Which charity would you like the 10k to go to?


  • effthis - 15 years ago

    I'm just donating straight to every charity but SHF. This is stupid. Enjoy the ten grand, Gokey. Also, enjoy ETERNAL HELLFIRE YOU GIANT DOUCHEBAG!! Tell the Devil I said hey.
    To Danny's Cult:
    You're all assholes. Every last one of you. I hope none of your children ever get sick. I really do.

  • Paulina Rodriguez - 15 years ago

    Nobody knows where the money given to Sophia's Heart Foundation goes. It can only be traced to his shady cult Faith Builders who pays his paycheck. Nobody can show any evidence of SHF helping anyone in the 9 months since it was founded. Vote for a REAL charity. PLEASE DO NOT VOTE FOR SHF.

  • Janet - 15 years ago

    It's disgusting to see Danny Gokey fans rigging this poll for his fake charity to win. The man exploited his dead wife for votes, and now he's exploiting her for $$$. It's truly dispicible and shame on his fans for helping. Please vote for tay-sachs, a real charity that will do real good.

  • Sumer - 15 years ago

    I was wondering, has anyone ever pitted charities against each other like this for money? I be they haven't, as it is in such bad taste it leaves me speechless. which is why Im not surprised Gokey has a hand in it.

  • xybil - 15 years ago

    my vote is all for sophia's heart foundation :) go people vote for SHF! "one heart touching many" the youth is our hope. we should help the youth to be guided very well for they're the ones to lead the future. go for sophia's heart foundation. PLEAASE :)

    danny, i love you :) GO GO GOKEY AND SHF!!

  • mark - 15 years ago

    great cause danny. good job.

  • The_AshleyE - 15 years ago

    I Voted for Sophia's Heart Foundation

  • Jarod - 15 years ago

    Please vote for a REAL charity. Vote for Tay Sachs!

  • kim - 15 years ago

    If the SHF should get the donation, and Danny Gokey is so dedicated to helping people as you say, you would think he would check out the Tay Sachs website and if his heart is not touched by the suffering of those affected and their families helplessness, then he has no heart at all. You would think he would at least consider sharing some of it for Tay Sachs or other life saving charities.

  • Jean - 15 years ago

    You haters are so transparent. The only reason Danny tweeted to vote is because you obviously picked a charity and are power voting for it just because you hate the goodness Danny stands for. And no one believes your stupid masquerading as Gokey fans.
    And the best thing is- Gracious Danny would be just as happy if Nick's $$ went to another charity because HE is not a hater.
    And thanks for making @NickBarnett probably regret he ever started his generous gesture.

  • JustSomeOne - 15 years ago

    "HIS FORUM"? Can you tell me which one and give me an address? Obviously you know voting multiple times can only make people have a reason to accuse Danny even though he has nothing to do with this. But that's what you haters want, right? Danny fans will vote honestly and vote ONLY ONCE!

  • Powers - 15 years ago

    I voted for Sophias Heart Foundation, Love ya Danny!

  • DANNY IS NOT A DOUCHE - 15 years ago


  • Gayle Stein - 15 years ago


  • katryna - 15 years ago

    people should just stop being douches. one of those are gonna win, and if you don't like what it is, then too bad for you.

  • JustSomeOne - 15 years ago

    "DANNY IS NOT A DOUCHE " and "STILL ME", I know you're not fans but haters. Stop pretending being a fan! A true Danny Gokey fan will never say something like that!

  • Valerie - 15 years ago

    A vote from New Zealand for Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation. A cure is so close!!!

  • STILL ME - 15 years ago




  • DANNY IS NOT A DOUCHE - 15 years ago



  • DANNY IS NOT A DOUCHE - 15 years ago


  • Suzanne - 15 years ago

    As the mother of a child who died in my arms from the horrible disease Tay-Sachs, it saddens me that there is a possibility that this poll was rigged or exploited so Danny Gokey's cause would win. Some have posted that Nick and Danny are friends and Nick put up the $ to get 10,000 followers and Danny obliged by getting people to vote for his charity. I hope and pray when all is said and done that's not the case. If Nick Barnett truely wants to help a very deserving charity that funds research for a cure of a horrid disease then I think to dispel the rumors he should also donate $10,000 to the Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation. Considering that this charity and Danny's are both in a tight race and far beyond any of the other charities it would be the right thing to do to show that this poll was really set up without bias for only one charity. Please vote for the Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation...these innocent children need your help! Thank you!

  • Suzanne - 15 years ago

    As the mother of a child who died in my arms from the horrible disease Tay-Sachs, it saddens me that there is a possibility that this poll was rigged or exploited so Danny Gokey's cause would win. Some have posted that Nick and Danny are friends and Nick put up the $ to get 10,000 followers and Danny obliged by getting people to vote for his charity. I hope and pray that when all is said and done that's not the case. If Nick Barnett truely wants to help a very deserving charity that funds research for a cure of a horrid disease then I think to dispel the rumors he should also donate $10,000 to the Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation. Considering that this charity and Danny's are both in a tight race and far beyond any of the other charities it would be the right thing to do to show that this poll was really set up without bias for only one charity. Please vote for the Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation...these innocent children need your help! Thank you!

  • Willadene - 15 years ago

    Please, Please vote for Cure TaySachs Foundation. My grandson, Clayton passed away from this terrible disease when he was 3 1/2 years old in 1999. I know that one day a cure will be found so other children will not have to go through this. Please vote and thank you so much Nick!

  • Lynn - 15 years ago

    voted for SHF

  • nancy52 - 15 years ago

    I voted for SHF, in honor of Danny's beautiful wife who was taken too soon.

  • Sophia's Ghost - 15 years ago

    Vooooooote for SHF! VOoooooooooooote for SHF!! BoooooOOOOOOooooooOOOOooooOOOOO!!!

    Danny was not a good lover, btw.

  • jwsief - 15 years ago

    I voted for SHF

  • Lorimay32 - 15 years ago

    I voted for Sophias Heart Foundation

  • JustSomeOne - 15 years ago

    Cindy can you show me the proof that he told you to vote a few times? Can you haters stop telling lies?

  • J H - 15 years ago

    Voted for Sophias heart! And meant to! You should too

  • Cindy - 15 years ago

    Danny told me to vote a few times and I did.

  • Mark - 15 years ago

    Voted for SHF.

  • Bets - 15 years ago

    I would like to see this money go to SHF, because I know for a fact that it will be administered wisely and with integrity. The children are our future, and should be encouraged to feel good about themselves and have a positive way of expressing themselves. Open hearts and Open minds make for an open society and a wonderful world. Anyone that would suggest otherwise, because they are coming from a place of fear/hate, is just so representative of the kind of illness that needs this kind of attention, and intervention.

  • Dimitri - 15 years ago

    You know what? Some of you people need help. You are all disgusting for saying such rude things about Danny's late wife. Seriously, it makes you look like a rude son of a b*tch. You are sick for saying such things about a person you don't even know!

    Let's see if it will be funny when a family member of yours dies, and I say rude crap about them.

    Get a life & a heart.

  • deb - 15 years ago

    I just think it is funny that as soon as another charity got a good lead on his yesterday morning, Danny gokey tweeted to flood the comments with "I VOTED FOR SHF!" because he thought it was "fishy" that people would be voting for some charity besides his own. It was not supposed to work that way I guess so he smelled a rat and told all his disciples to go and vote for him..."We got him the followers now lets get the dough" Well maybe if other charities were notified of the donation for followers was a contest for charity alot of other people would have followed Nick and it wouldn't look like such a scam. But Danny Gokey was the only one contacted.

  • mark - 15 years ago


  • AnIdea - 15 years ago

    Here's an idea. VOTE AND SHUTUP. Why they have this stupid comment piece on this poll is beyond me! All it is doing is causing HATRED amongst people! THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE FOR A GOOD CAUSE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

  • AnIdea - 15 years ago

    Here's an idea. VOTE AND SHUTUP. Why they have this stupid comment peace on this poll is beyond me! All it is doong is causing HATRED amongst people!

  • Mel - 15 years ago

    I am so disappointed that people are choosing a charity based on American Idols, and a crush on Danny Gokey. The charity that benefits from this donation should be one that is recognized worldwide and helps children and their families with life threatening disease. It should not go to one city or one state.
    I voted for Tay-Sachs because I cannot imagine and pray that I never have to see a child suffer from such a terrible disease. To have a sick child and no options because of lack of funding for research must be so devastating to these families.
    I beg you to please at least go to the Tay-Sachs website and look at these children and what they and their families live with, before voting for your Idol.

  • Melissa - 15 years ago

    Sophia's Heart Foundation all the way!

  • Matt Fowler - 15 years ago

    just voted for Sophia's Heart

  • Kelly - 15 years ago

    People stop bad mouthing other people's choice for charities. They are all worthwhile and deserving. Civility cost nothing. We should be applauding Nick for what he is doing and nothing else!.

  • Pastor Douchebag - 15 years ago

    Haterz! You will all burn in Hell while I drive around in the Escalade I'm fixing to buy with my winnings... donations! Donations, yeah that's the ticket. I'm fixing to buy a shiny new Escalade to drive the chillrun around in. WHAT ABOUT THE CHILLRUN???

  • roachc420 - 15 years ago

    Nice porn banner. Can this get any fishier?

  • Maddi - 15 years ago

    Habitat for humanity tottaly! my church has youth group trips and mi bro goes then mi daddy goes as an adult leader! and they build houses for habitat for humanity! in nerw orleans of course!

  • mary - 15 years ago

    I voted for sophias heart foundation its the best ever and she is an angel

  • Barb - 15 years ago

    I voted for Sophia's Heart Foundation. Danny is an awesome guy who is making something good out of a tragedy. Please vote for SHF also & help him get this new foundation to help suffering kids off to a good start!

  • Monica - 15 years ago

    I voted for SHF - :)

  • Olivia Mercer - 15 years ago

    Go Sophia's Heart Foundation!!!!! :)

  • Brian - 15 years ago

    This poll was obviously set up to give SHF the win since Danny Gokey was the the only one initially told that this contest existed and the other charities just happened to find out after the fact. I'm not sure why Nick didn't just give the money to SHF in the first place. However, regardless of the set up, the good thing is that all these other charities are getting exposure based on this contest. It would be great if everyone could not only just participate via clicking their mouse buttons, but also checking out the various websites and making a small contribution to one or more of these charities to help out
    the many very worthwhile causes.

  • Angie - 15 years ago

    I voted for SHF. One time. That one deserves it. All you people bashing it should be ashamed of yourselves. Nick Barnett and Ryan Grant are doing this pretty much for the he!! of it! I just think its so wrong to call someone a dbag, when you clearly haven't gone through anything he has. Learn some manners and grow up! Oh yea...GOOD LUCK DANNY! Much love Angie~

  • gail - 15 years ago

    I vote for Make A wish. To see kids faces light up when there wish is granted is awsome and priceless!!

  • beth - 15 years ago

    -SHF- P.O. Box 8127 Hermitage, TN 37076-8127

    -Faith Builders- 4901 South Howell Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53207

    Yeah, that really looks the same. If your smart enough you can look it up and see that SHF is a legit foundation. Don't post what you hear. Do your research.

  • MissLisa1970 - 15 years ago

    Dismayed that comments R allowed here in the voting. Obviously every charity here is very important, as is all the other charities outside of this voting selection. Unfortunately, not every single person can contribute to every single charity, so when wanting to give, a person chooses the issue closest to their heart. For whatever cause they vote for that decision is theirs to make and should not be subjected to mean spirited opinions. Please have the decency to keep them to yourselves. This is about charity, not debate. My vote is for SHF.

  • Hossai Safar - 15 years ago

    I voted for Sophia's Heart Foundation!

  • Wilbanice - 15 years ago

    I voted for Sophia's Heart Foundation. After having read the story and watched Danny on AI, her foundation had my vote hands down.
    Danny, you've inspired the world through your determination and perserverance. You're in my prayers. I have a feeling God's JUST BEGINNING with you. Keep looking up and never stop. God bless!

  • Jamie - 15 years ago

    Go Danny! You got 20 votes from me.

  • Beth - 15 years ago

    I am so happy to see Tay-Sachs included in your list. This awful disease took the lives of my cousin's two beautiful children and more people need to be made aware of it.

    Thanks so much!

  • peg - 15 years ago

    It saddens me that people are so jealous that they would put a person down for trying to do something in honor of a spouse. But then some will complain
    about any and everything and will remain unhappy for the rest of their life. Yes SHF is a new charity but all charities were new at one time and had to start somewhere. Give it a chance to grow also. As for people voting more than one time that is something only a child would do and i can tell you one thing if you did vote more than one time you were very wrong in doing so. SHF would and will make it without all the extra voting from you that are doing it. I voted one time and one time only. I know my vote counts. Good luck Danny in raising the money for SHF.

  • Peg - 15 years ago

    i voted for shf.

  • Frances - 15 years ago


  • Hunter - 15 years ago

    And, since the other charities have been exploited like this, Im going to go donate 10 dollars to everyone listed on here except SHF. Mostly because I dont agree with what is going on here, nor the way their charities are being put up and exposed to this kind of negative activity.

    I advise those who want other charities to get donations, to just go ahead and donate to them yourselves. It is obvious this is a set up for SHG and has been since the get go I for one am done here and am going to go donate to those who really need it.

    Enjoy your money cheaters, you earned it right along with all the bad Karma this kind of stuff returns on you.

  • Lorimay32 - 15 years ago

    I voted for SHF

  • Hunter - 15 years ago

    There is a link to a porn website up there under the poll.

    Thats kind of gross.

  • Tracey McGaw - 15 years ago


  • Shannon - 15 years ago

    I can't believe people are actually leaving rude comments.. they are all charities! No matter which one wins, they all do something good for others who are in trouble. All of you saying that Danny is a "douche bag", shame on you. This is for his CHARITY! NOT HIM! Seriously, when he said that something "fishy" was going on, he was talking about NICKS TWEET! Nick said that he received tweets saying that someone hacked the poll. thats why Danny said something fishy was going on. And for those of you saying that you voted multiple times, i don't think you can vote multiple times. It stores your IP ADDRESS number so you cannot vote MULTIPLE TIMES. People need to grow up..

  • Allie - 15 years ago

    I voted for SHF and would like the money to go there as I believe in the work that the charity would like to do with young people.

    All of the charities are for worthy causes. The others aside from SHF are well established and have their own fundraising channels.

    I am openmouthed at the hypocritical, unpleasant attitudes of some of the posters who display nothing except thier own meanspiritedness and jealousy.

    Their inability to believe that anyone could genuinely want to do some good reflects more on their characters than any of the hateful, bilious comments they post. Those people should be ashamed of themselves. That's all there it to it. To fill up something that should be good with such bile is inexcusable.

    It also makes me look askance at the charities they are associated with - if that is the mark of those that support you, then I certainly shall not be donating anything towards them.

  • Amy - 15 years ago

    Come on people. Dannys not saying go out and spam the poll! He's just encouraging people to vote. And people saying how the money goes to Faith Builders...One of the people who work with SHF said that since they dont have a location yet and Danny dosnt want to give out his home address..so they used the church's address. And most of these other charities already have started and are well known and helping people with what they have. So lets try to help someone else get another great charity off the ground!

  • Hunter - 15 years ago

    Go read Danny Gokeys twitter, the part where you can see his incoming twitters. You know, you go type his name into that magnifying glass thing on your page. People keep telling him they voted 10x, 5x, multiple times etc.

    Hes a douchebag. Sorry, but its true.

    Enjoy your donation which was earned through cheating people. Like I said, you should be ashamed of yourselves for this kind of stunt.

  • Bucky - 15 years ago

    I am not a liar, it was there before and now it has been edited.

  • Pastor Douchebag - 15 years ago

    C'mon Sophia's Heart!! Daddy needs a new Escalade!!!

  • meaghan113 - 15 years ago

    Voted for Sophia's Heart Foundation.

  • Jill Kalanges - 15 years ago

    I voted for SHF!

  • jessica koss - 15 years ago

    i voted for sophias heart foundation because it is a truly worthy cause and anything i can do to help this cause im am for it.as should everyone else .and the people that are leaving negative comments about this foundation and danny gokey u truly have no shame and i am disgusted by u.and i wanted to say we love u danny and will stand behind u and the foundation no matter what keep up the good work .love ya jessica

  • Practise what you Preach - 15 years ago

    To BuckyIsALiar - if you noticed that thread (idolforums) has some heavy edited done throughout it - I read it prior to the editing and it was telling other members how to vote multiple times - Bucky is not lying, they are just covering up their cheating.

    It is incredibly sad to think that the 10 k will go to SHF mostly because people are casting a vote for Danny and not the charity itself.

  • Sara - 15 years ago

    I believe the money donation should go to Sophia's Heart Foundation. I know Danny Gokey & staff will use that money to bless so many kids! Thank you and God bless. SOPHIA'S HEART FOUNDATION!!!!!!!!

  • Kayla - 15 years ago

    Sophia's Heart Foundation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • taylor - 15 years ago

    To every SHF/ Gokey fan who is bragging about the multiple times you voted: Shame on you. And shame on Danny Gokey for encouraging it. To think that prior to this poll I was a big Danny Gokey fan. But not any longer.
    Please consider voting for the Cure Tay Sachs Foundation, this is a local charity for me and my family and I KNOW it is a more than worthy cause, run by loving people who are strictly volunteers.

  • Patricia - 15 years ago

    I am voting for Sophia's Heart Foundation and I am proud of Danny for his effort :) Way to go Danny, and keep up the good work! God Bless you always!

  • amy - 15 years ago

    i voted for SHF.

  • Becky - 15 years ago

    Amen!! Thank you, CH! "10k would make such a huge impact for the Say Tach foundation, Right now children afflicted w/this disorder can only be made as comfortable as possible while they slowly and progressively face death. There are no treatments that reverse the disease or a cure. Money as this would make a HUGE impact on the research for treatments and a cure. It seems very hopeful that a cure is in reach, but funds are desperately needed for the research and developement. Please consider voting for this cause! Many people are carriers and do not even know it, it could affect you or someone close to you. Check out the website at www.curetay-sachs.org. Vote for Tay Sachs ♥"

  • Michelle - 15 years ago

    voted for SHF!!!

  • BuckyIsALiar - 15 years ago

    Bucky you are such a liar! I bet you never voted for SHF at all. Want to see what's on idolforums? Check this out:


    all they did was telling people to vote honestly and vote only once! How can you haters be so irresponsible to tell such a lie?

  • Lisa - 15 years ago

    I voted for SHF. I really believe that Danny will help those in need. I myself am a single mother with health problems and have struggled the last few years and couldn't have done it without the help I have recieved. God BLess u all!!

  • Informed adult, not lemming fan tween/frau - 15 years ago

    Any CHARITY but Sophia's heart would be deserving.
    I chose Make A Wish.
    Think it through, Nick, before you decide who to give your gift to. It's a wonderful thing you are trying to do. Don't be swayed by these retarded Gokey fans. Read up on his "church" and research his "charity" before you give your money away. Research how the renowned paster of Faithbuilders wears Rolex watches, and drives an Escalade that his congregation paid for, because you know, to do God's work you have to drive a flashy car. Find out how the pastor's wife makes her money from the church too, by selling shitty costume jewelry (and making any woman who DOESN'T wear/buy it feel like they're not really part of the flock), and she makes video tapes on "how to be a Playmate for your husband" (wonder how Hef would like that use of a copyrighted term)
    Jeff and Robin are real stand up folks. Don't let your $10000 go towards their vacation home or their fat bank accounts.

  • Sara - 15 years ago

    I voted for SHF!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!

  • Bucky - 15 years ago

    It is really easy to vote multiple times. I got in 20 votes for SHF this morning. Check out the Idolforums on how to spam this vote and win this one for Gokey!

  • bea - 15 years ago

    i voted for Sophia's Heart Foundation..coz i think it could make a change..ONE TOUCHING MANY...

  • Dion - 15 years ago

    I vote 250 times for SHF!!!! I voted all night!! I want Danny to win this!!!!

  • Terry - 15 years ago

    I voted five times for SHF. Go Gokey! These other charities suck.

  • Sumer - 15 years ago

    To answer the question why people are spamming the poll.... because Danny Gokey twittered and told them to. He got upset when he saw TS was ahead of him, said something is fishy here because he was basically guaranteed the win, so he alerted his fanbase to spam the vote and spam the poll.

    Funnies thing of all, it seems these other charities aren't even aware this poll is going on, nobody told them. If Gokey and his fanbase wants to win by spamming, so be it. If Nick doesn't even tell these groups they are up in this poll and gives them the same opportunity to promote their charities, its says a ton about what this poll is about. Which basically is Nick paying Gokey back for getting him followers. If not, then explain why all these other charities which are legit, aren't even aware this was going on.

    Something is fishy alright, and it stinks. As do people spamming a charity poll. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  • Courtney Nelson - 15 years ago

    Sophia's Heart all the way! Thank you for keeping your word about giving 10k to charity. That is awesome!!!

  • unicorn - 15 years ago

    I voted for Sophia's Heart Foundation early on in this poll because I, like Sophia Gokey, was born with a heart condition. Fortunately, my parents had enough resources for me to have the heart surgery that saved my life. How many children out there with congenital heart conditions will not have the same chance to live? Danny Gokey would like to give as many of these children that same chance that I had, and if this one way that I can help him do it, I am proud to do so. I know what it's like to live with a heart condition, and I have the greatest respect and admiration for Danny Gokey and his mission to give children with heart problems -- and other challenging issues, medical or otherwise -- a chance for a better life, in honor of the memory of the wife he loves, and out of his own goodness of heart. We should all do our best to support someone who wants to make a positive difference in this world.

  • Rochelle Belaro - 15 years ago

    i voted for sophia's heart foundation.. i love you danny..

  • AmberCari - 15 years ago

    I voted for SHF! Good luck

  • JJ - 15 years ago

    Whatever chairty wins needs to send both Danny Gokey and Nick a thank you letter for the donation. Nick put up the money for hitting his Twitter goal and without Danny helping, Nick would never have hit that goal.

  • Amy - 15 years ago

    I'm from Milwaukee and I voted for SHF!

  • Lorimay32 - 15 years ago

    My vote goes to Sophia's Heart Foundation. I would just like to say that what Danny Gokey is doing is a great thing.

  • CH - 15 years ago

    Why are people spamming this poll with who they voted for? It makes it hard to read comments about the charities. 10k would make such a huge impact for the Say Tach foundation, Right now children afflicted w/this disorder can only be made as comfortable as possible while they slowly and progressively face death. There are no treatments that reverse the disease or a cure. Money as this would make a HUGE impact on the research for treatments and a cure. It seems very hopeful that a cure is in reach, but funds are desperately needed for the research and developement. Please consider voting for this cause! Many people are carriers and do not even know it, it could affect you or someone close to you. Check out the website at www.curetay-sachs.org. Vote for Tay Sachs ♥

  • LINDZMUSIC - 15 years ago

    I voted SHF, I have worked alot with troubled teens and I have seen first hand how foundations like this one can really effect and change peoples lives.

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