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  • Patricia Conlon - 15 years ago

    What are NPR listeners so afraid of, then? And why now is dissent NOT patriotic, only "racist?"
    Gee gosh Almighty, even the NY Times gave Fox the win.
    Are you folks even aware that Fox has Juan Williams from NPR on as a commentator?
    Or do you actually believe that silencing Fox is a good thing, and if so, WHO IS NEXT???

  • keith - 15 years ago

    whats happening to freedom of speech. going,going...

  • Franklin P - 15 years ago

    ANY news reporting organization should be allowed to cover newsworthy events and report them, regardless of their slant or view. NO government or administration should have the right of censorship in a free society. The Obama Administration erred by refusing to allow Fox access to newsworthy events and I understand why the other networks stood up for them... they could be the ones barred from reporting next time!

  • S - 15 years ago

    Faux News does serve a purpose and that is to furnish the public with a laugh now and then. Cartoon characters one and all...

  • Laura Lee - 15 years ago

    Grant that I don't participate in many polls or surveys, mainly because I don't care to take the time, but in most cases it's because I don't like the way the questions are framed. This survey seems very straight up, no trick questions. I also don't see the WH as perpetrating any sort of censorship over calling Fox News, for what it is and what it is rarely. "Fair and Balanced" makes me giggle...

  • Jay - 15 years ago

    While I may not agree with some of the questions they are asking, I feel it is necessary that FOX News -- the news organization, not the reputation-savvy blowhards -- asks sometimes undesirable questions of this administration. It may be revolting at times but FOX News does serve a public good. American media outlets have not been as critical of some of Obama's policies as they should be.

  • Matthew Lee - 15 years ago


    Fox News is 'fear mongered' a lot of their viewers into believing that Saddam Hussein had something to do with the 911 terrorist attacks, that is reckless and unforgivable to me.


    Actually, the independent studies of networks show that NPR does not really lean at all and when it does, it tends to lean to the right, imagine that!

    Also if you did actually listen to their program, you would know that they do not use emotional pleas and anecdotal stories that Fox News and MSNBC rely so heavily on.
    The facts do not need emotional storytellers to be heard, they just need to be represented properly...

    But do not take my word for it, investigate all the studies preformed and even ask some people you know who are exclusive listeners/watchers of various shows and see who is more in tune with reality.

  • jesusfreak - 15 years ago

    wow. this survey is dangerous. a huge majority of the people who listen to npr don't want freedom of speech. does it not seem a little strange that the white house wants to choose who can and can't cover what it is doing? an ovation to the other news organizations who stood up and said we will not cover you unless you let fox in. we have a word for what the white house is trying to do. propaganda.

  • Bob - 15 years ago

    To quote Stephen Colbert: "Reality has a well known liberal bias."

  • Glenn - 15 years ago

    Considering that most people who listen to or read NPR news, I not being one of them even though I like NPR, tend to be more liberal in their political thinking, this poll doesn't surprise me. I like NPR because it gives me an insight into what they, who are not as conservative as I, are thinking on issues facing our country.

    And this Poll proves my point. Thanks.

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