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I'm supporting: (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 2,718,408

  • Jim - 15 years ago

    Fox is doing a great service to the tax payers of this country, by reporting on all the behind the scene criminal activities of our politicians, our political arena contains some of the finest criminal minds ever known to mankind in the history of the world, unfortunately the Democommie party is just a little better than their Republican counterparts, when it comes to being a criminal.

  • jim - 15 years ago

    Since NPR is just another pulpit for Kark marx, are the results surprising?

  • Steve Trotter - 15 years ago

    The real question is...Are any of the news networks fair and balanced...All of the other news networks are liberal left leaning and fox presents the only conservative view...The white house should take time to read the us constitution...

  • Shawn - 15 years ago

    Are you kidding me????? It doesn't matter which side you fall on. Have you ever heard of FREEDOM OF SPEECH???? This is downright scary.

  • Alan Travis - 15 years ago

    The extreme left-wing bias of NPR, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, the New York Times, Time, Newsweek, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, and countless other liberals is profoundly destructive, anti-liberty, and anti-American.

    Liberals have been lying so very much they can no longer differentiate between their lies and reality. Barack Obama is the apogee of liberal dishonesty and hubris. He is a pathological narcissist.

  • Mark in Dallas - 15 years ago

    Fox is the only news outlet that covers all aspects of the news. They have partisan commentary, but other networks like MSNBC are so bias in the other direction that it is really hard to watch. Check out Bernie Goldberg's book the "A Slobbering Love Affair" for critical analysis on how this President has been handled by the media... It's shameful.

  • Ben Johnson - 15 years ago

    What's he afraid of? I thought he was such a great orator and smooth persuader. The truth of the matter is that the White House is trying to bully and intimidate FOX, no matter how much the neo-fascists on here want to whitewash it.

  • Manuel Antonio Chaves - 15 years ago

    I'm a veteran Marine from the Vietnam era and I served my country so that we could enjoy freedom and among the freedom that we enjoy is freedom of speech, we can not forget this or allow a socialist minded government take this freedom for us. This is a country built under God for liberty and justice for all. "SEMPER FI"!!!!!!!!

  • Tom - 15 years ago

    The fact that almost 100,000 of you are brainwashed really scares me.

  • babsdraper - 15 years ago

    This poll is a sham because an individual and vote and revote as many times as they choose. Freedom os speech and of the press is at issue here and there is no contest that any agency or publication has a right to make their information and biases known.

  • thatthatguy - 15 years ago

    Seriously Fox, no one is being silenced, imprisoned, or otherwise abused. If the White House doesn't want to talk to Fox, then why should they have to?

  • Shaun - 15 years ago

    Like Jason said a couple posts above, this isn't even a 1st Amendment issue. Freedom of the press protects journalists from censorship, prosecution, and imprisonment for undesirable, but otherwise legal, publications. Now as far as I know, Fox News is not being prosecuted or imprisoned. Thus, the only question is are they being censored by the government. Clearly, they are not because they are still free to voice their opinions. The White House simply did not want to give Fox News an audience with the President. Would it be any different, from a legal standpoint, if they invited Fox News to an interview and then issued no comment to every question? It would certainly be within the President's 1st Amendment right to free speech.

    The other question is "Why aren't other smaller organizations clamoring about not being given an audience?" If you want to claim that denying a news organization an interview amounts to abridging the freedom of the press, then you would have to concede that it should apply to all agents of the news, not simply the largest few.

    The real issue here is that conservatives are upset at the White House for calling out Fox News. The argument could be made that it is distasteful, but don't go screaming that the press is being censored when it is obviously not true.

  • Kathy - 15 years ago

    I don't think it really matters which view you support, though I believe FOX is right on this one. It is the principle that the White House is trying to control the pool news agencies because it doesn't like what one of them is saying. Did they forget it is known as FREEDOM of SPEECH and the PRESS? I wonder what would happen if the White House suddenly decided that it didn't want CBS or CNN at a particular news conference because their views on that topic differ from what the administration wants. Do you see the danger here? It is not about WHO they are doing it to, but that they are doing it at all!!!!

  • John Calhoun - 15 years ago

    That pesky, onerous First Amendment, if only the dearly beloved President could silence these critics once and for all, right?

  • denise - 15 years ago

    What fools. Instead of debating whether Fox News is propaganda, we should be debating why in America it's appropriate for the administration to be targeting and demonizing any news outlet. If we're so stupid not to understand the difference between the news segments and the commentary shows, then we deserve to lose the republic. I wonder what people here would be saying if GWB's administration was targeting MSNBC in this manner. It can go both ways folks. Be careful what you support.

  • Ken - 15 years ago

    NPR having this Poll to ask if FOX is real news is like asking a homeless person if they like money. Every working person knows that NPR leans to the left.

  • Outinoz - 15 years ago

    I love the way these questions are you support the White House or Fox News? The question really is why is the federal government attacking the free press? Do you support the government or the free press? Regardless of which party is in the White House, the free press is the cornerstone of the blockade to defend our freedom. I view this attack on Fox News as an attack on the foundation of our freedom.

  • dc - 15 years ago

    If the news is rigged, then it is rigged on ABC, NBC, CBS....CNN. They were all soft on President Obama. Do you think Chris Matthews, Oberman and Rachel M. are news shows? My how one sided the country has become. The last time I looked at the Constitution and Bill of Rights Freedom of the Press had not been removed. Since when does the White House dictate who can or can't report the news. I am an independent voter who votes on both sides of the aisle, but I find to get to the truth I need to watch FOX News along with the other news stations. I also read editorials which is exactly what Oberman, Matthews, Rachel M., OReilly, Hannity and Beck are. Each provide the viewer with an editorial on current issues. They are not the news. Folks lets get our heads on straight and start understanding that this White House needs to stop elevating FOX News and start working on 2 wars, health issues and our economy. Frankly, I do not know how they have time to even think about FOX News. They sound like a bunch of teens that heard some damaging gossip about themselves. Mr. President you are in the White House, please act like our President and work on the issues that face out Nation.

  • CER - 15 years ago

    In most part the voters prefer to be led and told what to do and how to live their lives. I see a few rather make their own life decisions. Also, at this period of time most hard working people are out earning an income instead of romaning the internet.

  • cableguy - 15 years ago

    Here is an idea. Instead of believing everything that you hear on the tube or read in the paper. Do some investigation of your own. There are tons of places on the internet that information is un biased and written purely for information purposes only. Hey you might even catch the live feed off of a cell phone on you tube. Grow up America quit letting the government and the media run your life. As far as Fox goes it has the right just like the others to broadcast the news as they see it. Watch out Obama your starting to show your socialistic hand. You still have lots of time left before you have to lay down your cards.

  • Hatin Fox "News" - 15 years ago

    suck it right wingers

  • John Rieder - 15 years ago

    NPR not biased...really! I used to listen to NPR some years ago as they were one of the few that covered world news. Then came the 'Intifada' and I saw the true slant of what is now known affectionately as National Palestinian Radio (NPR). Funny how the far left 'fought' for freedom of thought, speech, and action...even including burning the American flag. But today, they think freedom of speech is when you agree with the left's position and when you don't it is seditious...yes in this debate of WhiteHouse vs. Fox the S word was used and not by Fox. The far right may be equally 'crazy' but they will fight and die for EVERYONE'S right to free speech. Wish we had Fox,or anyone in the secret closed door meetings where they are crafting legislation that will bankrupt our country and remove freedom of choice.

  • AHK - 15 years ago

    Mr. President, with all due respect, read the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution.

  • Jason - 15 years ago

    This is not a freedom of speech issue. Nobody is keeping Fox news from saying whatever they want to say. The administration is only saying they don't want to give Fox audience as they would say the same to Oprah or The Onion or anybody else who isn't actually a news organization. Regardless of Fox commentators, who are absolutely free to say whatever they feel like saying same as Olbermann, the moment Fox began actively organizing and supporting anti-government rallies they ceased to be a news organization. No other news organization does this and that is because it is not something news organizations do.

  • Anthony - 15 years ago

    This has nothing to do with Free Speech. Freedom of the Press more like it. However, Fox News is not the press. They are an arm of the Republican Party. Any organization that actively organizes and promotes protests against the President is not a news organization. You can't be objective, while at the same time organizing a protest to tell the government to stop doing something.

    There are some legitimate newsmen on Fox, and it is nice to have an opposition to the current administration just for perspective. But Fox News has gone well beyond that. Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and Fox And Friends are not news. They are opinion masquerading as news.

  • David - 15 years ago

    How many dissenters here spent their evenings listening to MSNBC trash Bush. Bush was an idiot, Obama is a liar. It's the press' responsibility to call them out on it. As network news is nothing more than a conduit for advertising, each must tell their side of the story to their specific audience. If you want the truth, turn of the TV.

  • Mary Lou - 15 years ago

    Apparently, freedom of speech only counts for the liberals. As far as I know, the administration has not yet removed our ability to change the station. When a conservative does not like what they are hearing, they change the station, whereas a liberal will demand a shutdown of the station.

  • Ron Donaldson - 15 years ago

    The White House is way off base on this one.. One network FOX is offering true news!! I watch NBC and am appaled as is my wife about the lack of information, same with the other big news network.. When you do some research you will see the FOX is fair and balanced.. The proof is their viewer ratings climbing rapidly.. People are tired of the Socialist extremes in the Democratic party and the White House.. The White has no business trying to dis Fox.. Anything here remind you of TASS from the USSR?? Freedom of the press, Freedom of Speeech.. Our fist amendment to the US Constitution is under attack by the White House.. Thank you God for FOX news!!

  • G Harvey - 15 years ago

    Ignore liberals, ignore their polls, ignore their media, ignore their idiot opinions. Avoid your liberal friends and relatives. Save your strength, and keep your real friends and family closer than ever.

    Do something constructive:
    Fire an Obama supporter (pick one) - let O take care of them.
    Go to a tea party.
    Get organized for 2010.

  • Larry Clarke - 15 years ago

    The White House has difficulty separating News from commentary. I also think they have trouble with truth on some issues (ACRON being my main concern). I am an registered independent and faithfully watch NPR and FOX. I do like Fox Commentary because they do not seem to be enamoured with President Obama's persona as much as the traditional networks tend to be. My greatest fear is having the White House attack ANY news organization. Freedom is not free and the other networks have recently condemned White House attacks against Fox which for freedom's sake is the only course of action that should be acceptable to liberal, conservative and independent. Loss of freedom of the press due to government's intervention is the frist step to the end of freedom. Everybody will never be happy with everything that is said by the press but we must diligently fight for their right to say it. My 30 years of military service was dedicated for the protection of freedoms like freedom of the press.

  • planesdrifter - 15 years ago

    I too would imagine that most of the poll voters that favor Faux News live in Jesusland (you know, south of the Mason-Dixon) or are comforted with being spoon fed rightwing pablum so they don't have to use their addled little brains. Faux News IS the propaganda arm of the Republican party. It was designed as such and will always be.

  • hearthstone - 15 years ago

    I wonder how many NPR listeners have watched Bret Baer's Special Report, which offers an hour of news and commentary, just like Jim Leherer on PBS. What's more, the commentary includes the views of Mara Liason and Juan Williams, both of NPR.

    Before Fox News was invented, I stopped watching the big networks and switched to The News Hour for its in-depth news coverage. Mark Shields and Paul Gigot had strong opinions on left and right, but that only served to illuminate the significance of items on the news. Fox does the same, now.

    It's not a good idea for the White House to make war on Fox. As the saying goes, never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel; same for someone who broadcasts news and opinion 24/7

  • RufusJunior - 15 years ago

    Gosh, what an unbiased place for a poll, NPR?


    Let's put a poll about NPR on FOX and see what happens.

  • Honest American - 15 years ago

    This survey is flawed. If you go back and forth between the vote screen and results. The total for Fox news goes up and down. What a scam and unreliable results.

  • US Citizen - 15 years ago

    If I am not mistaken, our constitution makes provisions for free speech, whenever it is limited by any person or organization, it spells trouble. All a person has to do is read the history books and observe what happens when free speech is squelched. It does not matter who is in the Oval Office, if they can't stand tough questions from any free press organization, they had best pack up and go home.

  • Norm - 15 years ago

    Whoever said that NPR leans to the right must not know their left form their right.

    I'll bet that same person is not a very good listener...NPR and Left are like apple pie and ice cream!

  • Stan lee - 15 years ago

    To all those who say it was wrong for the white house to not include fo/faux news, the question is, why would they legitimize a political right wing propaganda machine that is disguising as a news outlet? WHY? Even people who watch fix admits it is not really news but one sided bantering of the opponent.

    The constitution protects the press not lies!
    This poll reflects the fact that although fo/faux may get high Nielsen ratings, most Americans do know what it is and What it's not. And it's definitely not news.

  • BO - 15 years ago

    "Marxist, Fascist Propaganda! Racecard! They have a diabolical plan! Open your eyes! rabble rabble rabble!"

    Fox news has crossed the line in terms of bias and out right lie for the sake of ratings. Claiming there are FEMA camps ready to round us up, claiming democrats are unamerican, saying creationism has a place in secular schools, death panels? Its has nothing to do with fair and balanced nor do they really care about politics, its just a strategy to prey on the fears of christian conservatives to bolster ratings. At this time, when we are trying to fix our country after the failures of the last Republican administration, we can't afford this kid of nonsense.

  • Stan lee - 15 years ago

    To all those who say it was wrong for the white house to not include fo/faux news, the question is, why would they legitimize a political right wing propaganda machine that is disguising as a news outlet? WHY? Even people who watch fix admits it is not really news but one sided bantering of the opponent.

    The constitution protects the press not lies!

    This poll reflects the fact that although fo/faux may get high Nielsen ratings, most Americans do know what it is and is not. And it's definitely not news.

  • A pai - 15 years ago

    Faux News has gotten from bad to worse. they are at the pits - they are anything but a shill for the conservatives. fairness has been lost long long time ago. Faux news should be shut down unless they improve.

  • Nico de Vries - 15 years ago

    Politicians always blame the media when something doesn't go their way. Fox should report everything they want to report. That's what free speech is all about. The White House should stop whining about it. (Please note I completely disagree with the point of view Fox takes on most things, but that is not the issue here.)

  • Wanderer - 15 years ago

    Considering there are multiple ways of cheating on polldaddy polls (and almost all web polls) web results are never truly accurate. A simple google search shows you how to vote multiple times.

    Or just look at

  • Demosthenes XXI - 15 years ago

    While I appreciate what people are saying about freedom of the press, the problem here is that Fox News has been guilty of several acts of irresponsible journalism (if you can call what they do by that name), including "creating false news." Need I remind you of the rigged reports at the "Teabagger March?" This isn't about censorship or restriction of the press. This is about censuring a news outlet that consistently lies and misreports events as well as misquoting individuals for the purpose of furthering the political agenda of its owner (Murdoch), rather than taking an objective and unbiased view of newsworthy events. Allow me to put this in "plain talk." Why should this administration grant license to Fox when they are going to misreport and lie about whatever information is given them? When Fox starts acting like a legitimate and responsible news organization, then the White House can start treating them like one. Freedom of the press is a right but Fox has abused that right with their irresponsible and near-slanderous mockery of journalism.

  • The Big E - 15 years ago

    I see a lot of hysteria about President Obama in many comments.

    Does anyone have any solid facts to back this up? Can you prove to me that this isn't purely based on emotion/beliefs?
    .... a rational argument?

  • The Big E - 15 years ago

    Hey Mike,
    1. Good ratings doesn't mean it is factual or that it is legitimate news.
    2. Are you talking about Primetime "news" shows like "The O'Reilly Factor" and "Hannity". These are opinion shows.

    Mike wrote:
    > Fox News has more viewers in prime time than ALL of the other "news"
    > channels combined. Seems that Obama can't fool all of the people all
    > of the time, although the media sure trys to help do such.

  • Luke James - 15 years ago

    One more thing... for all of the crazies that say things like Obama is collapsing the economy on purpose with crushing taxes, etc, etc.

    Obama has cut taxes, not raised any. There may be some raising on the wealthy -- who have the lowest taxes in the history of this country right now which, along with a war of lies is at the root of the collapse of our economy. but no taxes have been raised yet.

    Any one who thinks we aren't still in Bush's economy is delusional, misinformed, and unrealistic.

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    Fox News has more viewers in prime time than ALL of the other "news" channels combined. Seems that Obama can't fool all of the people all of the time, although the media sure trys to help do such.

  • Luke Jame - 15 years ago

    I wouldn't mind Fox being selective with what they cover and blindly towing the Republican party line on each and every issue... if they didn't call themselves NEWS and didn't try to stake claim on being fair and balanced. They have been encouraging and arranging protests against our government for reasons disconnected to reality since this President took office. Yet they softened, supported, and deceived for the Bush administration at every shocking turn. And now Fox commentators are encouraging violent coups and trying to convince gun-toting angry people that our President is a: muslim, terrorist, racist, fascist, marxist, communist, socialist, out to destroy the country from the inside Manchurian candidate, and every other scary thing they can dream up.

    Again, that is not NEWS.

    Not that Fox is alone... we don't have real news anywhere anymore. And aside from msnbc, it all leans to the right. These 24 hour news networks need to be renamed and rebranded 24 hour opinion networks, and we need to get back to having real news exist somewhere on the television. But no one can deny that Fox is the grossest violator. msnbc may speak from a left slant (which reality does lean toward), but they aren't making things up,calling names, and begging for violence. If Fox keeps pushing they could end up with blood on their hands -- and that might be the very thing that could put an end to their existence.

  • Ronald L. Lingle - 15 years ago

    I watch only Fox news and talk radio for listening. I cannot find the real, honest, news anywhere else. Obama is liberal and radical. He is a danger to the welfare of this wonderful country. He was never qualified and probably not legally qualified. He is in way over his pay grade which is community organizer with acorn.

  • Good grief - 15 years ago

    The names and policies of ANY news organization do not even need to be mentioned in this discussion.

    The question is:
    "Should news organization X be disallowed to participate in the recording of events for a public office?"

    My answer is:
    Absolutely, unequivocally, and resolutely NO!

    I am sad that so many people can ignore the heart of the matter to protect their egos and attachment to political celebrities.

    I hear many things that I strongly disagree with, but respect an individual's right to have and express their opinion. We should expect our President to be able to show at least the same level of restraint and maturity that I can muster (it's not that difficult). I don't feel that my expectations are lofty (or even ambitious).

    I'm very concerned that people are far less aware of the value and delicate nature of personal freedom and offer it in a frightfully casual manner. Please think more about the issues everyone. Before you dismiss events such as this as non-issues or playground antics, think of the consequence and what the behavior and actions represent.

  • EVELYN HENDRICKSON - 15 years ago


  • Kathy - 15 years ago

    Fox News is the only station that is unbiased and tells it like it is:

    This poll is rigged.....several people I sent this to have emailed me back and said "everytime they try to vote FOR Fox News the site freezes"!!!!!

    The White House is controlling everything including this voting!!!!!

    Why else would they be ahead in the vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jim Gatlin - 15 years ago

    Matthew Lee, Saddam Hussein openly supported & financed terrorists. Our Congress & most of our Allies agreed that he had WMD. He was a part of the problem. He was a mass murderer of his own people. We now have a Democracy in the Arab world. That has to be worth something Now we need to align ourselves more with Israel & take their side against Iran. What would have been your solution to 9/11? Would it have been to sit back & do nothing as we had done so many times in the past? The Cole, the Marine Barracks in Beruit, just to mention a few where we did nothing. Bush showed great leadership. History will treat Bush well if we can keep the intelligencia(one of Thomas Sowell's [syndicated columinist] favorite words) in check.

    Fox News asks the tough questions. The opnion & commentary programs are a whole different programming & offer a point of view. You have to separate the two. The mainstream media is now following suit & starting to ask a few tough questions. Do we owe this to Fox? I believe so.

  • Richard - 15 years ago

    Fox sued to falsify the news? Really? Yep.
    Nope. Fox's case was a technical one, that the courts did not have standing. The courts agreed. May I recommend a little less Media Matters and a little more WSJ?

  • Bill Dunn - 15 years ago

    Bob Thompson's comment's caught my eye. I guess being a Veteran of that generation and having served along side of Marines in the Navy in a Temporary Overseas Assignment which I had forgotten about until I sobered up. Then all the blood shed around me, with me and by me came flooding into my memory. So now I read the political battles.

    Some of it reminds of long ago, some of it reminds Deutchland, my father was in the 3rd Army and we were stationed there right after the War and I was able to see bombed out buildings including churches, and men looking for food in garbage cans.

    But, I am 65 now and men still look for food in garbage cans throughout the world, churches are still bombed out. The wars have not stopped. The titles to them have changed. Do I trust Obama? No. Because he is a Chicago politician and I used to live downstate Illinois. More importantly, I do not trust those who back him and are in his Cabinet.

    I am trying to make on a fixed income with a constant barrage of emails of how a couple died and left millions of dollars to me. Show me the money!!!

    I have seen both parties dismantle this country in various fashions. Richard Nixon, a Republican, started relationship with the Chinese and now everything is made in China and our main creditor is the Chinese.

    We do not try to become independent. NAFTA was pushed so that now Canada, The USA and Mexico are basically one. We say we support the Constitution, but continually things are shown that we do not.

    When I say we... Who are we? The people. We elect those to represent us on a city, state, and nation. But, if someone has the money to contact the people somehow, then he or she gets elected.

    I have tried my hand at politics on the local level, but did not have money...I even see in the games like Farmville on Facebook that those with money can have a beautiful farm if they want to buy more with their money.

    And in the game you give gifts to others. Reality is that someone has to pay for the gifts. Government can give, but the taxpayer will pay and if burdened enough, finally will close his doors and or relocate to China.

    I use to see the prophecies in the Bible and could figure them out and now I know for sure who will be able set up a system that exists so that no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the computer/beast.

    Am I concerned about any of this. No any more. I have learned to take one day at a time. And have survived 800 lbs of steel falling on me crushing 5 vertebrae, etc. I still walk. So you guys keep on squabbling back and forth and when your sons, nephews, cousins, come back in body bags more and more, when your daughters come back disfigured or in a body bag, then maybe you'll stop and listen.

    Nah, You didn't listen back in the sixties, and now you are in Congress running the show. But, pretty soon, it won't matter, because all of your rights will be gone. You won't be able to discuss things on the internet any more anyway because it disagrees with those in power. Yah?

  • Chris - 15 years ago

    Fox appealed to an appellate court and won, after the court declared that the FCC policy against falsification that Fox violated was just a policy and not a "law, rule, or regulation", and so the whistle-blower law did not apply.
    Fox sued to falsify the news? Really? Yep. If you watch Fox news you're an uninformed moron.

  • The Big E - 15 years ago

    You're all being played, the mainstream media - especially 24 hour "news" networks are money making machines - journalism/facts are allowed as long as it doesn't inconvenience our sponsors/owners.

    Murdoch is all about money and power - if it was not profittable to run FOX as the Republican PR branch, then he would find another way to make money.

    And no - Fox is NOT fair and balanced - they went to court to defend their right to report whatever they want, how they want regardless of facts!

    There are much more diverse opinions to simply boil everything down to right v left. Don't sell yourself short:
    Fox/MSNBC/CNN - turn 'em all off.
    Go find the *facts*, form your own opinions about the topic of the day.

    If you want gossip though stay tuned, I'm sure you'll find the next hard core story - something like "Elian Gonzalez found is in weather balloon made out of Anna Nicole's leftover fake breasts. It is being pulled by a white Ford Bronco!"

  • ICONIC FREEDOM - 15 years ago

    How is it that liberals are always blathering about giving back but not giving back when it comes to freedom.

    If liberal means maximizing freedom, then democrat liberals are ANYTHING BUT LIBERAL!

  • JoeCollins - 15 years ago

    You should tune in to FOX if for no other reason than to see who Glenn Beck is calling out, and who the White House will soon fire. Glenn, love him or not, is uncovering information that other news networks won't attempt. That, dear folks, is called freedom of the press. First Amendment.

  • constitutionalguy - 15 years ago

    White House advisors Mark Lloyd-google him. watch the numerous online videos of this individual. A neo-marxists and anti-first amendment guru now running the FCC.

    Anita Dunn communcation director and radical marxists has Mao Zedong as one of her role models and is inspired by this mass murderer. Probably a communist herself. Her husband has represented Acorn in various lawsuits.

    I'm assuming every one of NPR's highly educated listeners and readers knows all about Acorn?

    Cass Sunstein, regulatory Czar-google him. This man is a radical marxists who is promoting his twisted ideology and working 24/7 to reduce the standard of living American's currently enjoy and regulate your freedoms away. He very much wants to emmulate the Soviet system here.

    Kevin Jennings, Safe school Czar....................this guy is interesting.

    Van Jones, green job Czar and devout communist, was a close advisor of Obama until Fox news, lead by Glenn Beck did its' job and made him resign.

    The country is in the early stages of revolt. The spending has debased the currency and this has been done by design. This administration is intentionally going to collapse the economy. They think they can control the ensuing chaos that will follow but I think not.

    The political class has grossly underestimated the American people and you are going to see civil unrest before the next presidential election cycle.

    The Democrats will lose control of the House in the 2010 mid-terms and probably some senate seats. The Democrat party will try to blunt these losses through an amnesty bill and corrupting the election process with fraud.

    Crushing taxes, double digit unemployment, hyper-inflation, surging crime rates, gut-rot public school system and a corrupt government on the scale of Mexico-that is what we're looking at.

    You guys are worried about Fox news?

  • Michigan2 - 15 years ago

    If Fox News is correct......we are in big shit trouble.

  • George - 15 years ago

    I listen to NPR ~ have for over 30 years. They are NOT conserative and they DO make slams at the conserative but NEVER at the liberals. Hmmmmmm.
    Fox has some extremests, but they are by FAR superior in reporting news rather than being lap dogs ~ and they were more critical of the previous administration then most liberals will ever admit.
    I fought for this country & was seriously wounded in WWII, again in Korea & a 3rd time in Viet Nam.
    These cry baby liberals have NO idea what true freedom means, they want only to suck the government teat.

  • El Gordo en Alabama - 15 years ago

    As a Fox listener, I know they are biased, but they are biased in my way of political leanings. CNN, MSNBC et al are just as biased in the other direction. I happen to like the way the news is offered during the day, and don't always listen to Glenn Beck. Not a big fan of O'Reilly, but listen to Hannity at times especially when he has opposing views on his show.

    My office is in my home so Fox News is always on until about 4:00 CDT. don't want to miss shuttle launchings etc. The times I have watched other news program & channels, they seem to prattle on and on about nothing. Totally disappointed in the lack of neutral coverage in all of them though.

    Big fan of NPR and always listen when I travel in the mornings, other stations have their "drive time personalities" who can be egotistical and boring.

  • repinpa - 15 years ago

    Have to side with Fox on this one - the 'rules of the pool' were set up by the WH, and should, therefore, be followed as such. Yes, the WH campaigned on 'transparency,' 'listening' to the other side of the aisle, and a host of other policies of which none have come to pass. Are those employed by the WH currently Left? Absolutely. Should they answer for their policies, new and soon to be created? Absolutely. Should Fox continue to dig to come up with inconsistencies, disingenuous responses, and keep tabs on these people in office? Absolutely. Do we still promote free speech and free press? Last I checked. (But not for long). I happen to appreciate some 'news organization' delving into why we need to re-route 1/5 of the American economy. Too many vote blind, too many have no idea where tax dollars go, too many have, in short, no clue. An opposing view, good, bad, or indifferent, is valuable. As they say: "you decide."

  • Voltaire - 15 years ago

    What ever happened to "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it?" This White House does not want to allow dissent. Just wait until your opinion is out of favor and see what you say then...I am sure you will scream bloody murder!

  • John - 15 years ago

    What we need is a poll to see what the NPR faithfull think of CBS, ABC and NBC. I'm sure most on the left including the White House Love there Bias reporting! Fox is the only news medium on cable or anywhere that reports the stories that the big three won't "ACORN" for one nothing to speak of on these so called news outlets!

    If anyone thinks Fox is bias then you might want to reconsider CNN, MSNBC, and our beloved "NPR" with a good portion of tax $$ funding "NPR" they sure swing more left than right.

    Many of you need to take off your rose colored glasses as the media is to report the news not make it. Report the news without pushing their own self centers agenda!

  • Panama - 15 years ago

    If it were not for Fox News, this country would not have even a clue of what this administration is up to.
    I enjoy getting my news and information from a wide variety of sources and Fox News, to me, is the most trustworthy.

  • BMW61 - 15 years ago

    Well, it appears as if thought control is the game that is being played by O... and as Glenn Beck has set up a phone so that Mrs. Dunn could call him and tell him where he is wrong in his opinions and facts... so far no call. Hmmm, makes me think that Glenn is right and his facts are straight!

    Thought control is not a game everyone. And the freedom to express them is guaranteed by the constitution... so far anyway. With all the Mao followers in the White House ... I wonder if my grandchildren will experience the demise of that right along with all the other rights the constitution says are unalienable rights. We are happiest when we are free!

  • JustAJoe - 15 years ago

    One thing must be mentioned - Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly and others on FOX are adamant that their shows are NOT news shows, they are what they call "Opinion" shows. So the shows many people watch on FOX for their news are not news shows and don't have to and don't follow the requirements of a news show by their own admission.

    That these "Not News" shows either repeat the Republican talking points or the Republicans take their talking points from them, it's impossible to tell, is a simple fact that is obvious from anyone who listens to both.

    Then there are the "News" shows on FOX. Again, the same talking points. Have you, for example, ever heard FOX report that health care is cheaper for the society and gives better results under a single payer system? You might at least bring up this viewpoint for consideration if you really were "Fair and Balanced"

    Finally, there is Rupert Murdoch. His media empire has a track record world wide of supporting a certain type of news slant.

    Taken together, all this shows FOX is not a news organization of the mold of CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS.

  • Virginia Johnson - 15 years ago

    I there are no lies why object to Fox at all?

  • James - 15 years ago

    Surveys with self-selected responses are worthless--OK, unless you're Shere Hite, in which case you can build a career on them. Barking moonbat web sites like Democratic Underground are flogging their members to come and skew the results even further than they already are thanks to its being put up on an NPR web site.

  • Eric - 15 years ago

    Censorship? What the hell are you idiots babbling about? You can still watch Fox News to your heart's content. Nobody is being silenced about anything. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the right wing is so insecure even a tiny bit of criticism unhinges them. Not that they were very hinged to begin with.

  • Doc Savage - 15 years ago

    NPR is something for which I resent paying. Where are we? Venezuela? Anyone who claims that NPR is anything more than a sad collection of what Lenin called "useful idiots", and irredeemable left-wing dupes, should immediately check into a 12-step program of some kind.

  • Keith Smith - 15 years ago

    The White House is playing partisan politics. Aparently you can take the president out of Chicago, but you can't take the Chicago out of the president. Chicago politics raises its ugly head again. Just because the White House is not getting favorable news from Fox they don't want to deal with them. I believe Perident Bush still dealt with CBS news even after Dan Rather made stories up. The Democratic party wants to play school house rule and take thier ball and go home when it doesn't go thier way. Grow up Democrats.

  • mike deiters - 15 years ago

    Obama is acting like a big city mayor, not a president of the US. Mayors go after newpapers and tv networks that dont give good coverage. This shows he is an amateur

  • Bones - 15 years ago

    It's not about the news programs on Fox. The White House knows the hard news programs on Fox are every bit as authentic as any other of the top network news programs.

    Obama told us what his problem is; he doesn't like Glenn Beck or Hannity. It has nothing to do with the news and everything to do with the opinion programs. It has nothing to do with personalities (although the histrionics Glenn Beck and Hannity can be a bit much). Obama is not going to tolerate investigative journalism...Period! In his case, the truth really does hurt.

    If you don't watch Fox news, you only know half the story. If you do watch Fox News, you may have seen the video of Valerie Jarrett at a conference telling young journalists how the Obama team manipulated the media during the election: "We controlled the media." Check it out.

  • William Sherman - 15 years ago

    In a Democracy Political Parties do not control freedom of speech.

  • Ted - 15 years ago

    The other news organizations are not fair...Keith Olbermann of MSNBC calls republicans "idiots" during his show. Is that fair?? Is that balanced? At least ONE news agency tries! The others don't even attempt it! What happened to good old fashioned, reporting the news with out any opions/bias?? It does not exsist! We are living in the Natzi era if the White house succeeds on this!

  • Dave F - 15 years ago

    This poll should be posted on "Fair and Balanced" media for a more accurate result.

  • Gail - 15 years ago

    Otto Suarez,

    Bias is bias. Everyone has one. Outright lies, on the other hand, are different. Fox News has, in the past, admitted to intentionally distorting news stories to push a particular agenda because there is no explicit law against doing so. That should tell you everything you need to know. There is an enormous difference between that practice, and simply interpreting the available facts through one's own inevitable bias. Reporting what actually happens is the job of news networks, not whipping people into a hysterical frenzy because the big corporations your side is in the pocket of are pissed off. I read a variety of news sources, most of which are admittedly hovering around the center, while my personal beliefs lie more to the left. However, I have the decency and the honesty to CHECK MY STORY with sources that don't necessarily have the same leanings I do, so I can know I'm right, instead of just believing I am. That's the difference between people like me and people like you. I read things that challenge me and make me constantly re-evaluate my positions, instead of just things that reinforce my narrow world view so I can sleep comfortably.

    I wish the same for you and your peers one day.


  • David DeMersseman - 15 years ago

    Even NPR is quite liberal. But, what really gets my goat is that the liberals and democrats want to call the conservatives fear-mongers when that is what they do with the great hoax of global warming. Anybody who has any sense at all can see right through this garbage. Just another version of Chicken Little and "The Sky is Falling." Some people are just too gullible. Another one was Y2K - gosh, nothing happened. If we cut levels of CO2, we take the risk of killing trees and other plant life. In case you don't know it, CO2 is what they breathe. So please, fly Mr. Gore and his cohorts off anywhere in the their giant carbon footprinting private jet. Anywhere but in the USA. As much as the liberals love money, what they really cherish is Power and Control - this is the bottom line of the global warming hoax!

  • bgfred - 15 years ago

    Of course both Fox and the White House are trying to use this fight to their advantage.. the white house started the current "out in the open" round, so they surely did so thinking there was something in it for them (what?). And Fox (and its audience) adores the role of "underdog" so having the white house pick on them openly is a gravy train, and having other media outlets take the side of the white house is just putting the biscuit wheels.

    But don't these wheezy old media dinosaurs like to tell themselves that they "afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted"? So.. the white house is afflicted because one of the numerous outlets covering them isn't comforting them I guess.

    Recent Presidents of both parties have put up with far harsher coverage - news and editorial - than anything Fox has done lately, they need to nut up and get to work.

  • Pete B - 15 years ago

    I am suprised that this poll is nearly even. It seems many listeners to NPR truly want to live the tolerance and civility message that Obama has presented .... even if his staff does not display tolerance and respect for those who often disagree with them.

  • Jack Nelson - 15 years ago

    In response to Matthew Lee. If you think NPR leans to the right you are either the biggest ignoramus iin the USA or else you are so full of excrement that it is coming out you ears... have a good day..

  • Curt McCallister - 15 years ago

    I can not believe anyone would vote for any media outlet to be censored. Freedom of Speech is a fundamental right of every American. Everyone has a voice Liberals, Peta, Acorn, ACLU, Gays, Athisist but if you disagree with their out of mainstream society agenda your persecuted to the hilt.



  • Chris - 15 years ago

    Has anyone not seen a political cartoon?! News/journalism has always been biased and will always be biased. Its up to citizens to understand this, and making their opinions independently. If Americans are too lazy to do that, then this is what you'll get, manipulation.

  • Gus Berger - 15 years ago

    I think we have had too much of the White House commanding on what the news should report on or not report on. Let the news people alone and quit trying to control the news. How long is it till the next election?

  • Scott - 15 years ago

    Wasn't it just a few months ago that the Bush White House was accused of controlling, manipulating, selectively cooperative with the press corps?
    I'm neither a Bushy nor an Abomanat. But, I do believe all FOX is a legitimate news organization, even though much FOX programming is un-fair and very biased.

  • Sonya - 15 years ago

    Amazing that the Obama network cannot handle the freedom of speech except when it is in his favor...That hardly sounds like presidential behavior...What is our nation coming to...I am disappointed in him tremendously. God help us!

  • Party of Self Responsibility - 15 years ago

    Fox News asks questions that might not "tingle up your leg" but it atleast tries to get a conversation started. If you believe Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann and Bill Maher are "fair" in reporting the facts then you need to stay away from Fox News. It might make you think more.
    Wake up sheep!

  • Donald - 15 years ago

    Hello is any one thinking about this matter? This is purely a direct violation of freedom of speech/press - really now are we that blind? Probably so... Nazi Germany a few years before WWII, freedom of the press, etc. was taken aware and the silent majority fell hand of feet thinking that they were right... What about CUBA - see any relationship to what we are going through right now. Mark my words, if we as a nation do not wake up very soon, by the end of this cockroaches term, socialism with have knocked down our door....... Freedom to choose as we older folks thought so much of will be a blur as to what is around the corner........ Surprise, surprise - give me my my free money - and let those in power continue to dupe us along the way.. Showed that picture circulating around of the first lady getting off Air Force One in shorts, etc. SEE looks like white trash......... This what i have always wanted a 1st lady that dresses like she is going to the beach.........on our dime!
    Wake Up - America, smell the tomb raiders around you, your being flushed down the tank of now return..........

  • Todd G. - 15 years ago

    @ Joan - of course they are upset that there is still one outlet opposed to them, since that means they do not have complete control of the flow of information. How a man can be elected President with so little tolerance for criticism and dissent is quite beyond me.

  • Todd G. - 15 years ago

    The irony of a presidency which promised to be the most transparent in history trying to censor its critics is almost more than I can bear. Obama seems at times to believe that the Constitutional principles upon which this country was founded can be tossed aside if inconvenient to his agenda, and someone better be there to call "BS!" when he tries it. I do not always agree with some of the Fox op-ed folks, but I am a true American who appreciates the dissenting voice they provide. I'll filter all the news sources and decide FOR MYSELF what is right and wrong, thank you very much...

  • Joan Stratton - 15 years ago

    I believe that Fox News is slightly biased toward the Conservative viewpoint, but every day they have Liberals on Fox News to give their side of the story. Fox News is the only Television channel which gets out what the Republican's viewpoint is on what is going on within our government. You certainly aren't getting our side of the story from ABC, CBS, NBC or especially CNN and MSNBC. It is amazing that the Obama White House is so upset that there is one outlet for the Conservatives in our country

  • Joan Stratton - 15 years ago

    I believe that Fox News is slightly biased toward the Conservative viewpoint, but every day they have Liberals on Fox News to give their side of the story. Fox News is the only Television channel which gets out what the Republican's viewpoint is on what is going on within our government. You certainly aren't getting our side of the story from ABC, CBS, NBC or especially CNN and MSNBC. It is amazing that the Obama White House is so upset that there is one outlet for the Conservatives in our country

  • Kenneth Klyberg - 15 years ago

    natural cynic-

    I believe that these things are coming, Barack Obama and the rest of his Admin, realize they cannot get a single payer system today, but they can set us up so that eventually the only solution to the problem that they are actually magnifying with this new healthcare proposal will be a single payer.

    Censorship is coming also, they do not have enough power, but I believe this is their desire.

    I also believe they desire a socialistic nation, making us more dependant on Government. The character of the elected people in office regardless of party affiliation does not warrant ever turning control over to them, they are abusing the priveledges given them now on a daily basis as electesd officials, let them gain more power and you will regret the day you did not stand up.

  • natural cynic - 15 years ago

    One thing I should add. I.F. Stone's dictum. "Governments lie"
    To which I should add: Governments cover up, governments try to stay in power [duh], and governments will manipulate the news. Why would anyone think otherwise?
    And why would news organizations try to really upset their own cart by telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth when their own profitability, access to power, and political views might be compromised?

  • Kenneth Klyberg - 15 years ago

    I never really watched any of these news organizations religously, then during the presidential campaign I took an interest in finding out who was this Illiniois Senator Barack Obama that was nominated to run for the presidency of the USA.
    I had alot of questions in my mind, most skeptical.It did not take me long to realize that no news organization was asking the questions I wanted answered, Fox news was the only skeptic I found, I understood thier Bias and continued to watch other networks, but when Sarah Palin was introduced, I quickly saw not just skeptical questions but out right attacks from all the other networks.
    It is sad that I feel I can't trust my Government, or the Media, and it is down right scary to think that our country is being educated daily by Media propaganda. It may have alwas existed, but before Barack and Sarah, I never noticed.

  • natural cynic - 15 years ago

    There is an astounding lack of perspective about what is considered "left" and "right" in this country. From a worldwide perspective, much of the Democratic Party is center-right and only a few members would be truly left while the Republican Party is far right. Calling Obama a socialist or communist is laughable. He wobbles from about 10 degrees right-of-center to 5 degrees left-of-center. A truly left healthcare program would be strongly universal and single payer - hardly what is being proposed.

    AS to freedom of the press and freedom of speech, censorship would be causing the FCC to shut down Fox. Censorship would be a return to "The Fairness Doctrine", where opposing voices would be given an equal opportunity to express themselves [which never could take place since there are almost always more than two sides]. In one case from Florida a few years ago, Fox News argued that it had no obligation to tell the truth and fired reporters because they wanted to tell the truth. Fox won in the appeals court. **That's Freedom of the Press**, and the correct decision.

    The only major news organization that could be construed as left-of-center would be MSNBC [and only Olbermann, Maddow, & Ed; Matthews is just a toady to whoever is in power]. "Everybody knows that the media is liberal" is just a meme that right-wing winers have spouted for years. Big media favors the status quo. Especially PBS, CBS, ABC, NBC & CNN. If you think that the media is too liberal, how can you objectively demonstrate it? Who is objective enough to actually show where on the political spectrum each news organization is?

    As to Fox's objectivity, how does what they say differ from Republican talking points? One good apple [Shep Smith] doesn't save the whole barrel. To show how "fair and balanced" Fox is, look at their coverage of the 9-12 march and the gay rights march. They were roughly equal in size.

  • Jim S - 15 years ago

    Nice try S?????

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