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Total Votes: 2,718,408

  • Melba - 14 years ago

    see above

  • Melba - 14 years ago

    Hey, I am not sure if I'm really a Republican but in the primary I supported Law and Order, Fred Thompson, I do believe we wouldn't be in the mess that we are now if we'd a had enough sense to elect him to the presidency and I ain;t never prejudice. But rights right and wrong is wrong. I do know I am a conservative everytime. I don't think no one should suffer and go hungry but if some people ain;t hungry they won't work. I am a conservation politically but I am for sure I am a Christian. Since they, CNN made me ashamed almost to be an American . I couldn't stand to watch any news. What ever happening to Monica anyway ?

  • barry - 14 years ago

    FOX owned by Austrailian Rupert Murdock, is nothing more than the media arm of the RNC. It is a porpoganda machine, not a news organization. Worst of all, they make things up to push thier agenda. I do watch it occasionaly to reafirm my opinion, and they always demonstrate thier partisanship. It is sad to think of the hundreds of millions Murdock has wasted to get this travesty up and running, but then these plutocrats have ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD. They literaly own all of us.

  • Mel E. Hopkins, Jr. - 14 years ago

    Dear NPR,

    Forgive me in advance for mispelled words and any grammatical lapse. I am a man of math. I have been listening to your programing for 27 years. In this time frame I have been informed of many topics I know I would otherwise have never heard had I not tuned in. This is not to say I agree with nor approve of much of your progaming. I have listened to commentary and editorial opinions that most certainly are grounded on the liberal side in the arena of ideas. I have as well listened to the major news networks from early childhood and have been equally exposed to never ending liberal commentators. Beginning in the late 80's conservative talk show commentators began their quest for providing listeners with something we had not been hearing, conservative points of view. I hope that as you continue to voice your views and opinions from the left that you will gladly and with open arms embrace views that are from the right. I continue to listen to your progamming no matter how liberal and biased it is and endure differing points of view to balance my development as an educated man. Surely NPR nor our extraordinarly intelligent president would not want to miss out on a well rounded education. The rise of out spoken conservatives is a course of matter after having liberals on the stage, alone for so long and not, as Mr. Obama would like to persuade us to believe, something with no matter at all.
    I think the President was just kidding around when he, in a most unpresidential manner, publically ridiculed fellow Americans that think differently than he. He should hasten to clue us in to his humor, as we aren't very comfortable right now.

  • TruthWFree - 14 years ago

    As many have said, the White House focus on punishing Fox is a dangerous precedent. If Fox is not telling the truth, people will see through that so the Obama administration should not have any concern (if that is the truth). The fact is from my perspective that Fox is the only one asking the tough questions and it appears that the administration is afraid of the questions and will not give an answer.
    I saw a YouTube clip of Obama's Diversity Media CZAR (whatever the H__ that is) and he was praising Hugo Chavez's revolution and control of the opposition media.
    Obama, keep you hands off the First Amendment and off FOX!...and answer their questions. This is not Venezuela.

  • lsessions - 14 years ago

    In the past six months, I can think of four different news stories that Fox broke and the other stations ignored until it was no longer "news".

    Fox leans right and everyone else leans left. That sounds "fair and balanced" to me.

  • Todd Witten - 14 years ago

    Howard Kurtz, I agree. FOX definitely isn't a news network the way CNN is. Unlike CNN, FOX tells it straight, with no bias and let's me make my own decisions. I do keep an eye on CNN, however, so I can know what the Obama propaganda machine is up to...

  • FOXLUVA - 14 years ago

    I think it is AMAZING that this pole on NPR ( in my opinion - one of the most liberal stations!) is overwhelmingly in favor of free speach of the FOX news station.... interesting. Thank God there are those who still speak up for the freedoms that those who founded this great country. If this president continues to try to silence the will be a short 4 year presidency...

  • Martha Sheldon - 14 years ago

    Once again the public is demanding the chance to "pool its ignorance."

    Taking a biased poll is no better than supporting biased news stations. NPR is one of our nation's most unbiased news sources. 75% of the population is too young to have experienced real "biased news reporting."

    The results of this poll are no more valid than FOX News and some of the other news sources.

  • Mike - 14 years ago

    Only a dictator would try to shut down the news media or control it.
    This president is scary with his will to control everything.
    Democracy is for the people, not for the whims of a narcissist.

  • Mary - 14 years ago

    what ever happened to freedom of speech and freedom of the press? Just because you do not agree with what someone says does not mean they do not have the right to say it. Fox presents a different viewpoint that is all one that is not favorable to the current white house. we have a right to hear all sides of an issue and to be exposed to different viewpoints.
    Also I would not say that any news station is comopletetly free of bias they all have their own bias the problem here is that the other major news station are biased towards the current white house and fox is not.

  • georgia - 14 years ago

    I honestly believed I would never see the day that any sincere attempt would be made to restrict information (from any source whatsoever) which is offered to the general populace of the United States. Other than direct degrading biased references to a specific group, and/or race, I thought all opinions were important, and that I lived in a country where freedom of speech was guaranteed. I guess I always assumed that protection from hurtful and wrongful information was a personal responsibility and self-actuated by "turning it off", "turning me off - not listening" or "discarding" it once thoughtfully considered. I didn't know I was helpless and needed a self-designated individual, or individuals, to monitor what I am allowed to "hear". Come-on, this isn't a nation of immature idiots. The majority still rules, I thought, and that is protection enough. Whenever the majority disagrees with an issue, or issues, it is time to listen. Thank you for the opportunity to share my personal opinion. I fully expect those that disagree with me to individually, and respectively, self-edit.

  • gene - 14 years ago

    Hmm. Not a legitimate new source ? Tell me Mr. Obama, was Peter Zenger a legitimate news source?

  • Barbara T. - 14 years ago

    I never would have imagined in all my years that "our" government would be so overbearing, smothering, and liberal to our country. It's very scary with the thinking of the White House this time around. A Reagan-like era would be our best road to take at this time. For the government to attack a news corporation on 'fair and balance" measures is very embarrassing to me and should be to all of us left of center. The other ones right of center can't help themselves. Let's help pass the message. God Bless America

  • MT JOE - 14 years ago

    Well to my figuring it goes like this, not a one of the News Channels reports the truth. It is all ratings, I also believe the stations are Bias. Now that is just my opinion. GAS. MT JOE

  • Adam - 14 years ago

    @ sellcrazyelsewhere

    Leming-meister, that's a good one. Given your defensive tone, its clear you didn't read the rest of my reply. I was merely stating the fact that viewership does not always relate to quality of programming. Just look at the reality shows as my case in point. Millions of people watch them, but would you consider them quality programs?

    Lemmings exist on all sides of this debate; democrats, republicans, conservative, and liberals. I've never said otherwise. Maybe next time, you can try to read a reply objectively and take it for what it is.

  • Adam - 14 years ago

    @ gb

    I was merely giving a counterpoint to the suggestion of blindly following leaders solely based on their religious beliefs and/or faith. If laying out facts that support my point make me a souless hatemonger, then I guess I'm guilty as charged. I don't dislike anyone because of their beliefs, or their viewpoint for that matter. But I do believe in using facts to support debate. And, for the record, I know I'm not perfect, never have claimed to be. Was simply debating with facts.

    I am all for having a beer and sharing views that are different then mine. It's what makes this country great.

  • Adam - 14 years ago

    This is the third time I've posted this, and still curious as to why there are no replies to it. It's factual and proves the hypocrisy of Fox:

    Karl Rove - Fox News contributor. I think that about covers Fox News' intentions.

    I find it somewhat amusing that Fox can sling all sorts of lies and misinformation, and then gets upset when the WH calls them out on it. It's also funny that Cal Thomas, of Fox, is outraged. Yet a year ago, when Bush counselor Ed Guillespie issued a letter from the WH, basically stating the same thing Anita did, except aimed at MSNBC, he defends the WH and says they should've done it sooner.

    It's all entertaining.

  • Ann Marie - 14 years ago

    Following WWII, the Hutchins Commission explicitly called for a more socially responsible press that would freely obligate itself to take a less partisan approach and report all sides and perspectives of issues.

    While I commend the other networks for voicing in favor of FOX, I think we all have to admit networks do not adhere to fariness in news reporting; most have an agenda either apparent from the reporter or their management. It will probably never happen, but I wish they would all just report the news and leave their opinions out of it.

    If we want to gain perspective on issues, there are plenty of online and on air news magazines we can turn to for open forum discussions that engage all sides to participate.

    Tommy Smothers is quoted as saying "The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen. " Sums it up for me!

  • Mike - 14 years ago

    Hideho....... I take you as seriously as your name.

  • Mike - 14 years ago

    Matthew Lee, get a grip. The White House is CENSORING the news. I DO NOT believe in CENSORSHIP! I prefer to draw my own conclusions.

  • paul lohmann - 14 years ago

    It's about time some one tells the truth, politicans sure don't. It's time for change in D. C.

  • Hideeho - 14 years ago

    Fox News routinely reports inaccurate facts, they sensationalize everything for ratings, they don't check their sources and they're clearly biased, in what is supposed to be an objective profession. Anyone who buys into their crap clearly hasn't finished high school. It's time to grow up guys & gals!

  • Scott D - 14 years ago

    I was watching CNN this week. Wolf Blitzer and one of his Liberal Progressive Reporterette minions was comparing the election rout this week to Reagans same situation one and two years after he was first elected instead of the much more obvious rout during Clintons year 1993-94 when Hilary's Healthcare debacle caused same circumstances of Democrats getting blasted out of office.

    These other stations are simply intellectually dishonest and their dropping ratings are proof of it.

  • LouAnn and Joe - 14 years ago

    We wouldn't watch any other news station but FOX! They are the only ones not afraid to get the facts straight! If it weren't for them, we wouldn't know all the dirty secrets that are hidden from us-the voters! The people surrounding the president scare me-how dare he hire in people that have marxist views and values. If they don't like what our country stands for, get out! It's time that our voices be heard loud and clear! Thanks FOX news!

  • Caroline P. - 14 years ago

    I LOVE Fox News! They believe in transparency; something the current administration does not practice. Remember when Obama was campaigning and he talked about having transparency in the government? Where is it? Obama hates Fox News because they call him, and his czars, on the carpet and don't allow any of these frauds in the government to get by with anything.
    Look at where this country is going. Away from the Bill of Rights, away from the Constitution, and towards Socialism. Obama and his czars are hurting this country; not helping this country.

  • garth gardner - 14 years ago

    Its amazing to me that MSNBC can put up graphics that shout sloguns like "the elephant graveyard" under the GOP logo. Can openly make fun of the right, can openly claim that fox "lies" (a claim that is blatantly untrue) and yet still claim to be a nuetral, fair news source. Fox, unlike the sheep bleating on the left, does tell the truth. Deal with it dems, we arent giving you our house that easily.

  • Norris Edge - 14 years ago

    Wake up America. When the White House starts managing the news and indoctrinating school children we have bigger problems than the economy.

  • Craig - 14 years ago

    I think there is a huge misconception of Fox News vs Fox Talk show hosts. Too many people tune in and think Hannity, Gretta, Beck and yes even the fair Bill O' Riley are Fox news which they are not.

    However, the White House can't understand that and therefore are trying to punish the wrong people. Yes, all of the above people are on the Fox network but they are not the news reporters and staff that work very hard to bring us in my opinion the best news coverage.

    I do agree in most cases all news media serves their master which is all about ratings, money and supporting their parent companies that own them. That is where it gets down to the individual to have some common sense and not believe everything you read or hear and just because someone makes a particular statement it must be true! If that were the case I would read all of the tabloids for my news.

  • JLG418 - 14 years ago

    It amazes me that the Right once again shroud themselves in righteous indignation. FOX has become "their" news source - as all the others are just "mouthpieces to the left-wing administration". It goes so far that I received an email from a far-right relative urging me to cast a vote so "we can win" this poll. Win this poll? Is it really about "winning"?

    FOX News is a business. It sells ad space and appeals to a targeted audience. Same goes for MSNBC, et. al. If it weren't a business, Rupert Murdoch would not have invested in it. Having said that, I do believe it serves a purpose. It is healthy, in any democracy, to be challenged from all sides. It is what keeps the system "honest". Do I agree with the overly dramatic talking-heads on FOX? Absolutely not. But someone does and that is who they target.

    I don't have a problem with the WH taking a swipe at FOX, just as I don't have a problem with the WH taking a shot at any of the poorly managed finance companies or insurance companies in this country. I just wish the far-right would find more meaningful things to devote their collective energies on, rather than tearing down this administration.

  • Fred - 14 years ago

    47% of this country do not pay any taxes to the Federal Government at all. I would venture to say that a good share of those contribute very little to the prosperity of this country. There might even be a large percentage of them that are subsidized by the taxes paid by others. That would include public education, food stamps, welfare checks, etc. This group seem to be the majority of folks that vote liberal. Does being a liberal entitle one to be a recipient of Federal Funds? Frankly, I am a bit tired of the "give away" programs. There is a huge flushing sound, when it comes to this current administrations agenda. The Socialist view of dispersing the wealth is already in place but this administration is attempting to bring it to a whole new level. I think that Fox News is the only organization that has the courage to call it like it is.

  • Don DeVoe - 14 years ago

    I have become just a bit jaded by all the "news" coming out of the mouths of the major networks, (and cable networks), news commentators and reporters. If you have not learned to listen skepticly, then you have become one of the lemmings I have read about, blindly following the "leaders" of whatever adgenda your ascribe to.

    Critical thinking and critical listening go hand in glove...don't be fooled by the politicians, any of them, who are still conducting business as usual...I don't buy even the illusion of transparency...things have not changed, it is only talk.

    The comment comparing this dust up between the White House and Fox to the Nixon enemies list, is dead on accurate. Fox seems to be the only news organization asking tough questions of both sides of the political aisle.

  • Al Fittipaldi - 14 years ago

    I have served in the U.S. Military for 30 years and have never been more disappointed with the way our freedoms of speech are being eroded by the current administration. FOX news is a reliable source of news. The liberal press reports the news with a liberal slant. FOX appears to be biased, however when you really analyze their news, you will realize that they cover both sides of an issue and ask the questions that the liberal news won't. I would rather listen to FOX than to have to resort to the BBC to get all the news.

  • Maggie Kneezel - 14 years ago

    If you support the goverment take over of big business/health care/freedom of speech and putting future generation's in debt for ever, then shuffle to the back of the line and pick up your feebie,Fox is the only news that is fair and balanced and not afraid to report the truth ,lets not be afraid to speak out too.

  • Raymond Simpson - 14 years ago

    Fox is a big boy and handles cheap shots better than the WH. With their ratings I don't think they are to worried. Every time Obama, Emanual or Axelrod take a shot Fox viewership jumps. Glenn Beck is asking some pointed questions and has challenged the WH to dispute his opinions. Obama would be well advised to address those implications since they seem to strike to the heart of the conservative voters (40%) mind. Beck even put in a dedicated, red, telephone that has yet to ring. If the WH is so damn right, stand up and defend your position - or is the position indefensible?

  • ElDiaOctavo - 14 years ago

    A friend of mine remarked that as he had just paid off his mortgage, his home finally belonged to him. Another friend said "No, it doesn't. It never was yours and never will be."

    The first guy said "Sure it does - I paid off the mortgage, it's mine, free and clear".

    Guy #2 said: "Just stop paying your property taxes and you'll find out who the real owner is".

    We can talk about freedom and which band of talking heads is more righteous in the pursuit thereof until the cows come home but as long as any government entity can confiscate your real property you are not free.

    Coercion begins at home. This is why ALL governments tax real property. If you want your government to leave you alone to enjoy your life in peace, repeal property tax laws and shift the tax collection burden to income where it belongs - where it has always belonged. This discussion, as are all discussions about freedom, arises from the ordinary desire of most normal people to be left in peace. This is the solution.

  • Geoff Yeo - 14 years ago

    As an Englishman who has suffered twenty years of the BBC 's so called balanced broadcasting (in fact skewed wildly to the left). All I get propaganda from the UK newsreals. Fox is "a bit over the top"at times, but it is communicating its message. Fox is OK and is an anti dote for the rest of the Liberal brodcasters.

  • Jeff - 14 years ago

    This current administration is nothing but a bunch of sophmoric imbeciles in over their heads with Mr. Obama as class president. The next thing we know, someone at Fox will discover a "slam book" being circulated between the Whitehouse and Capitol Hill and there will not be anything nice said about Fox in it. Unfortunately, this gang can't be sent to the principal's office. Sad how this great country elected this marxist clown.

  • andres wong - 14 years ago

    as of a few minutes ago, after nearly 1.8 million votes, 86% has voted for fox news! hallelujah, praise the lord! america is finally waking up!

  • Steve Trainum - 14 years ago

    As long as I can remember, the Big 3 (ABC, CBS, & NBC) have been the liberal voice. Fox came on the scene and the Liberals screamed "FOUL" because there was an opposing view. They just couldn't accept the fact that there might be another side,"and they were sore afraid." Personally, when I want to hear the news, the whole news, and nothing but the news, I turn to the BBC!

  • WonderingMan - 14 years ago

    Tolerance, like all words, can be over- &/or mis- used. I am not tolerant of evils such as blasphemy, disrespect (for parents, children, adults and authority in general), murder, torture, stealing, lying, deceit, et cetera.

    Everyone who disagrees with you is not necessarily lying. I cannot fathom how so many of our citizens think that it is okay to mutilate/abort/kill/murder a viable healthy well-formed baby, just because that baby is an inconvenience. People will NOT "come together" until we can agree on the basics. I believe in The Loving Creator GOD and Father of Abraham Isaac and Jacob but I'd rather live next door to an honest, clean, unselfish Moslem than a dirty, lying, stealing, violent (so-called) Christian.

    If I have a job and have earned some money, I'd like to decide how it is spent rather than have either the government or my neighbor tell me how to spend it. If you don't ante-up (put in your fair share) you don't get to decide how the pot will be spent, especially if you might be getting some of it. If you contribute, you vote. If you don't you don't. I doubt that there is a single person in the U.S. that won't help someone in need. We JUST (HA!!! HA !!!) have to decide on WHO is in need.

  • Rod Bearing - 14 years ago

    As if anybody with a brain would EVER expect NPR to publish anything they didnt skew towards their own liberal advantage. GIVE ME A BREAK AND STOP DRINKING THE KOOLAID, you buncha retards.

  • Rod Bearing - 14 years ago

    As if anybody with a brain would EVER expect NPR to publish anything they didnt skew towards their own liberal advantage. GIVE ME A BREAK AND STOP DRINKING THE KOOLAID, you buncha retards.

  • Gilbert Hitchcock - 14 years ago

    It's to bad the state run media can't pull thier head out of thier behind, the Obama media should be run out of this great nation before they and that worthless Barak Hussin Obama distroy it. Can the American people spell IMPEACH.

  • Lindsey - 14 years ago

    This last election was the biggest mistake that America has made since we were sent to Vietnam, yes I am a Vietnam veteran of spending 4 years in country but I never would have thought that the people of this country would elect someone who is really against our wounderful country and trying to turn it into a Muslin or Communist world. We as the people should stick together and do what we can to see that this man is ejected out of office and that goes for congress and the house. We need to get someone in office who still believes in what this country stands for. No matter what they say you will never get me to believe that this man is a US citizen and this is because of his actions by upsetting half the world and the other half has not decided if they should be our allies or let us stand alone in this world. Before this last election we were strong but this guy that is in office has done nothing but tear us apart as a country and we need to stand our ground and become the country that we were, strong and a leader of the world.

  • Ted R. Scrimger - 14 years ago

    You have got to be kidding me on the one!! Fox News is the ONLY news network that reports the news, not the opinons of the talking heads of the White House and the other news media. Wake up people. If the NY Times is with fox on this one what in the world are the the rest of the Liberals taking about. They are one of the most liberal papers in the country. I may be rightwing and on this one I am really RIGHT!!!!! Come on 2012!!!!!

  • Ted R. Scrimger - 14 years ago

    You have got to be kidding me on the one!! Fox News is the ONLY news network that reports the news, not the opinons of the talking heads of the White House and the other news media. Wake up people. If the NY Times is with fox on this one what in the world are the the rest of the Liberals taking about. They are one of the most liberal papers in the country. I may be rightwing and on this one I am really RIGHT!!!!! Come on 2012!!!!!

  • Diana - 14 years ago

    Jesusfreak, it doesn't surprise me. All the dictators do this. It begs to ask the question, "why is all this happening?" Because it's time. Just keep looking up. Let others reap what they allowed to sow, and pray for them.

  • Paul Palmer - 14 years ago

    I listen to NPR and enjoy your coverage. You have news stories that no one else has covered. I also watch Bret Baier on Fox News channel and I like the fact that they have panel members from NPR and conservatives giving their opinion on the main story covered in the earlier part of their broadcast. I'd say both are fair and balanced. If we lose a voice that competes with any administration we lose our ability to hold an administration to account. That is why chavez in Venezuela is shutting down media that is critical of his government. Control of the press allows a government to hold its people hostage. The next step is total dictatorship. We don't want that in the Land of the Free and the home of the Brave.

  • WhataJoke - 14 years ago

    This joke of an administration is going to handle terrorists and they can't even handle Fox News? Maybe if they would quit lying they wouldn't have to deal with Fox.

  • Taj - 14 years ago

    The ignorance of this entire issue continues to scare me further away from the Left. Media has been based on emotional and political leanings far before Fox News decided to become what is considered to be "Right" (which is actually just centered but when all of your competition is to the "left" of you, then yes, even the center becomes "right"'s pretty basic!). Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann and many other short-sighted actors and actresses at other networks are so much more biased about their own political beliefs than anyone you can name on Fox (yes even Bill O). Don't believe me, just write down the guests that each of these people bring on and after a week, ask yourself whether their credentials are truly balanced across party lines and topics. The only channel you'll see that tries to bring on experts from both sides is Fox.

  • Ann - 15 years ago

    I believe Obama is ruining our country and stripping us of the freedoms so many have fought and died for. I don't feel he should have gotten the Nobel Peace Prize. Anybody can give a "good" speech using a teleprompter. He likes to charm, that is what he does.

    Fox News digs into the issues and reports their findings to the public. I would pray that all Americans pray for our country and what we represent. Go back to the basics and life simply and fellowship with others in peace. I don't want the government to "fix" everything. That is up to all of us to do together. All you lefties and Hollywood elite, why don't you get a real job and do something constructive that lifts others up instead of tear them down. Get a life worth living and I guarantee you will feel better and sleep better.

  • Linda - 15 years ago

    Speech is not free is the government decides who gets to talk. When taking sides on such an issue, turn the tables and then decide. If George Bush had banned CNN (equally as offensive and biased as Fox), what would your reaction be?

  • Pat - 15 years ago

    There are countries in this world who only allow NEWS to be published
    under the dictation of their leadership/government. They have their own "network" and do censor what their people are allowed to see/hear.
    Lets pray that people in the USA will NOT allow that to happen here.
    Support our constitution !

  • David Higbee - 15 years ago

    This appears to be far more objective that at first suspected. Note the comments at first, when primarily NPR listeners responded. Then the shift as a more conservative audience is alerted. Both sides have a fair chance to "rally the troops" and vote. Hey, isn't that kind of like an election? "Fair and balanced" apparently can be achieved. That doesn't mean, however, you'll like the results!!!

    I personally love that a black man can be elected President of this country.

    Next, let's have Justice Clarence Thomas for President!

    To achieve real fairness and balance, of course.

  • Dave - 15 years ago

    If it weren't for the FOX network of shows, the recent elections that went against the liberals would not have gone the way that they went. FOX has an array of shows that cover standard news, business news, public interest, and political pundit type shows like Beck and Hannity. The O'Reilly show has been the top cable network show for 8 straight years and growing. Beck is right at the top as well. Why is this? Everyone can change the channel anytime they do not like what they are hearing, that is the way our free enterprise system works. The answer is so clear that it sends trickles down my leg, to copy Chris Mathews, and that answer is that FOX has one of the top research departments in the media and works hard to get ALL of the story out to the public. Their staff are all well educated or experienced personnel and present themselves well on camera. FOX works to bring in staff that represent all points of view so that the discussions attempt to be as balanced as they can be. Given some shows, like Hannity are biased toward conservatism, and he makes that quite clear upfront, so that if you are not a conservative, you do not have to watch.

    So, this WhiteHouse war on FOX is aimed at suppressing the FOX networks analysis and information. Why would they do that? It is because FOX gets into the depth of what is going on and exposes the Obama gameplan in detail, and that is something the Whitehouse does not like. The Obama extreme leftists are attempting to "transform" this country into their image of a socialist state and that is not going down very well with the American public, and the elections this week are showing it big time.

    More power to FOX. We all need to understand what is going on in Washington so that we can vote out these radicals and get this country back on the track which has historically made it the best country in the world.

  • John - PA - 15 years ago

    The Hussein Obama White House has done more to polarize this country in one year than the administrations in the past 30 years combined in my opinion.. They continue their self-serving agenda and have shown their true colors with their staff selections and affiliations (ie., WH Czars, "Rev" Wright, ACORN, etc.), and they are trying to now control their critics. Yes, America needs fix health care for the people that legitimately need to be helped.. But if Social Security, Medicare, ignoring Afghanistan, the cash for clunkers debacle, and now the reluctance to address the true problems with health care in the US are indications of how well the Feds can address or manage centralized programs, Congress needs to stop the current bill in it's tracks. It's a scam.. people are not going along with this - they are becoming outraged (see the lib-to-conservative swings in NJ and VA), but that is not revealed... the late night news on CNN and MSNBC on Tuesday was down right comical... and Fox is one of the few sources of reporting that I can stomach to watch or listen to over the past several years. The rest of them as far as I am concerned can either change their ways and return to responsible reporting, or they can dry up and blow away.

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    All of these "news" channels disgust me. Fox News is not much more than just GOP cheerleaders and CNN/MSNBC/others spin so hard for the democrats/liberals that you'd think they were from Europe. Wake me up when we have a REAL news station that reports ONLY facts and that doesn't waste time reporting on stupid things like the boy who faked being stuck in a balloon.

  • Ferne Norris - 15 years ago

    Ferne Norris, What IS THIS country --- IRAN ??????

  • TomR - 15 years ago

    Anybody who says Fox News is not a reputable news station is not being truthful. Some programming, O'Reilley, Hannity, Glenn Beck...are opinion programs as Hardball and Obermann are on MSNBC. The newsrooms are completely different. I dare say, Fox has broken more stories than any other source the last several years (Van Jones, ACORN...). This is simply the White House crying like little babies again because they keep getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar (Or our wallets). I am a Chicagoan and this admininstration is simply Chicago thuggery nationalized. Keep it up Fox. We are a Free and Capitalist country and you are helping us to stay that way.

  • M piper - 15 years ago

    Maybe some one can tell me where the transparancy went? Were we not supposed to be able to know what's going on in the white House? Didn't our "wonderful president" going to inform us of all the "good" news? where is it? He was such a cool and wonderful speaker when candadating{sp} everyone thought "what a wonderful speaker". That's all he was, and personally I didn't think he was so wonderful. Why can't people open their eyes and see what he's doing to our nation? It doesn't matter what party, and what color, as long as they do what they promised. I am so afraid for our country, when they are taking control of every thing in sight. Banks, cars,health , medicare, medicaid, and much more. Even trying to stop Fox news because they tell the truth. It's a shame we have a president that can't take critisism{sp}. How did he get to be President? Every president has people that don't agree with him or her, why does he think he's different? He's not God! I wish America would wake up and see what's going on. We don't need a Chicago run presidency. Guess we can't expect any thing more since he had no experience doing anything accept community origanizing, what a laugh ! I respect the office of the President, but I don't respect this man. He has let us down and our millitary. God help us. I pray for him every day and want to see a change. Think we'll have one? Not with Pelosi, Reed, Frank. and all those wonderful Czars that are there. Need to get them "OUT".

  • Bobbi - 15 years ago

    I believe that all news reporters have an agenda. I believe they all have a right to state what they believe. It's up to the rest of us to find out who we believe. I find that out by observing what happens. I am observing the government taking over, or trying to take over nearly every important industry in our country. That scares me...a lot. And when they try to hush up, or silence, other opinions than their scares me even more.

  • Garn - 15 years ago


    LOL if you think this administration is any different with regards to connections and preference to big business. It is politics as usual, wake up. Continued and even further overreaching of warrant less wiretaps, LESS transparency (all those failed promises on video of healthcare debate sessions live on cspan, postings online, and just in general), etc. etc.

    I always laugh when I watch these videos:

    If you want about as spin-free a news source as possible, I would recommend Lou Dobbs.

    I think most people are set back by this whole thing because the administration is setting itself against a particular news outlet, and at the same time, trying to label it as "the other parties voice." These are divide and conquer tactics, and the government should not be involved with this kind of bickering. It looks childish, and it could get out of hand quicker than most think.

    I personally can't stand the smug elitist attitude of this administration, largely put on by Robert Gibbs.

  • Jenn R - 15 years ago

    To call people "NUTS" who don't agree with you, well, I won't even comment on that. Yes, NANCY wrote a LOT, but it goes to show how people are frustrated and sick of what is happening to our government and our country. They need an outlet that will actually be LISTENED to. Believe it or not, we are allowed "Free Speech", at least right now, and CAN voice as much and as long as we want!
    Good for you Nancy and good for you Fox News or any one else wanting to be heard! It is, after all, being able to voice our concerns, "complaints, hates and bitching" (free speech) that this country was founded on!

  • Robert Jurish - 15 years ago

    The wonder of America is that we are allowed, no, it is our RIGHT, to have our own position and are can express it publically. To deny FOX this right or to ridicule them is truly UNAMERICAN.

  • Matthew - 15 years ago

    Most people commenting on here are SOOO off base.

    Please tell me when the white house tried to censor fox news? NEVER! They never tried to prevent them from speaking, never tried to take away their voice.

    They said they viewed them as an opponent! They also have refused to engage with them in the same way as they would other new sources.

    But they have in no one stopped them or tried to stop them from speaking.

    If you believe the white house has tried to censor them, then you TRULY are misinformed.

    Also, according Fox News itself, much of their programing is opinion! Opinion is not the same as news.

    So I do not understand how people could be so wrong.

  • RM - 15 years ago

    All of the news is biased. Data doesn't get viewers or readers. Sensationalism gets viewers and readers. Fox just happens to be the only conservative spin source in a sea of liberal spin. The problem is, the liberals have no idea that their "moderate" spin is equivalent to Beck's conservative spin.

    Listen to the news and look for the 10% that is real, toss the rest of the trash.

  • LaughingBuddah - 15 years ago

    After reading some of these postings, I see that the vitrol supporting Fox as 'fair and balanced', especially the 4000 word missive from NANCY on 11/5, supports my theory that most of you are, "nuts"!
    Take some of the energy you've wrapped up in complaints, hates, and bitching, and do something positive for this country.
    Remember Obama was ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE.
    We suffered for 8 years by having the 'Pied Piper of Hamlin leading us over the cliff by being in bed with large corporations and big oil.
    Now that the chickens have come home to roost...bite the bullet and give Obama time to clean things up.

  • Former Democrat - 15 years ago

    Got vomiting to watch CNN-Obama love affair; have recently switched to Fox… so glad I did!

    anti-American fake Hussein… go away!!

  • Lawrence E, Hall Sr. - 15 years ago

    I am a registered Democrat, damn ashamed of it, I did not vote for Obama, as he is not a natural American Citizen, why else does he refuse to produce his birth certificate////. He might be an intelligent person , but he lacks common sense. Yes Mr. Obama there is such a thing as free speech, And we the people will start demanding it. The Government IS TO WORK FOR WE THE PEOPLE ''' NOT THEMSELVES. ASK NOT, WHAT MY COUNTRY, CAN DO FOR ME. BUT WHAT CAN I DO FOR MY COUNTRY//////////////////

  • Craig - 15 years ago

    I don't care which side of the aisle you're on. The business of discriminating against any news station borders on censorship. I didn't see the last President banning the New York Times, the Washington Post, or any of the left leaning main stream media, and the current President should be up to whatever any of the news outlets has to throw at him, left or right.

  • John - 15 years ago

    WOW, now I know what it would be like to read the dems healthcare plan!

  • Nancy - 15 years ago

    I listen to Fox News every day. Those that want to control our news can say all they want to, but, for example, Glenn Beck backs up every fact he gives his opinion on, with videos. Our president, I think, doesn't know how to tell the truth. He stated that Rev. Wright never said "America be damned" or any other thing derrogratory about America but Glenn had the video. When the subject came up in a news report after the videos from the two brave individuals who caught ACORN doing illegal things were shown, Obama said he hadn't watched anything about it and he didn't know they were getting federal money????? but Glenn had the video. Another lie. He promised "transparency" when he took office. Another lie!!! When the Democrats were putting together their version of the Healthcare Reform bill, it was behind closed doors - no Republicans allowed. Glenn even had a phone installed direct to the White House information rep, Ms. Dunn, but she didn't call to refute anything that was said. I wonder why????? Glenn had videos of the president stating he would not sign a Healthcare Reform Bill that would add to the deficit so the Democrats took out the "Physician Fix" ($250 billion +) to keep it in the "neighborhood" so Obama would sign it . There are people in this country that want free healthcare but who's going to pay for it. All of the "working" citizens. I do have compassion for those who have lost their jobs and their healthcare. I also have compassion for students who have graduated, can't find jobs and will be fined if they don't sign up for healthcare. They do need our help, although Obama was elected because the students "believed in his CHANGE" and weren't aware of what he meant by that. We need reform of our current bill - not spending trillions of dollars for the government to run it! If they knew all of the waste in Medicare, why didn't the government stop the waste many years ago. Why take money from senior citizens who have limited incomes? It makes no sense.

    If we, with the help of Fox News, don't fight back, we'll have a socialist country. The tea parties were just a start (and were ignored by Congress) but we have to keep fighting back. It seems that one of the major players, Nancy Pelosi, along with other Democrats following their "leader" haven't a clue as to what America wants, - no more government control! Thank God for the "Blue Dog Democrats. They at least have a sense of what we want. I pray they will help stop the rest of their party in their tracks! Even though the White House dismissed the wins of Republicans in Virginia and New Jersey and said that the voters were just worried about the economy and he was too, he won't admit that America is fighting back - now. There are people in this country that want free healthcare but who's going to pay for it. All of the "working" citizens. Unemployment is rising but according to the administration, our economy is getting stronger. Where??????? They can "fudge" the numbers all they want, but Americans are not stupid. We've got a problem!

    It's unbelievable how many of our reps haven't read the bills that were passed. One man on Fox News said that it was impossible to make any sense out of the 1900+ pages because they kept referring back to past bills. Fox News said tonight that there were many things that included in the TARP bill - that no one knew - because our representatives didn't read the bill. They were pushed to pass it within days of when it was introduced. No one read the bill!!

    Where is the America that our forefathers fought for years ago? The current administration has taken it away from us in just 9 months and our children will pay dearly for the trillions our government is spending. Why aren't the other news organizations looking at the videos that Fox News is presenting. They have access to them too. Are they scared of the administration. Fox News is standing up for us and telling the truth!!!!!!!!

  • Bodine - 15 years ago

    The White House is the one who is illegitament. Fox news puts out the facts and it's the only outlet that does. Obumbler is the one who is full of it.

  • WTF ? - 15 years ago

    @ Sick of It

    You've got to be kidding us all.

    We all get junk, chain mails and unwanted emails in our inbox, but I'm sure they are from people of all ages and walks of life. I'm glad you have such an insite to who is sending them. Maybe you and the Paranoid Incarnation of Dictators past sitting in Office can stop that behavior by Old Conservatives !!

    Saddam also ran such scams on his people, just to see if they were for him or against him. Those emails probably had a direct link to the WH and if you answered wrong the Administration would come get you. Beware !!!

    That too is a freedom of Speach that you and the Present Administration are afraid of !!

    Get over it or pay for better filters.

  • IndependentThinker - 15 years ago

    Glad to see that folks here are liberty minded. It is shameful to even consider the thought of tossing a news source just because you don't agree with what they think or say. I don't watch Fox, but I don't mind what they say or do either. First amendment all the way!

    For those that complain that Fox is fear mongering, I can give you examples of MSNBC, ABC, NBC and CBS doing the same during the Bush II reign. Amazing how memory is short-term. Someone else pointed out that Bush took a shellacking from the media, yet held (more or less) his head up during the attacks. I really wish that Obama would do the same.

    For those in denial, every news outlet spins their stories, chooses and picks their op-ed stances, and tries to manipulate viewers emotions. That's how the game is played. If you don't like one, turn it off and go watch another. If you are concerned about the influence a news outlet has over certain people, then you are concerned with the wrong issues. As American's we are always too concerned about what other people think....stand on your own!

  • Bama Boy - 15 years ago

    I will side with FOX on this.

    FOX gives a different perspective that obviously scares the WH, Mr. Obama and quite a few of the folks taking this poll. I may be ignorant to the fact, but I don't know of another President in American History that has tried to ban a Media Source from attending and covering anything and everything that the Elected and Public Office does. Man up Mr. Obama and answer America !! We're still waiting for you to SAVE US !! Some of us Americans what to hear your answers to the questions. We have enough Pretty Faces in Washington. If Mr. Obama would do the job of the office he was elected to, instead of just getting face time, he wouldn't have to worry about FOX Media !!

    I don't believe that FOX scared us into voting Mr. Obama into office like most of the Liberal Media did by airing Mr. Obama using words like Catastrophe, when referring to the GOP. I guess the Liberal Media outlets won't let the viewers see the Megalomaniac running the Country, and that makes Mr. Obama very Happy.

    This poll was probably launched by Mr. Obama himself so he can see how many Americans see him in a Negative Way. America hasn't had such a Paranoid Official in Public Office since J. Edgar Hoover, in my opinion.

    ALL of our Elected Officials need to get back in touch with the Citizens of this Great Nation, and remember they are supposed to be
    " Of the People " and " For the People ".
    I can't remember the last time an elected official was both of those !!

    May God Bless this Great Nation and the Service Men and Women around the world fighting to protect us ALL, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly !!!!

  • Robert Wrinkle - 15 years ago

    Obama gave the first question at his very first pressroom briefing to a well known liberal blogger. An honor that is usually given to a well established reporter. Should I have the view that this opinion based internet news outlet was actually not even worthy of recognition? It bothers me that the representative of the people goes out of his way to embrace one opinion and runs away from another.

  • - 15 years ago

    I find it very disturbing that we are even having this discussion in a country of freedom of the press and freedom of speech. (At least I think it still is and according to our Constitution it certainly should be) I'm not sure I've ever heard Obama say anything that I really agree with and the same goes for liberals, But I would defend to the death their right to say it!!

  • Barbara - 15 years ago

    Ever since Obama has been in office, I read daily a written English version book copy authored by: Adolph Hitler, "Mein Kempf"

    At this point, I would like to share a one paragraph that applies to what is happening and suppression on FREE Speech Rights and American Human Rights.

    Hitler written his example of a past modeled structure that America Democratic government is following.

    In Chapter 10, titled
    “Causes of the Collapse" here's statement that you all need to read,

    "Revolution" is to destroy this model structure, until at last it seemed ready to be taken from the hands of the nation, and socialized the meaning of the founders of this Republic!”

    American need to acknowledge and recognize before , WE, Americans are allowing a American Democratic bureaucratic control that will be the destructive factor of our FREEDOMS and our American empire.

  • John Turner - 15 years ago

    Actually NPR should be questioned as a legit news source considering it is funded and supported by tax payer monies. Thier liberal agenda is far more biased than that of FOX news. Quite frankly I think the Republican Party is far less biased that NPR

  • John - 15 years ago

    I would say that the results of this poll speak for themselves as to whether people feel Fox News is out of step. Looks to me like it is PBO and the WH who can't get their Marxist programs through and like all liberal look to blame someone else.

  • c holyday - 15 years ago

    Freedom of speech and freedom of the press sets this country apart from all others. These freedoms were bought and sought with sacrifices far too precious to discard or be lost to us. If we lose these freedoms, sho are we?

    Fox News, thank you and God keep you!!!

  • Kevin - 15 years ago

    Mr. Bush had eight years to fix a lot of the problems with are dealing with now. I love how the republicans take no repsonsiblity for their 8 years oif sucking the money out of giving huge tax breaks to the wealthiest of americans. Bush took us to war wrongfully. They are oil men and represent the rich. The republicans are trying to brain wash everyone into beleiving Obama is a communist or something stupid. So should we not have Police and fire, should we have are own private Social security companies too? we were lied to about the war and Bush spent more money than any other president in the history of the USA and they sent us to war with cheney , haliburton, the carlye group could make money on bulding war machines.
    Everone better pray Obama fixes the mess Bush created and bring jobs home to USA. Stop corporate corruption and bank corruption.

  • Barry - 15 years ago

    I must side with Fox news. They are the closest thing to fair and balanced.
    This poll is a waste of time. If the poll were on the Fox web site how would
    it turn out? Duh!

  • Very troubled - 15 years ago

    My ?! I would like to know why wh will not call fox news and answer their ?'s.
    Glen Beck had a direct line hook-up from fox to th wh and nobody had the guts to call him and answer any of his ?'s. American's know why. We have a bounch of sissy's in the wh that does not have any back-bone. that goes for dem / rep / ind.... May God have merch on America....we are being sold down the tube......Wake up America before it is to-late.....if things keep going the way they are / we want have an America...the home of the just a few short years...Let's pray for our country...our troops...our freedom..God can turn things around. Fox News is the ONLY news channel that is 'brave' enough to 'tell it like it is'

  • Ugly Angel - 15 years ago

    So some of you folks think FoxNews is propaganda. I'd be willing to bet those who think this way don't even watch FoxNews. After seeing the fawning, suck-up press coverage that the other networks give Obama, FoxNews is the only one with guts enough to take a different point of view or report the truth about that fraud and his cronies. Yes, I'm a conservative and a patriotic American. I don't want the USA to go socialist or anything else other than what our Founding Fathers intended. Obama is arrogant and he's heading for a fall...

  • Jerry Hamlin - 15 years ago

    The White House needs to grin and bare it (the truth hurts I know). It is a rare occasion when Fox News misstates the news, 99.9% they are right on. I used to be a Democrate but finally got fed up with higher taxes and far left beliefs. We have a President now that doesn't have a glue how to run this country and he has appointed advisers of the same caliber. Any way hang in there Fox and keep reporting the news like it is. Keep the WhiteHouse sguirming and the public informed of the truth.

  • M I Roberts - 15 years ago

    I cannot imagine what the USA will be like within a year. I suspect it will resemble Russia, Italy and Germany when communism ruled those countries. Likewise, it is hard to understand how Christians still support our president and congressmen/women who show no concern about right vs. wrong, who support MURDERING unborn babies, who want control to end lives of older people and who want to take all of our freedom away. May God help us.

  • P. Price - 15 years ago

    Fox News is the ONLY news channel that is 'brave' enough to 'tell it like it is', although I am very proud of the other news organizations that were 'smart' enough to realize that 'they' could be next on the White House 'list' if they don't do 'exactly' what they want them to ! That is why the White House is 'attacking' Fox like it is... If they honestly didn't view fox as 'legitimate news'.. why are they 'attacking' them so bad..? Obviously it IS bothering the White House & the only reason that would be is because they don't like what Fox News is saying!! Why? Because it's the truth and they don't like being EXPOSED for millions to 'see'. They can't remain 'hidden' anymore and Americans are 'waking up' and 'taking a stand' against their tyranous plans for this Country! If you can't 'see' that, then you are blind... sorry. I'm neither Republican NOR Democrat. I wish EVERYONE would put 'politics' aside and just 'look' at what is being done in front of our eyes... This isn't about Democrats vs. Republicans. This is about a 'few' people who are obsessed by power & control and will do WHATEVER it takes to fulfill their agenda. They have NO morals.. NO ethics... NONE. I just want our 'elected' officials to do the job we 'elected' them to do. I want them to remember that they work FOR us.. not the other way around. Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid have placed themselves on some pretty 'high pedestals', but the 'joy ride' will be over for them eventually!

    The White House don't give a flip about these polls.. or what the majority of Americans think. They are only interested in fulfilling their 'agenda' which is now 'wide open' for us to see... and it should scare the crap out of us all! What they are doing is very UN-American.. full of tyranny which they bring about through 'fear mongering', scare tactics and Chicago type politic antics. They 'attack' anyone that doesn't agree with this 'agenda'. If you care anything about America... the lifes we've lost in maintaining this 'freedom'.. and if you care about 'freedom of speech... freedom of religion.. free market... etc, then you can't possibly 'agree' with what these people are doing in Washington right now! Say Goodbye to YOUR freedom unless you open your eyes soon. But make no mistake.. this is NOT all about Obama! This started WAY before he took office.. The "New World Order" conspiracy theory is NOT a 'conspiracy' anymore. They've made their 'agenda known'.. question is, are we going to allow them to take away our Soverignty? Do we WANT to be a part of a 'global', communistic style nation..? If you do, then I suppose you're a 'happy camper'... You won't mind being told 'what to do' and 'when you can do it'.. or 'how much money you can make.. or what cars you can drive!'.. But if maintaining our FREEDOMS & LIBERTIES means anything to you, then you should be one 'pissed off' American and you should be calling, emailing, faxing ALL of these Senators & Representatives. Although it doesn't appear that many of them are 'listening'.. perhaps, just perhaps there are a few still trying to 'ride the fence'. It's up to us to let them know that there is NO 'riding the fence' this time... and they need to do what we 'elected' them to do.. and yes, please remind them of their OATH & PROMISE to "Defend & Protect" the Constitution from enemies both foreign & DOMESTIC.. They apparantly all need to be 'reminded'...

  • Esquire - 15 years ago

    I believe our Kenyan president took an Oath of Office to support the Constitution. It seems that in the Constitution he supports, the First Amendment (and more) was deleted.

  • Gary M Mills - 15 years ago

    2 words for the whitehouse you lie

  • Mary L Crockett - 15 years ago

    And are we to assume that MSNBC is not biased and FOX News is? Pleeeeease!!!

  • Unhappy - 15 years ago

    Fox News is great!! If you really want true news, this is the station to watch! We are headed in the wrong direction' a government full of people who want to control every aspect of our lives! It's got to stop before we live in a dictatorship country which we are fast approaching.

  • PL Eberhart - 15 years ago

    This White House (and especially this president) have a long track record of censoring or name-calling for those who disagree with their policies. Just ask the military & Christians(right wing extremists), the NRA & Christians ("clinging to their guns"), anyone who e-mails about his healthcare plan (snooping e-mails and sending white house responses...I got one), anyone who questions him about anything (unpatriotic). The list goes on & on. This guy is scarier than Hitler (who also wanted to censor the news).

  • sick of it - 15 years ago

    I had email chain mails asking people to vote for FOX, against Obama, come through my inbox probably six times this week. All forwarded by older conservative folks who don't realize how obnoxious their unwanted emails are. Note to people 50 and over, DO NOT FORWARD emails. Your wonderful junk mail is not wanted in my inbox.

  • Eugene Kenney - 15 years ago

    What is the White House afraid of? Truth? Well, Fox News come closest to the truth in broadcasting of all the news stations. I haven't found them to be unfair or unbalanced.

  • Mark - 15 years ago

    Well...It looks like America does NOT agree with Obama. I would say nice try, but honestly it wasn't even that. It's ridiculous to make such a statement as he has. Give me a break Obama. Why doesn't he start performing his true duties as President and COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of our military? That's what we elected him for. Epic Fail Obama...Epic Fail.

  • JOHN - 15 years ago

    Transparency was promised by OBAMA. What we have is nothing short of Socialism. And now that he is elected we the administration still campaigning. Where is the leadership to correct the real problems in this Country, rather than the Socialist agenda i see, with everything coming from the White House. Fox News is not the problem. NPR and all of others liberal news outlets need to start asking themselves, where are we going with this WH agenda. Transparency? We can't even see a bill that is 1/6 of our entire ecomony before they vote on it. What a joke. The media gave him a pass before the election and now they have their heads in the sand.

  • PackJT - 15 years ago

    Note to Big O: The enemy is terrorism, poverty, unemployment, disease, ignorance, etc. It is not Fox News or any other dissenting voice. There truly is nothing more American than dissent!

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