, lets all kick back and enjoy a delicious, unfiltered brew!
Craigo - 12 years ago
I just hope that Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo don't cannibalize votes from each other. They are both great beer cities, but my vote goes to Grand Rapids. Ann Arbor has some good breweries, but shouldn't be mentioned on the list.
"Jack" - 12 years ago
WNCBadWolf - 12 years ago
Its just beer and its just a lame internet poll that means absolutely nothing at all. Whether your city gets enough votes or not does not change the fate of your city. The only reason Asheville has won this poll for the past few years is because of publicity. All the other cities have so much more going on that people can't be bothered with a meaningless internet survey. As for Asheville, beer is pretty much all this town has, the people here are obsessed with it, they dedicate their whole lives to it, their days off revolve around it. So when you are that obsessed with something and there is nothing else in the town to get your focus away from it, then you have nothing better to do than sit on the computer voting every chance you get, all the whole while, with an Asheville beer (or PBR) in your hand. So just because the people of Asheville have nothing more interesting in their life than beer, does not make this city any better than any other city that has tons of microbreweries. You all just need to get some perspective on things and realize that beer, this poll and whether or not your city gets this meaningless title has very little to do with the grand scheme of things
Matt - 12 years ago
Marc Dines - 12 years ago
Grand Rapids!!!!!!!
Shelley Lake - 12 years ago
Go Arcadia & Bells! Kalamazoo reigns!
Eric - 12 years ago
Grand Rapids Baby!!!!
Bight - 12 years ago
Grr...keep voting....see you all at Perrin Brewery!
Privy Smalls - 12 years ago
Not only is Asheville among the's growing... You can't stop the reign!
Michelle - 12 years ago
Kalamazoo is AWESOME! It will be even better with Gonzo's Biggdogg Brewery coming in September. There are several other breweries coming to Kzoo like Boatyard and Arcadia. Asheville is very good as well.
JoLee Gardner - 12 years ago
Jacksonville's craft brewers are the best! This is the beer city of NE Florida!
Former Michigander - 12 years ago
Grew up drinking beer in southwest Michigan. I'm glad you all support SW Michigan beer. But, the Colorado, Oregon and Washington beer scenes are a completely different level above Grand Rapids... Not sure how you can claim beer city USA. Founders is maybe the 4th or 5th best in the state. Wouldn't even be top 20 in the portland area... I mean no disrespect to grr. Had a lot of fun there growing up and in college. Just don't get it. Respect for the city but let's be realistic people
John Noblitt - 12 years ago
If Asheville doesn't win, it's been rigged.
Matt - 12 years ago
Go State!
Jen - 12 years ago
Dave Robinson - 12 years ago
Let's go GR!!
Lindsey - 12 years ago
Harmony Brewing Co in GR is the best brewery I have ever been to.
There is nothing like being the best, Michigan is the micro brew capital of the USA. But it does make for hard decisions when you have to pick the best from the best. Personally I had to go with our home town Grand Rapids. It's hard to beat Founders and Sparta's Michigan Brew Basement.
Susan Moyher - 12 years ago
Asheville NC. has the best beer everone that comes to see us can,t beleave all the great Beer that they can get in Asheville.
Theresa - 12 years ago
Grand Rapids has become a true craft beer lovers heaven!_
M. Parentice - 12 years ago
Note to all the beer drinking cognoscenti: Last year's results were cooked.
How can thousands of votes be cast and the results announced as a tie? Up untill several days before the final tally was published, the actual number of votes were reported. Asheville maintained a lead. Then suddenly two days before the voting was ended, the results were reported in PERCENTAGES. The final tally was carreied out to a tenth of a percent and it was declared a tie. This is statistically highly improbable,
When will Papazian stop cooking the books?
Reesy Marie - 12 years ago
Go GR!
Becky - 12 years ago
Becky - 12 years ago
Jeff F - 12 years ago
Grand Rapids has grown into a great beer city over the last couple of years. GR get my vote!!!
Jeff - 12 years ago
Grand Rapids!!!
Ashley - 12 years ago
I'm thirsty for Asheville! My favorite beers of all time: IPA is SHIVA, Pale Ale is Pisgah, Amber is Gaelic, Porter is Green Man, Kolsch is French Broad and favorite brewerey in downtown AVL is The Wedge! No doubt Asheville is beer city 2013!
The Artist - 12 years ago
I think GRAND RAPIDS washes away Asheville with our endless RUSHING RAPIDS OF BEER. Maybe next year you can try to rise again from your soggy ashes. ;)
BigHead - 12 years ago
Steve - 12 years ago
Try Harmony
FreddyMan - 12 years ago
Best PORTER anywhere in the world , let alone the state of Michigan. "Michigan Beer Cellar", the best kept secret around, Sparta MI, who would have guessed!
Kelley - 12 years ago
Having lived in the GRR area most of my life, then moving to Fort Collins a few years ago - I gotta tell you - Grand Rapids isn't even in the Colorado league (as far as a beer town). Fort Collins gets my vote.
Yeah, Ashville's got some good ass beer but I gotta say Grand Rapids has got more to offer.
Y'all got NOTHiN on KZOO!!!!!
Beer = Good
Grand Rapids Beer = Woohoo it's Everywhere
To an earlier comment about the impossibility of GR being Beer City because of its conservative christian majority!!?? I say that it WHY we are Beer City - those of us who don't fit that mold need and have found places to enjoy great beer with non judgmental neighbors, friends, and area patrons! The beer brings us together to escape the madness :)
The west has the best water? Phoenix, AZ? Wtf! Sounds like someone has never left their state.
ASHEVILLE!!! Between Highlands, Asheville Brewing, Wedge, Pisgah, Oyster House, Green Man and now Wicked Weed (Vixen Stout is AMAZING!!!), we have got it all. Not to mention New Belgium and Sierra Nevada coming to town and a lot of new breweries set to open. Asheville is it!
Grand Rapids! No doubt about it!
I Moses believe asheville has the best brews, but Moses believes in a lot of junk
Is it bad that I'd vote for GR based soley on the beer cocktail list at Harmony? Because some Black Squirrel Smoked Peated Ported floated on top of a Michigan-made bloody mary on a Sunday is all I need to cure the chaos that beer in downtown GR will create on a Saturday night. That's my church in Grand Rapids. Or Stella's, obvs.
"The Wedge" in Asheville has the best IPA (Iron Rail) that I have ever had personally...that combined with the likes of ; Pisgah, Oyster House, Thirsty Monk, Green Man, Highland, Ashevile Brewing Company, French Broad, Wicked Weed...just to name a few of the exceptional breweries. In addition we have multiple up and coming hard hitters such as Sierra Nevada and New Belgium...
Originally from Michigan, will not vote for Grand Rapids. How in the world can a conservative "Bible City" make the best beer? Another awesome vote for Asheville. Of course, they are beer city. There is absolutely no contest. To the poster that claims Asheville doesn't have variety? You obviously haven't been there.
Be the beer...
ASHEVILLE! I have traveled and lived in most of the country, Asheville produces THE BEST beers out of any place I have been. The Wedge is THE BEST brewery in AVL, which in turn makes it the best in the nation.
GR rocks
Clearly it's Grand Rapids. No need to mention all our accolades, but I mean, HELLO!! HopCat No. 3 Beer Bar in the world 2013!! The owner put another beer bar 20 yards down, founders a block away, Perrin, Vivant, HideOut, etc. I've been to Asheville, variety is not their thing. GR, GR, GR!!
Asheville Asheville Asheville
We have incredible quality...but there are at least 3-5 new breweries in the works for our small town...on top of all that has been said.
Go Asheville!
San Diego truly makes the best beer... West is best!!
All of West Michigan is great for beer! Although, as someone who frequents both Kzoo and GR, the Zoo is just a lot more fun! I mean... we have Beer Exchange! And between Founders and Bells, Founders has a few that I like... Bells is just all around amazing!
Kzoo for Beer City USA!
It's all about the craft, Tampa!
I am proud to live in the true and original Brew City..... Milwaukee!! And Go Brewers! ;) it out all the time...come Bells is where its at!! Get er done Kzoo get er done!!!
It isn't just about the beer. GR has some of the best beer in the world. Too bad they treat the citizens like a revenue stream at $20 a pop.
Bring it back to where it belongs.......Asheville
They make beer somewhere other than Kalamazoo?
Haters going to hate everyone knows Grand Rapids is THE Beer City USA!!!
Haters going to hate everyone knows Grand Rapids is THE Beer City USA!!!
Haters going to hate everyone knows Grand Rapids is THE Beer City USA!!!
Haters going to hate everyone knows Grand Rapids is THE Beer City USA!!!
Yup I agree GR is Ticket City USA
I can't vote for GR - the city is handing out to many tickets around the construction site at Founders. I live an work in GR but will vote for K'zoo.
GR Baby! Good Friends, Good Times, and Great Beer!
Kzoo Beer all the way!
KALAMAZOO has it. Not only do the brew pubs have their own beer, but most restaurants in KALAMAZOO also tap Bells, Arcadia, Old Pennisula etc... Also, you can buy great beer ANYWHERE in KALAMAZOO.....all of the grocery stores, party stores, gas stations all carry an excellent variety of local brews....not just the big corporate brands
kalaazoo is it
Da ZOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I second that emotion!
West Michigan is the place to be for great beer. Bells in Kalamazoo, New Holland Brewery in Holland, Arcadia in Battle Creek, and Founders in Grand Rapids. Over the last few years, the Grand Rapids beer scene has really come into a league of its own with a great group of new beer makers like Brewery Vivant, Grand Rapids Brewing Co. and a slew of others. Grand Rapids is ascendant now. Go GR!
Brewing the best beer in Grand Rapids!!!
GR has it. Not only do the brew pubs have their own beer, but most restaurants in GR also tap Founders, Perrin, Rockford Brewing, etc... Also, you can buy great beer ANYWHERE in GR.....all of the grocery stores, party stores, gas stations all carry an excellent variety of local brews....not just the big corporate brands.
Bell'l is the best!
It is what it is.
Yes in the West! Western North Carolina that is!! GO ASHEVILLE!!!
Everyone knows the best ingredients are in the west, the best water is in the west, the best brewers, and the absolute best beer consumers...all out only makes sense that Phoenix, AZ is the Best BeerCity, USA!
Asheville all the way!!!
Grand Rapids is Pure Michigan!!!!!! Best Midwest City!!!!!!
I grew up drinking beer in college in all of them there cities. They may have great bars and microbreweries, but GR is just heads and shoulder 'bove them rest. A top 5 brewery in Portland or Colorado couldn't lick the krausen out of Founders or Vivant's bungholes, if they made small batches, that is.
Get your head out of the sand, dude. I've had many different offerings from microbreweries across the country and GR has some of the best. Also, this is "beer city USA", not "microbrew city USA." I've been brewing my own beer for some time and I can rattle off dozens of names of people I went to undergraduate/graduate school with that are living in the GR area and brewing their own beer. In GR, it's almost a way of life.
Hey, I see no reason to hate! I am telling you all right now who I am. K-Zoo is awesome! Hands down! Same with A2! No question! Look.....GR has a beer scene, period. We make great beer, we encompass surrounding cities, and to me it isn't just a vote for GR, but a vote for West Michigan. We're all in this together, and as much as we'd all like to dismiss the fact that GR has more breweries than K-Zoo and A2 combined and some serious beer bars, and beer grocery stores, the simple fact is, GR has it stores, beer bars, and a significant number of breweries, oh and the overwhelming support of our Mayor, and other city officials...and our tourism industry. We are continually killing it nationwide and worldwide! The proof is in the puddin'! Hate on our city...yeah...hate on my beer, we can talk! Seriously, come talk to me in person. GRR! Duh! Tap the vote! #beercitygr
Greg L, another reason why GR is not deserving of the title.
Hope Kzoo doesn't play Nader to GR
Grand rapids mi
So just curious, who is in the lead and why are they not posting the results?
Grand rapids
Grand Rapids rocks!
Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor, Ashville, Tampa, Jacksonville, Kalamazoo. The point is that we all love beer!!!!! However, since I did vote, in what other city can you live in East of the Mississippi that within a 2 hour drive you can hit over a dozen breweries in one day. What other city does a micro brew reside that has won top 10 in the nation, oh, that's right, Kzoo!!!!! GR, BC, AnAr, PawPaw, Marshal, so many cities, so many breweries, so close for a swerving drunk to drive. You all need to pass tha Zoo, it only makes sense. KALAMAZOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kalamazoo is it.
Yay West Michigan!!! I favor any flavor of Founders but adore Two Hearted (Bell's in Kalamazoo), Wayne's Green Tractor Ale (57 Brew Pub in Greenville), Bee Sting Honey Rye (Waldorff in Hastings)... we just drink great beer up in here!!!
Yay me ~ I live in West Michigan!!!!
@larryQ GR, jist discovered beer 4 years ago, and Founders was a hole that nobody went to 6 years ago? Wow! I have to strongly disagree with both of those statements. There has been a strong home brew community for more than 20 years. I have been going to Founders since they opened 15 years ago. From the begining it could never be described as a hole or a place that nobody went to. Hence the reason they moved to a bigger building and that they are now expanding that building. I voted for GR, but I have respect for all the citys that were nominated.
I lived in GR. They just discovered beer like 4 years ago. When I lived there (no more than 6 years ago), Founders was a hole that no one went to and 3 breweries went out of business. Now they have a hipster crowd and think they're beer city USA. Please.
The derogatory comments about Kalamazoo from Rich and Ray are primary examples of why Grand Rapids is not Beer City USA. Kalamazoo all the way.
Asheville is the total definition of "beer city". The BEST
Love my Beer City!
GR baby!!!
I've lived in Asheville. I've lived in Chicago, Ann Arbor, and a handful of other places on this list. Through my travels and time in the military I have lived in 38 states for varying amounts of time, and on 4 continents.
Still chose Grand Rapids to call home when it was time to hang it up.
Founders is great. Hopcat is nice but far too popular (read: crowded). The Hideout is fantastic (and much less crowded).
It's too bad we couldn't get a "West Michigan" vote and encompass Holland, K-zoo and GR together. I don't think the Asheville brew scene is "all" in Asheville. A lot of that area is pretty rural and Asheville is just the big city in the area to some folks.
If someone else wins this year, I am cool with that. But I have to be a homer and vote for GR, and I hope we win again.
@WNCBadWolf I entirely disagree with you, the title of Beer City USA for Grand Rapids this past year has brought in a lot more revenue for our fair city of Grand Rapids through tourism. I was reading about one of the local breweries, I can't remember which one exactly, experienced a ten-fold increase in tours this year. I don't think that that is just a coincidence. Not only has it increased revenue and tourism in Grand Rapids, it has brought a source of pride for Grand Rapids and an increase in interest in our local craft breweries and home-brewing. While you say that people need to change their point of view in regards to this poll, you also haven't been able to see all the sides of this poll and the large impact that it actually has on a city. So, in these regards, I respectfully disagree with you and honorably ask that you check yo'self before you wreck yo'self.
What a great spirited competition! The craft brew scene is alive and thriving! My growler count now stands at 146. Mostly from michigan but also all over the Great Lakes States and some out east. Been from Greenbush Brewery in Sawyer, Mi. all the way to Brickside Brewery in Copper Harbor, in the upper peninsula. All Grand Rapids breweries are outstanding in their own way. I have also heard nothing but great things about the breweries in Asheville and what a great city it is. I will be down there within the next couple of years to experience the beer and atmosphere. In the meantime, lets all kick back and enjoy a delicious, unfiltered brew!
I just hope that Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo don't cannibalize votes from each other. They are both great beer cities, but my vote goes to Grand Rapids. Ann Arbor has some good breweries, but shouldn't be mentioned on the list.
Its just beer and its just a lame internet poll that means absolutely nothing at all. Whether your city gets enough votes or not does not change the fate of your city. The only reason Asheville has won this poll for the past few years is because of publicity. All the other cities have so much more going on that people can't be bothered with a meaningless internet survey. As for Asheville, beer is pretty much all this town has, the people here are obsessed with it, they dedicate their whole lives to it, their days off revolve around it. So when you are that obsessed with something and there is nothing else in the town to get your focus away from it, then you have nothing better to do than sit on the computer voting every chance you get, all the whole while, with an Asheville beer (or PBR) in your hand. So just because the people of Asheville have nothing more interesting in their life than beer, does not make this city any better than any other city that has tons of microbreweries. You all just need to get some perspective on things and realize that beer, this poll and whether or not your city gets this meaningless title has very little to do with the grand scheme of things
Grand Rapids!!!!!!!
Go Arcadia & Bells! Kalamazoo reigns!
Grand Rapids Baby!!!!
Grr...keep voting....see you all at Perrin Brewery!
Not only is Asheville among the's growing... You can't stop the reign!
Kalamazoo is AWESOME! It will be even better with Gonzo's Biggdogg Brewery coming in September. There are several other breweries coming to Kzoo like Boatyard and Arcadia. Asheville is very good as well.
Jacksonville's craft brewers are the best! This is the beer city of NE Florida!
Grew up drinking beer in southwest Michigan. I'm glad you all support SW Michigan beer. But, the Colorado, Oregon and Washington beer scenes are a completely different level above Grand Rapids... Not sure how you can claim beer city USA. Founders is maybe the 4th or 5th best in the state. Wouldn't even be top 20 in the portland area... I mean no disrespect to grr. Had a lot of fun there growing up and in college. Just don't get it. Respect for the city but let's be realistic people
If Asheville doesn't win, it's been rigged.
Go State!
Let's go GR!!
Harmony Brewing Co in GR is the best brewery I have ever been to.
There is nothing like being the best, Michigan is the micro brew capital of the USA. But it does make for hard decisions when you have to pick the best from the best. Personally I had to go with our home town Grand Rapids. It's hard to beat Founders and Sparta's Michigan Brew Basement.
Asheville NC. has the best beer everone that comes to see us can,t beleave all the great Beer that they can get in Asheville.
Grand Rapids has become a true craft beer lovers heaven!_
Note to all the beer drinking cognoscenti: Last year's results were cooked.
How can thousands of votes be cast and the results announced as a tie? Up untill several days before the final tally was published, the actual number of votes were reported. Asheville maintained a lead. Then suddenly two days before the voting was ended, the results were reported in PERCENTAGES. The final tally was carreied out to a tenth of a percent and it was declared a tie. This is statistically highly improbable,
When will Papazian stop cooking the books?
Go GR!
Grand Rapids has grown into a great beer city over the last couple of years. GR get my vote!!!
Grand Rapids!!!
I'm thirsty for Asheville! My favorite beers of all time: IPA is SHIVA, Pale Ale is Pisgah, Amber is Gaelic, Porter is Green Man, Kolsch is French Broad and favorite brewerey in downtown AVL is The Wedge! No doubt Asheville is beer city 2013!
I think GRAND RAPIDS washes away Asheville with our endless RUSHING RAPIDS OF BEER. Maybe next year you can try to rise again from your soggy ashes. ;)
Try Harmony
Best PORTER anywhere in the world , let alone the state of Michigan. "Michigan Beer Cellar", the best kept secret around, Sparta MI, who would have guessed!
Having lived in the GRR area most of my life, then moving to Fort Collins a few years ago - I gotta tell you - Grand Rapids isn't even in the Colorado league (as far as a beer town). Fort Collins gets my vote.