Seriously? You two are honestly worthless and don’t even deserve to be on this Earth. You’re considering this? You’re pathetic and disgusting. This is the saddest excuse for human beings I’ve seen in a long time. That is a CHILD, a growing, developing human being that you’re carrying. You should be under arrest for attempted murder, because that’s what it is. That baby is YOURS, it has YOUR dna and you feel NOTHING toward it? You’re heartless. People try for YEARS to have kids and can’t, and you’re just gonna throw your opportunity away. Here’s a helpful hint: DON’T FUCKING GET PREGNANT. I seriously hope you have this child and give it up to SANE parents who will love it and care for it, and I hope once you’ve realized what you’ve done that you’ll do us all a favor and disappear. I REALLY wanna see you motherfucking douchebags once you’re not pregnant anymore. Believe me, you won’t be so brave without a baby inbetween me and you. Worthless pieces of shit.
Pierre Boult - 14 years ago
Thank you for giving a chance to say yes or no to life. I am somewhat surprised that the life of a human being be
treated that way - but I respect your decision even if I do not approve. Yes, please let him or her live. A human life does not belong to us. That child is a distinct person and we cannot decide for him or her. Have a good day.
Pierre Boult (Montreal, Canada)
Bob Trust - 14 years ago
Normally I would have voted abortion, however, you are in the second trimester. It is too far along for me to support the abortion side of this argument and to let this go until Dec 9th before you abort said baby makes it even worse. The only argument that may still persuade me to say go ahead and abort is if you don't have the money to pay for the hospital bills coming from this pregnancy. But seeing as you are capable of seeing the doctor regularly, I doubt this is an issue.
i don't normally support adoption as it can be confusing and emotional for the kid as it grows up (and even after entering adulthood as been in my experience), but if you are uninterested in raising it yourself and spending time with this kid and educating it (the whole 9 yards of parenthood), then at this time, I support adoption.
Good luck with your situation and since this is your second pregnancy may I suggest if you are not ready that you use birth control AND condoms (and perhaps more methods of pregnancy prevention) on your future sexual encounters?
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
1 John 3:16 (New International Version)
16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
Shaun Egan - 14 years ago
Im shure there are better ways to figure out if keeping this baby is right or not, but if you want public opinion then let me say as a father of three little girls(2AreTwins) that if you even have to question yourself about something like this then your heart should have already told you it's just not the right time for you. Be happy you live in a day and age where you can have theses choises. I see it ass you may not be in such a good place in life yet and what all the pro-life people dont get is how many kids are brought into this world to parents that had them too soon and cant support them in all the ways needed. Every day I see kids of young parents that act Sooo bad and out of control and it breaks my heart that there parents are runnig out the door because they had the kid at 17 to 19 yrs old and now that there kid is old enough to drop off at school they head off to reclaim there lost youth every afternoon insted of parenting. I think of it as kids haveing kids and its a really bad cycle. The best thing I ever did was wait till I was 25 to start haveing kids.
Good luck to you and ignore the haters
Pat Cotter - 14 years ago
You have already made your decision, first of all, Wiggles is real. I sell clothing for babies who are not much bigger than he is (The Preemie Store). Second, I can tell you I was 33 when we adopted a baby and 33 when my first was born and 37 when my third was born and they're in their mid-late 20's now and it was a wonderful time. We also had been married 10 years before having kids - after losing at least one and having trouble getting pregnant.... My mom was 30 to 37 when her five kids were born.... after 5 years of marriage. You will do fine!
Bee UK - 14 years ago
I think this is awful, it is actually making me feel sick! I am not against abortions and think in some situations it is the right thing to do, however naming your child and watching it grow and then killing it is in-humane and disgusting!!!! my brother was born just at the legal limit to have an abortion, he is now 18 years old and and living a normal life! if you were unsure you should have got rid of the baby in the first few weeks! YOU PEOPLE ARE SICK!! and do not deserve to have children! maybe we should start up a blog about whether or not to abort you!!!????
Holly - 14 years ago
I pray God will truly give you guidance
Loretta Mestishen - 14 years ago
Add me to the list of people offering to adopt your baby. I'm pro-choice, but also think they choice is a very important one. If you do decide that you don't want to raise this child, think of the amazing gift you could give to someone who is eager to parent.
C - 14 years ago
Having a child, and being able to carry a baby within your body is a wonderful, and beautiful blessing. I am 23 and have 2 beautiful amazing children. Abortion is horrible, and can have a strong emotional affect on the women after she has one. Please, please, please, do not have an abortion. If you do not want to be a parent, have this baby and give it to someone who is not able to have a child. I know so many people who struggle with conception, and it saddens me that you could just choose to throw this precious life away. I beg you, if you do not want this baby, give it to someone who does. Have this baby, please. A child is a precious life, regardless if you want to be a parent or not.
Patty - 14 years ago
If this is all some big joke, I'm sorry. But, if you are for real, I would say that you should let your baby live. Life is so precious, and you clearly love your partner, so there is nothing you can't do. Could you love the baby created by your love? I would think so! It's hard to go through life sometimes, sure, but with love and commitment, you both could have the best times of your lives with this child! I am pro-choice, I vote that way, I would NEVER presume to tell another woman what to do. But, you are asking for opinions, so I feel good telling you my opinion. I give you credit for your openness and insightful musings. In any event feel free to contact me, I wish you all the very best in life. Patty
D: - 14 years ago
"And tell us P? and A. : HOW MUCH MONEY DID YOU MAKE WITH EACH CLIC ? Beautiful idea to win money, no? Congrats both, you are the douche-bags of the week. (And I hope you are not pregnant)
Posted by Money on November 19th 2010, 2:11pm"
Vidal - 14 years ago
How can you put on internet you privat life like that?? Do you know, that after 24 weeks of pregnancy, a baby can survive?? You are thinking in killing him after 20 weeks that you are sharing his life... how could you??I realy wonder why God gave you the opportunitys to have a baby... some persons dream to be parents, but they will never be. I have a lovely little girl... I love her, and never, I been wondering with my husband if we had to keep her or not... specially after the fist time I felt her moving...12 weeks.
Anne - 14 years ago
I have had three miscarriages, but I have also had three healthy kids. My last miscarriage was in May. I have been on an emotional roller coaster. The only thing that helps me to go on is knowing that God chose to take my babies, and it was not my choice. If I had to make the choice to take my own baby's life, I would die myself, because I would never be able to live with my decision. After my second miscarriage, I got pregnant after my hormones went back to normal. I felt bad that I was having a baby so soon, but I was happy that my baby was healthy. My beautiful little baby girl is 14 months old now. She is gorgeous and so happy. I look at my children and see the babies I lost. It is a good thing though. If I had no children, it would be much, much, much harder. I hope you choose to have your baby, because the pain you feel now will be so much worse if you take the life of your baby. If you do choose to have an abortion, there are a ton of groups out there to help you with your loss. There are also people to help you with your loss of miscarriage. If you need to talk e-mail me anytime. God Bless you and your family. I will pray for you all. If you don't want your baby, I will gladly take him or her...
Crystal - 14 years ago
Pregnancy can be an amazing time for a family. However, I understand that you are trying to make a difficult decision. If you do not want to raise this child, adoption is an option that would give a lifetime of joy to this baby and to a family who desparately wants a child to love. Abortion would end the amazing life that this baby can have and deprive a family the opportunity to give this child a lifetime of love. Please consider the joy that you can bring to a family who desparately wants a child to love and nuture and the life that this baby can have, if you choose to give the gift of adoption. My husband and I have been trying, hoping, and praying that we are able to have another child. We would love to share our family's love with more children. If you do decide to chose adoption and are looking for a family to love this child and hive him or her a wonderful life, we would love to help put your mind at ease by helping. Please feel free to contact me ( We will keep you in prayer that you find peace in making this decision.
Annette - 14 years ago
Hi! I live in a small island in the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, I just read about your blog. Firts you are very brave for do this such of thing. Second, and it's my point of view, if you had a previous pregnacy and both ended in natural abortion, so Why this can be? Did you think about that? Did you think about why? Took chance, tha's about what life is, chances. Life is short, maybe this is not the better way to decided, but if your right to listen what other people think. You are ok.
Ellen - 14 years ago
I think it is nice that you have soought input. I am a mother of two they are my joy. Please choose life. Children are a blessing; if not for you then for someone else longing to be an adoptive parent. I see almost 80% of the voters have asked you to choose life, please choose life.
(Some of you commenters are sick.)
Money - 14 years ago
Beautiful idea to win money, no? Congrats both, you are the douche-bags of the week.
(And I hope you are not pregnant)
D: - 14 years ago
C'mon, I don't want to wait until 12/9 to know what's this fucking thing about.
Ben Greenwald - 14 years ago
If you are not ready to parent your child, my wife and I will be glad to adopt. We have been on the adoption waiting list for almost 2 years.
becky - 14 years ago
u are sick
Tiffany - 14 years ago
Ok, Really? What the hell is wrong with people that they ask if they should KILL their child on the internet? You have two miscarriages, then you're 16 weeks pregnant, the furthest you've ever gotten and you are letting people decide if you should have an abortion? You are seriously fucking mental. There is something wrong in your head. In all honestly, you need to learn what the hell birth control is because you don't deserve a child. You deserve to be murdered just like you're thinking about doing to that baby. Do everyone a favor, have the baby, and give it up for adoption. There are REAL people with REAL hearts and brains(something you obviously don't have), who try and try for years and can't ever have a baby that would love to take in a baby. You're worthless and disgusting and people like you should just go kill themselves. Lets sit at home and bitch and complain about being pregnant after already having two miscarriages? Why the hell do you keep getting pregnant?! Your insurance can paid for your flu shot, I'm sure it will pay $30 a month for birth control?! It's disgusting that you're waiting until the last minute to decide whether to abort a CHILD or not. Disgusting. Seriously, I wish your mom aborted you because we don't need pieces of shit like you in this world. I feel so terrible for that poor child who deserves a real family instead of a worthless excuse for an adult like yourself. You are pathetic and this is just making you feel good about your lives because people are paying attention to you. You are ridiculously, disgustingly PATHETIC. If you so decide on abortion, please make it easy and just kill yourself. Have a wonderful day worthless cunt.
FagFag - 14 years ago
your penis will be a penis to the penis of the penis
Louise - 14 years ago
I truly think that if you really cannot make this decision alone then perhaps you shouldn't be parents because as a parent you will have to make loads of decisions. Are you going to create a poll everytime you have to decide something for the baby? The fact that you've had 2 miscarriages this year already and then you still don't know whether you want the baby speaks to me of two people who need to grow up a little and take responsibility. I cannot imagine how you can calmly let your pregnancy go to 20 weeks before making this decision and feel that you should make your minds up sooner rather then continue this debacle. That said, this baby is healthy and even if you're not grown up enough to be parents there are many out there who would love the opportunity - perhaps adoption would be the kinder thing all round? I am a mother of two and wouldn't change my life for anything, good luck to you because I think you're gonig to need it...
Anon - 14 years ago
I can't possibly vote because I don't know your circumstances. If you are financially and emotionally stable and have the means to take care of the child, and you want to have it, you should. Otherwise, an abortion would be best.
Personally, the world as it is, and this country as it is, I would never bring a child into it by choice. How could I raise a child to do the right thing when poiticians, generals, CEOs, religious leaders and others are so commonly doing the wrong thing, and apparently becoming more successful for it every day? How would I raise a child by my own beliefs in a place where we would be surrounded by people who believe we deserve to suffer for all eternity simply because we don't believe the same things? How could I raise my child to abhor violence, disparity and suffering when America's foreign policy revolves around causing such in order to get our way?
Oh yeah, and I'm from 4chan too. The majority of us don't fit the description people usually give. Voting for birth to counter the ones who are douchebags and voted abort for kicks.
Doug - 14 years ago
My wife and i got married at 24 and waited until we were 35 to have our daughter. We enjoyed traveling around the world and focused on our careers. BUt I will tell you this, having our daughter was the best thing we've ever done. Many of our friends followed a similar pattern - first-time parents in their mid-30's. We are so in love with our daughter. We will be able to provide the life-style, education, and other experiences that neither of us experienced when we were children. Be thankful for what you have. Please keep the baby.
kisywisy - 14 years ago
this really is sick. i'm pro choice, but the decision should be made by YOU and NOT by doing a stupid poll on the internet. abortion should be a private and personal decision. to publish it on the internet and give the world a say in the outcome is very foolish.
you don't seem mature enough to be parents. you should've had an abortion when you found out. now it's almost perfectly formed and will have to be ripped apart inside you. have the baby and give it up for adoption. there are plenty of people out there that can't have kids. you've left it too late in my eyes. i have a feeling you knew you didn't want this baby from the very start
you are truly disgusting people. after this one, STERILISE YOURSELVES!!!
Bonnie - 14 years ago
Seriously? You should be on your knees thanking God that he is blessing you with a precious new life. Life and parenthood is serious business, not a joke or something to take lightly. I truly hope you will be better parents after the birth of this child and I also hope the child never finds out about your lack of love for her before her birth. Time to grow up!
Aim - 14 years ago
When i saw this in the paper today i wanted to cry. My husband and i had to endure IVF to get our beautiful son and can't believe how some people take getting pregnant for granted. We would love to adopt but from further research have found out that there are not as many babies to adopt anymore due to people aborting them. There are many couples out there who would give your son a fabulous life and if you are now thinking of aborting him why on earth did you create him. He is now a little person with an identity and to abort him at this stage along is very very sad. If you go ahead with this baby you will be shocked for the love you feel for him and will be haunted by the fact that you ever thought about aborting him. I think if you are so unsure you should have him and then if you really feel that parenthood is not for you then give him up to a couple who will love him forever. You can't just keep getting pregnant and then changing your mind and aborting them. I would do anything to be able to have a baby naturally and really feel that you need some counselling as you can't just put a scan of a baby on a website and ask whether this baby be killed or kept. Having a baby is the most wonderful thing in the world and i would do anything to be able to experience it again but if you don't feel this way then give him up to somebody who will and give him a chance.
Mike - 14 years ago
Rather than throw hateful comments at you, I'll just say that I am praying for you and your child. I hope you make the right decision. It pains me to think that a child's life hangs in the balance...something tells me you'll do what's right.
Gobsmacked - 14 years ago
This is your FOURTH pregnancy in a country where anticontraception is widely available. Your are (at least chronologically speaking) adults.
If this website is not a hoax then your are the most immature, dumb and self-absorbed people I've had the dipleasure to 'meet' for a long time. My heart goes out to people who cannot have children. Spare a thought for them and what your stupid thirst for fame is doing to them.
Please give bith to this baby. This baby deserves to live.
Please give the baby up for adoption. This baby deserves decent parents.
Poor Wiggles, I hope he gets out of that womb alive and out of this 'family setting' into somewhere where he will be cherished like he deserves.
SLB - 14 years ago
I think you should have the abortion. I understand that you have both become very comfortable with your lifestyles and from what I am reading neither one of you truly wants the baby. A baby is a big responsibility and it involves making a lot of decisions and going through a lot of changes. The decisions part..well it seems that you are shying away from it. Which is fine. But I am truly afraid of how badly that child will be made fun of all his life by his peers because of this. And any potential future child as well. It is likely that if you have the abortion now you will never be able to adopt as this decision you have made to "vote for it" sticks in the record. Life is hard enough without a weird name and a crazy pre-birth story. Keeping him now means you've already failed in protecting and nurturing him. God bless you.
Michel Caron - 14 years ago
The best for everybody would be that the mother decides to abort. Why? Because the simple fact that the mother decided to use such a forum to make her mind demonstrates that she is mentally unfit to fill her mother duties. Moreover, it might affects her child's mental health. Therefore, it would be better that she aborts and not think ever again to give birth.
Paula Miller - 14 years ago
TOO MUCH OVERPOPULATION today. TOO MUCH BAD IN THE WORLD. Save your child the despair and hardship, it's only going to get WORSE.
rikke - 14 years ago
Dere er syk!! Burde heller avlive dere!
Go to google translate and translate from english to norwegian!
me - 14 years ago
Please abort it, the child will have a horrible life with parents like you. thanks.
kirsty - 14 years ago
2010 has been a traumatic year 4 me i have lost 2 babies it hurts me that ppl like u can play god the worst feeling in the world is wen the doctor told me i was miscarrying and i couldnt do anything to stop my baby leaving me. You and ur partner have made a good life and career 4 urselves other ppl av commented you have the money 2 provide 4 ur child and that is true, but money isnt everything LOVE is n 2 me u and ur patner av already decided 2 abort ur child r u n ur partner wudn't av 2 ask rest ov the wud be cruel now to bring that baby into this world wiv ppl knowing u asked the world play god wiv there life.....
MarieLN - 14 years ago
To both of you: hello,
and first of all please pardon my broken english as i am not native.
The first comment that came to my mind when i saw you website was ....why do they do this? They are the only ones able to make a decision... i found it so weird.... then i went trough the website and your posts and was very surprised with the peacefull tone..... when you are in such a situation that you think there is no other issue you know it, believe me..... my feeling was one of a scared and already hurt couple ..... the fact that you already experienced miscariages is to me a key in the whole process,I wonder if your question is not more about knowing if you would be able to experience that again....because it hurts so much and then try to find any "good reason" to stop this pregancy and by the way all the fears that come with it.... your decision will be the good one , which ever it is and no one has the right to juge you on that..... just try to really understand what s the issue for you..... there seems to be so much ambivalence in you that i just see it as a very human reaction that shows that you are aware of all the responsabilities that come with parenting and also aware of the good sides....... Please just listen to your heart with deep love and you will know...... Love can be for the baby but also for you alone...... and i would would also say to finish: start accepting you fear and taking care of it.....
with love and compassion from someone who already took both decisions in her life
NunYaBidness - 14 years ago
You guys are idiots. It's like Keanu Reeves said in the movie "Parenthood",
"You gotta buy a license to catch a fish, but any idiot can be a parent".
jodey - 14 years ago
your a disgrace you truly are simple fact mothers of babies 17 babies a daypass away due to miscarriage in the uk not sure about usa but we dont choose to abort our babies the decieion is taken away from us what you are doing is wrong and i actauklly feel sorry for you. ALSO if you did not wantt o become parents you shoud have used A CONDOM!!!!!!!!! keep the baby that is now grown inside you and give it up for adonption to parents who cant have babies not for lack of trying. and lets hope that if you keep your baby this hideous circus is sheltered from it or they will not want you as parents. im disgusted by both of you. and yes im a parent to an angel and PROUD but i also have a daughter too and she is MY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROSEMARIE - 14 years ago
tristen - 14 years ago
If you're doing this just for the limelight, that is pretty gross. It's YOUR child, why let others vote to decide YOUR actions? It is not like congress. Congress does not decide on personal decisions, like what you eat, what sport you do, much less if you're going to have the baby. Please call the polls off and decide for YOURSELF if you want the baby.
Space Turtle - 14 years ago
I won't be as rude as "uridiots" or "Stupidpeople", but I'm close to their idea: if you're not ready to place the life of your child above anything else, why the hell are you going to give birth? The world is already full of orphans and abandoned children, no need to add some more. Abort and go to Haiti to help people who love their children!
Cassi - 14 years ago
@Marie, i don't see that anywhere.
Laura S - 14 years ago
My suspicion is that you are conducting some sort of research. Upon glancing at the comments I notice much vitriol. Odd that individuals are so harsh if two people are really confused. How sad that these individuals have sentenced your child to death simply because you are asking for help.
There is much support to individuals having unexpected children. Adoption is always an option.
Abortion is a final gruesome decision. It not only destroys the life of a child; it shatters the mother. Many relationships do not withstand this.
So when a woman has an abortion to spare her partner, he tends to leave her because she is so distraught about what has happened. Mature men want to live up to their responsibilities. Immature men (adults stuck as children) do not.
New life is a sign of hope. A pregnancy lasts 9 short months. Do not fear a baby. May your love for each other over come your fears and indecision. Many prayers will be offered to you for courage, love,etc and for your child.
May God bless you and protect you.
SID FEINBERG - 14 years ago
You should not bring a child into this world. The world is now ruined and will only get worse. This really is about the US, which will soon implode and not neccessarily the world. Your child will be most likely living in a cave and fighting for food each day within 5 years and the only true hope would be to move to Australia.
Please do not subject this unborn child to a life in the US
SID FEINBERG - 14 years ago
You should not bring a child into this world. The world is now ruined and will only get worse. This really is about the US, which will soon implode and not neccessarily the world. Your child will be most likely living in a cave and fighting for food each day within 5 years and the only true hope would be to move to Australia.
Please do not subject this unborn child to a life in the US
Tanya - 14 years ago
I say to you that God is in control. If he gave you this child, give birth and if you decide that you are not up to being parents, adoption is ALWAYS an option. This child has a purpose in this world.I am a single mom and I would not trade this life for any other. It is not an easy road BUT I love my life and my daughter, now seven, more than words could describe. Please view this before making any decisions. I urge everyone to watch this.
Frederik - 14 years ago
Any child you create is his or her own person. The only thing the two of you must do is to protect and care for that person until he or she can make and implement his or her own choices. A child is not property, not something you control or decide its destiny for. I guess it takes a parent to fully understand that.
If you have the child, I do hope you will both start acting a lot less self-centred than you are doing now. Because what you are doing now is without a doubt self-centred. One day you will come to a deep realisation of that, and then I wish you courage to make amends for it.
Someone once told me that it is ok to do the right thing for the wrong reasons, but that there are never right reasons to do the wrong thing - only excuses. I believe that to be true. And when I hide myself behind technicalities, I invariably find that I am geared up to do the wrong thing. Your dilemma today is not to have the child or not. It is whether or not you want to have the child knowing that one day you will have to explain this poll to him. Or to lie about it.
If you want to know what is true or right, just reach inside yourself. Get quiet for an hour and empty your mind. The answers will come to you.
marie - 14 years ago
To all those who say that they are leaving their baby's fate up to the internet, I didn't read anywhere that that is what they are saying. I believe that even if the poll comes down in favor of abortion, they will not do such a horrific thing as to kill him. But isn't it ironic that so-called 'prochoicers' seem to being spewing the most hatred on this topic? The bottom line is that EVERY BABY is a gift from God- no matter what the circumstance is. EVERY BABY deserves life. Thank you to these soon to be parents for bringing to light the true nature of an unborn life.
lauren - 14 years ago
you do not deserve to be parents. thousands of people are desperate to have a baby and you are just rubbing there noses in it. what kind of sick people are you that would do somethin like this. people that do make the choice to have an abortion either for medical or private reasons keep these thiings private . maybe to have respect for the unborn child. that has no say in what happens to it. ps. my partner said you do not deserve to have a womb who you to play god with another life . it is not a raffle it is a life. tossers!!!!!!
Kelley - 14 years ago
Oh lord PLEASE give birth to this child, and then if you decide you don't want it, then lean towards adoption. There are MANY couples out there who CAN'T have children (like me and my husband) who would be ECSTATIC to adopt a baby. I am a mother of a 2 year old (I got pregnant with my first marriage), and I got pregnant at the age of 19. I had the choice to abort or to not to and I was strongly leaning towards abortion but I am SO glad that I didn't. We have a GREAT and LOVING home now and he has the father figure he needs in his life now. That baby didn't do anything to deserve the pain of abortion. The longer you wait, the harder, and more painful it is going to be. And once it's done, it's DONE! There's no coming back from it. and if you decide you want a baby a little further down the road, your going to kick yourselves in the ass if it's too late, and you can't, or if your body just won't let you.
2 miscarriages in the past is not a good sign for someone to just be able to get pregnant and be able to keep it whenever they want to. You may never be able to get pregnant again. Most of the people who get pregnant and have babies in this world AREN'T ready to be parent's, but as soon as you see that baby, everything will change in an instant. Believe it or not, you and that baby already have a bond. You are the only thing that baby knows. How fair is it to him/her to abort them for something they know NOTHING about. That baby is ALIVE inside of you. He has a beating heart, he can move, get the hiccups, a few more weeks from now he will be able to hear you TALKING to him. Pregnancy is an AMAZING thing and I don't understand how someone could thing so terribly enough to just throw it all away because you THINK you'r not ready. Give yourselves a chance. Give that BABY a chance.
Jen - 14 years ago
I just wrote the comment above, before I continue wasting my time, I just have to say how mortified I am , seriously....this makes me SO SO SO SICK!!!!! I just told people in my office about this. Any person with any sensitivity would never do anything SO stupid as this poll..even if it is some prank or to prove a point why the hell would you even attempt to upset people..HAPPY FUCKIN FRIDAY. You guys are jerks. It's so disappointing. God have mercy on your souls. Go find something better to do like, figure out what kind of birth control to use, so you don't procreate...
Chris K - 14 years ago
I wish I could vote for adoption.. No offense, but truth be told, any parent that would put their child on a showcase like this before the baby is even born has issues that need to be resolved before they think about having a child. The poor kid, one can only assume that you two already knew the vote was going to tell you to give birth, but the fact that you want to be in the spotlight. Too sad..
Meg - 14 years ago
This is a human life! I think if you decide you do ont want him/her then you need to give him/her up for adoption. Maybe if you didn't want a baby then you should've used protection. Now your depending on people on the internet to make a decision about what you should do with another human life. I think it's best for the child that you give him/her to a family who wants him/her! Honestly you should not be able to even have kids cause of what you are doing. I have 2 girls and they are the best hting that has ever happened to me! i cant imagine my life without them! I'm all for people having their choices to what they want with their body, but this is a little much! I thknk give birth decide if you would lke to keep him/her and then if not give him/her up for adoption. That would be the best thing to do. Some family out there that can't have any kids would love to have one. You could do that for someone. Or you could give birth to this beautiful baby and him/her could be the best thing that has happened to you! Just don't abort this baby please! Keep him/her or give him/her up. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Think long and hard and not rely on people from the internet. Have a nice day.
Cassi - 14 years ago
I'm sorry, but this is just nuts.
you don't vote on these types of things.
If you've seen the baby inside of you already, arnt you going to be heartbroken if you abort it?
Weren't you heart broken when you had miscarriages?
Why would you purposely want to do this to yourselves?
And lets say the vote ends with Give Birth, which it is looking like its going to..
what are you going to tell your child when he/she finds out that you were letting the public decide if he/she should have been aborted or not?
I have a feeling that if you are to have this child that eventually you will not have a child anymore. Because when the time comes that they are old enough to really realize what you were allowing to go on here, they will emancipate themselves the second they get the chance to.
So do what you want. But do you actually think that people are voting for the right reasons?
Who in their right mind would actually vote for you to Abort your child, unless they were voting for it simply because your little web poll was telling them that you are unfit to have children if this is the way you are thinking.
I voted for your to give birth, because i am a decent human being.
But in all honesty it is your choice, so please, with your next child, make up your own mind and don't look to other people to help you, unless it is a professional and they are telling you the odds are better for you to abort the child.
Flower - 14 years ago
Seriously, why would you even consider something like an abortion. Having two miscarraiges should by now have brought enough heartache to consider killing an innocent baby. My husband and I can't have kids and would love to have our own. There are so many people out there that will raise your baby if you allow them to, but abortion is murder. It's killing an innocent, living and powerless human being and as parents you should have more compassion than this. Maybe you're not ready for kids, but no one ever is. Just don't do something as stupid as this because you will regret this. Maybe not today, but some other day. And that's guilt you will have to live with for the rest of your life.
walktsin - 14 years ago
Agnus Dei miserere vobis !
Mr & Mrs Hailshine - 14 years ago
1. PETER (Father)
2. ALISHA (Mother)
WhatTheHell - 14 years ago
I think this is a really irresponsible, and very insensitive thing to be doing. I am very against abortion, and I think that you and your partner need to think about what you want. Do you want a baby? Its not something that can be decided by a vote. What if you receive a 50/50 verdict- what next? Flip a coin? You are both clueless to how disgustingly ridiculous this truly is. I think you should continue with the pregnancy and have this baby, and as soon as the baby is born I think child protection services should take this poor child from you and your husband as you are both disgusting, awful people who should never have children. EVER! Life is a miricle and you are both treating this baby’s life as if it means nothing. This baby should be given to a family who will love it from the start and want to provide it with all the care and respect it deserves. You should both be sterilied and have your ability to reproduce taken from you, in the same way you want to take this baby’s life.
Let me just say, if anyone has an abortion because they cannot handle the responsibility or your circumstances change, I respect them for making the decision in a mature adlut way. They would have had to think about it and decide on the best thing for all involved. You however are throwing the vote out there like this is a joke. Like we should decide on your baby’s fate. You don’t love your baby. Just put the baby up for adoption and allow s real MOTHER to love him or her!
JB - 14 years ago
This site is shockingly stupid.
I can just imagine your child coming to you asking about before he/she was born-and you sharing this "wonderful" site with him/her. "Well, honey, we didn't really care about you. SO, we allowed complete strangers to decide whether or not we should kill you. Lucky for you-there were some sane people out there!!" One day you will have to answer to him or her.
I hope in 50 years I get to see an online poll, put up by your child titled: "Pull the plug or not?" Kharma sucks.
Amy - 14 years ago
Abortion is sin. This child did not ask to be conceived nor did it ask to be born. It is a gift from God. From one woman to another, I've had an abortion, and it is not just over in a few seconds. I had mine when I was 21, and I am now 40. I still have issues to this day and on the date of my other child's "death" I literally still have a hard time getting through the day.
There are people in this world who cannot have children. If you aren't ready to be a parent, please place the baby into a loving home who would welcome this child with a gracious and loving heart.
How can you look at that ultrasound and see that the baby is not a human being? I beg you to choose to give birth!
charliesdad - 14 years ago
I can only relate to you my experience. We had Charlie later in live (43 & 44). At first I was terrified of the responsibility, and questioned whether it fitted in the plans we had for our lives. I can honestly (and truly) say he has been the best thing to happen in my life. He is now 4 and I cannot imagine being with out him. He is more fun everyday. Looking back to the tough first 6 months, I even miss that dearly, even though I was stressed and worried and tired from lack of sleep, I wish I could do it all over again. A child is a good thing , its the best thing, it has strengthened our marriage, and made me a less selfish individual.
It is the best thing ever, he is more fun everyday, please have this child it will change your life for the better
Jen - 14 years ago
Ha!! If you need an internet poll to help make your decision on whether or not to bring a child into this world, then your f'n heads aren't on straight enough to even raise one!! FREAKS. I swear I hope this earth is a pit stop on the way to someplace better.....How would you feel if you were alive and breathing/or not simply bc a group of strangers on an INTERNET POLL decided your fate? THIS poll shouldn't even be allowed. Either have the baby or don't, but make it your own private choice for your own personal, reasonable reasons. Oh, and maybe we should conduct a poll on whether or not you need some therapy....warped out head case.
Wendy Adams - 14 years ago
I agree with most of the comments I have read..I don't see how you can look at sonogram pictures of your own flesh and blood, give him/her a nickname and still consider killing it! I just hope that this whole website is a hoax, because I really don't think people who would do something like this would make very good parents..unless having a baby really changes your personality and makes you less selfish, which has happened. And I just wanted to comment on the couple of posts I have read about abortions are bad, unless the woman is raped or something. I'm sorry, but abortion is abortion. Regardless of whether the woman was raped or is still a baby, it's not their fault how they were conceived! And I can confidently say that if I was ever raped and should get pregnant, I would keep the baby. After all, it is still half of me! I would never feel the need to punish an innocent child because of something some idiot did to me! I can understand why it would effect some women, so that is why they should just adopt the baby and give it to a couple that can't have children and doesn't care how the child was conceived! And no, I am not some religious freak (can't remember the last time I have been to church I am sorry to say), this is just how I believe.
Richard - 14 years ago
If you need to set up a website to decide whether or not you want a baby clearly it is the wrong thing. If you had the baby and he grew up and found out about this poll how do you think he/she would feel? Lastly I've read several interviews you've given and you're clearly not fit to be parents.
Richard (aged 15)
Susan - 14 years ago
I know this decision will interfere with your career and social life and you may feel the baby will be an inconvenience. However don't up this chance fit baby into your life don't make it your life. Enjoy the change because you may regret this choice later if you decide you do want and can't have later
Kerrie - 14 years ago
I don't understand why people like you deserve to get pregnant, and people like us who actually wants one, and try and try we get nothing. You two are seriously stupid and absolutely disgusting. Legal or not, you're taking away a life. The funny thing is, you wonder why there are negative comments? You can't even decide to have a baby or not, so what happened to contraception?
Even if you decide to give birth to the baby, please do us a favour, put the child up for adoption. So he/she actually has a chance to be loved by parents that will return the love.
Believe you me, I've watered this email down a dozen of times. You bunch of scums.
FTG - 14 years ago
Hope this is nothing but a bad (very bad) joke... how can you decide such an importante matter based on a poll? Hope you guys mature!!!
Bill - 14 years ago
I'm trying to write an intelligent comment without letting my emotions get the best of me. Let's assume for a second that you do have this baby. Let's look at it from the child's perspective. When this child has grown, what would this child think when he or she finds out that you put this to a vote online? How would you have felt if your parents did this to you? My immediate knee jerk reaction was of course for birth because I am pro-life, but now I'm not so sure. This cavalier attitude you display over a life. Both of you shouldn't be parents. I vote for you to give the child up for adoption. Is this child forever going to be known as the "online" baby?
Matt D - 14 years ago
Looking at this way. It does not matter what any of these people feel nor what I feel. This is truly a personal matter for you two. The pain of three miscarriages is an emotion I cannot even fathom. With that being said this could be your true chance to finally have a baby. Just remember whatever you do, you will have to live with for the rest of your lives. From a parent to a potential parent think about the little person in your belly give him/her a name talk to him/her. I'm sure he would one day like to gaze into your eyes.
Anton the Hammer - 14 years ago
Pro-abortion maggots, go watch an abortion and then tell us it's OK. Stick an ice pick in your head and drain your brain with your new multi-purpose wet/dry vacuum.
If all those in favor of abortion were aborted, this matter would never be in question.
Kill yourself, not someone else.
Pro-Lifers, get involved, keep praying to end this EVIL practice of legal murder!!!!
Susanna - 14 years ago
First I want to say that I myself have been through years of intertility and have had one rough pregnancy resulting in my son. You said that you have had 2 miscarriages and now you are 16 weeks pregnant and you don't feel as though you are ready to be parents. Well why didn't you use birth control until you both were ready to start a family. I do not understand why somebody who has been through the loss of a child would want to terminate a healthy baby. You don't need the help of the poll to help you you both need therapy. 20weeks in my opinion is way too late and is only normally used if the health of the baby is at risk. Reading this has made me very angry and I'm trying to control my anger while I'm typing.
Bill Tapley - 14 years ago
I'm only writing a comment to assure you, that the decision to have an abortion is hard now, but fifteen years ago my wife and I were in the same position. At the time we decided not to have the child. Back then I was young and didn't fully understand the consequences of that decision. My wife and I are together now, but that decision is a lingering piece of regret that will never leave us. I do believe we all live by our decisions, but this one haunts me to this day and will until I close my eyes for the last time.
I won't begin to tell you what decision to make, I just wanted to let you know. After we made our decision, there was a sense of relief, that we wouldn't be burdened with a child at such a young age. Little did I know the burden that I would carry in the future, could be so horrific. We are all different and can tolerate certain levels of pain, from my perspective, it's something I wouldn't wish upon anyone.
Back then I didn't realize the nature of ones soul, but I know now, that my child was alive and his/her soul was present. I truly did not know this at that time, but I do now and I know one day, I'll need to see my son/daughter face to face and I just hope and pray, they give me the chance I never afforded him/her.
I Wish You All the Best
Tina Marshall - 14 years ago
babies as young as 21 weeks gestation are viable.... so to call it an abortion at that stage is wrong... it is murder, pure and simple. If your careers were so important to you then you should not have had unprotected sex. Neither of you are God, so stop playing god. I know I sound harsh. But everything happens in this world for a reason. That life was given to you for a reason, and that reason was not to seek publicity and as the world to vote on whether you should or should not take a life. You and you alone will have to live with the consequences if you go ahead and kill your son. Are you both mentally prepared for that? for the resentment one or other or both of you may come to feel for each other? My mother had an abortion shortly before she became pregnant with me, she to this day cannot deal with the guilt she felt at having her baby killed. You will doubtless go with what you feel is right, but bare this in mind.... You go ahead and have a healthy baby boy, yes there will be hard times and you will have to adapt your lives, but the joy you will gain will be second to none.... you decide to abort the baby and you alone will have to carry the burden... none of the people who have voted for you to abort will feel any of the guilt or pain or ask them selves 'what if' you will be alone. You woulld have to be incredibly hard hearted to deal with that. Have you also considered the procedure? I would suspect at this stage you would have to 'give birth' to you dead child... are you really prepared for that? I had a miscarriage at 13 weeks a few months ago and the pain I went through passing that was as bad as any of my 7 labours which produced healthy babies.
Steve - 14 years ago
I'm sure you folks have enough comments to read--assuming you have time to read them all. I'll do my best to be brief. I strongly urge you to consider your options. Leaving a decision as important as this one to an Internet vote is dangerous. While I agree with what "Hunter" posted on October first in the sense that it is ultimately your decision what you do, I differ in my belief. From what I read in the Tribune, you folks have experience three unspeakable tragedies, miscarriages. For that, you have my sincerest condolences. Because of this, I strongly urge you to consider the consequences of choosing the action of abortion. Emotionally, this will be unlike your previous miscarriages. In this instance, you would be choosing death for your unborn child rather than being forced into that situation. Make no mistake, having this child (assuming you were able to make it that far along in the process) will be no picnic either. However, it is my belief that that would be more emotionally fulfilling for you as a couple even if you chose to put the child up for adoption.
Ultimately, I don't know what other folks have told you about this aside from the first two. It is ultimately your decision to make. None of us can do it, the decision and it's consequences fall to you. Either decision is going to have its consequences and repercussions. In that, I wish you well. However, I strongly urge you to make a decision of which you can be proud and free of regret. All the best to you folks.
Eric Z - 14 years ago
This is quite distasteful, while I personally think abortion is more than foul, you have the right to do as wish. This debacle you incited however is quite beyond the pale. Why is it that we as a people have to validate their reasons and choices with input from the internet or even other people. This is ultimately a choice for one person, the mother. The father can give consequences to the relationship but ultimately this should have been kept private. Live your own lives. If this is actually just something to get your 15 minutes of fame then you may just be worse scum than I can believe.
Marlo - 14 years ago
I'm not sure how much of this is a hoax for attention or not. However, I have experienced the pain for two miscarriages myself and understand the strugles of trying to decide just what is right for you. My last two pregnancies have been difficult, but the end result is beautiful and so worth the giving up of my "freedom." I still work part-time and love my family. We just found out our third is a girl yesterday, and she is due around April 15th. We would be overjoyed to give your baby a home if you decide that you do not want him or her, and have the joy of raising twins! Please do not consider what the rest of us have to say, but the welfasre of this child who has no choice in the matter. As this child's parents, you have an everalsting responsibility to your baby. Please, do not take that lightly!
Howard - 14 years ago
This is complete foolishness.
susie soppelsa - 14 years ago
i i think it is wrong for you to have a abortion because you are taking a life away and you have to live with that the rest of your life
carly - 14 years ago
Jo - 14 years ago
UK - This has been in the national newspapers in the UK, whilst I can understand your situation I want to tell you my story in hope it will help you.
I am 29yrs of age with a phobia of being sick (vomiting) (emetophobia) which is so intense I never ever ever wanted to be pregnant as I just couldn't work out how I'd ever cope with morning sickness, then babies being sick, then kids over eating and being sick etc.....
Then my nearing 30 years of age hormones kicked in last year and I felt the urge to produce my own child to love and care for. My husband went through the increadibly painful vaesectomy reversal for me (he has 4 kids of his own already from a previous marriage), but nothing had happened a year later so I saw my doctor and had to go through an operation and now have to take hormone therapy to stimulate ovulation. These meds are only prescribed for 6 months as they increase the risk of cancer vastly. I have one month left of the meds and still no success. In 2011 we will be referred for IVF / ICSI treatment at a cost of thousands and thousands for each time we try.
You are so lucky to be blessed with the opportunity to be a mother. I am now thinking despite the fact I never wanted it now the chance I can't have it has been ripped out from under my feet and I want it more than ever. I'd hate for you to suffer the agony (physical) of an abortion, the psychological distress of what an abortion actually means and then to regret your decision.
Would it be worth trying motherhood out and seeing if it suits you, there are many children worldwide who have been adopted and will gladly thank their birth mothers for giving them up for adoption as their second chance lives with their adoptive parents have been increadibly happy, and I know of people who were adopted at an age they can remember being adopted who are still grateful to their birth mothers for their new lives.
I hope whatever you decide to do will eventually and 100% be YOUR decision and not something you feel pressured into doing by the world's population.
Good luck.
Dan - 14 years ago
If you do decide to let your child live, be sure to let him know at some point that you put his life up to a vote. An internet vote, no less. People like you should not be allowed to have children, but thankfully your child's inherent dignity far outweighs your unsuitability to be parents. Whether you decide to be his executioners or his parents, know that you will be forever unworthy of the gift he already is, and the gift he will be.
You people who devalue human life so nonchalantly will reap what you have sown. Your time is coming. Fear that day. The meekest among us are those who were killed for convenience before they could be born. The meek shall inherit the earth. Justice demands that they will have a say in your judgment. All of you complicit in unborn killing in any way will have much to answer for.
And if things don't change quickly enough to undo the culture of death you have turned western civilization into, there are enough of us who will soon rise up to defend our unborn brothers and sisters. And we won't be patient or gentle or hesitant when we mete out justice.
Tina - 14 years ago
I just have to wonder if you yet regret your decision to publisize something so personal. You two are going to be the lonliest people in Minnesota.....if not the world.
Angela - 14 years ago
If you're not sure if having or not a baby, STOP HAVING SEX or use CONDOMS or THE PILL!!!! If you can't control yourself, please do that!! An innocent life doesn't have to pay for your mistakes... And if your are pregnant assume it as a grown up for God sake!!!!
Please choose life for your son! If you decide you are unable to parent, we will adopt your child and provide a loving home for him. You can view more information about our family at or
Fuckyou - 14 years ago
You're fucking disgusting. Leaving it until the last minute just so you can get precious votes is vile, that baby will feel that pain you sick freaks
Kenny - 14 years ago
I voted for giving birth, but at the same time, I would also vote to give the child up for adoption. When this baby grows up enough to understand how it was voted to be saved, its going to wish it would have been voted to be aborted. You two are not, or ever will be capable of being good parents based on these actions you are conducting here. Please spare us of a miserable child and let good parents take care of and raise it.
cp - 14 years ago
you should give a chance for your baby.
Ulla Katharina - 14 years ago
Please, do not have an abortion. If you end up not wanting babay - which I doubt - I will be more than willing to have your baby. Good luck!
Stephanie - 14 years ago
After some thought....I believe you two should post pictures of five month old preborn children who were brutally murdered by abortion, side by side with Wiggles. And please go into graphic detail on how an abortion "procedeure" would be done on your son. After all, you really want your poll takers to be fully informed before casting their votes. Allow them to have an "informed choice".
Linda - 14 years ago
Are you kidding? The loss of your first children was not your choice. If these experiences have taught you nothing, they should have brought you to the understanding that God's will should be. Not yours. Count yourself as blessed and stop thinking about what you're missing. You will never regret giving birth. This child has a purpose totally outside of you. I don't understand anyone so desperate for attention that they would put their child through this. Take this nonsense off=line. This decision isn't yours to make.
Dan - 14 years ago
Me and my now wife had an abortion in our early 20's (it was in the 1st 4 weeks of pregnancy), it was at a bad time, I loved playing around and did not like resposibility, we had only just met and neither of us had any money, we both lived at home still with our parents etc., we did not feel ready to bring a child into the world.
8 years later she fell pregnant again, we both had careers, I run a successful family business and my wife was a branch manager earning good money, going on fantastic holidays, driving nice cars etc. anyway we went through with it, she gave up work, and money is tighter than before, however it was the best thing imaginable we could of done, my son is nearly 3 now and he is my best pal, its amazing to watch him grow and learn, we even ended up having a daughter who is actually 1 on Christmas day, honestly you will love every minute of parenthood if you go through with the birth (give or take the first 3 months of a lack of sleep, but to be honest our daughter was ok, she has always been a sleeper).
If I could I would send you photo's of my 2 little beauties and if you looked into their eyes you could never abort another child again, but too many weirdo's on here (sorry all)
The problem is you are in the position where you can't miss yet what you don't have and thats how I was originally, but take it from me, if you knew how it felt to be in my position you would give the child a chance, it will be your friend for life.
If you can afford it, why wait any longer, it may be your only chance for a child, something inside you may pack up and make it impossible to have the chance again, you never know, but you need to take things like this into consideration.
I have a couple of friends who have been desperately trying for a baby for 3 years and with no luck, they are now having to pay thousands for the privelage of trying.
I don't want to lecture you as its your decision, but you only have one chance at life, and only one chance to have a life with children, I would take the life with children any day, if you did I know you would not regret it !
Good luck in whatever you choose to do, just ignore the vile haters, though I can understand some of the calmer comments about making it such a public spectacle, though I would not be able to give you my opinion without it being so.
Donna - 14 years ago
I will refrain from discussing the topic of having a online poll for such a decision. Instead I would ask you to consider very carefully. Abortion comes with a price and it is not just the monetary one. I have counseled with many women who carry huge emotional scars because of abortion. I recall the words of one who had aborted 5 children.Upon the birth of her first live child. " I could not believe when I looked into his face and I realized that he was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes on, and then I remembered my other children and the shock and the pain at the choice I had made at last hit me,I had cast away 5 others, equally beautiful and for convenience. I became a avid pro life person at that moment, and I know that there is nothing that I can do that will ever wash away the choices I made, but at least I can tell others about my experience".
I pray that you make the right choice.
Erin - 14 years ago
I'm a statistician -
Your poll is totally flawed. You're not getting unique votes - if I click around your site I can vote multiple times. Not to mention it's hardly an unbiased poll. Scientifically speaking, your poll is worthless. So if you're trying to do something "in the name of science" because it's what "the people said" - you'd be completely, 100% wrong.
Plus - I don't care what your religious beliefs, socioeconomic status, or any of that stuff is. Deep down, EVERY MOTHER KNOWS IT'S WRONG TO KILL HER BABY. You know it, too. Don't lie to yourself about it. It will bother you for the rest of your life if you have an abortion. Don't fool yourself.
SKH - 14 years ago
Your baby is a blessing from God, sent here to be a gift to you! Bring this baby to life and be the best parents you can be. This is what God intends for marriage and the family! You will be great.
lifeisbeautiful - 14 years ago
Thank you for bringing this debate out in the open. I hope you do not actually choose an abortion, but I am happy that people are talking about this and maybe some other children might be saved! No one talks about what happens afterwards and the guilt and shame you will live with forever. Even if God forgives you, you are never able to forgive yourself. It's a very lonely and painful decision you choose to carry. I know because I had one when I was young and have never gotten over it , perhaps the price you pay!!
Let's keep the dialogue clean and respectful :)
jen - 14 years ago
what kind of parents will you be if you want everyone else to choose wheather you are mature enough, financially stable enough and have eough love and patients to raise a child. are we going to have to choose when and how you discapline the child and love the child and what the child wears and how to feed the child too? having a child is a decision only you can make - are you ready for a child. are you ready to devote your whole life to raising a child - emotionally, spiritually, and physically? i have had two abortions that i do not regret. i was not ready. however, i am ready now. i have found the man i want to grow old with. i blieve in him, his morals, ethics, spiritual status and honor are very similar to mine. i think he will be n excelant father and a very supportrive husband. i want to have a family with this man. are you ready to have a family with thsi person? if so, it should be no one elses decission but your own. if you are not ready, then abort or adopt out. the choice is yours and no one elses. thank goodness we live in america where the choice is still ours and not the governments. excersise your right to have a family or to choose not to. and do it with your heart and soul. listen to your angels - your gut - your own thoughts and make this choice yours.
Seriously? You two are honestly worthless and don’t even deserve to be on this Earth. You’re considering this? You’re pathetic and disgusting. This is the saddest excuse for human beings I’ve seen in a long time. That is a CHILD, a growing, developing human being that you’re carrying. You should be under arrest for attempted murder, because that’s what it is. That baby is YOURS, it has YOUR dna and you feel NOTHING toward it? You’re heartless. People try for YEARS to have kids and can’t, and you’re just gonna throw your opportunity away. Here’s a helpful hint: DON’T FUCKING GET PREGNANT. I seriously hope you have this child and give it up to SANE parents who will love it and care for it, and I hope once you’ve realized what you’ve done that you’ll do us all a favor and disappear. I REALLY wanna see you motherfucking douchebags once you’re not pregnant anymore. Believe me, you won’t be so brave without a baby inbetween me and you. Worthless pieces of shit.
Thank you for giving a chance to say yes or no to life. I am somewhat surprised that the life of a human being be
treated that way - but I respect your decision even if I do not approve. Yes, please let him or her live. A human life does not belong to us. That child is a distinct person and we cannot decide for him or her. Have a good day.
Pierre Boult (Montreal, Canada)
Normally I would have voted abortion, however, you are in the second trimester. It is too far along for me to support the abortion side of this argument and to let this go until Dec 9th before you abort said baby makes it even worse. The only argument that may still persuade me to say go ahead and abort is if you don't have the money to pay for the hospital bills coming from this pregnancy. But seeing as you are capable of seeing the doctor regularly, I doubt this is an issue.
i don't normally support adoption as it can be confusing and emotional for the kid as it grows up (and even after entering adulthood as been in my experience), but if you are uninterested in raising it yourself and spending time with this kid and educating it (the whole 9 yards of parenthood), then at this time, I support adoption.
Good luck with your situation and since this is your second pregnancy may I suggest if you are not ready that you use birth control AND condoms (and perhaps more methods of pregnancy prevention) on your future sexual encounters?
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
1 John 3:16 (New International Version)
16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
Im shure there are better ways to figure out if keeping this baby is right or not, but if you want public opinion then let me say as a father of three little girls(2AreTwins) that if you even have to question yourself about something like this then your heart should have already told you it's just not the right time for you. Be happy you live in a day and age where you can have theses choises. I see it ass you may not be in such a good place in life yet and what all the pro-life people dont get is how many kids are brought into this world to parents that had them too soon and cant support them in all the ways needed. Every day I see kids of young parents that act Sooo bad and out of control and it breaks my heart that there parents are runnig out the door because they had the kid at 17 to 19 yrs old and now that there kid is old enough to drop off at school they head off to reclaim there lost youth every afternoon insted of parenting. I think of it as kids haveing kids and its a really bad cycle. The best thing I ever did was wait till I was 25 to start haveing kids.
Good luck to you and ignore the haters
You have already made your decision, first of all, Wiggles is real. I sell clothing for babies who are not much bigger than he is (The Preemie Store). Second, I can tell you I was 33 when we adopted a baby and 33 when my first was born and 37 when my third was born and they're in their mid-late 20's now and it was a wonderful time. We also had been married 10 years before having kids - after losing at least one and having trouble getting pregnant.... My mom was 30 to 37 when her five kids were born.... after 5 years of marriage. You will do fine!
I think this is awful, it is actually making me feel sick! I am not against abortions and think in some situations it is the right thing to do, however naming your child and watching it grow and then killing it is in-humane and disgusting!!!! my brother was born just at the legal limit to have an abortion, he is now 18 years old and and living a normal life! if you were unsure you should have got rid of the baby in the first few weeks! YOU PEOPLE ARE SICK!! and do not deserve to have children! maybe we should start up a blog about whether or not to abort you!!!????
I pray God will truly give you guidance
Add me to the list of people offering to adopt your baby. I'm pro-choice, but also think they choice is a very important one. If you do decide that you don't want to raise this child, think of the amazing gift you could give to someone who is eager to parent.
Having a child, and being able to carry a baby within your body is a wonderful, and beautiful blessing. I am 23 and have 2 beautiful amazing children. Abortion is horrible, and can have a strong emotional affect on the women after she has one. Please, please, please, do not have an abortion. If you do not want to be a parent, have this baby and give it to someone who is not able to have a child. I know so many people who struggle with conception, and it saddens me that you could just choose to throw this precious life away. I beg you, if you do not want this baby, give it to someone who does. Have this baby, please. A child is a precious life, regardless if you want to be a parent or not.
If this is all some big joke, I'm sorry. But, if you are for real, I would say that you should let your baby live. Life is so precious, and you clearly love your partner, so there is nothing you can't do. Could you love the baby created by your love? I would think so! It's hard to go through life sometimes, sure, but with love and commitment, you both could have the best times of your lives with this child! I am pro-choice, I vote that way, I would NEVER presume to tell another woman what to do. But, you are asking for opinions, so I feel good telling you my opinion. I give you credit for your openness and insightful musings. In any event feel free to contact me, I wish you all the very best in life. Patty
"And tell us P? and A. : HOW MUCH MONEY DID YOU MAKE WITH EACH CLIC ? Beautiful idea to win money, no? Congrats both, you are the douche-bags of the week. (And I hope you are not pregnant)
Posted by Money on November 19th 2010, 2:11pm"
How can you put on internet you privat life like that?? Do you know, that after 24 weeks of pregnancy, a baby can survive?? You are thinking in killing him after 20 weeks that you are sharing his life... how could you??I realy wonder why God gave you the opportunitys to have a baby... some persons dream to be parents, but they will never be. I have a lovely little girl... I love her, and never, I been wondering with my husband if we had to keep her or not... specially after the fist time I felt her moving...12 weeks.
I have had three miscarriages, but I have also had three healthy kids. My last miscarriage was in May. I have been on an emotional roller coaster. The only thing that helps me to go on is knowing that God chose to take my babies, and it was not my choice. If I had to make the choice to take my own baby's life, I would die myself, because I would never be able to live with my decision. After my second miscarriage, I got pregnant after my hormones went back to normal. I felt bad that I was having a baby so soon, but I was happy that my baby was healthy. My beautiful little baby girl is 14 months old now. She is gorgeous and so happy. I look at my children and see the babies I lost. It is a good thing though. If I had no children, it would be much, much, much harder. I hope you choose to have your baby, because the pain you feel now will be so much worse if you take the life of your baby. If you do choose to have an abortion, there are a ton of groups out there to help you with your loss. There are also people to help you with your loss of miscarriage. If you need to talk e-mail me anytime. God Bless you and your family. I will pray for you all. If you don't want your baby, I will gladly take him or her...
Pregnancy can be an amazing time for a family. However, I understand that you are trying to make a difficult decision. If you do not want to raise this child, adoption is an option that would give a lifetime of joy to this baby and to a family who desparately wants a child to love. Abortion would end the amazing life that this baby can have and deprive a family the opportunity to give this child a lifetime of love. Please consider the joy that you can bring to a family who desparately wants a child to love and nuture and the life that this baby can have, if you choose to give the gift of adoption. My husband and I have been trying, hoping, and praying that we are able to have another child. We would love to share our family's love with more children. If you do decide to chose adoption and are looking for a family to love this child and hive him or her a wonderful life, we would love to help put your mind at ease by helping. Please feel free to contact me ( We will keep you in prayer that you find peace in making this decision.
Hi! I live in a small island in the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, I just read about your blog. Firts you are very brave for do this such of thing. Second, and it's my point of view, if you had a previous pregnacy and both ended in natural abortion, so Why this can be? Did you think about that? Did you think about why? Took chance, tha's about what life is, chances. Life is short, maybe this is not the better way to decided, but if your right to listen what other people think. You are ok.
I think it is nice that you have soought input. I am a mother of two they are my joy. Please choose life. Children are a blessing; if not for you then for someone else longing to be an adoptive parent. I see almost 80% of the voters have asked you to choose life, please choose life.
(Some of you commenters are sick.)
Beautiful idea to win money, no? Congrats both, you are the douche-bags of the week.
(And I hope you are not pregnant)
C'mon, I don't want to wait until 12/9 to know what's this fucking thing about.
If you are not ready to parent your child, my wife and I will be glad to adopt. We have been on the adoption waiting list for almost 2 years.
u are sick
Ok, Really? What the hell is wrong with people that they ask if they should KILL their child on the internet? You have two miscarriages, then you're 16 weeks pregnant, the furthest you've ever gotten and you are letting people decide if you should have an abortion? You are seriously fucking mental. There is something wrong in your head. In all honestly, you need to learn what the hell birth control is because you don't deserve a child. You deserve to be murdered just like you're thinking about doing to that baby. Do everyone a favor, have the baby, and give it up for adoption. There are REAL people with REAL hearts and brains(something you obviously don't have), who try and try for years and can't ever have a baby that would love to take in a baby. You're worthless and disgusting and people like you should just go kill themselves. Lets sit at home and bitch and complain about being pregnant after already having two miscarriages? Why the hell do you keep getting pregnant?! Your insurance can paid for your flu shot, I'm sure it will pay $30 a month for birth control?! It's disgusting that you're waiting until the last minute to decide whether to abort a CHILD or not. Disgusting. Seriously, I wish your mom aborted you because we don't need pieces of shit like you in this world. I feel so terrible for that poor child who deserves a real family instead of a worthless excuse for an adult like yourself. You are pathetic and this is just making you feel good about your lives because people are paying attention to you. You are ridiculously, disgustingly PATHETIC. If you so decide on abortion, please make it easy and just kill yourself. Have a wonderful day worthless cunt.
your penis will be a penis to the penis of the penis
I truly think that if you really cannot make this decision alone then perhaps you shouldn't be parents because as a parent you will have to make loads of decisions. Are you going to create a poll everytime you have to decide something for the baby? The fact that you've had 2 miscarriages this year already and then you still don't know whether you want the baby speaks to me of two people who need to grow up a little and take responsibility. I cannot imagine how you can calmly let your pregnancy go to 20 weeks before making this decision and feel that you should make your minds up sooner rather then continue this debacle. That said, this baby is healthy and even if you're not grown up enough to be parents there are many out there who would love the opportunity - perhaps adoption would be the kinder thing all round? I am a mother of two and wouldn't change my life for anything, good luck to you because I think you're gonig to need it...
I can't possibly vote because I don't know your circumstances. If you are financially and emotionally stable and have the means to take care of the child, and you want to have it, you should. Otherwise, an abortion would be best.
Personally, the world as it is, and this country as it is, I would never bring a child into it by choice. How could I raise a child to do the right thing when poiticians, generals, CEOs, religious leaders and others are so commonly doing the wrong thing, and apparently becoming more successful for it every day? How would I raise a child by my own beliefs in a place where we would be surrounded by people who believe we deserve to suffer for all eternity simply because we don't believe the same things? How could I raise my child to abhor violence, disparity and suffering when America's foreign policy revolves around causing such in order to get our way?
Oh yeah, and I'm from 4chan too. The majority of us don't fit the description people usually give. Voting for birth to counter the ones who are douchebags and voted abort for kicks.
My wife and i got married at 24 and waited until we were 35 to have our daughter. We enjoyed traveling around the world and focused on our careers. BUt I will tell you this, having our daughter was the best thing we've ever done. Many of our friends followed a similar pattern - first-time parents in their mid-30's. We are so in love with our daughter. We will be able to provide the life-style, education, and other experiences that neither of us experienced when we were children. Be thankful for what you have. Please keep the baby.
this really is sick. i'm pro choice, but the decision should be made by YOU and NOT by doing a stupid poll on the internet. abortion should be a private and personal decision. to publish it on the internet and give the world a say in the outcome is very foolish.
you don't seem mature enough to be parents. you should've had an abortion when you found out. now it's almost perfectly formed and will have to be ripped apart inside you. have the baby and give it up for adoption. there are plenty of people out there that can't have kids. you've left it too late in my eyes. i have a feeling you knew you didn't want this baby from the very start
you are truly disgusting people. after this one, STERILISE YOURSELVES!!!
Seriously? You should be on your knees thanking God that he is blessing you with a precious new life. Life and parenthood is serious business, not a joke or something to take lightly. I truly hope you will be better parents after the birth of this child and I also hope the child never finds out about your lack of love for her before her birth. Time to grow up!
When i saw this in the paper today i wanted to cry. My husband and i had to endure IVF to get our beautiful son and can't believe how some people take getting pregnant for granted. We would love to adopt but from further research have found out that there are not as many babies to adopt anymore due to people aborting them. There are many couples out there who would give your son a fabulous life and if you are now thinking of aborting him why on earth did you create him. He is now a little person with an identity and to abort him at this stage along is very very sad. If you go ahead with this baby you will be shocked for the love you feel for him and will be haunted by the fact that you ever thought about aborting him. I think if you are so unsure you should have him and then if you really feel that parenthood is not for you then give him up to a couple who will love him forever. You can't just keep getting pregnant and then changing your mind and aborting them. I would do anything to be able to have a baby naturally and really feel that you need some counselling as you can't just put a scan of a baby on a website and ask whether this baby be killed or kept. Having a baby is the most wonderful thing in the world and i would do anything to be able to experience it again but if you don't feel this way then give him up to somebody who will and give him a chance.
Rather than throw hateful comments at you, I'll just say that I am praying for you and your child. I hope you make the right decision. It pains me to think that a child's life hangs in the balance...something tells me you'll do what's right.
This is your FOURTH pregnancy in a country where anticontraception is widely available. Your are (at least chronologically speaking) adults.
If this website is not a hoax then your are the most immature, dumb and self-absorbed people I've had the dipleasure to 'meet' for a long time. My heart goes out to people who cannot have children. Spare a thought for them and what your stupid thirst for fame is doing to them.
Please give bith to this baby. This baby deserves to live.
Please give the baby up for adoption. This baby deserves decent parents.
Poor Wiggles, I hope he gets out of that womb alive and out of this 'family setting' into somewhere where he will be cherished like he deserves.
I think you should have the abortion. I understand that you have both become very comfortable with your lifestyles and from what I am reading neither one of you truly wants the baby. A baby is a big responsibility and it involves making a lot of decisions and going through a lot of changes. The decisions part..well it seems that you are shying away from it. Which is fine. But I am truly afraid of how badly that child will be made fun of all his life by his peers because of this. And any potential future child as well. It is likely that if you have the abortion now you will never be able to adopt as this decision you have made to "vote for it" sticks in the record. Life is hard enough without a weird name and a crazy pre-birth story. Keeping him now means you've already failed in protecting and nurturing him. God bless you.
The best for everybody would be that the mother decides to abort. Why? Because the simple fact that the mother decided to use such a forum to make her mind demonstrates that she is mentally unfit to fill her mother duties. Moreover, it might affects her child's mental health. Therefore, it would be better that she aborts and not think ever again to give birth.
TOO MUCH OVERPOPULATION today. TOO MUCH BAD IN THE WORLD. Save your child the despair and hardship, it's only going to get WORSE.
Dere er syk!! Burde heller avlive dere!
Go to google translate and translate from english to norwegian!
Please abort it, the child will have a horrible life with parents like you. thanks.
2010 has been a traumatic year 4 me i have lost 2 babies it hurts me that ppl like u can play god the worst feeling in the world is wen the doctor told me i was miscarrying and i couldnt do anything to stop my baby leaving me. You and ur partner have made a good life and career 4 urselves other ppl av commented you have the money 2 provide 4 ur child and that is true, but money isnt everything LOVE is n 2 me u and ur patner av already decided 2 abort ur child r u n ur partner wudn't av 2 ask rest ov the wud be cruel now to bring that baby into this world wiv ppl knowing u asked the world play god wiv there life.....
To both of you: hello,
and first of all please pardon my broken english as i am not native.
The first comment that came to my mind when i saw you website was ....why do they do this? They are the only ones able to make a decision... i found it so weird.... then i went trough the website and your posts and was very surprised with the peacefull tone..... when you are in such a situation that you think there is no other issue you know it, believe me..... my feeling was one of a scared and already hurt couple ..... the fact that you already experienced miscariages is to me a key in the whole process,I wonder if your question is not more about knowing if you would be able to experience that again....because it hurts so much and then try to find any "good reason" to stop this pregancy and by the way all the fears that come with it.... your decision will be the good one , which ever it is and no one has the right to juge you on that..... just try to really understand what s the issue for you..... there seems to be so much ambivalence in you that i just see it as a very human reaction that shows that you are aware of all the responsabilities that come with parenting and also aware of the good sides....... Please just listen to your heart with deep love and you will know...... Love can be for the baby but also for you alone...... and i would would also say to finish: start accepting you fear and taking care of it.....
with love and compassion from someone who already took both decisions in her life
You guys are idiots. It's like Keanu Reeves said in the movie "Parenthood",
"You gotta buy a license to catch a fish, but any idiot can be a parent".
your a disgrace you truly are simple fact mothers of babies 17 babies a daypass away due to miscarriage in the uk not sure about usa but we dont choose to abort our babies the decieion is taken away from us what you are doing is wrong and i actauklly feel sorry for you. ALSO if you did not wantt o become parents you shoud have used A CONDOM!!!!!!!!! keep the baby that is now grown inside you and give it up for adonption to parents who cant have babies not for lack of trying. and lets hope that if you keep your baby this hideous circus is sheltered from it or they will not want you as parents. im disgusted by both of you. and yes im a parent to an angel and PROUD but i also have a daughter too and she is MY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're doing this just for the limelight, that is pretty gross. It's YOUR child, why let others vote to decide YOUR actions? It is not like congress. Congress does not decide on personal decisions, like what you eat, what sport you do, much less if you're going to have the baby. Please call the polls off and decide for YOURSELF if you want the baby.
I won't be as rude as "uridiots" or "Stupidpeople", but I'm close to their idea: if you're not ready to place the life of your child above anything else, why the hell are you going to give birth? The world is already full of orphans and abandoned children, no need to add some more. Abort and go to Haiti to help people who love their children!
@Marie, i don't see that anywhere.
My suspicion is that you are conducting some sort of research. Upon glancing at the comments I notice much vitriol. Odd that individuals are so harsh if two people are really confused. How sad that these individuals have sentenced your child to death simply because you are asking for help.
There is much support to individuals having unexpected children. Adoption is always an option.
Abortion is a final gruesome decision. It not only destroys the life of a child; it shatters the mother. Many relationships do not withstand this.
So when a woman has an abortion to spare her partner, he tends to leave her because she is so distraught about what has happened. Mature men want to live up to their responsibilities. Immature men (adults stuck as children) do not.
New life is a sign of hope. A pregnancy lasts 9 short months. Do not fear a baby. May your love for each other over come your fears and indecision. Many prayers will be offered to you for courage, love,etc and for your child.
May God bless you and protect you.
You should not bring a child into this world. The world is now ruined and will only get worse. This really is about the US, which will soon implode and not neccessarily the world. Your child will be most likely living in a cave and fighting for food each day within 5 years and the only true hope would be to move to Australia.
Please do not subject this unborn child to a life in the US
You should not bring a child into this world. The world is now ruined and will only get worse. This really is about the US, which will soon implode and not neccessarily the world. Your child will be most likely living in a cave and fighting for food each day within 5 years and the only true hope would be to move to Australia.
Please do not subject this unborn child to a life in the US
I say to you that God is in control. If he gave you this child, give birth and if you decide that you are not up to being parents, adoption is ALWAYS an option. This child has a purpose in this world.I am a single mom and I would not trade this life for any other. It is not an easy road BUT I love my life and my daughter, now seven, more than words could describe. Please view this before making any decisions. I urge everyone to watch this.
Any child you create is his or her own person. The only thing the two of you must do is to protect and care for that person until he or she can make and implement his or her own choices. A child is not property, not something you control or decide its destiny for. I guess it takes a parent to fully understand that.
If you have the child, I do hope you will both start acting a lot less self-centred than you are doing now. Because what you are doing now is without a doubt self-centred. One day you will come to a deep realisation of that, and then I wish you courage to make amends for it.
Someone once told me that it is ok to do the right thing for the wrong reasons, but that there are never right reasons to do the wrong thing - only excuses. I believe that to be true. And when I hide myself behind technicalities, I invariably find that I am geared up to do the wrong thing. Your dilemma today is not to have the child or not. It is whether or not you want to have the child knowing that one day you will have to explain this poll to him. Or to lie about it.
If you want to know what is true or right, just reach inside yourself. Get quiet for an hour and empty your mind. The answers will come to you.
To all those who say that they are leaving their baby's fate up to the internet, I didn't read anywhere that that is what they are saying. I believe that even if the poll comes down in favor of abortion, they will not do such a horrific thing as to kill him. But isn't it ironic that so-called 'prochoicers' seem to being spewing the most hatred on this topic? The bottom line is that EVERY BABY is a gift from God- no matter what the circumstance is. EVERY BABY deserves life. Thank you to these soon to be parents for bringing to light the true nature of an unborn life.
you do not deserve to be parents. thousands of people are desperate to have a baby and you are just rubbing there noses in it. what kind of sick people are you that would do somethin like this. people that do make the choice to have an abortion either for medical or private reasons keep these thiings private . maybe to have respect for the unborn child. that has no say in what happens to it. ps. my partner said you do not deserve to have a womb who you to play god with another life . it is not a raffle it is a life. tossers!!!!!!
Oh lord PLEASE give birth to this child, and then if you decide you don't want it, then lean towards adoption. There are MANY couples out there who CAN'T have children (like me and my husband) who would be ECSTATIC to adopt a baby. I am a mother of a 2 year old (I got pregnant with my first marriage), and I got pregnant at the age of 19. I had the choice to abort or to not to and I was strongly leaning towards abortion but I am SO glad that I didn't. We have a GREAT and LOVING home now and he has the father figure he needs in his life now. That baby didn't do anything to deserve the pain of abortion. The longer you wait, the harder, and more painful it is going to be. And once it's done, it's DONE! There's no coming back from it. and if you decide you want a baby a little further down the road, your going to kick yourselves in the ass if it's too late, and you can't, or if your body just won't let you.
2 miscarriages in the past is not a good sign for someone to just be able to get pregnant and be able to keep it whenever they want to. You may never be able to get pregnant again. Most of the people who get pregnant and have babies in this world AREN'T ready to be parent's, but as soon as you see that baby, everything will change in an instant. Believe it or not, you and that baby already have a bond. You are the only thing that baby knows. How fair is it to him/her to abort them for something they know NOTHING about. That baby is ALIVE inside of you. He has a beating heart, he can move, get the hiccups, a few more weeks from now he will be able to hear you TALKING to him. Pregnancy is an AMAZING thing and I don't understand how someone could thing so terribly enough to just throw it all away because you THINK you'r not ready. Give yourselves a chance. Give that BABY a chance.
I just wrote the comment above, before I continue wasting my time, I just have to say how mortified I am , seriously....this makes me SO SO SO SICK!!!!! I just told people in my office about this. Any person with any sensitivity would never do anything SO stupid as this poll..even if it is some prank or to prove a point why the hell would you even attempt to upset people..HAPPY FUCKIN FRIDAY. You guys are jerks. It's so disappointing. God have mercy on your souls. Go find something better to do like, figure out what kind of birth control to use, so you don't procreate...
I wish I could vote for adoption.. No offense, but truth be told, any parent that would put their child on a showcase like this before the baby is even born has issues that need to be resolved before they think about having a child. The poor kid, one can only assume that you two already knew the vote was going to tell you to give birth, but the fact that you want to be in the spotlight. Too sad..
This is a human life! I think if you decide you do ont want him/her then you need to give him/her up for adoption. Maybe if you didn't want a baby then you should've used protection. Now your depending on people on the internet to make a decision about what you should do with another human life. I think it's best for the child that you give him/her to a family who wants him/her! Honestly you should not be able to even have kids cause of what you are doing. I have 2 girls and they are the best hting that has ever happened to me! i cant imagine my life without them! I'm all for people having their choices to what they want with their body, but this is a little much! I thknk give birth decide if you would lke to keep him/her and then if not give him/her up for adoption. That would be the best thing to do. Some family out there that can't have any kids would love to have one. You could do that for someone. Or you could give birth to this beautiful baby and him/her could be the best thing that has happened to you! Just don't abort this baby please! Keep him/her or give him/her up. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Think long and hard and not rely on people from the internet. Have a nice day.
I'm sorry, but this is just nuts.
you don't vote on these types of things.
If you've seen the baby inside of you already, arnt you going to be heartbroken if you abort it?
Weren't you heart broken when you had miscarriages?
Why would you purposely want to do this to yourselves?
And lets say the vote ends with Give Birth, which it is looking like its going to..
what are you going to tell your child when he/she finds out that you were letting the public decide if he/she should have been aborted or not?
I have a feeling that if you are to have this child that eventually you will not have a child anymore. Because when the time comes that they are old enough to really realize what you were allowing to go on here, they will emancipate themselves the second they get the chance to.
So do what you want. But do you actually think that people are voting for the right reasons?
Who in their right mind would actually vote for you to Abort your child, unless they were voting for it simply because your little web poll was telling them that you are unfit to have children if this is the way you are thinking.
I voted for your to give birth, because i am a decent human being.
But in all honesty it is your choice, so please, with your next child, make up your own mind and don't look to other people to help you, unless it is a professional and they are telling you the odds are better for you to abort the child.
Seriously, why would you even consider something like an abortion. Having two miscarraiges should by now have brought enough heartache to consider killing an innocent baby. My husband and I can't have kids and would love to have our own. There are so many people out there that will raise your baby if you allow them to, but abortion is murder. It's killing an innocent, living and powerless human being and as parents you should have more compassion than this. Maybe you're not ready for kids, but no one ever is. Just don't do something as stupid as this because you will regret this. Maybe not today, but some other day. And that's guilt you will have to live with for the rest of your life.
Agnus Dei miserere vobis !
1. PETER (Father)
2. ALISHA (Mother)
I think this is a really irresponsible, and very insensitive thing to be doing. I am very against abortion, and I think that you and your partner need to think about what you want. Do you want a baby? Its not something that can be decided by a vote. What if you receive a 50/50 verdict- what next? Flip a coin? You are both clueless to how disgustingly ridiculous this truly is. I think you should continue with the pregnancy and have this baby, and as soon as the baby is born I think child protection services should take this poor child from you and your husband as you are both disgusting, awful people who should never have children. EVER! Life is a miricle and you are both treating this baby’s life as if it means nothing. This baby should be given to a family who will love it from the start and want to provide it with all the care and respect it deserves. You should both be sterilied and have your ability to reproduce taken from you, in the same way you want to take this baby’s life.
Let me just say, if anyone has an abortion because they cannot handle the responsibility or your circumstances change, I respect them for making the decision in a mature adlut way. They would have had to think about it and decide on the best thing for all involved. You however are throwing the vote out there like this is a joke. Like we should decide on your baby’s fate. You don’t love your baby. Just put the baby up for adoption and allow s real MOTHER to love him or her!
This site is shockingly stupid.
I can just imagine your child coming to you asking about before he/she was born-and you sharing this "wonderful" site with him/her. "Well, honey, we didn't really care about you. SO, we allowed complete strangers to decide whether or not we should kill you. Lucky for you-there were some sane people out there!!" One day you will have to answer to him or her.
I hope in 50 years I get to see an online poll, put up by your child titled: "Pull the plug or not?" Kharma sucks.
Abortion is sin. This child did not ask to be conceived nor did it ask to be born. It is a gift from God. From one woman to another, I've had an abortion, and it is not just over in a few seconds. I had mine when I was 21, and I am now 40. I still have issues to this day and on the date of my other child's "death" I literally still have a hard time getting through the day.
There are people in this world who cannot have children. If you aren't ready to be a parent, please place the baby into a loving home who would welcome this child with a gracious and loving heart.
How can you look at that ultrasound and see that the baby is not a human being? I beg you to choose to give birth!
I can only relate to you my experience. We had Charlie later in live (43 & 44). At first I was terrified of the responsibility, and questioned whether it fitted in the plans we had for our lives. I can honestly (and truly) say he has been the best thing to happen in my life. He is now 4 and I cannot imagine being with out him. He is more fun everyday. Looking back to the tough first 6 months, I even miss that dearly, even though I was stressed and worried and tired from lack of sleep, I wish I could do it all over again. A child is a good thing , its the best thing, it has strengthened our marriage, and made me a less selfish individual.
It is the best thing ever, he is more fun everyday, please have this child it will change your life for the better
Ha!! If you need an internet poll to help make your decision on whether or not to bring a child into this world, then your f'n heads aren't on straight enough to even raise one!! FREAKS. I swear I hope this earth is a pit stop on the way to someplace better.....How would you feel if you were alive and breathing/or not simply bc a group of strangers on an INTERNET POLL decided your fate? THIS poll shouldn't even be allowed. Either have the baby or don't, but make it your own private choice for your own personal, reasonable reasons. Oh, and maybe we should conduct a poll on whether or not you need some therapy....warped out head case.
I agree with most of the comments I have read..I don't see how you can look at sonogram pictures of your own flesh and blood, give him/her a nickname and still consider killing it! I just hope that this whole website is a hoax, because I really don't think people who would do something like this would make very good parents..unless having a baby really changes your personality and makes you less selfish, which has happened. And I just wanted to comment on the couple of posts I have read about abortions are bad, unless the woman is raped or something. I'm sorry, but abortion is abortion. Regardless of whether the woman was raped or is still a baby, it's not their fault how they were conceived! And I can confidently say that if I was ever raped and should get pregnant, I would keep the baby. After all, it is still half of me! I would never feel the need to punish an innocent child because of something some idiot did to me! I can understand why it would effect some women, so that is why they should just adopt the baby and give it to a couple that can't have children and doesn't care how the child was conceived! And no, I am not some religious freak (can't remember the last time I have been to church I am sorry to say), this is just how I believe.
If you need to set up a website to decide whether or not you want a baby clearly it is the wrong thing. If you had the baby and he grew up and found out about this poll how do you think he/she would feel? Lastly I've read several interviews you've given and you're clearly not fit to be parents.
Richard (aged 15)
I know this decision will interfere with your career and social life and you may feel the baby will be an inconvenience. However don't up this chance fit baby into your life don't make it your life. Enjoy the change because you may regret this choice later if you decide you do want and can't have later
I don't understand why people like you deserve to get pregnant, and people like us who actually wants one, and try and try we get nothing. You two are seriously stupid and absolutely disgusting. Legal or not, you're taking away a life. The funny thing is, you wonder why there are negative comments? You can't even decide to have a baby or not, so what happened to contraception?
Even if you decide to give birth to the baby, please do us a favour, put the child up for adoption. So he/she actually has a chance to be loved by parents that will return the love.
Believe you me, I've watered this email down a dozen of times. You bunch of scums.
Hope this is nothing but a bad (very bad) joke... how can you decide such an importante matter based on a poll? Hope you guys mature!!!
I'm trying to write an intelligent comment without letting my emotions get the best of me. Let's assume for a second that you do have this baby. Let's look at it from the child's perspective. When this child has grown, what would this child think when he or she finds out that you put this to a vote online? How would you have felt if your parents did this to you? My immediate knee jerk reaction was of course for birth because I am pro-life, but now I'm not so sure. This cavalier attitude you display over a life. Both of you shouldn't be parents. I vote for you to give the child up for adoption. Is this child forever going to be known as the "online" baby?
Looking at this way. It does not matter what any of these people feel nor what I feel. This is truly a personal matter for you two. The pain of three miscarriages is an emotion I cannot even fathom. With that being said this could be your true chance to finally have a baby. Just remember whatever you do, you will have to live with for the rest of your lives. From a parent to a potential parent think about the little person in your belly give him/her a name talk to him/her. I'm sure he would one day like to gaze into your eyes.
Pro-abortion maggots, go watch an abortion and then tell us it's OK. Stick an ice pick in your head and drain your brain with your new multi-purpose wet/dry vacuum.
If all those in favor of abortion were aborted, this matter would never be in question.
Kill yourself, not someone else.
Pro-Lifers, get involved, keep praying to end this EVIL practice of legal murder!!!!
First I want to say that I myself have been through years of intertility and have had one rough pregnancy resulting in my son. You said that you have had 2 miscarriages and now you are 16 weeks pregnant and you don't feel as though you are ready to be parents. Well why didn't you use birth control until you both were ready to start a family. I do not understand why somebody who has been through the loss of a child would want to terminate a healthy baby. You don't need the help of the poll to help you you both need therapy. 20weeks in my opinion is way too late and is only normally used if the health of the baby is at risk. Reading this has made me very angry and I'm trying to control my anger while I'm typing.
I'm only writing a comment to assure you, that the decision to have an abortion is hard now, but fifteen years ago my wife and I were in the same position. At the time we decided not to have the child. Back then I was young and didn't fully understand the consequences of that decision. My wife and I are together now, but that decision is a lingering piece of regret that will never leave us. I do believe we all live by our decisions, but this one haunts me to this day and will until I close my eyes for the last time.
I won't begin to tell you what decision to make, I just wanted to let you know. After we made our decision, there was a sense of relief, that we wouldn't be burdened with a child at such a young age. Little did I know the burden that I would carry in the future, could be so horrific. We are all different and can tolerate certain levels of pain, from my perspective, it's something I wouldn't wish upon anyone.
Back then I didn't realize the nature of ones soul, but I know now, that my child was alive and his/her soul was present. I truly did not know this at that time, but I do now and I know one day, I'll need to see my son/daughter face to face and I just hope and pray, they give me the chance I never afforded him/her.
I Wish You All the Best
babies as young as 21 weeks gestation are viable.... so to call it an abortion at that stage is wrong... it is murder, pure and simple. If your careers were so important to you then you should not have had unprotected sex. Neither of you are God, so stop playing god. I know I sound harsh. But everything happens in this world for a reason. That life was given to you for a reason, and that reason was not to seek publicity and as the world to vote on whether you should or should not take a life. You and you alone will have to live with the consequences if you go ahead and kill your son. Are you both mentally prepared for that? for the resentment one or other or both of you may come to feel for each other? My mother had an abortion shortly before she became pregnant with me, she to this day cannot deal with the guilt she felt at having her baby killed. You will doubtless go with what you feel is right, but bare this in mind.... You go ahead and have a healthy baby boy, yes there will be hard times and you will have to adapt your lives, but the joy you will gain will be second to none.... you decide to abort the baby and you alone will have to carry the burden... none of the people who have voted for you to abort will feel any of the guilt or pain or ask them selves 'what if' you will be alone. You woulld have to be incredibly hard hearted to deal with that. Have you also considered the procedure? I would suspect at this stage you would have to 'give birth' to you dead child... are you really prepared for that? I had a miscarriage at 13 weeks a few months ago and the pain I went through passing that was as bad as any of my 7 labours which produced healthy babies.
I'm sure you folks have enough comments to read--assuming you have time to read them all. I'll do my best to be brief. I strongly urge you to consider your options. Leaving a decision as important as this one to an Internet vote is dangerous. While I agree with what "Hunter" posted on October first in the sense that it is ultimately your decision what you do, I differ in my belief. From what I read in the Tribune, you folks have experience three unspeakable tragedies, miscarriages. For that, you have my sincerest condolences. Because of this, I strongly urge you to consider the consequences of choosing the action of abortion. Emotionally, this will be unlike your previous miscarriages. In this instance, you would be choosing death for your unborn child rather than being forced into that situation. Make no mistake, having this child (assuming you were able to make it that far along in the process) will be no picnic either. However, it is my belief that that would be more emotionally fulfilling for you as a couple even if you chose to put the child up for adoption.
Ultimately, I don't know what other folks have told you about this aside from the first two. It is ultimately your decision to make. None of us can do it, the decision and it's consequences fall to you. Either decision is going to have its consequences and repercussions. In that, I wish you well. However, I strongly urge you to make a decision of which you can be proud and free of regret. All the best to you folks.
This is quite distasteful, while I personally think abortion is more than foul, you have the right to do as wish. This debacle you incited however is quite beyond the pale. Why is it that we as a people have to validate their reasons and choices with input from the internet or even other people. This is ultimately a choice for one person, the mother. The father can give consequences to the relationship but ultimately this should have been kept private. Live your own lives. If this is actually just something to get your 15 minutes of fame then you may just be worse scum than I can believe.
I'm not sure how much of this is a hoax for attention or not. However, I have experienced the pain for two miscarriages myself and understand the strugles of trying to decide just what is right for you. My last two pregnancies have been difficult, but the end result is beautiful and so worth the giving up of my "freedom." I still work part-time and love my family. We just found out our third is a girl yesterday, and she is due around April 15th. We would be overjoyed to give your baby a home if you decide that you do not want him or her, and have the joy of raising twins! Please do not consider what the rest of us have to say, but the welfasre of this child who has no choice in the matter. As this child's parents, you have an everalsting responsibility to your baby. Please, do not take that lightly!
This is complete foolishness.
i i think it is wrong for you to have a abortion because you are taking a life away and you have to live with that the rest of your life
UK - This has been in the national newspapers in the UK, whilst I can understand your situation I want to tell you my story in hope it will help you.
I am 29yrs of age with a phobia of being sick (vomiting) (emetophobia) which is so intense I never ever ever wanted to be pregnant as I just couldn't work out how I'd ever cope with morning sickness, then babies being sick, then kids over eating and being sick etc.....
Then my nearing 30 years of age hormones kicked in last year and I felt the urge to produce my own child to love and care for. My husband went through the increadibly painful vaesectomy reversal for me (he has 4 kids of his own already from a previous marriage), but nothing had happened a year later so I saw my doctor and had to go through an operation and now have to take hormone therapy to stimulate ovulation. These meds are only prescribed for 6 months as they increase the risk of cancer vastly. I have one month left of the meds and still no success. In 2011 we will be referred for IVF / ICSI treatment at a cost of thousands and thousands for each time we try.
You are so lucky to be blessed with the opportunity to be a mother. I am now thinking despite the fact I never wanted it now the chance I can't have it has been ripped out from under my feet and I want it more than ever. I'd hate for you to suffer the agony (physical) of an abortion, the psychological distress of what an abortion actually means and then to regret your decision.
Would it be worth trying motherhood out and seeing if it suits you, there are many children worldwide who have been adopted and will gladly thank their birth mothers for giving them up for adoption as their second chance lives with their adoptive parents have been increadibly happy, and I know of people who were adopted at an age they can remember being adopted who are still grateful to their birth mothers for their new lives.
I hope whatever you decide to do will eventually and 100% be YOUR decision and not something you feel pressured into doing by the world's population.
Good luck.
If you do decide to let your child live, be sure to let him know at some point that you put his life up to a vote. An internet vote, no less. People like you should not be allowed to have children, but thankfully your child's inherent dignity far outweighs your unsuitability to be parents. Whether you decide to be his executioners or his parents, know that you will be forever unworthy of the gift he already is, and the gift he will be.
You people who devalue human life so nonchalantly will reap what you have sown. Your time is coming. Fear that day. The meekest among us are those who were killed for convenience before they could be born. The meek shall inherit the earth. Justice demands that they will have a say in your judgment. All of you complicit in unborn killing in any way will have much to answer for.
And if things don't change quickly enough to undo the culture of death you have turned western civilization into, there are enough of us who will soon rise up to defend our unborn brothers and sisters. And we won't be patient or gentle or hesitant when we mete out justice.
I just have to wonder if you yet regret your decision to publisize something so personal. You two are going to be the lonliest people in Minnesota.....if not the world.
If you're not sure if having or not a baby, STOP HAVING SEX or use CONDOMS or THE PILL!!!! If you can't control yourself, please do that!! An innocent life doesn't have to pay for your mistakes... And if your are pregnant assume it as a grown up for God sake!!!!
what woud the baby vote?
You fucking pair of cunts..i hope you have the kid and he grows up and kills the pair of you...wankers
Please choose life for your son! If you decide you are unable to parent, we will adopt your child and provide a loving home for him. You can view more information about our family at or
You're fucking disgusting. Leaving it until the last minute just so you can get precious votes is vile, that baby will feel that pain you sick freaks
I voted for giving birth, but at the same time, I would also vote to give the child up for adoption. When this baby grows up enough to understand how it was voted to be saved, its going to wish it would have been voted to be aborted. You two are not, or ever will be capable of being good parents based on these actions you are conducting here. Please spare us of a miserable child and let good parents take care of and raise it.
you should give a chance for your baby.
Please, do not have an abortion. If you end up not wanting babay - which I doubt - I will be more than willing to have your baby. Good luck!
After some thought....I believe you two should post pictures of five month old preborn children who were brutally murdered by abortion, side by side with Wiggles. And please go into graphic detail on how an abortion "procedeure" would be done on your son. After all, you really want your poll takers to be fully informed before casting their votes. Allow them to have an "informed choice".
Are you kidding? The loss of your first children was not your choice. If these experiences have taught you nothing, they should have brought you to the understanding that God's will should be. Not yours. Count yourself as blessed and stop thinking about what you're missing. You will never regret giving birth. This child has a purpose totally outside of you. I don't understand anyone so desperate for attention that they would put their child through this. Take this nonsense off=line. This decision isn't yours to make.
Me and my now wife had an abortion in our early 20's (it was in the 1st 4 weeks of pregnancy), it was at a bad time, I loved playing around and did not like resposibility, we had only just met and neither of us had any money, we both lived at home still with our parents etc., we did not feel ready to bring a child into the world.
8 years later she fell pregnant again, we both had careers, I run a successful family business and my wife was a branch manager earning good money, going on fantastic holidays, driving nice cars etc. anyway we went through with it, she gave up work, and money is tighter than before, however it was the best thing imaginable we could of done, my son is nearly 3 now and he is my best pal, its amazing to watch him grow and learn, we even ended up having a daughter who is actually 1 on Christmas day, honestly you will love every minute of parenthood if you go through with the birth (give or take the first 3 months of a lack of sleep, but to be honest our daughter was ok, she has always been a sleeper).
If I could I would send you photo's of my 2 little beauties and if you looked into their eyes you could never abort another child again, but too many weirdo's on here (sorry all)
The problem is you are in the position where you can't miss yet what you don't have and thats how I was originally, but take it from me, if you knew how it felt to be in my position you would give the child a chance, it will be your friend for life.
If you can afford it, why wait any longer, it may be your only chance for a child, something inside you may pack up and make it impossible to have the chance again, you never know, but you need to take things like this into consideration.
I have a couple of friends who have been desperately trying for a baby for 3 years and with no luck, they are now having to pay thousands for the privelage of trying.
I don't want to lecture you as its your decision, but you only have one chance at life, and only one chance to have a life with children, I would take the life with children any day, if you did I know you would not regret it !
Good luck in whatever you choose to do, just ignore the vile haters, though I can understand some of the calmer comments about making it such a public spectacle, though I would not be able to give you my opinion without it being so.
I will refrain from discussing the topic of having a online poll for such a decision. Instead I would ask you to consider very carefully. Abortion comes with a price and it is not just the monetary one. I have counseled with many women who carry huge emotional scars because of abortion. I recall the words of one who had aborted 5 children.Upon the birth of her first live child. " I could not believe when I looked into his face and I realized that he was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes on, and then I remembered my other children and the shock and the pain at the choice I had made at last hit me,I had cast away 5 others, equally beautiful and for convenience. I became a avid pro life person at that moment, and I know that there is nothing that I can do that will ever wash away the choices I made, but at least I can tell others about my experience".
I pray that you make the right choice.
I'm a statistician -
Your poll is totally flawed. You're not getting unique votes - if I click around your site I can vote multiple times. Not to mention it's hardly an unbiased poll. Scientifically speaking, your poll is worthless. So if you're trying to do something "in the name of science" because it's what "the people said" - you'd be completely, 100% wrong.
Plus - I don't care what your religious beliefs, socioeconomic status, or any of that stuff is. Deep down, EVERY MOTHER KNOWS IT'S WRONG TO KILL HER BABY. You know it, too. Don't lie to yourself about it. It will bother you for the rest of your life if you have an abortion. Don't fool yourself.
Your baby is a blessing from God, sent here to be a gift to you! Bring this baby to life and be the best parents you can be. This is what God intends for marriage and the family! You will be great.
Thank you for bringing this debate out in the open. I hope you do not actually choose an abortion, but I am happy that people are talking about this and maybe some other children might be saved! No one talks about what happens afterwards and the guilt and shame you will live with forever. Even if God forgives you, you are never able to forgive yourself. It's a very lonely and painful decision you choose to carry. I know because I had one when I was young and have never gotten over it , perhaps the price you pay!!
Let's keep the dialogue clean and respectful :)
what kind of parents will you be if you want everyone else to choose wheather you are mature enough, financially stable enough and have eough love and patients to raise a child. are we going to have to choose when and how you discapline the child and love the child and what the child wears and how to feed the child too? having a child is a decision only you can make - are you ready for a child. are you ready to devote your whole life to raising a child - emotionally, spiritually, and physically? i have had two abortions that i do not regret. i was not ready. however, i am ready now. i have found the man i want to grow old with. i blieve in him, his morals, ethics, spiritual status and honor are very similar to mine. i think he will be n excelant father and a very supportrive husband. i want to have a family with this man. are you ready to have a family with thsi person? if so, it should be no one elses decission but your own. if you are not ready, then abort or adopt out. the choice is yours and no one elses. thank goodness we live in america where the choice is still ours and not the governments. excersise your right to have a family or to choose not to. and do it with your heart and soul. listen to your angels - your gut - your own thoughts and make this choice yours.