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Total Votes: 2,718,408

  • Ross - 14 years ago

    Fox news is the only non-hyper liberal media out there. It doesn't matter what the White House thinks, Fox should be in the White House to counter balance the Obama hyper-partisan plan. Tell me another president who actually only invited his party-only to very important meetings, and who's controlling party tried to lock the other party out of Congressional meetings. Tell me about another president who constantly talks badly about our country to other countries, and he and his wife haven't learned how to hold their hands over their hearts properly during the pledge of allegiance, since they moved to this country. Obama isn't Christian by the way he talks, but I do believe that he is mostly radical muslim in the way he acts.

  • M.L. Kuykendall - 14 years ago

    "Let's not pretend CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, and NPR are news networks the way FOX News is. They're only socialist ultra left propaganda machines." :)

  • Jesse - 14 years ago

    WOW!!!! The Nazis have risen, with Adolf Obama,Ava Pelosi and Harry Goring as their leaders. Compare the beginings of nazi Germany and the Obama regime. It is scary.

  • Charles - 14 years ago

    Speak of Jesus and Live by Darwin I say! Hate is our strongest weapon in the fight against liberals, checks and balances and anti war actions. Let me hear you all shout it from the rooftops PROTECT UNBORN BABIES, YES TO SMALLER GOVERNMENT, YES TO TAX CUTS, YES TO MORE WAR, YES TO FOSSIL FUEL, YES TO POLLUTION, YES TO OUR BELOVED FOX NEWS. If it wasn't for Fox I would not know what to think. It's great to be part of an extremist movement and I am glad Rupert Murdoch has made it possible.

  • Jill Marie - 14 years ago

    After hearing the horrific name calling by Olbermann/MSNBC that was directed to Sarah Palin and Sen. Scott Brown, I was absolutely appalled. Never, had I heard such filth spewed from a broadcaster's mouth. Even Limbaugh doesn't do that! It seems to me that CNN and MSNBC, along with CBS, ABC, and NBC are biased and lean heavily to the left. After tuning into Fox News to see what all the hullabaloo was about, I found Fox to be more conservative but does give both sides and does seem fair and relatively well balanced in its reporting. I have not heard any filth spewed from any of their broadcasters either. When someone resorts to name calling, you've got to know they're getting desparate for some reason. As for excluding Fox News from news conferences, simply means that the White House, et al., does want any opinion that does not agree with their's to be silenced. AND that reminds me of the history I studied in regard to pre-WWII and the history during WWII...The Axis Powers cut off any ideas that were in opposition to their ideas. I believe that's called propaganda and that's what the White House, et. al., is promoting. Something isn't right when those in power only want their side heard, when deals have to be struck behind closed doors, when votes have to be purchased and bribes have to be offered in order to pass legislation, something's just not right.

  • Paul - 14 years ago

    I do not agree with any of the options to answer. I voted for the Fox News side not because they are fair and balanced but simply because it is a violation of everything this country stands for when a public office can block the press simply because they do not like they way they report news.
    I am glad that in this instance silencing the opposition failed.

    Can you imagine the outrage if Bush had tried to block CNN?

    It is nice to see this controversy is driving traffic towards NPR too.

  • 1.5 thumbs - 14 years ago

    Didn't This President promise us that his administration would be "The most transparent, most responsable administration"?
    Didn't This President promise us that they would go through the budget "Line by line"?
    Didn't This President promise us that there would be no earmarks?
    Didn't This President promise us that there would be no lobbyists in his administration?
    Didn't This President promise us that unemployment would not go over 8% if they passed the Stimulis Plan?
    What could the White House be scared of?

  • Mel Berg - 14 years ago

    Fox is the only worthy news source. Truth will set you free. I love freedom.

  • J Barone - 14 years ago

    The anointed one continues to display a sense of arrogance and unprecedented "leadership" that is bringing this (once) great country of ours down to its knees. If you or I were deploying "quid pro quo" antics in an effort to force feed the nation with programs that are against our laws, the constitution and basic rights, we would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law...His broken campaign promises and platform were merely a means to an end. The intended denial of transparency in government programs/negotiations and the committed elimination of corruption/waste prove the lack of integrity and trust that has been instilled in most Americans. Where is the prosecutory initiative to thwart the inevitable and allow the continuance of such socialistic ideology. The Dems are jumping ship and yet Our President and his band of "buddies" continue to fail to address/answer what the majority of the people of America expect from their select few. His falsehoods and deceit will continue to dig a deep whole for his administration, however, after the potential irreparable damage has been inflicted on us all. It won't stop with the Obamacare demands. Ann (Coulter), Dick (Morris), Glen (Beck), Bill O'Reilly), Sean (Hannity)....we need you now more than ever. Step up and allow us to be heard, understood, and protected from the foundation of communism and all it's unconstitutional creed.

  • James, Esq. - 14 years ago

    There is an old adage in the field of law...particularly in trial. If you can't attack the evidence (facts), attack the messenger. In this and so many other cases, the ultra liberal malaise refuses to allow the facts to get in their way. The only reason for such a poll from the liberal loons at NPR is simply for spite and intolerance. They and their ilk are a small but very noisy minority in this country and their own inadequacies, both professionally and personally, lead to these visceral attacks, much like that complete buffoon in the White House.

  • Michelle - 14 years ago

    Hey Cecilia!! You have NO IDEA what you are talking about. Viewers of FOX News are educated and think for themselves instead of allowing mainstream news to fill our heads with what THEY want us know!! FOX news reports what the others refuse to report!! THE TRUTH!! And I watch all of them!! And what's with the name calling? My parents always taught me that if all you can do is call someone names, you are a shallow thinker!! Liberals always feel like you have to attack conservatives persoanally instead of voicing your opinion. I wonder who really knows nothing about politics??

  • Voice of Reason - 14 years ago

    Matthew Lee and you other blind sided lefties need to step back and realize the media and AMERICANS are entitled to opinions critical or not. This is the first time the White House has been criticized by the media and won't the last. Other liberally bias media outlets such as CNN and the far left whacko MSNBC featuring 'Keith Marxist Lemming Olbermann' are far worse than FOX. FOX simply calls Obama out on the rug for his lies and deceipt. If you can't handle the truth, turn the channel.

  • Tony - 14 years ago

    Hey Cecilia, I will debate you on politics anytime anywhere. Though it seems to me that you already lost when you started calling names. Street people? Let's see, those Leno man on the street interviews take place in L.A. right? Not exactly the bastion of conservatism or common sense. I always viewed them as U.C. Berkley students.

  • Tony - 14 years ago

    MSNBC------Marxist Socialist Nonsense Brodcasting Cr@p

  • Sue - 14 years ago

    It seems odd to me that all of the other "news organizations" could spend 8 years complaining about Bush, and everyone seemed to think that this was free speech. Now there is one station complaining about Obama and suddenly they aren't a legitimate news organization? At least the other stations are sticking up for Fox. They probably see the writing on the wall that if they let thewhite house block Fox, they could be next if they said anything negative.

  • dj mccann - 14 years ago

    Obama and his White? House and Legislatures are full of baloney. When does he ever spend time in the white house...he is always out somewhere on the road or partying.....some leader....if Europe likes him so well...send him there

  • Jackie - 14 years ago

    It all boils down to the same reason we are in the "pickle" we are today. Those that stick their heads in the sand and want to believe whatever the WH says and main stream News says...will NOT want to hear the TRUTH and wouldn't believe it anyway. The Truth seekers have learned that the Main Stream News and the WH are NOT telling us any truths...and have to learn it from other sources. Sooo the lazy ones will continue on in their route of being dumbed out by TV, getting fatter and lazier...and the ones who are Truth Seekers will continue to dig for the truth knowing that YOU cannot believer what WH and Main stream news is telling us...and will continue to dig and learn...and HOPEFLLY share the education. This is HOW our Freedom movement snowballs and grows.

  • James Blackie - 14 years ago

    I continue to stay in the neutural zone with regard to broadcasted issues opinionns. The controversy that goes on today between news channels reporting inaccurate and biased information by news channels. It seems that the only response I view or hear is whining that information given by Fox is inaccurate.. Fox seems to never be challenged by the opposition. A good face to face debate between Fox/CNN could, by such a action prove either faction, to be broadcasting false or innacurate new's would that likely cause either enity to corrrect their views, and share only accurate unbioased information to the public. If not they sink in the River.

  • cecilia - 14 years ago

    I just wonder how much the 88% for FOX really know about politics or are they like the people Jay Leno interviews on the street who don't know the difference between George Washington and George Bush. It seems to me they are like the street people because they don't seem to recognize lies when they hear them on FOX.

  • cecilia - 14 years ago

    Fox "news" (if that's what you want to call them) can really sucker the American people in just like Bush did with his war on Iraq by putting the fear in Ametrican (and they still do). The only exception is that Fox and the conservatives add on religion to bring in the christians (who are fools enough to follow them). Fox twists what they put out in the airwaves to support their political agenda and they don't care that they lie as long as they convince all their listeners as you can see by this poll. As a Christian, I don't recall Jesus being political in scripture.

  • Ally M - 14 years ago

    I watch all the news channels but Fox is the best. They say what they mean and mean what they say. I guess I like them so much because I agree with them. If they don't agree with Obama they say so. So many of the other news channels just go along with Obama's policies, they give him a pass on everything. Especially MSNBC, that is the most liberal news channel ever, when I click back to Fox I feel like I've left insanity to get back into a sane world of news. The problem is other news channels are liberal and progressive and Fox news is more Conservative. And that's what I am, a Conservative. I find liberalism to be insanity.

  • Mary F. - 14 years ago

    I am soooo glad that the people of this country are "finally" waking up to what Obama is all about. I could see this before the election, and was disheartened that the majority of the electorate really believed in this man's jibberish. He speaks eloquently. That does "not" make a good leader, as nationwide, people are just now realizing. Obama has never had any experience in running anything, ie: business, company, etc., but now he can say he's had experience in running a country into bankruptcy. Aren't we glad we voted for this person???!!! And the Democratic Congress?????!!!!!
    God willing, we will begin in Nov. 2010 to elect individuals who abide by our Constitution, and begin to "reverse" what we can what has been done.
    Since the Iraq war began, I've become a fan of Fox News, and everyday I have it on constantly to hear the "real" news. Glenn Beck is a program I try not to miss as he educates us on history as well, explaining not only failed policies of the past which are being repeated by this administration, but also informs us of things that are going on that isn't reported by the other reporters on Fox. I highly recommend people to listen to him, and learn what's going on in the administration, how corrupt and behind-the-back atrosities that are being pulled on the American people.
    Our country is in trouble, thanks to the over-spending, bailouts, and government take-over of some of our institutions. Thankfully, with Brown being elected, the 2700 page health-care bill has been stopped.....for now. If you listen carefully, Obama is already speaking of taxing the middle-class to pay for all of his spending. Did you not know this would happen? How many of his campaign promises has he broken? Why would taxing us be any different?
    Out of a job? Apply for a government position....this is the only part of our economy that is showing an increase. 14% increase in government jobs! And oh yes, guess who pays their salaries?? 32 czars? For what? In my opinion, Obama is so unqualified to be president, he needs all these people to "actually" do all the work. He, is there to be a cheerleader only, to "speak" in his educated voice (only with a tele-prompter) to attempt to convince the people to accept what his czars and Dem congress want. He knows nothing in my opinion, and am waiting for the day I and hopefully the majority of the nation, will vote him out of office!
    My fear today is-what will the U.S.A. look like in """ 3"""" years??
    Watch Fox News to be informed!!!

  • Don Hill - 14 years ago

    Although I don't like how "Billy" cuts off people in his interviews I must say FOX is part of our family and I have become careful now as to who I invite into my living room such as ABC or Nbc or Cbs--- If it is not on FOX we do not believe it-- I am 78 and grew up with ABC: CBS and NBC--- Where pray tell has honesty gone? THANK YOU FOX NEWS!!!!

  • NEON - 14 years ago


  • Herb Harper - 14 years ago

    I watched MR. EDD And MR. Obermann, on MSNBC, the other night and they were "whipping up' so much on Hannity, ON FOX, I just had to switch to FOX to see what all the objections were all about. NOW, I am a FOX Fan


  • barry Buchanan - 14 years ago

    Nothing coming from the White House, it's Cabinet and especially its spokesman, Mr. Gibbs can be trusted. They are all liars and naive liars at that.

  • Valerie - 14 years ago

    Fox News does report what other news organizations don't bother with. I listen to all of them throughout the day and evening. I find Fox more balanced than others as far as "news reporting" is concerned. Their analysts tend to be more "right" than other news shows but they don't purport that they're not. I have a lot of respect for them.

  • bruce - 14 years ago

    Fox News asks the tough questions. Other news sources are not doing that. The WH fears and educated population. President Obama has asked the American people to 'dumb down' (stop watching cable news). He does not like it when people try to understand what he is doing.

  • Machman - 14 years ago

    Without our tax dollars NPR would have folded many mons ago just like every other "progressive" and liberal news or commentary expose. Only 30% or less in America call themsleves liberal or progressive. Why should the 70% or more of us be abused by miniority ideologies and historically failed socialistic ideas and policies.

  • John Rager - 14 years ago

    Fox News is totally biased against the Democrats to begin with and nothing they say should be believed!

  • kenneth goforth - 14 years ago

    I refuse to watch cnn. Their agenda is easy to read.

    I hear so many people say they have quit watching cnn, I am one of them.

  • Dusty Pence - 14 years ago

    Fox leans right, NPR leans left, other networks lean left, most talk radio is to the right, we can run through all the newspapers and each will tilt one way or another. None of these changes the fact that Fox is a major news source, that they have interesting commentators and cover some stories that others do not, just as NPR, etc., cover some stories that Fox does not. A true liberal will never, ever, try to stop a news source from covering the news. The desire to stifle news is the desire of dictators and socialists. A friend forwarded the info on this "poll". When I saw a date of October 23 2009 I almost didn't respond. When does this end?

  • oldtexgal - 14 years ago

    During the campaign, Candidate Obama was all about ordinary people getting involved in politics and the political process. Just last week, he advised us ordinary people to turn off FOX, CNN, & MSNBC, where the subject matter was all about politics..... and go talk to "people out there". Well, sir, people out here are paying attention, reading history, communicating, and listening to various media and news sources.

    What I find chilling is any effort by ANY administration to control information... to choose for the American people what is good for them to hear, see, or read. Freedom of speech is NOT "overrated", as one of his appointees opined. All Americans, journalists, organizations, etc., must vigorously exercise their Constitutional right to speak, hear, and exchange information. I prefer FOXNEWS, but also tune into other outlets, as well. The Internet is a delicious smorgasbord of information, ideas, and opinions. We have access to press worldwide!

    It may not be particularly "presidential" for Mr. Obama to voice his opinion in the matter, BUT he has the same right to speak. As long as he makes no effort to infringe on the free speech of others... through law, department, order, etc... all's OK.

  • John Forster - 14 years ago

    For an admisnistration that was voted into office professing open dialog with the world, it's sad that they now want to cut off normal debate unless it's slanted in their direction. Shame on them, they'll pay for this attitude in the next election.

  • christine - 14 years ago


    Since Brown won in Mass.....the WH is in a TURMOIL AND SPINNING LIKE TOPS.

    Give it up OBAMA and your buds are on a Sinking Ship.....without
    PFD's available.

  • Northwesterner - 14 years ago

    I'm wondering whether the administreation will acknowedge the results of this poll. They don't like to hear or read anything that goes in the face of their ideas. Keep it up FOX. The whole idea of a free press was to keep things out in front of the electorate not hidden in some back room full of BS and Cigar Smoke.

  • Estela Davis - 14 years ago

    I had never heard of Glenn Beck and was not watching Fox until the Acorn
    incident. Now, all I ever see is Fox. They tell it like it is. The White House
    is supposed to work for all it's citizens and Fox is representing many people's
    views, so the White House should accept Fox News and relate to them.

  • Barry Cohon - 14 years ago

    CNN, NPR and MSNBC feature cheerleaders for the current administration. FOX is about the only network that doesn't. So of course a president who lives for and by campaign speeches wants to silence Fox. Failing on every front, leading the country into bankruptcy at home and defeat overseas, yet keeping an eye on the 2012 election campaign (which began on Inauguration Day 2009) of course the current administration fears any dissent, especially if it is based on facts. So today Fox News is their villain. Tomorrow it could be you and me.

  • jep129 - 14 years ago

    Obama, for one year, did everything behind closed doors. Where is the openness of this administration? Now that Brown took Mass., it's we are going to do things in a bipartisan manner. Bull. One lie after another. The man doesn't know what honesty is.

  • MD - 14 years ago

    To me this administration is just so scared of Fox, they want to get rid of them, just as they want to get rid of EVERYONE that does NOT agree with them. I do hope you people that do listen to Fox, will continue because they are the only station that will give you BOTH sides of any story. Give a try to listen to Megyn Kelly at 1:PM (ET) and hear her comments. She will give you ALL sides. This woman knows how to explain just about every incident that has or will happen. She is not a Republican, but a journalist, as well as a licensed Attorney. Ever since the campaign for President started, over two years ago, I have Never believed a word that came from Obama's mouth, the same as today. You only had to listen between his words to hear what he really meant to do. I am so sorry so many people listened AND believed his lies. He will continue doing this until he is out of that office. He is trying so hard to make you believe every word he says, that is why he is lieing. Don't be taken in by this man because he had no experience in anything but TRYING to organize a neighborhood, which I might add, he did not do! There are several people, in my mind, that would be great as the president of our country, and I do hope one of them will get that office ASAP. Of course, that means 2012, I suppose. BUT, we can clear out many of those up there that will NOT listen to our views in 2010. So, be prepared to do just that, PLEASE!

  • Michael - 14 years ago


  • J. Marilyn Thompson - 14 years ago

    The president has stepped on the constitution already, and now because of the critics of his agenda on Fox news, he wants to step on the 1st amendment too.
    I listen to Fox because it is fair, and it does tell it from both sides.

  • Richard Marksberry - 14 years ago

    Re: Aaron

    Finally, Aaron has steped forward. He is obviously someone who has actually seen the Prez's real unaltered birth certificate. And can confirm for us that in the Prez's 20 year history, he never heard the Rev. Wright speak a unkind word about America and white people. Thanks you Aaron for comming forward and speaking out. FOX News must be responsible for all of this. You have set our hearts at ease.

  • Richard Marksberry - 14 years ago

    Well now, isn't this typical of the Prez. He can't stand to be criticized. And of course NPR, a very middle of the road, non-partisan source paid for with our tax dollars is conducting a poll on his claims of FOX bias. Those FOX reporters that are in the pool are just that, reporters. They are not commentators. They simply report the news without bias. That's for O'Reily, Hannity and Beck. The Prez can block them from the pool and that's fine with me.

    Let's see, Huffington Post is in the WH pool, NYT is in the pool, LA Times is in the pool, so how come they are not being polled for bias? Oh, that's because they are bias toward the Prez and in his pocket. Never mind!

    NPR isn't going to show the Prez the results of this thing anyway.

  • Joseph heres - 14 years ago


  • Margaret and Randy Tolliver - 14 years ago

    Your polite request for folks to visit this website again to contribute to the discussion reflects the fact that most of the people responding to this poll do not typically listen to NPR, which is proably true. Sadly, NPR and most of the other mainstream news outlets have refused to believe their liberal bias has driven their viewers away. I can't speak for all Fox News Viewers but as for myself, I had no interest in politics until I discovered Fox News. They educate their viewers and reveal how underlying agendas (right wing or left wing) influence Washington. But not only do they inform and educate, they are entertaining, engaging and transparent. What you see is WHAT you get.
    Margaret Tolliver, AL

  • Chelah Cobb - 14 years ago

    Obama won a popularity contest which was based on his talent for giving a moving speech. His actions do not support his words, but we were ignorant when we voted him "Most Popular". We thought his words were his truth. We thought his "change" would be for the better. I thought Congress was there to balance the power and protect the country from bad ideas and frivolous actions. I was sooooo wrong!...and I admit it. Now, when he opens his mouth I see arrogance and a condescending attitude toward the people he vowed to protect and to serve. He scares me!! The Congress scares me!!

    I am sure he doesn't want to hear his words echoed on Fox News video tape. He would like for us to forget and ignore everything, except "Blame Bush".

    I know he doesn't listen to the people of this country, but I would like to say one thing to him.... You were not made King...and this is not your kingdom. This is my home. That is my hard earned money you are throwing around.... and my future earnings too....and throwing it at ideas you have already proven are a waste of my money.

    You don't believe this, but the American people are a can-do group....and a lot smarter than you think. Stop trying to bankrupting us and scaring us with your threats of financially ruining our employers by taxing them to death to pay for your folly. The employers of this country will find a way to fuel the economy. You may believe in debt and taxes, but we believe in success. Get out of our way and stop trying to do something for which you are not qualified. WE, the People, are qualified. Get out of our way.

  • Joanne - 14 years ago

    Before discovering Fox News I felt I was alone in my views. The news reported on the other channels were all one-sided - to the left. It was refreshing to get news that looked at issues from all angles. If FOX news is removed there will be a lot of unhappy people and freedom of speech will be in question.

  • robert recla - 14 years ago

    the white house and it's secrets and senate and congress(big secrets. no experience, blame game. and cannot solve anything. this white house should be questioned every day by every newspaper. the taxpayer should write every day to the admin and question question question!!!!!!! guess what? you would never get response. try it!!! i like fox, they have a mixture of opinions and just do their jobs!!the cheif of staff should be thrown out of the white house. bob

  • Bob in FL - 14 years ago

    I've watched all of the networks that Fox Fans accuse of being "Liberal" and what stands out glaringly is that the majority of them do not feature persons of a hysterical nature. CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and especially NPR have no slant that I can see. MSNBC's political prime time is about as Liberal as they get but they report with substance and back up their reporting. Fox political prime time is a finger pointing noise fest of the most extreme right wing nature, bordering on what I would consider pure slander. My question is, why didn't Fox ask the "hard questions" of the Cheney, er, Bush Administration?
    Fox is blatant, in-your-face, sensational right wing extremism. The rest simply report the news, offer comment that reflects both sides of the aisle as far as I can see and offer no preferential opinions with the exception of MSNBC. Seems to me that FOX and Fans act in a rather paranoid manner toward the other stations because they are more professional and unbiased, especially NPR, neglecting to act in a hysterical manner like Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, etc. It's like the others are your local newspapers and Fox is the National Enquirer or the Star or any of those loud tabloids you see at the check out counter of any grocery store.
    Fox has little if any credibility as far as I am concerned.

  • Bill Dorman - 14 years ago

    WOW, I am astonished, at 9:00 AM this morning I checked the stats on this poll and 244,020 people had voted against Fox News,, 1,983,170 people had voted for Fox News and 29,722 really did not give a flip.

    I just checked it again at 1:00 PM this afternoon and there were 244,064 people against Fox News thats a gain of 44 people in 4 hours. There were 1,984,923 that voted for Fox News thats a gain of 1753 in the same 4 hours, and those that do not give a filp was up to 29,790 a gain of 18. This tells me that the real American People want to be able to hear the Real Truth of what is going on in our Nation

  • A. Terranova - 14 years ago

    It's all about FREEDOM. The U.S. Constitution guarantees freedom of speech something this president and his leftist constituents believe is irrelevant.

  • Frank A - 14 years ago

    It is very simple, Fox News showes all the news and I do not
    ever feel that it is picking on any other network. I can not say
    that about the others....all they say about Fox is negative and
    not a bit nice at they do not have to agree, but why do
    they go out of their way to be nasty??

  • Andrew Noel - 14 years ago

    This poll is a joke. I came to it through an e-mail forward which has been circulating among die-hard conservatives:

    "Fox News is losing in an NPR Poll, but with the power of the Internet we can turn that around in a few hours.

    If you haven't heard this, the White House is accusing Fox News of not being a legitimate source of news, calling them biased, etc. They have tried to block Fox reporters from news conferences, etc., NPR has put a survey online for us to voice our opinion. L iberals log on to the NPR website.

    If Fox loses this poll you can bet Obama will mention it as support for his attack on Fox.

    Let's show them how we feel about honest conservative news reporting."

    Yawn. Internet polls are boring.

  • Jim Streit - 14 years ago

    When I read the "comments" left by some of the progressive airheads, it's easy to see how this great country has sunk to the pitiful state in which we find ourselves. Individual effort and entrepeneurship built this republic;collectivism and "wealth redistribution" are in the process of tearing it down.

  • GunnerV1 - 14 years ago

    Anytime someone says that "They got a tingle up their leg when ever he speaks", it's time to take a long, hard look at who said it and who sponsored it, No thanks, I'll stick to FNS.

  • Oen Kennedy - 14 years ago

    I'm on the side of 700 year old and older Sequoias.

  • shasta - 14 years ago

    Fox news is the only news i trust for any political news........they ask the real and important questions and dont back down, no wonder Obama and kool aid drinkers want them gone. FOX NEWS IS THE TRUE PATRIOT FACTS!!! ALL OTHERS KISS BUTT

  • Rebecca - 14 years ago

    Ever since Obama became president we have been watching Fox News to get the truth , the other news channels or the news papers are bias and to the left. We need the truth not lies. In my openion Obama wants to take this wonderful country into a Socialist counrty and it's been proven it doesn't work and I want my counrty back.

  • WithoutADoubt - 14 years ago

    What I don't understand is why didn't FOX allow it's viewers to see the entire event - the President's comments and ALL the questions and answers. Did FOX not think the viewers could analyze this event for themselves. I am insulted that FOX believes that I'm not intelligent enough to determine what I believe. I don't need sound bites and then have some commentator explain to me what I should have heard for myself.

  • bluestems - 14 years ago

    The Republicans asked their questions and President Obama answered them... Fox News didn't have the guts to run it in its entirety, cutting it 20 mins short. "Fair and Balanced" hahaha

  • MAS - 14 years ago

    While I may not prefer some of the information Fox News presents it still comes down to Freedom of Speech. I think it's important to have a watchdog, however provoking, to keep the WH on it's toes. It is also unfair for the WH to use it's power to silence it's adversaries. Wouldn't we all want to do that!

  • Jeff Gose - 14 years ago

    Your poll is a complete joke! NPR should have their government funding pulled as they are the most unbalanced news source out there. If they had to compete with other news sources without government funding they would fail miserably!

    Fox News is the most popular source for news because it's the only one that isn't controlled by liberals.

    You all are lost souls!!

  • Susan - 14 years ago

    Faux Snooze is the worst cable "news" out there. They frequently lie and edit videos and speeches in an attempt to misinform their viewing audience. Everyone on there is just giving their opinion and cherry picking statements about Obama or Democrats, twist them, then report as if they are facts. Faux Snooze is only a subsidiary of the Republican party. They promote candidates where as the other real news organizations do not. Why is it that they are caught almost daily "falsely claiming one thing or another" and later having to issue corrections. Really pathetic entertainment cable show.

  • robert - 14 years ago

    NPR ? ...give me a break ..
    It is a neo communist propaganda and disinformation insult to the intelligence of any rational citizen !

  • robert - 14 years ago

    Like any aspirant dictator , Obama urgently needs monopoly control of the media

  • Robert Stevenson - 14 years ago

    Barack Obama is about redistribution and destroying the American spirit of hard work and innovation. Fox News and the American people are calling him on it and he doesn't like it.

  • sherlock - 14 years ago

    Hey, let's have a poll about whether NPR digs into stories in a fair and balanced manner, or pretty much goes with the DNC talking points!

    Then we could have another one about what color the sky is on Dan Schorr's home planet!

  • Jeff - 14 years ago

    Incase you have not seen... Conservatives had started a chain email letter that links to this survey in order to boost the number of votes for Fox News. It reads:

    Let's Help Fox News Out ! ! !

    Subject: Vote for Fox News
    After you go to the site to vote, please pass this on to folks...Otherwise our 'news' will only be more monitered and restricted.
    Fox News is losing in an NPR Poll, but with the power of the Internet we can turn that around in a few hours.

    If you haven't heard this, the White House is accusing Fox News of not being a legitimate source of news, calling them biased, etc. They have tried to block Fox reporters from news conferences, etc., NPR has put a survey online for us to voice our opinion. Currently it is 71% in favor of the White House, because mainly liberals log on to the NPR website.

    If Fox loses this poll you can bet Obama will mention it as support for his attack on Fox.

    Let's show them how we feel about honest conservative news reporting.

    To vote log onto:

    Then ... Forward this to everybody !

    Polls are never regulated online... and do not expect that to change. I could find you poll results that say 87% of Americans believe I should be President... so please stop resting so much weight on meaningless surveys.

  • Ed - 14 years ago

    If the White House is so concerned about Fox News being a legitimat news agency,why is it the White House don't sned some of their highpowered hotshots to debate the Fox News Commentators (Beck,O'Reilly or Hannity)
    Maybe they can use some of the stimulus money to bribe the Fox Organization like you did with the Senator from Louisiana or the Senator from Nebraska or the money you gave to the Unions for their support.
    Fox is the only News station that gives you the Fair and Balanced News. They are not like the MSNBC or CNN or ABC or NBC or CBS who you have in your back pocket.
    Before you start looking in someone elses back yard, you should start cleaning up your own. Get rid of the Czars, start listening to the citizens of this country.
    61% do not want Obamacare. He has a approval rating of 45%. If I had a rating like that when I was in the work force I would have been fired time and time again.
    I do thnik that the Obama Admistration knows what the public think of him and Pelosi and Reid. What is wrong with going after Rangle and his non payment of taxes or our tax cheat Sec. Of the Treasurary. Andy when you are going after the above mentioned, why not include Barney Frank and Sen. Dodd who put us in this mess.
    There are things going on in Washinton with this Administration that the American people do not like. If you cannot see the writing on the wall the the Wins in New Jersey, Virginia and now in the Liberal state of Mass. Then we have a blind administration
    As a registrated democratit is making me sick in what this party is doing and I do hope that the American people wee the same.

  • Steve - 14 years ago

    I appreciate how FOX always invites at least one participant who supports the uneducated liberal side, so we can really see how ignorant they are first hand.
    CNN is the liberal governments channel to brainwash the simple-minded.

  • Jodie - 14 years ago

    we need the truthful, unbiased reporting of Fox News. LORD knows the rest of the news media is only interested in sucking up to the present administration. The truth needs to be heard but those who support obaama and his followers don't want the truth, and would not recogize it standing right in front of their faces.

  • JB - 14 years ago

    I voted three time from three different computers and the number never changed. This pole is a rigged farce.

  • Robert - 14 years ago

    I thought on communist countries stopped free reporting. Isn't it in our constitution that we have free speech? Wake up people; they are trying to take away our right to oppose.
    Have different views and still getting along has been the very foundation of this country. I am glad that even the liberal, or partly liberal, networks don't like what happened. They know it could happen to them also.

  • Mike Zban - 14 years ago

    I don't believe Fox News is biased. It is one of the least biased news sources. It is the other major news sources that tilt left to varying degrees that make Fox News look out of place.

  • Brady Lee - 14 years ago

    I listen to NPR and I listen to/watch Fox news and reality is somewhere in the middle. Tough to tell who's right or wrong at times but I do know one thing for sure and that is that Obama is a dumbass.

  • Georgeo Kerpani - 14 years ago

    If they can't handle the heat,
    then get out of the White House.

  • Teresa Griffin - 14 years ago

    Persons who do not watch Fox News are those few closed minded who have no clue as to what Fox is all about. Fox is alone in reporting the truth that the far left liberal and progressive movement followers do not want to know and do not want the public to know. More and more people are having their little peepers opened up to what is happening in and to this country. YOU GO FOX!


  • Lawrence 'Art" Kimmel - 14 years ago

    Captain Al--Yeah, don't know where you were a "news" anchor--but you sure seem non-intelligent to even read a teleprompter- study a bit of World History and repeat your own words about "biased" news. Think about the propaganda the Germans preached from their news forces. Then tell me you have the right as an ex-news anchor to censor the news in any form! Read some MORE of Thomas Jefferson quotes about "government" and to much control! Maybe you'll become a bit more enlightened!

  • Lawrence "Art" Kimmel - 14 years ago

    Some of these people scare me when they post siding with the White House, simply because of believing censorship of any news media simply because they disagre with White House or other government authorities is still censorship. Controlling the news limits a person from seeing both sides of an issue. Freedom of the press is as important if not the same as freedom of speech and I thought that was guaranteed by our Constitution. Taking that away--what is next but removing the 2ND Amendment and right on down the line. Wake up. people if we censor Fox--who will be next. The minority non-believers are already trying to remove RELIGIOUS BROADCASTS. I don't feel I wash to live in a "dictatorship"! Let's keep Fox!

  • Vernon Rice - 14 years ago

    If any of you complainers about Fox actually watched Fox on a regular basis you just might be surprised. Example: Back during the so call campaign, an independent company watched Fox for the better part of a month and counted how many times Fox threw Obuma under the bus and how many times Fox threw McCain under the bus. Guess what ? It was an exact 50/50. Now how is that FAIR AND BALANCED ? You can check these fact if you are smart enough to know how. All of you lame-o left leaners that want a socialist country, move to one. This country is not for you. Don't bother writting because the majority of folks here won't really give a damn if you moved. Chances are the might all gather and see you off.

  • AustinNRG - 14 years ago

    All you Fox supporters must have been absent the day they handed out common sense cards.

  • Captain Al - 14 years ago

    As a retired news anchor, I am astounded by the lies, innuendo and distorted information that eminates from Fox "News".

    A number of organizations and media outlets have repeately pointed out Fox's lies and distortions, but it doesn't seem to slow them down a bit!

    Thomas Jefferson said a successful Republic depends on a well infiormed electorate... Fox clearly MIS-informs the electorate.

  • GSGiles - 14 years ago

    The WH just doesn't like when they get called out on something they've said or done.
    Remember what O said, "We're keeping score", just like any 'good Chicago' politician would say. Go against them and your name goes in the book, or the email list.


  • Mrs. Johnsen - 14 years ago

    We are staunch conservative independents in Livermore, California. We are taxpayers. We are a military family. Many of our friends' children and spouses are overseas fighting and dying for this country, just like our relatives from 3 generations of Americans have done for this nation. One of our 19-yr-old son's (my only child) citations from the United States Coast Guard sits on our apartment mantle for his response of Capt. Sullenberger's Flight 1549, who ironically lives only 15 miles NE of us. We have the right to Fox News where we will only hear the truth, not the manipulative prostituted propaganda pandering self-gluttoning sheep in this sad brainwashed nation of ours, and WE DEMAND IT. Our son and all the other military soldiers, personnel, and families worldwide have more guts, more integrity, more veracity, and more honor than all the liberals combined on this planet. Now SPIN THAT.

  • Mrs. Johnsen - 14 years ago

    We are staunch conservative independents in Livermore, California. We are taxpayers. We are a military family. Many of our friends' children and spouses are overseas fighting and dying for this country, just like our relatives from 3 generations of Americans have done for this nation. One of our 19-yr-old son's (my only child) citations from the United States Coast Guard sits on our apartment mantle for his response of Capt. Sullenberger's Flight 1549, who ironically lives only 15 miles NE of us. We have the right to Fox News where we will only hear the truth, not the manipulative prostituted propaganda pandering self-gluttoning sheep in this sad brainwashed nation of ours, and WE DEMAND IT. Our son and all the other military soldiers, personnel, and families worldwide have more guts, more integrity, more veracity, and more honor than all the liberals combined on this planet. Now SPIN THAT.

  • Charles - 14 years ago

    Fox news is out there and asking questions I want to kn ow the answers to. Not promising to put stuff with no intentions of keeping that promise which I call Lying. example..Mr Obama promised health care negtiations would be transparent and on CSPAN and now will be behind closed doors.. White House deceit and bold face lies are getting old.. Both republicans and democrats need to be cleaned out of both houses and we need people we can trust in there. Want to know how to tell they are lying?? Their lips are moving!! Next elections will be the true poll on this one. I don't always agree with everything the next person believes but most people are smart enough to know that this administration and the last were full of lies. If the listeners of NPR dont see that... that explains they listen to it cause they can't read!! Not intended to insuly all NPR listeners as I know many intelligent people who listen that also agree with what I have said. Stop the lies... vote them out.. time to clean house and get the ones in that will represent us not egos.

  • John Huffhines - 14 years ago

    The current administration is afraid of Fox News. They never are asked probing fact based questions by the mainstream media. They know they can’t handle real news people. They can’t handle the questions. There all about covering each others rear ends. “The system worked”

  • Nick - 14 years ago

    It is a shame that NPR is to scared to report the news these days.

  • Fred Burgess - 14 years ago

    I, born 1938, do not like NPR because of their general daily prejudice & bias for liberalism communism. As an ex-democrat, my firm conviction is the democrat party in its maneuvering over decades for a majority voting constituency has become the party of the mentally ill. I believe the mental illness is narcissism. It is all about them, to get someone else to pay their way.

  • GREG MARSINI - 14 years ago


  • Darryl Jones - 14 years ago

    There are always two sides to a story. IF you hear only one side of a story, the information is biased and becomes propaganda. We need to hear both sides. Isn't that why our forefathers provided "Freedom of Speech" in the Bill of Rights and why it’s protected by our Constitution?

  • Bettie Bryant - 14 years ago

    Of course FOX is a legitimate news site - that is - if Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow are legitimate commentary on MSNBC - it's those sneers on their faces that turns me off - even though I always want to read and hear both the right and the left. FOX also carries football games, which I want to keep watching - and I watch NBC for the nightly news - and I'll watch anything that has a grain of objectivity to it. FOX does have a viewpoint - but so do all the other network and cable channels.

  • Harrison T. Brundage - 14 years ago

    We need Fox News. Sure, its initial election coverage some years ago was amateurish; but Fox later got that act together to become competitive with the original three main news networks in covering elections. The need for a 4th general news network is obvious from the following facts and questions:

    During 2008-early 2009, none of the big three original news networks got into the following aspects adequately or at all:
    Is there or ever was an Obama Act or Obama Law either in Illinois or nationally? Precisely what legislation did Obama sponsor and achieve?
    Was Obama ever a Boy Scout, high school cadet, or in ROTC?
    How much influence on Obama did the terrorist William Ayers exert? Why did Obama go out of his way to associate voluntarily with Ayers?
    Is or was the "Uncle Frank" who Obama revered a member of the Communist Party USA? To what extent did "Uncle Frank" influence Obama's thinking?
    How does Obama expect to "bring us together" by simultaneously in TV ads maligning the oil companies that directly or indirectly provide some 9 million domestic U.S. jobs and are essential to our security and economy?

  • H. J. "Fritz" Werner Major Marines Retired - 14 years ago

    Fox, Continue to March, Your Cadence is Awesome as the Left is scared to death as they have never been in the dirt and are afraid of the TRUTH, the real Americans are watching and listening. I would love to see Oberman put the Gloves on with O'Reilly, yes, my money would be on that Irish Juvenile Delinquent, Franken more then likely would be in that corner also and if Bill would give him a shot to the his head after he got done with that AH, that would provide extra motivation for all. A lot of Guys who served and have been in the dirt as well as theirs are in your corner. We are being lead down the wrong path by a guy who burns the candle at both end and its doubtful that he's even an American. A Most Sucessful 2010 To FOX. Semper Fi Forever. Fritz, Father Flannagans Boys Home Grad 1948, Marines Ret./ Ca. Corr. Dept (PIA) Ret.

  • OldVet - 14 years ago

    It amazes me how America had forgotten what we are really about. It seems that we now want our government to give us everything we want without having to do anything for it. The fear that I have, is that government can sway the ignorant to vote which ever they want them to, as long as they think they are getting something for free.

    That is not how America got to be where we are today. People have to start working hard and die for what they want. Don't let the politicians fool you.

    Let the hard questions be asked. That's the only way we find out what is really going on. Make the Obama Administration face everyone who wants to know who, what, why, when, and where. If they don't answer the questions, or put up some kind of a smoke screen, then you know that something is wrong.

    Guess what? Something id wrong! I support FOX this time.

  • Jerry BallardUSNRet - 14 years ago

    We have a right to ask Questions and One reason the White house hates FOX is because FOX is the only one asking the questions that hits the nerves of the president and are right on Target.
    The other networks like MSN, CBS, ABC, CNN, which I call the Communist net works are in bed with the President and i bet under the bed sheets too

    Signed, Jerry Ballard USNRet

  • Tom - 14 years ago

    Unfortunately all major news "services" are biased. Fox is obviously right leaning. Still with the left bias exhibited by most media outlets in this country it is comforting to realize that at least one important source offers an alternate view.

  • Bob Green - 14 years ago

    The reality of all media is that they are all biased, even NPR so some extent. I would not have believed it except for during the 2008 campaign there were few of the candidates who were not the Clinton/Obama/McCain supporters, were not given their proper place in the campaigns.

    Fox is an ultra conservative media. Even Republican Candidates like Ron Paul were virtually ostricized by all the media. His claim to fame was with the internet.

    Taking sides on either side is tantamount to giving Obama some kind of credence as to his actions. I believe he is not who he purports to be. Be realistic and look what the Obama camp is attempting to do is shut down another media that puts him in an awkward situation (not that he doesn't do that himself very well). It has nothing to do with politics.

  • Jim Jones - 14 years ago

    this is pure outrage, how can Jesus of died for our sins? none of us were even alive back then. :)

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