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Should We Give Birth or Have an Abortion? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 2,202,203

  • JB and BB - 14 years ago

    We voted that you should have your child. We have adopted a beautiful little boy and plan on adopting in the future. We vote "have your child" because my husband and I will adopt your baby. We are pro adoption and are passionate about finding people such as yourselves and helping you and your children live a full and beautiful life. Feel free to contact us

  • Will - 14 years ago

    The fact that you have even created this website is sick - whether you use the results or not

    This child should be given a chance of life - but how will he feel when he's older and finds out how you determined whether he should live or lie - in a sick rhyme website

    If you don't want him then there are thousands of people out there genuinely longing for a child who would take better care of him then you two ever could. You dont deserve him

  • LE QUILLEC - 14 years ago

    I prefer that so folish people have no children.

  • mel - 14 years ago

    You sick, sick people ! If you are not mature enough to make this decision without putting it to the vote of complete strangers, you are without doubt, not mature enough to raise a child. I am neither for or against abortion, i believe it should be the choice of the individuals concerned (and them alone) however i cannot imagine how, if you continue with this pregnancy, you will ever be able to justify your actions to the poor child when he/she is old enough to question your behaviour. He/she will forever be tainted by the stigma of the parents. It is just a shame your own parents did not have the foresight to put your own existence to the public vote, they must be so proud of what they have raised.

  • UnderTheBridge - 14 years ago

    4chan isn't just voting abort because they think it's funny. Most 4channers that take the time to rig something do so for a good reason. This time, it's because no child deserves such shitty parents. Shitty shitty parents. If this whole thing is true, then you two are more sick and twisted than most of 4chan, and you deserve fraud. If you're trying to do it to get attention or make a point or some shit, then huzzah to 4chan for making a mockery out of this bullshit. The world would have been a better place if the two of you had been aborted instead.

  • Faith - 14 years ago

    GOD IS IN CONTROL OF ALL, he has a plan which we may not and most do not understand nor want to try, but that is why we that believe are praying for you. Our prayers will be answered, he is stronger than anyone knows and most want to admit! I am sad at all the angry words at which people feel they must actually take the time to not only think but to sit and type, praying for your anger! There is no such reason for all of this cruelty and yes it is also wrong to speak of these people/or hoax in the wrong manner. If there is a family in this situation and have had 2 miscarriages, IT IS ALL IN GODS PLAN, and there are reasons for it! As is this CHILDS life is in GODS hands NOT the mothers! If he allows an abortion it is his purpose and I know the child will be where he belongs! If the soul purpose of this site is to arouse and stir, GOD IS IN CONTROL AND I WILL REMAIN FAITHFUL AND JUST PRAY FOR ALL AND YOU WILL BE THE RECEIVER OF MY PRAYER, SO LOOKOUT!!!! WORDS DO NOT HURT !

  • Anon - 14 years ago

    And as for "Dave", shut the fuck up. Not Everyone is a fuck-headed Christian like you. Stop spreading your wizard-loving/Jew-Zombie bullshit around everywhere.
    You believe a talking snake and magic fruit are the reasons for evil curses that plague us. Derp. Fuck off.

  • Anon - 14 years ago

    So, kill that little fuck and let's move on with our lives. You wouldn't have started up this whole fucking thing if you didn't want to have a reason to get an abortion in the first place.

  • Allan Kemp - 14 years ago

    Im with alot of people i think this is not a situation that should ever had been public. I cant believe you have had the hid to say "after all its my descision to make im the one carrying the baby" Your wrong you both created the baby its both your descision to make. If you dont feel your ready to raise a child put it up for adoption. There are so many people out there unable to have children whom cannot afford IVF. Dont end a childs life but bless someone else with it. Or grow up, learn how to be a parent and be mother and father to your child which is one the way. I respect your descision either way but its one you need to make yourselves as a couple. Close your website, stop listening to other people. Listen to yourselves and to each other make a wise descision for each other and for the child. Ps be warned there are many emotional side affects to having an abortion so be careful.
    Pro Life

  • Dave - 14 years ago

    dGenesis 1:27-30 (New American Standard Bible)

    27God created man (A)in His own image, in the image of God He created him; (B)male and female He created them.

    28God blessed them; and God said to them, "(C)Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."

    29Then God said, "Behold, (D)I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;

    30and (E)to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food"; and it was so.

    Taking a life is sin and written on your soul for eternity. Unless you accept Christ as your savior.

  • Dave - 14 years ago

    dGenesis 1:27-30 (New American Standard Bible)

    27God created man (A)in His own image, in the image of God He created him; (B)male and female He created them.

    28God blessed them; and God said to them, "(C)Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."

    29Then God said, "Behold, (D)I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;

    30and (E)to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food"; and it was so.

    Taking a life is sin and written on your soul for eternity. Unless you accept Christ as your savior.

  • Dave - 14 years ago

    dGenesis 1:27-30 (New American Standard Bible)

    27God created man (A)in His own image, in the image of God He created him; (B)male and female He created them.

    28God blessed them; and God said to them, "(C)Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."

    29Then God said, "Behold, (D)I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;

    30and (E)to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food"; and it was so.

    Taking a life is sin and written on your soul for eternity. Unless you accept Christ as your savior.

  • Agnieszka - 14 years ago

    child is the bigest happiness. I wish you to feel it and become great family :D

    From Poland

  • Cindy - 14 years ago

    I for one do not believe in abortion! As I was reading this I was wondering to myself, what in the world is this world coming to!! I vote for you to have this precious miracle of God, which If you can't realize and see that this precious living soul is a gift and miracle from God, then give him or her up for adoption to a family that will recognize that this is a miracle baby! To a family that will love, cherish, nurture, and raise him/her up to know how special and loved he/her is!!! And just to let you know, in many states, even though you are carrying this baby, by law this baby also belongs to the father. And, he has rights too! And if he wanted to he could legally make it to where you would have to carry this child to birth and then he would get all custody! I'm praying for all 3 of you, that God will touch your hearts, your body, and your marriage. So that this baby will be raised up in a Godly, loving, and stable home. There are enough children in this world that are all messed up because of their parents!!!! May God bless this child.

  • sheila - 14 years ago

    At first I was going to say give birth, but after a very short pause, I have decided, due to the selfishness of your written word, you should not have a child, until you mature more. Matter of fact you should divorce your husband and live in a third world country until you can appreciate that having a child is more personal than your fears, because clearly your not present mentally.

  • sheila - 14 years ago

    At first I was going to say give birth, but after a very short pause, I have decided, due to the selfishness of your written word, you should not have a child, until you mature more. Matter of fact you should divorce your husband and live in a third world country until you can appreciate that having a child is more personal than your fears, because clearly your not present mentally.

  • sheila - 14 years ago

    At first I was going to say give birth, but after a very short pause, I have decided, due to the selfishness of your written word, you should not have a child, until you mature more. Matter of fact you should divorce your husband and live in a third world country until you can appreciate that having a child is more personal than your fears, because clearly your not present mentally.

  • emily - 14 years ago

    How can so many people vote 4 her have a abortion thats makes u just as sick and if this baby dies your all just as much to blame as they are. Please vote for the baby 2 live, its not the babys fault its parents are so sick its deserves a right to life

  • chloe - 14 years ago

    This is nasty, i had a miscarriage 6 weeks ago and it was the worstest thing that has ever happend and if your trying to say you have had one why would you get rid of ur 18 week unborn child thts just wrong and u might think its right to vote but thats sick i mean what if we was to vote for you and you bf to be kiled not nice ay ! i reli am upset and angry with this you all are well out of order and for all you people that are voting for them to get rid of it am out of order because ur proberly just doing it on purpose so they get rid of it, if you dont want it then give it to someone that cant have children, you make me so mad i swear !!! just please i mean im only 17 so just grow up and mek ur own deccisions .and i no ur so used to all these comments but just think if you giv birth to your 4/5 month child it will have everything arms legs everything, well i hope somthing bad happens to you while you go threw with it

  • chloe - 14 years ago

    This is nasty, i had a miscarriage 6 weeks ago and it was the worstest thing that has ever happend and if your trying to say you have had one why would you get rid of ur 18 week unborn child thts just wrong and u might think its right to vote but thats sick i mean what if we was to vote for you and you bf to be kiled not nice ay ! i reli am upset and angry with this you all are well out of order and for all you people that are voting for them to get rid of it am out of order because ur proberly just doing it on purpose so they get rid of it, if you dont want it then give it to someone that cant have children, you make me so mad i swear !!! just please i mean im only 17 so just grow up and mek ur own deccisions .and i no ur so used to all these comments but just think if you giv birth to your 4/5 month child it will have everything arms legs everything, well i hope somthing bad happens to you while you go threw with it

  • chloe - 14 years ago

    This is nasty, i had a miscarriage 6 weeks ago and it was the worstest thing that has ever happend and if your trying to say you have had one why would you get rid of ur 18 week unborn child thts just wrong and u might think its right to vote but thats sick i mean what if we was to vote for you and you bf to be kiled not nice ay ! i reli am upset and angry with this you all are well out of order and for all you people that are voting for them to get rid of it am out of order because ur proberly just doing it on purpose so they get rid of it, if you dont want it then give it to someone that cant have children, you make me so mad i swear !!! just please i mean im only 17 so just grow up and mek ur own deccisions .and i no ur so used to all these comments but just think if you giv birth to your 4/5 month child it will have everything arms legs everything, well i hope somthing bad happens to you while you go threw with it

  • chloe - 14 years ago

    This is nasty, i had a miscarriage 6 weeks ago and it was the worstest thing that has ever happend and if your trying to say you have had one why would you get rid of ur 18 week unborn child thts just wrong and u might think its right to vote but thats sick i mean what if we was to vote for you and you bf to be kiled not nice ay ! i reli am upset and angry with this you all are well out of order and for all you people that are voting for them to get rid of it am out of order because ur proberly just doing it on purpose so they get rid of it, if you dont want it then give it to someone that cant have children, you make me so mad i swear !!! just please i mean im only 17 so just grow up and mek ur own deccisions .and i no ur so used to all these comments but just think if you giv birth to your 4/5 month child it will have everything arms legs everything, well i hope somthing bad happens to you while you go threw with it

  • chloe - 14 years ago

    This is nasty, i had a miscarriage 6 weeks ago and it was the worstest thing that has ever happend and if your trying to say you have had one why would you get rid of ur 18 week unborn child thts just wrong and u might think its right to vote but thats sick i mean what if we was to vote for you and you bf to be kiled not nice ay ! i reli am upset and angry with this you all are well out of order and for all you people that are voting for them to get rid of it am out of order because ur proberly just doing it on purpose so they get rid of it, if you dont want it then give it to someone that cant have children, you make me so mad i swear !!! just please i mean im only 17 so just grow up and mek ur own deccisions .and i no ur so used to all these comments but just think if you giv birth to your 4/5 month child it will have everything arms legs everything, well i hope somthing bad happens to you while you go threw with it

  • chloe - 14 years ago

    This is nasty, i had a miscarriage 6 weeks ago and it was the worstest thing that has ever happend and if your trying to say you have had one why would you get rid of ur 18 week unborn child thts just wrong and u might think its right to vote but thats sick i mean what if we was to vote for you and you bf to be kiled not nice ay ! i reli am upset and angry with this you all are well out of order and for all you people that are voting for them to get rid of it am out of order because ur proberly just doing it on purpose so they get rid of it, if you dont want it then give it to someone that cant have children, you make me so mad i swear !!! just please i mean im only 17 so just grow up and mek ur own deccisions .and i no ur so used to all these comments but just think if you giv birth to your 4/5 month child it will have everything arms legs everything, well i hope somthing bad happens to you while you go threw with it

  • brener - 14 years ago

    14 words of truth

    "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"

  • Sally - 14 years ago

    you guys are fucking sick in the fucking head! do you think this is some kind of joke? if you don't wanna kid use fucking protection you dumb fucking ass holes! people like you shouldn't have had the choice to live. you fucking sickos!

  • LiFe Is tHE waY To gO - 14 years ago

    Your alive because your mother made the right choice.

    Just something to think about.

  • A Human Being - 14 years ago

    You are a monster.

  • Mang - 14 years ago

    My faith in humanity just diminished a little bit more. This is so incredibly sad.

  • fetus soup - 14 years ago

    Obviously many believe in the right to return an unsatisfied purchases.

  • King Lui - 14 years ago

    I really understand your fear,but i do NOT understand,i really cannot believe ...You don't want two have a child because your first ones died,and now ur killing it just because of OOH MY GOD maybe this one dies too.Oh,hm,it's totally healthy,let's kill it.
    In Germany no one would just THINK of such a sickening freakshow !
    Aren't you ashamed ? Is this a joke to get attention ?
    Well,if it is ,you guys should probably think of a good psychiatrist !

  • Roman - 14 years ago

    I LOVE MY PARENTS. Your CHILD wanna LOVE you too!!! Give the opportunity BE LOVED by your child!

  • Emerson - 14 years ago

    You're the most stupid and idiot couple I have ever seen. You should abort yourself from life. Why you hadn't think about it BEFORE making the baby?

    I'll suggest something better: put it to adoption, at least it will not suffer during the abortion. The only one suffering will be seeing your faces when born.

    For you "lady", it probably moves inside you, but is not a life, right? It's only a dead body...

    It's absolutely disgusting to be aware that people like you exists.

  • Anon Soup - 14 years ago

    Where is the option to have you kill yourself?

  • Balazs - 14 years ago

    You might have considered the sudden change in the vote ratio towards abortion as the work of some hackers, I think I saw something like that written on your website. Anyway, it's highly possible, it's not that difficult to write a script to do that... you should think about that when you're making your final decision.

  • Lemon - 14 years ago

    What the hell is wrong with you people? You actually made a website to allow the public to decide over your childs life? You are seriously fucked up in the head. DO NOT HAVE AN ABORTION. This is not just a little game it is someones life. That fetus could grow up and have a wonderful life, do you really want to end it? And if you do have the baby put it up for adoption, then it will have a chance of not being as fucking stupid as you are. You really need to get a grip of your miserable little life, letting the public vote on this. You are a joke. Just have the baby and give it to a loving family who will look after him/her. You selfish, selfish people. I honestly can't believe you are so hearless. And the poll has defenetly been hacked/abused as there is no way those results are correct.

  • Christena - 14 years ago

    From the first time I heard of your post it frustrated me and I was completely unable to understand. If it's advice on your future you're looking for, I can't help you... I don't know you well enough. If it's moral advice you're looking for, I can't tell you; we don't have that kind of relationship. What I can tell you is that Jesus died on the cross for you. He loves you more than you could ever imagine someone loving someone else. Hang in there, pray about it, and if you make the wrong decision God will help you through. I'm sorry that I thought mean things about this. It's not my choice, we are all sinner and saint at the same time. God bless all three of you!

  • canadian - 14 years ago

    This poll was obviously hacked, there is no way 1.5 million people want you to have an abortion, I could see 1.5 million caring enough to say "have the baby", but people wouldn't care enough to tell you to have an abortion. It's just are you for even giving them an option to help you kill your child. When you have this baby, please give it up for adoption to a caring and loving home. You cannot provide that, but don't be selfish enough to abort it.

  • Leo - 14 years ago

    Well you raised the awareness you were going for. Sometimes people do the right thing for the wrong reasons, sometimes people do the wrong thing for the right reasons. You make a good message, but you've made it poorly. Im shamed for you, and your family (both born and unborn). I was made a father at 18, it wasn't a difficult decision. It certainly shouldn't be for any person not in extenuating circumstances.
    You've made a lot of people angry and badly damageds both sides of the abortion-or-not agenda.
    I hope your happy with the reaction you've caused. However, I do wish you, your husband and your little one the best in life and should hope you make wiser decisons in the future.

    PS - E45 Emollient Bath Oil is brilliant for Nappy/Diaper (or whatever you call them in America) Rash, definately worth a look into when you have the little one.
    Best of luck with it all.

  • m - 14 years ago

    A child is a precious gift. A woman's right to choose is the choice to engage in unprotected sex which may start an unplanned pregnancy. Unprotected sex is not just the woman's responsibility. It takes both parties to have sex. It should take both parties to decide on sex with the possibility of a child or sex with protection and the elimination of possible child, but then with ANY sex between a man and woman there is a possibility of a child. Soooooooooooo the ultimate choice is does a male and female have sex and possibly create a child or do they abstain and prevent the need to make a choice to kill or not kill. If you are having sex, you have the possible responsibility of a child. Make the choice to have a child BEFORE you have the sex.

  • Emily - 14 years ago

    How about you make the decision yourself without consulting your retarded husband or the internet (be it 4chan trolls or the retarded anti-choice crowd)? It's your body and your choice. Hence the term, "pro choice". Stand up for yourself, you limp wristed cunt.

    And to anyone who honestly didn't believes the poll wouldn't be stuffed, you're an idiot who needs to learn how the internet works.

  • angry - 14 years ago

    Not understanding why you even got pregnant to begin with....I say to the DAD FILE FOR CUSTODY OF THE UNBORN BABY and get rid of your wife...that child doesn't deserve her to be a mother. FOR THE BOTH OF YOU....why are you involving the public in YOUR decision? The people voting dont care of your outcome, however the both of you (whether this is real or fake) will for the rest of your lifes probably facing regret even bringing this issue to the public. I dont know you, or even care to know the point of conceiving that is A HUMAN BEING that is living, since you are soooooooooooo selfish, have that baby THAT HUMAN BEING and give it up if you dont want it, DO YOU REALIZE how many couples would adopt? and you are letting the public make your decision?? ...i am sooooooo angered by your choice you put on here...I only wish the best for the CHILD THAT GOD created.....This isnt the choice of the public, grow up

  • Evelyna - 14 years ago

    How can you let other people decide about someone´s life?! Also my parents were thinking about that shit abortion and Im happy they didn´t do it and I can LIVE! Don´t be crazy, you will have a baby! It´s great, why aren´t you happy?

  • MacT - 14 years ago

    I'm pro choice and vote you should keep the baby. Aborting should be the option of last resort. It's a shame when it's used, without thought, as just another form of birth control. For Christ sake (apologies to the hard core Christians), you just about gave birth to life. Be a little more careful!

    I also believe that, at the end of the day, you're going to make your own decision no matter where the vote is leaning. However, the discussion is good. Nothing wrong with differing opinions stated with passion. Poster... try to keep the meanness and hating to a minimum though.

  • Antony - 14 years ago

    If you mather have a abortion you don't hase any choice now.

  • sara - 14 years ago

    Dios dió la vida. Solo él la puede quitar. - Salmos 139:13 y 14 - "Yo te formé en el vientre de tu madre y te saqué el día que naciste"

    Amigos! Una pareja estadounidense creó una página web que contiene una encuesta que busca determinar si la mujer, que tiene 16 semanas de embarazo, se somete a un aborto. Alisha, esposa de Pete Arnold, espera un bebé desde hace 16 semanas; pero ambos, de 30 años y casados hace 10, no saben aún si quieren tener el hijo. Es así que esperan que los visitantes de les den sus opiniones hasta el 7 de diciembre, dos días antes de que venza la fecha para que las mujeres se sometan a un aborto legal en Minnesota.

    -Entren a:
    -Voten por Gift Birth (Dar en Adopción).
    -Hasta el momento: 1,880,851 de personas prefiere el aborto.
    -Copialo y Pegalo en tu perfil. No permitamos que maten una inocente vida.


  • Anon - 14 years ago

    Pics or it didn't happend.

  • carly&demiMCKELTIE! - 14 years ago



  • horrified - 14 years ago

    You have got to be fucking kidding me. You people are the biggest retards that I have ever seen in my whole life. Honestly, if you didn't want to get pregnant in the first place, you should have kept your legs closed. Plain and simple. This whole mess isn't the baby's fault, guys, it's your blatant lack of intelligence. Don't punish the baby for your stupidity. Instead, let the baby live and give it to someone who will obviously love it. After the birth, do the world a favor and check yourselves in to facilities for retards, because it doesn't need people like you out and about. I feel sorry for both of your parents - they must be so ashamed of you. I know I am.

    Good luck imbeciles, and remember that it's not the baby's fault. If you didn't want to have kids, you shouldn't have opened your legs or stuck your dick in it in the first place. Retarded whores.

  • Chris - 14 years ago

    If you have to ask millions of strangers this question then you simply aren't ready to be parents.

  • beth. - 14 years ago

    this is the wrongest thing ever. it's not like it's a doll, or something that couldn't have a life. it should be your decision, not the decision made by thousands of strangers? only stupid americans could do something so sick.

  • anna - 14 years ago

    you don't deserve to be parents. Sick, twisted people. you actually make me physically sick

  • Nataly - 14 years ago

    I'm shocked! These people are obviously sick. What normal person will expose your child's life up for auction? Must be a moral monster to do so ... Poor little thing .. I am sincerely sorry for her ..

    Я в шоке! ‎эти люди явно больны. Какой нормальный человек выставит жизнь своего ребенка на торги? Надо быть моральным уродом,чтобы так сделать... Бедная малютка.. Мне её искренне жаль..

  • Ursula - 14 years ago

    My Dear,
    Were you thinking about your parents? If they thought before your birthday to kill you or not to kill? How do you feel? You are. Your BABY should to be too. I pray for you.

  • Thomas - 14 years ago

    Do you really believe to internet vote? What about some "hackers". They can easily change the results. But it is your child.

  • Se.k.m - 14 years ago

    I think the parents shuld make the dessision theyr self and not let the life of an unborn child depend on some internet users .

  • Joanna - 14 years ago

    I'm from POLAND. So at first - sorry for my English. I just want to say that of course I care for the baby but he/she will suffer only for a moment and then, I believe, will be happy in heaven but you probably will suffer for your life time and ... maybe longer. So what I want to say - the whole war is in fact about YOU and YOUR life. I also believe that YOU will meet your child someday, and I know that he/she won't hate YOU but what would YOU feel?
    But maybe it's only a political game because of the changes in your law .... and it doesn't matter what do we really think.

  • Vojtech Ralek - 14 years ago

    I cannot simply understand ... Life is not a subject of a poll. Wake up!

  • domi - 14 years ago

    If this is genuine then i think putting this on the internet is very wrong because most people don't care about you at all and what they say is definitely not seriously thought out with your and the babys best interests at heart.
    I certainly hope you don't decide to have the abortion. It is a human child. A child partly you and partly the person you love most (or so i assume). What other human being in the entire world could be closer to you? Your child is a miracle and a blessing and you will NEVER regret having him/her. Your baby is as human as any person, young or old, born or unborn, alive or dead and deserves every bit of respect and dignity you would give to any other person. Creating a website like this is NOT dignified, it is NOT respectful and i hope that your child never hears of it and if they do which is likely, you will be crying and apologising and begging their forgiveness because NO person should have to have their life voted on by strangers. It's like holding a court case for a criminal to decide whether or not they will be excecuted. and THAT is wrong. let alone a completely innocent, helpless unborn baby. So yes, i am pro-life and i will pray for you that you realise that what you are doing is sick and your child deserves only love.

  • Kara - 14 years ago

    Please take three minutes to listen... it would mean the world to me

    Know that I am praying for your strength!

  • a human - 14 years ago

    There certainly isn't a shortage of humans in the world. Get an abortion.

  • anonymous - 14 years ago


  • DERP - 14 years ago


  • Brad Martin - 14 years ago

    Dear couple:
    This whole voting business is not the right way to do this :( I understand why you are having a tough time deciding one way or the other, it must be very hard, especially with two past miscarriages, but this method for deciding the outcome isn't effective, it's prone to cheating and having people mess with the votes. I'm pro-life personally but more importantly, i don't like the idea of a life being toyed with, if you don't want the baby, your choice, if you keep it, I'll cheer silently and well, again, your choice. I just wish you would think through this critically for yourselves, discuss as a couple, I don't know how this is affecting you two, but what seems to me to be your disregard for your husbands wishes also seems unfair, i understand it's your body, you have to go through the process, but it's his potential future child too, there is an emotional bond that is built in him as well. Please let him have a solid say in this, and since half of this babies genetic make up comes from him, its his choice too.
    Sincerely, Brad.

  • Becki - 14 years ago

    If it means that this innocent child gets a chance in life then Ill personally adopt this child. Im actually serious here, Id do anything to encourage someone to not get an abortion..

  • José Zacarias - 14 years ago

    Please, dont't kill your own inocent baby. His is part of your life, a great privilege from God. Don't be a matricide. You won't live with this monstrous crime

  • ANON - 14 years ago


    The 10 Commandments - God's Revelation in the Old Testament
    The 10 Commandments are found in the Bible's Old Testament at Exodus, Chapter 20. They were given directly by God to the people of Israel at Mount Sinai after He had delivered them from slavery in Egypt:

    "And God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God…

    ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'

    TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'

    THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'

    FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'

    FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'

    >>>>>>>>>>>>SIX: 'You shall not murder.'

  • Disgusted with you both ... - 14 years ago

    I do not believe in abortion. It's murder. So, I say, "Have a baby."

    On the other hand, I pity the poor child born to parents like you. What kind of idiots would get pregnant if you have these thoughts? I suggest you have a scheduled c-section and then the physician can tie your tubes or take out your uterus, and your hubby should get clipped.

    Then promptly adopt the baby to loving parents. You two are like people who buy a puppy in the mall pet store, only to kill it because you no longer want the pet. Do don't deserve a child.

  • Nicole - 14 years ago

    I will adopt your baby if you really do not want it. I know many others would too. Please, please, do not abort it. All life is precious to the LORD. So many cannot even get pregnant so why would you choose to murder the most innocent of all? I am praying for you.

  • Reconsider - 14 years ago

    Alisha, you said, "until the baby can survive without the mother (otherwise known as viability) it is not a feasible life." I have a difficult time with this statement because even a full-term baby that is born into this world cannot survive alone without the help of a parent. Without nourishment, care, and love, he/she will die. A growing child is also not able to survive alone. Even adults rely on the help of others to make it in this world. We cannot all grow the food, build the houses, make the clothing, etc. Whether we see it or not, we all rely on others to a certain extent for life. Alisha, your baby is relying on you for his life, just as you rely on others for yours. He IS a feasible life, just as you are. Please reconsider your position.

  • Lucy - 14 years ago

    Alisha, you gotta ditch this guy. He is one of the biggest douchebags I have ever heard of, to exploit your body and your pregnancy like this. Seriously, you and your baby would be 100% better off without this asshole.

  • Emily - 14 years ago

    You know, there are women that stuggle everyday because they cannot have a baby. Give birth, and I'll take him.

  • Ping-Yi Zhao - 14 years ago

    The world is overpopulated. Have some shame, KILL TEH BABIEZZZZZZZ!!!!!!

  • babby - 14 years ago

    This isn't an obvious anti-choice stunt or anything.

  • Misty - 14 years ago

    I understand how difficult of a decision it is to have a child. I understand the fears of having a child. I've had 2. Both times I was terrified. Questions flooded my mind. Fear came over me. The thing you have to ask yourself is not whether or not you want to have an abortion or not. The questions you need to ask yourself is can I live with myself if I do this? Myself personally I could not do it. I wouldn't give up the I Love you mommy's. I wouldn't give up the hugs. I wouldn't give up the kisses. Watching the world through fresh eyes. Everything being so new and amazing. Even now that my children are 8 and 6 I wouldn't give up anything. Every feeling of am I going to be good enough was false. It doesn't matter how good you are. Children give unconditional love. And even if you decide that you don't want to be a parent remember that there are other options. Adoption is one. To love a child that someone else cannot handle at the time or isn't ready for would be a great honor. Even I would love to adopt a child. So remember. No matter what you decide. To go through with it or to choose to have the hugs and kisses and unconditional love or even to give the child up for adoption there are options. Follow your heart and do not worry what others think. Decide on your own. Just remember that you have to live with ANY decision you make. May you be blessed. Misty

  • fjb - 14 years ago

    Your parents should have taken this poll.

  • anno nymous - 14 years ago

    god is a butt, have an abortion! lololololol!

  • wimblewomble - 14 years ago

    I hope this is a fake site.

    If it is real, than I just can't understand what is going on in your minds.

    If you read these posts, just take note - make your own decision as none of the people you have asked to vote will have to go through the rest of the process for or with you. Voting (in its idealistic form) is where the outcome is supposed to affect the person voting, not someone elses life and especially those without a voice. I didn't vote, as my vote would not affect me at all, and I see no need to affect you.

    It is a shame that this has taken up my time.

    I feel very much like if this is true, you need to talk to someone real and ask them for their opinion. A friend is best of course, "gert1999" is not a good place to start.

    Also, please goto the doctors and tell them what you are doing.

  • V. - 14 years ago

    And remember....a lot of people on the Earth are not nice...don´t listen them...listen your heart

  • TQ - 14 years ago

    This is saddest thing I have ever seen. This is life you are talking about, not the color of your hair. You are attempting to cheapen our existence by this stunt. I hope you realize that the vote is being stuffed. This child deserves the chance to live, even if you don't see it, even if you view it's life as a mistake.

  • V. - 14 years ago

    I´m sad from this...please..give a chance to this baby....that´s not about you....maybe you will great parents...maybe not...but is a lot of people, which can´t have than another way is adoption...from this web I was so angry, that I wanted to say don´thave baby...I don´t think that you´re good people...but that´s not your life... this isn´t about me or you...

  • Sarah Beth - 14 years ago




  • Bernie - 14 years ago

    Mommy and Daddy,
    It's me, Wiggles. I just wanted to say thanks for letting me live inside of you this time. I’ve grown under you, patient and steady, encouraged by your heartbeat.
    Before I left heaven God told me on earth I’d have two angels look after me. When I asked God what I would call these angels, God simply replied, “Mom and Dad”.
    You’re my angels. You are my angels. I want to see your face, hear your laugh, and feel your touch. Please don’t give up on us; please don’t give up on me.
    You’ve named me, Wiggles. I like that. If you just wait and see, you’ll realize just how beautiful I am. I’m in here, growing to be just as cute as I can for you. Please, give me the chance to show you.
    Love to my angels,

  • sarah - 14 years ago

    how can you even think of putting the decision of your baby's life on the internet? the only way not to have a baby is to not have sex. plain and simple. you didnt have a problem with the first part of having a baby, so now you are blessed to get to deal with the second part. as soon as your childs first cells joined together, with half of each of your chromosomes, it became a person. a person who will eventually have creative thoughts and feelings and actions all its own. 18 days later, its heart came along. your child has a heart beat! i think given just this small glimpse of what is happening inside your (wife's) body is evidence enough that an abortion is murder. if you went out and killed you next door neighbors daughter, wouldnt that be called murder? what about your friends new baby boy? whats the difference then between these situations and an abortion? death is death, no matter what label you decide to give it. i pray you will let this soul live. do you realize that? the person growing dailiy inside of you has a soul. the PERSON inside of you... also, if this whole thing is just a ruse, you should be utterly ashamed of yourselves for taking the matter of a life so lightly and making fun of something so precious.

  • Heidi - 14 years ago

    Have an abortion! It would be irresponsible from you to have a baby if you have to ask from strangers about it. It would be better for the baby not to exist if you would act the same way when it´s born. There´s sick people in the net, you can´t trust on what just some unknown people tell you to do.

  • frog - 14 years ago

    I CANNOT believe the amount of people suggesting an abortion! That is a LIVING, HUMAN BEING INSIDE OF YOU! Getting an abortion would mean KILLING YOUR CHILD! This world is so messed up, seriously, I don't know how anyone could consider an abortion under normal circumstances such as yours. Yes, you're having some problems, and your baby has a chance of dieing, BUT IF YOU GET AN ABORTION YOU'RE NOT GIVING IT THE CHANCE TO LIVE AT ALL. It's ultimately your decision, but I think a) relying on other people's opinions is not the right way to go about this and b) you should give your baby a fighting chance. I PRAY you let this baby live.

  • Alan - 14 years ago

    Either way, praying for you guys. If you need someone to chat with or pray for you/your baby, shoot me an email.

  • Jennifer - 14 years ago

    Wow, there is a lot of hate in these comments isn't there. My heart goes out to you. I have not read much of your website save for yesterday's post. So, I do not know everything that you have been through with your pregnancies. I, myself, am pro-life, and as a Christian, I do believe that life begins at conception. Although I understand your argument against that. But even more than that, I have a twenty month old son. He was a surprise. I was devastated when I discovered I was pregnant. I am married. So, that had nothing to do with it. I was only 25 and wasn't ready for kids yet. I had other plans. Abortion was not an option for me, but I can't lie, the thought of it still went through my mind. Now, i can't believe I ever thought of such a thing. The love I have for my son and the joy he brings me is unfathomable. He is such an awesome little guy. It breaks my heart to think of all the babies out there that never get a chance. I know that a lot of them are unwanted pregnancies, but adoption is always an option. There are lots of people that can't have kids that would love to have a baby whether it was naturally theirs or not. I personally have friends that have been on the state adoption list for quite a while now waiting for a baby. So, yes, there are people out there who want them.

    I can't imagine the pain you have been through with three miscarriages, but what if this is the one that makes it? Not having read much of your blog, I have no idea if you believe in God or not, but I am going to pray for you. I am going to pray for your pregnancy. I am going to pray for your baby. I am going to pray for your marriage. And I am going to pray for wisdom, discernment, and strength for you. Again, my heart goes out to you, and i do hope that you aren't truly going to let this poll make your decision for you. It's your decision.

  • elisa - 14 years ago

    Pleeeeeeeeease DO NOT ABORT. Have a baby and I will raise the child. I will come to your hospital and pick up the baby. I will love him/her, I will adore him/her and raise him/her with all of our love. I am a high risk so it's hard for me to have our own baby. We would love to hold this child in our arms if you cannot raise this precious one. Email me.

  • Childfree thinker - 14 years ago

    Dear Alisha,

    you wrote that "Pete and I are on different ends of the spectrum when it comes to our beliefs about abortion."

    Is this the only fundamental matter you disagree about? Do you both want the same things from life? To me, it seems like a risky decision to start a family with someone, who seems so different than you. Is he the man you really want to be with? I guess, if your answer to all the above is 'yes' and you want to start a family, then why not start a family. There are always risks involved with pregnancy. You just need to be brave and face them if you are a person who wants a child. But also, since you're hesitating so much, maybe this isn't the right time for you to have a baby. Or is it, that this man isn't the one you want to have children with? (For me, I don't see children as a necessity in life. I'm your age and would not even consider having them at the moment. All I need is my fiance, the love of my life. He is more than enough to make me happy.)

    I don't understand, when you say that this in the end this is your own decision. Where's the "we" and "us" in that??? Make your decision together, whatever it will be. This is the time for your man to support and love you, and vice versa.

    TRUE LOVE is an undescribable spiritual (and sexual) connection between two people, who would not trade eachother for the world!!!!

  • Lily - 14 years ago

    God loves you and your child too, don't do that, it is a murder. If you don't want this baby, give it to somebody who will care for him. We will pray for you. Ukraine

  • asdtrollxd - 14 years ago

    They see me trollin', they hatin'..

  • 4chanhater - 14 years ago


  • 4chanhater - 14 years ago


  • 4chanhater - 14 years ago


  • Nina - 14 years ago

    Giving birth to my child was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I believe a woman can choose an abortion but I don't think it's the right choice in your situation. I hope you will have a child and he/she will be loved and grow up to be a good person.

  • Timothy - 14 years ago

    I just want to say, Give Birth! The emotional damage that would be done if you have an abortion is irreversible. You will be haunted with "what ifs" the rest of your life. Your baby "Wiggles" could do great things in his life, if only given that chance. And, you don't know this yet, but your baby will do great things for you, too!

  • Slicer - 14 years ago

    Just so you know, if you do have this kid, I've archived your site and will send it to him in a decade, long after you thought everyone forgot about what you did.

    And I'm going to tell him that the poll went hard in favor of abortion and that he has the duty to kill himself to correct your mistake.

  • Peter - 14 years ago

    Das sind so kranke Leute.Alleine shcon der Gedanke das Internet entscheiden lassen,ob das Kind überleben soll oder nicht so welche Eltern haben ein Kind nicht verdient aber abtreiben= umbrigend die sollen sich mal entscheiden.Haben die keine eigene Meinug?

  • Paul - 14 years ago

    You don't have to argue religion to know that abortion is not ethical - pay attention to logic: there are only 4 practical differences between a baby in utero and those of us who are already born. They are, 1) Size, 2)Location, 3) level of Development and 4) Degree of dependence. To explain further, I'll break it down:

    1)Size - does a person's size have anything to do with their worthiness to live? Is a midget less of a human being than Shaquille O'Neal? Should those of short stature be denied life on the basis of their size?
    2) Location - does it matter whether you are in your house, on the street or in your car as to your worthiness to live? Should a person be denied life for being on the street?
    3) Level of Development - a 5-year old girl, whose reproductive organs are immature and therefore cannot function fully as an adult - is she therefore less worthy of life because of her limited maturity?
    4) Degree of dependence - a type 1 diabetic is dependent on insulin for life - are they then less worthy of living because of their dependence? A 3-year old boy cannot take care of himself and depends on parents to live - should he be denied life because of the dependence?

    It should be obvious that these points have nothing to do with a person's right to life!

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