Who would you choose as full-time 'Jeopardy' host?


  • Gammie - 3 years ago

    If you want a totally plastic person you got it with phony Mike! He has an in already with the program….working for them…natural and real is Ken. Just like the people who watch Jeopardy! But you put Mike and that woman on and you loose me! She is very hard to look at…let alone to watch on a regular basis!

  • jj - 3 years ago

    Katie Couric bcs she has hot legs. Meredith Vieria should try bcs she has fine gams too

  • Connie - 3 years ago

    Mike Richards, please. He’s a natural.
    I watched all guests hosts, except a few, and enjoyed the variety.

  • Eleanor Nolt - 3 years ago

    Levar Burton was the worst! Arrogant. We liked Robin Roberts,
    Mayim Balik, or Ken Jennings!

  • Sandee - 3 years ago

    Mike Richards hands down would be the perfect host for Jeopardy! He makes me feel comfortable taking on Alex’s Show! Please select him!

  • Kathleen - 3 years ago

    I would choose #1 LeVar Burton. He is 10x better than the rest. His voice, his positivity, the way he keeps the game moving and the way he respects the players, not making them feel bad for wrong answers or low points. I just loved the show with him on it & couldn’t believe how quickly the time passed.

    #2 Mayim Bialik

    #3 Aaron Rodgers

    The worst was Ken Jennings. I don’t like his voice & I find him irritating

  • Patricia McCullough - 3 years ago

    Personally I really like Savannah Guthrie. After that I would say Ken Jennings. He came right after Alex's passed and we were too used to Alex. I think Ken did a wonderful job! Mayim bialik was also very good. There are some if chosen would cost me to quit watching jeopardy.

  • Laura Johnston - 3 years ago

    Ken Jennings has been the best. The others too cocky! I could not stand Katie Couric. I liked the lady from Big Bang with a little coaching she would be a good one!!!

  • Barbara - 3 years ago

    I initially hopef that Ken Jennings would be the best choice but Fuzzy is fantastic. So relaxed and knowledgeable. A winner as far as I am concerned.

  • Denise Ryals - 3 years ago

    Mike Richards! Knowledgeable, at ease, better flow than any of the others. Many of the others were so awkward!

  • Cora Gaston - 3 years ago

    Hands down Mike Richards has been the best so far!!! His performance was polished smooth and professional and he came off as completely at ease in this role. His stint as Jeopardy guest host totally eclipses all of the other guest hosts to date. Love me some Mike!!!♥️????♥️

  • Tara - 3 years ago

    According to Fan Based poll:
    -Ken Jennings 83%
    -Mike Richards 72%
    -Aaron Rodgers 62%
    -Katie Couric 60%
    -Dr.Oz 57%

  • jimmy - 3 years ago

    Here is my ranking so far
    1. Aaron Rogers
    2. Mike Richards
    3. All the rest

    Brook Burns does deserve a shot. She has the knowledge and experience with trivia shows.

  • Shirley - 3 years ago

    KEN !!!!.

  • Susan Anderson - 3 years ago

    So far, it's either Rodgers or Richards.

    Jennings was someone I liked for the memories but he could be a little condescending.

    Katie was terrible. I'm sure she'd do fine somewhere else but she's not right for Jeopardy.

    Dr. Oz doesn't even deserve a mention.

    It will be interesting to see how the others perform. If Cooper or Dr. Gupta want the job, they should bring their A game because many conservatives are not thrilled with those choices. I'm just interested in seeing how they do.

    I look forward to Mayim.

    I would have loved to see Michael Che be a host.

  • Glenn Koslan - 3 years ago

    I'm all in for Aaron Rodgers.

  • Catherine McKinnell - 3 years ago

    Aaron Rogers is overwhelmingly my first choice to replace Alex.

  • Donna C McAbee - 3 years ago

    My ultimate choice for permanent host of Jeopardy is Aaron Rogers!!!
    Second choice: Mike Richards. If Levar Burton becomes host I would probably stop watching Jeopardy!!!

  • Donna C McAbee - 3 years ago

    My ultimate choice for permanent host of Jeopardy is Aaron Rogers!!!
    Second choice: Mike Richards

  • Renee - 3 years ago

    Mike Richards and Katie Couric were absolutely boring. Ken Jennings has Jeopardy charm and he loves the program.

  • Tracy - 3 years ago

    Ken Jennings comes across arrogant and a know it all. Intelligence is one thing but he just gets on my nerves. He does not have a commanding presence nor a good voice. I think viewers would tire of him and the ratings would eventually slip. Mike was very professional and had excellent command of everything. His voice is easy to listen to and he seemed confident but not arrogant like Ken. I enjoyed Katie and I think that women are always held to a higher standard than their male counterparts which is a shame. Dr. Oz was fine but I am really impressed with Aaron Rodgers who has no experience in this type of setting but is doing a great job. At this point, I vote for Mike. I think you need someone who is not already a household name and is able to make this important position his or her own. So Mike.

  • Cdwoodward - 3 years ago

    Mike Phillips gets my vote.

  • Connie Hendries - 3 years ago

    Mike! Mike! Mike! He's the closest to having all of Alex's qualities. He's charming, intelligent, relaxed, funny, a good ad libber, genuinely likes the contestants, and is quite good looking. I've now seen all the emcees but Aaron Rodgers and there's no way he could take the full-time job, although I'm sure he'll do well (I live near Green Bay). Mike Richards is my choice.

  • Cindy Leach - 3 years ago

    Mike Richard. HANDS DOWN. Ken is too patronizing.

  • Kennon - 3 years ago

    I’ve seen all the hosts. DO NOT care for Dr Oz! Katie C and Ken Jennings were both pleasant, but Mike Richards was hands down the BEST!!!

  • Sandra Barnes - 3 years ago

    Mike Richards definitely over boring Ken. However much to my surprise we are really liking Oz.

  • T - 3 years ago

    So far Katie was the best. Dr Oz not bad. Would love to see Mereith Vierra. Didn't even watch Ken; don't care for him

  • Di - 3 years ago

    Katie was an excellent host and definitely brought the most to the table. Jennings will always be too bland. This poll is so inaccessible and is clearly biased!

  • Chris Dowd - 3 years ago

    Although I so enjoyed Ken and Mike as guest hosts, I found Katie to be absolutely delightful as the host! Her smarts and her love of the game was obvious! Katie took her role seriously, but also made the half hour program fun!!
    It was wonderful that money was raised to find a cure for pancreatic cancer!!

  • Deborah A Lowry - 3 years ago

    Ken Jennings all time champion of Jeopardy would continue the honor and integrity that Alex Trebek gave to the show.

  • Leslie - 3 years ago

    At first, I expected to not like Ken, but he actually has been the best host so far. Mike is too robotic and Katie hasn't worked for me. I agree that Lamar Burton should get a chance to try his hand as host. I'm a life-long fan and hope to continue watching Jeopardy until the end. Please don't dumb it down. Pick a host whom Alex would have been proud to hand the torch over to.

  • bob barber - 3 years ago

    Mike has great responsibilities as producer as producer of Jeopardy and Wheel. I doubt that he would have neither time or interest on a full time basis.

  • Gen - 3 years ago

    Mike Richards all the way. He’s a natural! I had a really hard time with the cadence of Ken Jennings questions/answers; it really threw off the timing and made it hard to play along at home. I was quite pleasantly surprised with Mike’s candor. Ken comes across as cocky and it feels like he needs the attention.... I want the focus to be on the game, not the host!

  • RJ - 3 years ago

    Mike Richards was far better than Ken Jennings, whose facial expressions were "displeasing". Katie Curic is too phony....does not come accross with the warmth that Alex possessed, and everything about her is "forced". In fact, i stopped watching because of her.
    Mike Richards "reached" the contestants as well as the audience.

  • linda - 3 years ago

    Jeopardy James would make the best host to replace Alexs , I would love to see himhave a chance

  • jackie boudreaux - 3 years ago

    PLEASE give Lamar Burton a shot at this...he is intelligent, easy to listen to, has lots of experience and believability

    It would be a chance to elevate a really qualified person and might even help get some minorities to see that being intelligent is a big deal

    FYI I am NOT a minority. and I have been a faithful viewer for more than 40 yeaars

    will decide Ken/Mike AFTER Burton gets a chance

  • Rebecca - 3 years ago

    Mike for sure!! Ken does not have the voice.

  • Jane - 3 years ago

    How about Timothy Daly!!

  • Sam Tillard - 3 years ago

    I liked Mike Richards, but he had an odd pause before answering a contestant’s guess.

  • Laura Johnston - 3 years ago

    I like ken Jennings. Mike Richards too cocky. Seems insincere. Katy Couric trying to put on charm but falls flat.
    Again Ken Jennings the very best out of 3

  • Dianne - 3 years ago

    So far Ken Richards.. He has a real love and appreciation for the game. I didn't care for Mike. Don't enjoy watching Katie Couric at all. So much so I'd stop watching. I thought Alex had a short list of people who he thought would be good hosts. I don't this group except maybe Ken was on it.

  • Claudia - 3 years ago

    It would be brave/inspirational/awesome if producers considered an unknown rather than a TV personality ... maybe invite professors of history or literature or the sciences to compete. They could narrow entrants behind the scenes, have a 10-day competition, one for each episode, for example, then have the audience vote. Let’s honor JEOPARDY by honoring America’s brightest minds, not just someone on the air we’ve seen before, over and over.

  • Gavan Hillebold - 3 years ago

    Look no further, Mike Richards is the man period. Great orator who speaks clearly and decisively. Has all the charisma and talent to carry the show. Not watching Kouric host as it like dragging your fingernails across the chalkboard. MIKE RICHARDS IS THE BEST !!!!

  • Charlotte Mills - 3 years ago

    Mike Richards definitely is the right choice for host. Very professional, his voice was made for tv, unlike Ken Jennings. I think you are making a mockery of Alec Trebec’s legacy by dragging actors, football players and anchors (who make snarky comments) in to host. This was not a job just anyone can do. Alec was the best and that came from hard work and experience which Mike Richards his executive producer who watched his every move, has. Will not be watching while you parade these “characters” from other lines of work onto stage to demean the professional Alec was.

  • MaryBeth Pine - 3 years ago

    I love Katie Couric as host, she is fast and her voice has a smile. She relates well with the guests, and doesn't come off as a know it all. GO KATIE

  • Paula Shaw - 3 years ago

    Why not try some news people off the other networks as well. I would like to see Shannon Bream and Greg Kelly have a shot at it. I think Shannon has a wonderful speaking voice and is very smart. I would really like to see her try out if she would.

  • Helen - 3 years ago

    Ken Jennings has to be the one. There is a respect for the game that the others don’t share. Ken Jennings is the heart and soul of Jeopardy. He doesn’t have to “act” to be the host. He really IS the perfect host for Jeopardy and the perfect person to honor Alex Trebek’s legacy.

  • Claudia - 3 years ago

    I don’t feel any of the hosts so far has the charisma of Alex. Ken gives off a bit of ego that’s occasionally offputting. Mike is a nice guy, but he seems to be a little automatonish, as if trying too hard to emulate Alex. As a result, he comes off as disingenuous. Katie, unfortunately, is uninspirational and boring. I hope producers keep trying new personalities. It’s not an easy replacement, I realize, but the show deserves one without a fatal flaw that makes me want to change the channel.

  • Jenna - 4 years ago

    I really enjoyed Mike Richards. I hope he becomes the permanent host. He had a real presence from the get go.

  • Teresa May - 4 years ago

    Jeopardy, I hope your paying attention to these comments and other comments being but out in cyber world. Absolutely everyone who makes a comment about Katie Couric says they absolutely DONT WONT TO SEE HER OR WATCH HER! So I hope you get a clue in that department. She is NOT wanted on Jeopardy!!!! She is old baggage thats been around the block WAY to many times. Nobody cares anymore!! A Major Pass!!!!

  • Glenda Parker - 4 years ago

    I liked Ken Jennings & Mike Richards. I won't watch those with political agendas like Katie, Anderson Cooper or Savannah Guthrie. Alex never was political and Mike ended his shows with Alex's saying of wanting a kinder society. These people are causing division in our country.

  • Kathy Dokter - 4 years ago

    NO to Katie!!!!! Love Jeopardy but won't watch Katie.

  • Kathy Dokter - 4 years ago

    NO to Katie!!!!! Love Jeopardy but won't watch Katie.

  • Millicent R Jackson - 4 years ago

    So far Ken Jennings has nailed it. My husband and I both love Ken Jennings. Richards is ok. Katie C. , I love her as a reporter , but, not as a host of Jeopardy. Keep Ken Jennings.

  • Brandon Roisman - 4 years ago

    Love Ken Jennings. Mike Richards is good. Katie Couric is much better at her day job. She would not be my choice.

  • Thomas - 4 years ago

    Katie Couric? I gagged before I changed the channel. Her politics now deface a great show. I will not watch while she is host.

  • Peggy - 4 years ago

    Mike is a natural. Polished and poised, he was able to fill Alex's shoes without missing a beat. Ken talks too fast, sometimes I can't understand what he's saying!

  • Cindy - 4 years ago

    I like Mike Richards and I think he should be the host. I I think Ken Jennings did a great job. Either choice would be OK with me. I will not support any of the other guest host/hostesses. A handful of folks were chosen to “interview” and I’m extremely disappointed by all of them. Should they make a choice for one of the other folks there will be no jeopardy in our house. I know many other people that feel the same way.

  • Penalope Cook - 4 years ago

    I think Ken Jeans ngs did a spectacular job. I found Mike somewhat awkward and smarmy. That thing about kindness he said at the end of every show has got to go!
    PLEASE give the job to Ken!

  • Hal Andrews - 4 years ago

    I’ll be happy with either of these two guys. But, should the producers wind up picking either Katie Couric or Anderson Cooper I can assure you that after being a loyal Jeopardy fan for over 30 years I will NEVER watch the show again!!

  • Jo - 4 years ago

    I will not watch any episodes with Katie Couric as host. I love the Jeopardy programs and I love watching Richards as host. He has a smooth manner about him. But after Katie Couric's remarks that Republicans should be reprogrammed in their thinking I have no time for her. If she gets the job I will not watch future episodes.

  • Cheryl - 4 years ago

    Ken Jennings please.
    THE GOAT!!

  • Don MacLennan - 4 years ago

    Not Ken Jennings! I feel as though he’s laughing at the contestants as he thinks “I would have got that correct.”

  • Peter Caballero - 4 years ago

    A permanent person will be very hard to find, as they would have to commit 110 %. All the others have other things in the fire, and Jeopardy can not be one of them. This was Alex's baby and if the replacement doesn't have it in him/her to commit 110% I hate to say it, by, by, Jeopardy.
    I will say if they choose Kadie Couric I don't think I will be watching anymore. And Rodgers needs to stay on the football field.

  • Sherry Lee - 4 years ago

    I will never watch again if you put Katie Couric as host after her name calling of voters during the election. She is not qualified as a host.

  • Linda - 4 years ago

    Mike is a natural as host. He is comfortable with the contestants and certainly knowledgeable . There is a wonderful ease he has during the entire time. We found Ken annoyingly uncomfortable in his surroundings and actually stopped recording Jeopardy. If he were to be the host we definitely wouldn’t be able to continue watching Jeopardy.

  • LindaClement - 4 years ago

    Mike is the best choice for the Show to continue for a longer time. As the Executive Producer, he will not leave this job for another one.
    Ken has his hands in two other game shows and he needs to stick with those and step out of the third one. He has made enough money off of Jeopardy.. he just doesn’t have “it” and Mike does!
    Can’t tell you what the “IT Factor” totally means- Alex had it- and so does Mike. Ken is a nice guy but not the right guy for this job!
    Please don’t make us sit through weeks and weeks of guest host!
    The right person is now found- give him the job!

  • Charlotte Bell - 4 years ago

    Ken Jennings..He is a natural and so at ease with contestants!!

  • Charlotte Bell - 4 years ago

    Ken Jennings..He is a natural and so at ease with contestants!!

  • Mary Ruth - 4 years ago

    Ken of course.

  • Sharon deCola - 4 years ago

    Ken Jennings all the way! As he continued to host, he grew more comfortable & developed his own style...I, personally, get "slick, generic, robotic" host when I watched Mike. And no Katie, Savannah, Anderson...all are far too political.. And remember, Ken knows what it's like to stand there...he makes the contestants comfortable just in that regard. Go Ken... we think that's who Alex would have wanted.

  • Dave - 4 years ago

    How is this even close? Ken seems so uncomfortable and it makes it hard to watch. Mike has a presence you can't teach. Not even a contest.

  • Rosie - 4 years ago

    Mike has a great voice and presence. Ken doesn’t come across as well.

  • Carolyn - 4 years ago

    Mike Richards is definitely my choice. I have liked him since watching him on Pyramid several years ago, and thought of him as a perfect replacement when Alex left us. Ken is o.k., but don't like his voice or manner sometimes. Mike seems much more fitted for this job and definitely should be the one to replace Alex. PLEASE CANCEL that creepy Katie C., and the equally creepy CNN News people from this list. Can't believe they are even considered. They will lose ratings for "Jeopardy" for sure.

  • Lenore McDonald - 4 years ago

    Enjoyed watching Mike Richard's host Jeopardy for two weeks. His stage presence is relaxed and calm, much like how Alex Trebek was with contestants. Ken Jennings is smart and has a broad range of topics to which he can respond but my perception of his "stage presence " was that he appeared not as relaxed and engaging.

  • Allison - 4 years ago

    Ken Richards, no contest. Shows respect for the contestant. Ken Jennings? Yuk. It's all about him. He has to put his two cents in with every answer. I stopped watching Jeopardy after he was on more than 2 weeks. Abdul Jabbar would be good to watch as a guest host. Before Katie Couric, which I won't watch.

  • Laura - 4 years ago

    I choose Mike. He has the charisma of Alex. Plus, he doesn't seem full of himself. He seems genuine and down to earth. There were times watching Ken that the contestant got the answer wrong. And you could tell by the look on Ken's face that he knew the answer and thought he was better than them. He just looked too smug at times.

  • Joan, Kate & Family - 4 years ago

    Prefer Ken, but Richards is OK. We’re sure he would grow into the job.
    PLEASE...JUST CHOOSE EITHER KEN OR RICHARDS. Don’t ruin a great show

  • Dianne Neels - 4 years ago

    I would love to see Mike as permanent host of Jeopardy . He has the pizzaz and personality it takes to keep people interested and be a great host. I’m not normally a game show person except for Jeopardy. I loved Alex and may he Rest In Peace. Ken was just okay for me. He just didn’t have what it takes for me. No pizazz, a little on the dull side.

  • Marie - 4 years ago

    With a voice of character, Mike Richards definitely fills the spot. Also, his good looks, demeanor, and natural style. Rest peacefully Alex.

  • Michelle - 4 years ago

    Our family was pleasantly surprised with Mike’s relaxed style, voice, appearance and “TV” personality. We couldn’t wait until Ken was replaced. His voice, comments and persona doesn’t come close to honoring Alex’s legacy. Ken comes off as condescending, arrogant, and “full of himself” for being smarter than the contestants since he was a champion. If he gets this gig, his “true personality colors” like he portrays on The Chase would be his norm, and not close to the humility Mike or Alex portrayed. I don’t see how any of the next guests could do better. We won’t be watching several of them!

  • Regina - 4 years ago

    I prefer Richards. He has the charm and charisma to be a game show host. He appears very comfortable in front of the camera.

  • Glenda - 4 years ago

    Mike, He has that Trebek personality. Great job. Ken is good,. hosting doesn't seem to come natural for him.

  • Paul - 4 years ago

    Mike of course. He is real. Ken seem to stiff and not relateable.

  • Dennis Huff - 4 years ago

    Ken Jennings all the way! Overcame all odds and uncomfortableness to become a true Jeopardy host in the best way possible.

  • Howard Moss - 4 years ago

    I liked Ken but he looks a little wooden and slightly uncomfortable in this role. Mike Richards is my choice by far. I agree stop the daily speech. I think he will grow into the role quickly once he himself relaxes into his new position. He has a good voice and enthusiasm for the game. Just a little softer with wrong answers! I think he could be a great successor to Alex Trebek who was unique. Yours sincerely.
    Howard Moss

  • Happy - 4 years ago

    Ken Jennings should be the new host. I can't stand Mike Richards and would probably tune out. He's not personable at all and makes it feel like one of the bad game shows from the 90's that you never heard of.

  • Livingston Caldwell - 4 years ago

    I was pleasantly surprised by Ken Jennings hosting. I can't put my finger on it, but my gut doesn't like Mike Richards. I feel like Richards is a human version of IBM's Watson, capable but lacks the personality that I would prefer to see.

  • Linda s - 4 years ago

    Mike Mike Mike....he's very comfortable in the position.
    Do NOT like ken....not when he was on as a contestant...
    Don't like when he hosted He's very smarmy....
    Once Mike is in the hosting role....he'll develope his own way...and be able to take jeopardy a long way !! SEEMS MORE POSOTIVE , He SMILES .... ALL FOR MIKE !!!!!

  • E - 4 years ago

    Ken was ok, getting more comfortable as time went on. Mike was comfortable, fluid, engaged from day one. His only flaw -- he spoke too loudly. It seemed a little toned down today (Friday), though. I really liked him. I look forward to the other guest hosts, though.

  • Ron Kasparec - 4 years ago

    Ken & Mike are both good hosts. I won't be watching next week when Katie Couric hosts.

  • Bernadine Irwin - 4 years ago

    Both Jennings & Richards did well, however Richards style allows viewers to enjoy and focus on the game better than was true with Jennings. With Jennings I wanted so for him to do well, and sensed his stress, so I didn’t enjoy the game as well.

  • Pam burnett - 4 years ago

    I agree with most of the postings. Yes, Mike is very polished and great as the host. But ken is my choice. He does a great job as well but is more humble and more relatable. The other temporary hosts that are lined up have their own celebrity, more permanent careers. Why go through with putting off choosing a host when Ken is perfect for the job?

  • Assunta Galeno - 4 years ago

    How about trying Mo Rocca? He’d be perfection.

  • Roger Hendrix - 4 years ago

    Mike Richards all the way. He is as good as Alex. Can’t imagine anyone else coming anywhere close to being as good as Mike Richards. If Ken Jennings is the host our household will surely tune out. He just doesn’t cut it.

  • Anthony Bellantoni - 4 years ago

    Ken 100%. He is absolutely perfect for this position and I feel pretty certain he would be at the top of Alex’s short list. Mike did alright but I just feel like jeopardy isn’t the show that fits him best. Plus, ken’s “thank you, Alex” was nice to hear every night. Having to listen to mike repeat the same quote over and over and over got to the point where I would change the channel before he signed off.

    Rogers will be fun to watch, and I think Anderson Cooper will be great at it but may cause a ratings dip due to his primary career. Not really looking forward to Couric, and Dr. Oz is literally a joke.

  • Myra Hershfield - 4 years ago

    My vote goes to Ken Jennings. He is more relaxed, seems to enjoy the job and having fun at it. Since he sat where the guests are he is able to make them relax. Mike Richards is stiff, his NO response made me cringe whenever contestants got incorrect answers . He appears as a robot . He is best at the job he currently has. Will certainly watch other hosts and evaluate their performance.


  • Rita Montgomery - 4 years ago

    I like both, Mike is a bit better. He is more polished. Ken does a good job. Either should be find. Mike is really great. Maybe they should share. At least for a while.

  • Tom Martin - 4 years ago

    Ken all the way! When Mike said "no" when they got one wrong it felt like he was saying "no, stupid human" to me.

  • Maria Cereceda - 4 years ago

    Waiting for LaVar Burton.......but it might not be a bad idea to have different hosts for a few years.....times and social attitudes have changed.
    New people and new approaches are always more interesting and exciting.
    Also, we want to keep the evolving generations of younger ages intrigued and vested in learning new things......I believe the "old Jeopardy" has gone.
    Time for a new face.

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