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Should We Give Birth or Have an Abortion? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 2,202,203

  • this is bullshit.. - 14 years ago

    both parents a pro-life activists so no matter what the result of the vote is they will come up with some dumb ''morally correct'' story and decide not to have an abortion .. all this is, is a stupid PR stunt to draw attention.. its pathetic..

  • Kiraa - 14 years ago

    You are the parents of these Lovely Child.
    Please don´t listen to the Vote the People are angry about you.

    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let your Baby LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please let y

  • Jewel - 14 years ago

    Why, oh, why do you trust the word of others? People that kill one another, cheat on each other, steal from one another? You want them making a decision fo ryou? Why? On the head of an innocent child, why? On judgement day, you will still be held accountable. Please, if you don't want the baby, give him or her to a loving household that can't have kids.

  • itsfake - 14 years ago

    everybody chill IT'S FAKE

  • itsfake - 14 years ago

    everybody chill IT'S FAKE

  • andrew - 14 years ago

    how can you vote for slaughter? he is a human being... and you want to kill him. you are criminals if you will have an abortion.

  • itsfake - 14 years ago

    everybody chill IT'S FAKE

  • troll - 14 years ago

    trolololololololololololo trololololololololololo trolololololololololololo troloooooooooooooooooooooooooo trolooooooooooooooooo ¨trolooooooooooooo trlooooooooooooo TROLL

  • trolled - 14 years ago

    > Regardless if you will be good parents or not, it is NOT the baby's fault. --- TROLLED

  • trolled - 14 years ago

    > Oh My God! you cannot kill your Baby! --- Madam, you have been trolled.

  • mirari - 14 years ago

    Regardless if you will be good parents or not, it is NOT the baby's fault. If you don't think that you can keep the baby, then give the baby up for adoption to someone that will give the baby a good life. DO NOT ABORT, the baby has a soul already and a heart that beats, you will be commiting MURDER!!! You will be accountable before God one day and what excuse will you give HIM??? My vote is 100% PRO-LIFE!!!! ONLY GOD, has the power and the authority to give life or take it away. One fo the reasons why this world is the way it is, is because we want to play God, and sooner than later we will meet our MAKER and we will find out that only HE is the one that hold the KEY!!!! God bless you and may HE guide you to the truth and the right choices!!!!
    FATHER: I pray on behalf of this parents and this baby, may YOUR WILL BE DONE, and don't let the forces of darkeness rob this baby of his JESUS name.....AMEN!!!

  • Angelslove - 14 years ago

    Oh My God! you cannot kill your Baby! Please think of the human child within you! how can you even think for a moment that it is just to take the child’s life? Do you not love your child that you would kill it? I beg you to think of the life within you! What if your parents had chosen to kill you. My God you cannot kill your baby! You can put him up for adoption and he would have chance at a wonderful life among people who can care for him if you are not able to but DON'T kill the baby. Just remember even if you don’t think you can care for this child, there a thousands of couples all over who want your child if you don't. Loving parents who cannot have children would adopt your child in a heartbeat and give him a happy loving home. Abortion is not the only way! Please do not go by the poll! Do what is the moral and loving thing for your baby, give him Life!
    Choose Adoption, not abortion!
    My prayers are with you. God loves you both and your child! give him the greatest gift of all. Give him life!
    God Bless!

  • HOAX - 14 years ago

    > So are those voting in favor of abortion just doing so to make a point? or are they generally against people having babies? ------------- They are doing it because this is a HOAX to begin with. That's why.

  • Sparky - 14 years ago

    Screw that little twat waffle! Worlds over populated by you Christians anyways. Pop ites head, hoover that bad boy out and serve it over eggs and toast I'm hungry bitch!!!

  • angela - 14 years ago

    why would anyone go out of their way to vote for you to kill your baby? your circumstances never once suggest any need or any desire. So are those voting in favor of abortion just doing so to make a point? or are they generally against people having babies?

  • Area Man - 14 years ago

    I don't think you'll be the kind of parents a child should have, so my vote is for abortion. I'm not saying you're bad people, not at all. I just think your gut instinct that maybe you're not cut out for this is the right one.

  • Pierre "Pete" Arnold III - 14 years ago


  • nightelfe - 14 years ago

    I first thought, it would be joke that this site exist... horrified i see, this site exists....

    you should go to a psychiatric....both....
    you see by your own that this is a complete baby inside hear the heartbeat.... so it is alive....
    it is sick to do this survey.... don't kill the baby... but.... after giving birth.... give it to adoption....
    you are both sick.... and no good human with some brain..would do this...

    maybe it would be better to kill the baby... it will grow up and be told what kind of survey you did....
    and it would die insidely in this moment....

    in my opinion ... never a baby should be killed... and that a baby needs his parents... but in this case... please... give it to an adoption....
    or do you want to ask everything in a survey??

    If you can't decide by your own... give it away.....the poor child -.-

    If you would love the baby in some way.... you wouldn't do this...

    you are sick in your brain....
    don't know what was wrong in your childhood you behave like is incredible.....

    i am horrified....
    part of me won't believe this is real....

    you won't use condoms or sth... but you can have sexual intercourse.... think you know it could be possible to be pregnant after this.... and in your case... i can't believe it...

    and you seem to be proud of this survey and what you do...

  • nobody - 14 years ago

    People, you should know this website is just a hoax! associated with a right-wing, anti-abortion Internet troll known under the pseudonym "Zeeboid".

    you can read about it here:

    ...and various other Internet sites.

    I find it sad that these sick people are using such a disgusting staged media hype, a macabre publicity stunt in order to prove their backwards point of view. I have to barf just when i think of those right-wing, fear-mongering scumbags that live upon us and resort to such tactics.

  • Pierre "Pete" Arnold III - 14 years ago

    "When Drunk, don't complagin about Jews. They may not give you a TV Deal." -Pete Arnold

  • sangria60 - 14 years ago

    Wie kann man nur übers Internet über Leben und Tod abstimmen lassen????Wenn ihr das Kind nicht wollt,dann gebt es doch zur Adoption frei.Es gibt genug Paare,die sich Kinder wünschen und keine bekommen können.

  • Beverley - 14 years ago

    When does a foetus (little one) become a baby? When does a baby gain a soul? Read my story then decide. I had a miscarriage 16 months after my first child was born in 1988. I fell pregnant again but at 6 weeks (4 weeks after conception) I began to lose this child. My husband prayed all night and the next day there was no evidence of miscarriage. I had a healthy boy. When he had only just turned 4yrs old we talked about siblings. He asked if I would have another child I said he would have had a sister but she died ( my mis). He said to me quite matter of factly "I was broken up inside of you, but Jesus put me back together again". I was inspired to share this true story to help anyone trying to make such an important decision. When asked what he wanted to for a living he said I want to serve others. My son is now a medical student.

  • melissa - 14 years ago

    I think u r sick who r u to play god with a childs life? i hope u both burn in hell, sick!!!

  • Chenae - 14 years ago

    Please give birth to his baby.
    This baby deserves a life, don't take it away before he/she even has a choice to live.

  • HOAX - 14 years ago

  • Pete Arnold - 14 years ago

  • HOAX - 14 years ago

  • Pete Arnold - 14 years ago

    Please stop fraudulently voting on my fraudulent website. -Pete

  • HOAX - 14 years ago
    Zeeboid, you make me SICK!

  • KATIE - 14 years ago


  • alison - 14 years ago

    Forget prolife and try and get a life, you are sad and pathetic and I hope you never have to face the real and heartbreaking decisions real people have to through no fault of their own

  • alison - 14 years ago

    Forget prolife and try and get a life, you are sad and pathetic and I hope you never have to face the real and heartbreaking decisions real people have to through no fault of their own

  • HJK - 14 years ago

    Please don't play God. You know that you are carrying a human being. If you abort, in your heart you will always know that you committed murder.

  • Jay - 14 years ago

    1. These lunatics are a complete fraud.
    2. If there was ever a reason for abortion, this is it.
    3. These people have no business being parents.
    4. I feel sorry for this poor kid.

  • ChildOfGod - 14 years ago

    PLEASE HAVE THE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is NOT a clump of cells it is God's gift!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please say this prayer: "Jesus Jesus take my heart and never give it back to me!" GOd loves you and He will take care of you!!!!

    -a child

  • one who knows god loves you and this poor creature - 14 years ago

    pray alltogether for this poor little baby, please

  • someone who wants to help the baby - 14 years ago

    do you really want to kill this poor little helpless godmade baby?
    let it live
    let it play
    let it be happy
    let it learn
    let it cry and take heart of him/her
    let it fall and help him/her to stand up
    let him/her see the world
    let him/her try to become someone
    show him/her the world that god made
    show him/her the fascinating nature
    show him/her what to do in this world
    show him/her your love
    don´t destroy his/her life before it starts
    don´t destroy god´s little creature
    don´t destroy that helpless baby
    don´t abort

    (sorry if my english isn´t god, I´m just a german student)

  • Anonimo - 14 years ago

    This is a commercial site, look google adsenses....
    Trash People.

  • julie - 14 years ago

    It's so funny these bloggers want to complain about voter fraud when the whole site itself is a fraud.
    Pete is a known anti-choicer, he even posted an anti-choice edit on the daily kos wiki under his frequently used ID Zeeboid


  • l - 14 years ago

    PRAY FOR THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Pio - 14 years ago

    @@@@@@@@@@@@ If these people are going to be helped, then we need to do a lot of praying for them! And we have the numbers here to do it! Please pray for them everyday, during these last few weeks, if you agree with me!

  • Jonas - 14 years ago

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ABORTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KILLING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jonas - 14 years ago

    Just do a research about Gianna Jessen !!!

  • Captain Obvious - 14 years ago

    The reality is that both sides are botting pretty hard, but of course the Ebaums pro-abortion (and Ebaums isn't pro-choice, they're pro-*abortion*) crowd is a great deal more technically savvy and with better macros and a larger bot herd.

    Polldaddy isn't smart enough to do anything other than client-side cookies (lol) and some very lenient anti-flood, so the odds are very slim indeed that they can do anything resembling cheating checks.

    Of course since this isn't real it's just trolls trolling trolls.

  • nova - 14 years ago

    normally i wouldn't answer but this has to stop.i didn't vote simpel for the fact u2 don't deserve this child. there i so many women who cant have kids....i wonder what you're gonna tell your child if you keep it.."if it wasn't for the public you wouldn't be here "you both should be ashamed to use this for your own 15min of fame.GROW UP

  • Anonymous - 14 years ago


  • Lulu Pepper - 14 years ago

    next time, you can create a poll - should i fuck or not? should i open my legs or not? should i take pills or not?

  • Pio - 14 years ago

    How could anyone be so flip about doing something so morally obscene? YOU ARE PURPOSEFULLY GAMBLING WITH HUMAN LIFE! WHAT DO YOU NOT SEE ABOUT HOW WRONG THIS IS?

    May God have mercy on you at judgement day. Please stop this before you do something terrible!

  • M - 14 years ago

    Have you considered the ability to repeat vote? I was curious whether there were anything to stop me from voting again and again, and discovered there isn't. Hopefully, this voting system is for your own curiosity, and you are not going to adhere to the "voice of the people" religiously, for it is flawed.

    Furthermore, I hope this is only for your own curiosity because you are going to have to live with the consequences of your choice most personally. Sure, your choice will have an impact on society — no doubt about it — but I, involved via the internet somewhere far away from you, will not have the choice you make weighing on my conscience, as you might. Make a choice you can live with.

  • Gary - 14 years ago

    birth for the baby.
    can we vote on whether the parents need an exorcism?

  • Kill-it! - 14 years ago

    Kill the damn thing. . .there are enough whining shitheads in this world. . if it were mine I'd abort that lil shit, it's not a baby yet, a lot of people abort babies and your case is not any different!

    If you're stupid enough to let us decide, you don't deserve that lil shit anyway. . just do the baby favour because you're gonna regret keeping it coz it's gonna know you left it up to decide whether to kill it or not!

    Abort it already!

  • Brannon - 14 years ago

    I wish I hadn't voted. I just wanted to leave a comment. I think putting up the information for young girls, teens, women in general about pregnancy is admirable and I sincerely hope you created this page with the intention to shock, inform and give general insight into the decisions that couples go through in a time like this. But if you are seriously considering taking my vote, you have got to be crazy. You don't know me, my morals, anything about me. I'm not your friend or anyone you'll ever meet. I am a 29 year old male. I don't know a single thing about pregnancy. I've had a few married friends get pregnant but thats about it. How on earth can you make this a numbers game? I wish you the best of luck and will pray that you have the wisdom to ignore your asinine website. For the record, I voted for you to keep the baby and I really hope you do. Again, I really should have no say in YOUR decision.

  • CypressGreen - 14 years ago

    You are disgusting hoaxters.

  • Icecold - 14 years ago

    Abortion is crime. Imagine yourself being that baby.
    We are humans not beasts or criminals.
    Any baby is a miracle!

  • Johnny Kalal - 14 years ago

    Here's their home address: 7105 146th St. W. Apple Valley, MN 55124.

  • John Kalal - 14 years ago

    Here's their home address: 7105 146th St. W. Apple Valley, MN 55124. Here's their phone number: 952-431-6158. And be sure to visit his anti-abortion website (when he brings it back online):! Oh, and did you know that was registered by these people on May 17? Yet, their baby wasn't conceived until late July. Interesting.

  • :| - 14 years ago

    go and jump off a bridge and die :D

  • another mother - 14 years ago

    Dear Parents,
    Please, please give your child up for adoption if you don't want to raise him yourself. My 6-yr old son said to me this morning, ''Mammals are special because they keep their babies safe in their tummies until they're ready to be born.'' I didn't have the heart to tell him about abortion, that no, sometimes the mothers kill the babies in their tummies; no the babies are not safe there, but they deserve to be. Please, as a mother, a woman, and a human I beg you from the depth of my heart and soul to save the life of your son. He will live to thank you.

  • stupidshit - 14 years ago

    This is completely stupid. The people running this poll are BIASED. They have proven bias on the webpage. They do not plan on having an abortion no matter what the end result of this poll is. They are openly admitting already that many of the votes for abortion will not count. They will cry fraud by auto-voting and have their baby. The 800k+ votes for abortion will go ignored.

  • EMILY :@ - 14 years ago


  • linzi - 14 years ago

    this is sick, why you would even think of doing something like this! the amount of people that would die to have a child, yet you are boasting and posting it online.. what kind of people do that! imagine this little baby inside of you, what will he/she think of his parents asking strangers whether to keep him/her. i will adopt this little baby, please just dont be stupid and get your head sorted!

  • linzi - 14 years ago

    this is sick, why you would even think of doing something like this! the amount of people that would die to have a child, yet you are boasting and posting it online.. what kind of people do that! imagine this little baby inside of you, what will he/she think of his parents asking strangers whether to keep him/her. i will adopt this little baby, please just dont be stupid and get your head sorted!

  • linzi - 14 years ago

    this is sick, why you would even think of doing something like this! the amount of people that would die to have a child, yet you are boasting and posting it online.. what kind of people do that! imagine this little baby inside of you, what will he/she think of his parents asking strangers whether to keep him/her. i will adopt this little baby, please just dont be stupid and get your head sorted!

  • Neal - 14 years ago

    Here's their home address: 7105 146th St. W. Apple Valley, MN 55124. Here's their phone number: 952-431-6158.

  • Bob - 14 years ago

    Did you know that was registered by these people on May 17? Yet, their baby wasn't conceived until late July. Interesting.

    Here's their home address: 7105 146th St. W. Apple Valley, MN 55124.

    Here's their phone number: 952-431-6158.

    Here's Pete's Facebook Page:

    Here's Alisha's Facebook Page:

    And be sure to visit his anti-abortion website (when he brings it back online):!

    Here is a DIRECT QUOTE from Pete Arnold himself... ""The term pro-choice is used by men and women who support a woman's right to kill an unborn child. The term means that a woman has the right to determine whether or not she will be pregnant by killing a baby that has already been conceived. Also Refered to as Pro Abortion."

    Oh, and don't bother going up to their door. Some guy names John Kalal with multiple DWI arrests will answer the door and turn you away. But, you may catch a glimpse of Pete's car with liscense plate the reads "ZEEBOID."

  • Rick - 14 years ago

    I'm guessing that the 70% who are voting for abortion are not Pro Choice folks looking to make a point but many are just shocked that you would stoop this low to trivialize human life. Would you have liked your parents to play "games" like this with you in womb? Do you know that you and your baby were created in the image of God? What are you saying about your Creator with this callous view of your unborn child? I forgive you for this blog out society has too many people out of control in the Internet age talking about things that should be private and as for the baby I will pray that God gives you the courage to have the baby, adopt it to another family if you want, or keep it, love it and raise it not to trivialize a human being made in God's image. btw way when you say in your blog homepage "your vote will be herd"'s spelled "heard" or else you are talking about animals with no brains to think or act like a civilized person....or maybe that is what you meant!

  • grainne - 14 years ago

    yis are actually sick bastards... how can yi not no if u want ur baby or not yi shuda made ur decision weeks ago n why put it all over d internet get a fukin life ... av d baby and give it up for adoption its d least u can do yi shudn of had unprotected sex if you cant handle d consiqeunces ... u dnt deserve a baby ... you shud av bin aborted when ur mam was pregnant yi sick bitch

  • Marcus - 14 years ago

    Eure Gründe für diese Umfrage ist mir schleierhaft. Wenn Ihr die Frage ernst meinst, dann gehört ihr in psychologische Beratung. Und euer Respekt gegenüber dem Leben ist eine Schande. Möge es eine höhere Instanz geben, die euch richtet!

    Und denkt daran, dass Internet vergisst nichts!

    I can not understand your reasons for this poll. If this question is mentioned seriously, you should get immediate pschological help. Your respect for live is a blame. May there be a force majeure to judge you!

    And be aware, the internet can not forget anything!

  • A person that loves children - 14 years ago

    Why are you putting the babies life on this website? Why are you allowing other people to make your own choice? Doesn't your conscience tell you this is wrong? Make your choice, don't just go by what other people want. This is really sad. There are a ton of people out there who can't have children, who would love to have a child. Have your baby and give it up for adoption if you don't want it. It's a beautiful gift to someone.

  • s - 14 years ago

    I remind you that you can give the baby up for adoption instead of killing him

  • John - 14 years ago


  • Fab - 14 years ago

    Vous êtes vraiment des dégénérés, comment pouvez-vous vous poser la question et encore mieux comment pouvez-vous nous posez la question, quand des millions de couples qui aimeraient en avoir un ne le peuvent pas. C'est à se demander si avec de futurs parents comme vous il ne vaut mieux pas accoucher et confier le bébé à des personnes censées. Vous êtes vraiment deux grosses merdes. je plains votre enfant s'il voit le jour...

  • Jane - 14 years ago

    The most wonderfull give of God is having a child there are thousands of couples trying to have children and they can't, you have to keep in mind tha is a life you got in your inside and a abortion is a murder. Have you seen the things that can happen to you as consequences of your act, not only when you are aborting will cause the death of the child you can get hurt, have second symptoms can become sterile and also can cause your death. You have to think of that you now don't know what you want ok but in the future you will regret it some women even got on depresion. Please make up your mind and think of what is the best thing to do in God eyes, you know he doesn't want you to kill a baby because of the ignorance he sees everything we do and we will be judge of our actions in the end, so is your desicion but I can only give my advice and my point of view as everyone has done. MAKE THE BEST DECISION!!! BELIEVE IN LIFE!!! God bless you and help you make up your mind!!

  • James - 14 years ago

    Hey, Pierre. I like on your website when you say, in regards to the voting, "it is easy to see what is fraud and what is not." It sure is, isn't it? Dumbass. We'll all be glad when your wife miscarries again. Did someone say barren?

  • Katie - 14 years ago

    The answer to every question is LOVE not violence. Check out on the internet the violence of abortion and ask yourself if that is okay on any level. Love and Life are God's will for your child.

  • Akt - 14 years ago

    Take your publicity stunt and shove it you glenn beck reject. Someone who gets their opinions from Fox and friends shouldnt be allowed to have children anyway.

  • Eric - 14 years ago

    HEY, ZEEBOID!!! Funny how your whore of a wife has had 3 pregnancies, yielding a whopping ZERO living babies. Considering you bought that 'birthornot' domain shortly after the last one, neither of you give a damn about it, either. "Hey, Alisha. We lost three stupid babies! Let's miscarry another one, and since we both know you can't carry one full term, let's put up a website so at least we get 15 minutes of fame with it! We won't tell anyone we donate money to anti-abortion groups, either. This is a political agenda, too, but nobody is smart enough to figure that out. Miscarriages are nice because we don't have to name the kid, feed it, or love it. SWEET!

  • Brady - 14 years ago

    It is poverty to decide that a child must die so that you can live as you wish. Mother Teresa

  • Brady - 14 years ago

    It is poverty to decide that a child must die so that you can live as you wish. Mother Teresa

  • Jenn - 14 years ago

    I think this is completely disgusting that you would even have a poll like this. Obviously if you are thinking about this at this point im not sure why you even tried having babies in the first place, you dont deserve it thats for sure. Haveing a child is more then a blessing so why dont you give birth to the baby and give it up for adoption at this point you dont deserve to keep it but the baby deserves its life, this baby is living inside of you. How can you not think that that is amazing. I was pregnant at 17 and yeah i wasn't fucking ready for it either but i grew the fuck up and took on my responsibilities. You guys just want attention bc now this will pry be on the news and all this shit, well i think its disgusting. Thats a human life, you couldnt have decided this when the baby wasn't starting to grow and get stronger....

  • chaz - 14 years ago

    This is sick. I am, at 23, unable to have a child of my own. I cannot believe that you think you have the right to choose whether or not to keep a child. You have been blessed with a pregnancy, which I would give anything for

  • Aleksei - 14 years ago

    Both of you, Pete and Alisha, are mentally immature people who should never had sex without protection.

    I'd say you are also alternatively gifted when it comes to morality.

    I hope your baby will be born and will live a happy life regardless of the stupidity of his or her parents.

  • edo' - 14 years ago

    OH SHIT!

  • Gina - 14 years ago

    I truly cannot understand why first of all you would be doing this so publicly and why you would want to terminate the life of a healthy baby! I gave birth in March 2010 to a fullterm daughter that was stillborn (due to a diagnosed condition prior to birth). I would give ANYTHING to be in your position, knowing that I am carrying a healthy baby!! You should take responsibility for your actions or at the very least do the humane thing and give your baby up for adoption. There are thousands of people out there that will love that baby!!!

  • edo' - 14 years ago

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    Triforce, ya fags.

  • andy - 14 years ago

    hello, congratulations for the courage to bring a public issue that is very controversial, es here in Brazil, where i am. Regarding the pregnancy, you Have to think about all the pros and cons, not because it's the life of a toy that is''in''game, But rather a human being. There are, like you, many couples in this state who want to have children, But Have Suffered long. But it is you who has to Assess whether or not to take Risks! kisses and good luck in the Difficult choice!

  • Cleison F. - 14 years ago

    O ser humano certamente é o animal mais "irracional" de todos, como pode esses estupidos colocarem a vida de uma criança "para mim já é uma criança", nas mãos de uma matilha de malucos que tem na internet, e por prova disso esta esse resultado, é a coisa mais absurda do mundo, tomara que Deus lhes perdõe porque se fosse eu seu juiz você estaria frita!!!

    The human animal is certainly the most "irrational" for everyone, how stupid can they put the life of a child "for me as a child is" in the hands of a pack of crazies who have the Internet, and proof of this this result is the most absurd thing in the world, hopefully God will forgive because if I were his judge you would be fried!

    El animal humano es, sin duda la más "irracional" para todo el mundo, lo estúpido que puede poner la vida de un niño "para mí como un niño está" en manos de un grupo de locos que tienen Internet, y prueba de ello este resultado es la cosa más absurda del mundo, esperamos que Dios perdone, porque si yo fuera su juez estaría frito!

  • Caio - 14 years ago

    Do not abort now, you can have serious health problems.
    Wait until the baby is born and kill him with a stick.
    This is creepy you think?

  • God - 14 years ago

    Personaly i think its disugsting what your doing and im only 16, your putting your childs life in the hands of un-know people? , do you think its fair when there is people in the world dying for a child to love and care? yet you happy to flush "YOUR" baby down the toilett , surely thats wrong? ... if you decide to keep the baby i hope when it grows up it finds out you put its fait in the hands off others and that your were considering to terminate it!!!!!!! then we shall see how it really feels !!! ,

  • God - 14 years ago

    Personaly i think its disugsting what your doing and im only 16, your putting your childs life in the hands of un-know people? , do you think its fair when there is people in the world dying for a child to love and care? yet you happy to flush "YOUR" baby down the toilett , surely thats wrong? ... if you decide to keep the baby i hope when it grows up it finds out you put its fait in the hands off others and that your were considering to terminate it!!!!!!! then we shall see how it really feels !!! ,

  • God - 14 years ago

    Personaly i think its disugsting what your doing and im only 16, your putting your childs life in the hands of un-know people? , do you think its fair when there is people in the world dying for a child to love and care? yet you happy to flush "YOUR" baby down the toilett , surely thats wrong? ... if you decide to keep the baby i hope when it grows up it finds out you put its fait in the hands off others and that your were considering to terminate it!!!!!!! then we shall see how it really feels !!! ,

  • kate - 14 years ago

    man, shit like this pisses me off. you're giving pro-choice supporters a bad name and adding fuel to the conservative fire. this choice is difficult for anyone and i feel like you're making light of it. not to mention, you guys seem to be older which makes me think a) you have the maturity/financial stability to raise a baby at this point in your life and b) don't you question (considering your history of miscarriages) if you'll ever be able to being a baby to full term again? i mean, what if you abort your only shot (for lack of a better term) at a family? the choice is obviously yours but i think if i were you, i'd have this baby. it might be your only chance, considering all the medical factors. but, i guess there's always adoption. speaking of which, why isn't that a choice in the poll?

  • feminist - 14 years ago

    I am a Feminist. A FOUR LEGGED BEAST. No baby is beyond my reach. Their abortion is THE WILL OF THE BATTLEFIELD.

  • Spouk - 14 years ago

    Why do I have the feeling that you wouldn't be posting about autovote and fraud if the fraud was on the Birth side ? Dare maintaining the contrary !

  • Laura - 14 years ago

    abortion: you 2 are too much idiots for having babies -.-

  • Melina - 14 years ago

    This is just an anti-abortionist propaganda, they won't really have the abortion, they're just trying to draw attention to life being cheap. There's no need to rage people.
    But i did vote for the abortion though :)

  • the bee - 14 years ago

    I ten out of 11 and thank GOD my mom did not believe in abortion., Thank you JESUS fgor LIFE....and and thank Gthank you JESUS .

  • the bee - 14 years ago

    I ten out of 11 and thank GOD my mom did not believe in abortion., Thank you JESUS fgor LIFE....and and thank Gthank you JESUS .

  • Aaron - 14 years ago

    C'mon people, this is obviously a joke. Probably the same people who made

  • chris - 14 years ago

    Really? this is the most fucked up thing to have been done on the face of this earth! If this baby is born it should be put up for adoption because who knows you might have poll on how to punish your child a spanking or death you dumb fucks!

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