This is a horrible thing to do. I did not vote, but yes I will give my opinion since you decided to make this a public issue. Life begins at conception. While pregnant you baby can feel, hear, see and love. If you do have this baby are you going to tell him or her that they are only alive because people voted on the internet? I would hope your child will be adopted out. I would be devastated that my parents did such a thing. I am pro-life and a baby is the most natural, beautiful blessing in the world. So many good people are unable to become pregnant and have babies and it seems like the most stupid can. As you have proven.
WHereIsYourGod Now? - 14 years ago
Just think, in a couple months that tender cut of human veal could be on my dinner plate.
Jag - 14 years ago
Seriously? If you're asking people if you should have an abortion or not... when you've been married and have miscarried before, you should NOT be parenting anything more than a dog or cat. This is just beyond disgusting. How are you going to raise a child and make day to day decisions regarding its care and life on your own?? It's past time for people to HAVE to pass a test and pysch exam prior to becoming pregnant!
Brandi - 14 years ago
Watch "A Silent Scream" and then tell me that a baby does not have feelings. People are more concerned about animals than the life of a baby. "The right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" Ring a bell? And maturity is taking responsiblity for your actions. A womans choice should be, "Do I open my legs for this man or not?" (FACT: most abortions are NOT because of rape, incest, or medical issues). Harsh, yes, but the truth. And every person that I have met that has had an abortion REGRETS having one. To the parents, in the end, you will be raising this child (if you don't give it up for adoption) so, you make your "choice". If you love yourselves more than the child, fix yourself so you won't be in this situation again.
Chan - 14 years ago
I don't agree with what you're doing with this poll site. This miracle boy deserves life and I pray that you will give him up for adoption so that he will not have to grow up being the "celebrity fetus" of "birthornot". This is disgusting and you will stigmatize and traumatize this child forever. Raising children is not easy, however it is a blessing given to us by God. Give this little blessing to someone who will give him the love he deserves instead of making him a spectacle for the public. Regardless of all, my prayers are will all three of you.
everyonesarmpit - 14 years ago
Just think, in a couple months that tender cut of human veal could be on my dinner plate.
Adam - 14 years ago
You (the makers of this poll) are a disgrace. An absolute disgrace. You need to ask the internet what to do.
This baby doesn't deserve parents like you. Imagine if you had it, and one day you told him/her about this; he/she would disown you. I would, I think, knowing my fate was in the hands of the mental internet.
This is one step above our over-networked lives on facebook and twitter. It's pathetic. You are a disgrace. UNBELIEVABLE.
ava - 14 years ago
I am ABSOLUTELY pro-choice, but this is RIDICULOUS. My views on abortion have already been violated by your methodology and how long you've waited. The fact you didn't go right out and have an abortion the moment you found out about the baby means you shouldn't have one. The fact you're 'biding your time until the last minute' makes you a murderer *even to me*, and I'm a godless Atheist that supports a woman's choice.
Your child is old enough to be a child. No, babies are not babies necessarily at conception. Actually, human evolution means we give birth to them before we're supposed to because of the sheer size of their heads that would kill us during birth much more often if our body didn't abort them early. That's why humans have one of the only infant phenomenon of not being able to mostly take care of themselves. Almost all babies can walk or swim within hours after birth-- from horses to dolphins and whales. Human babies cannot because they're technically still fetuses out of the womb by development terms, and are not actually babies until they're three or four months old when they have the ability to start exploring to some degree on their own. So if you wouldn't kill a newborn, you shouldn't kill one that's old enough to have an identifiable gender and name unless your husband happens to be your father and he raped you.
Oh, and the fact you'd let 4chan have any lean on your vote is the stupidest thing you could have ever allowed. 4Chan would spam 'abort' in droves because they think it's funny. 4Chan is the same site that passed around screenshots of a boy who hanged himself on webcam and laughed about it, who invented 'dicknipples' for laughs, and other shit. Ridiculous. At least, no votes should count that aren't put ON the poll. Christ, are you retarded?
Matt - 14 years ago
I'm pro-life and not ashamed of it. If you don't want the baby just please consider adoption.
Voice of reason - 14 years ago
Just think, in a couple months that tender cut of human veal could be on my dinner plate.
chris - 14 years ago
i am not sure you are the most intelligent people in the world or in your city for that matter. allowing people to decide weather or not to have a child is beyond stupid.
here is what i do know. you have tried twice before planned, and once unplanned, and you are both 30. YOU SHOULD BOTH KNOW THAT IF YOU HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX YOU WILL END UP PREGNANT!!! you are not 16 y/o anymore..get over it.
Jordan - 14 years ago
You are horrible people. Have the kid, but please for the rest of the world, give it up for adoption. You don't deserve to have children.
Katie Rutledge - 14 years ago
Can I please adopt this sweet, gift from God baby from this sick couple. Just the insanity of making these options into a poll is grotesque.... I really want to cry.
Trish - 14 years ago
Dear Mom and Dad,
Hello its me in here, your little baby boy! I love you more then you know right now. Mommy I am sorry for the morning sickness, the heartburn and bloating, but i promise it will all be over as soon as i make my entrance in this big beautiful world. Daddy, when i kick Mommy tells you and you come running over to feel me kick and i know you love me. I may be small but i understand what love is. I feel it everyday when mommy rubs her belly and when you come home from work and kiss mommys belly. I love our little conversations from the womb. Oh how i wish i was here so i can show you what true unconditional love is.. You will love me the moment i come into this world and you look at me face to face.. Mommy sometimes I feel your pain of not being sure, but i am here and I am healthy.. I can feel, I suck my thumb preparing myself to suck from a bottle or breast, and i can even breathe.. I am your baby boy, and right now i am fully formed as a baby i am just gaining body fat so that i can survive at birth.. This baby fat helps me to maintain heat and body temperature when i am born.. Mommy and Daddy this is going to be quite the experience for me too, and I would be lying if i told you I wasnt scared.. It will be a new venture for us all.. And did you even think that this time next year i will be 29 weeks old, and I will be here to celebrate christmas with you.. and Maybe meet the jolly old man..
Mommy and Daddy, Please dont give up on me know, we are almost half way there.. and technically i can be born within 12 weeks. Please I Love you..
Sharon - 14 years ago
Have this baby. Consider his life now: he's safe inside your womb. In just a few months, he could still be safe, either in your arms or someone else's. Just a few months and you can claim to have given life to another human being. You may not think you're ready for parenthood and I respect your honesty. There are, however, many who can't give life and are burning to do so. Imagine your possible gift to them. The gift of life to this little boy and the gift of a son to another couple. All it would take is just a few months. Peace.
Pam - 14 years ago
Have the baby. It is so selfish of you to even debate this. However, if you haven't matured enough by the time the baby is born to actually love this baby, give it up for adoption. There are plenty of couples who would love to raise this child if you will not.
SilverHairJesus - 14 years ago
you people sickening me no one should be allowed to kill a baby abortion is killing its baby the moment the sperm and egg meet and make a baby i dont care what any doctor or anyone else says to me its a baby the moment its in your belly growing no matter what. Also you shouldnt have a poll online or anywhere deciding the fate of a poor innocent baby if your not ready for a baby you should be having unprotected sex and also you should have the baby and give it up for adoption there are plenty of ppl who want children and arent bless to have them and love to have a child even though its not bioloigically theirs. Stop and think about what your doing i feel sorry for the baby
stacie williams - 14 years ago
you people sickening me no one should be allowed to kill a baby abortion is killing its baby the moment the sperm and egg meet and make a baby i dont care what any doctor or anyone else says to me its a baby the moment its in your belly growing no matter what. Also you shouldnt have a poll online or anywhere deciding the fate of a poor innocent baby if your not ready for a baby you should be having unprotected sex and also you should have the baby and give it up for adoption there are plenty of ppl who want children and arent bless to have them and love to have a child even though its not bioloigically theirs. Stop and think about what your doing i feel sorry for the baby
Lindsay - 14 years ago
I voted 6 times. Your numbers are skewed.
Ponziballs - 14 years ago
1. Drink a lot.
2. Do some crack.
3. Post pics on internet so we can mercilessly mock your mutant child.
PLease, Listen. - 14 years ago
Don't give birth to this child. If you really are this fucking retarded to rely on an internet poll to decide the fate of a person, you shouldn't have a child. Please, go die. This child will be born into a shitty world with shitty parents. Don't make him do this. You really are the scum of the Earth. Don't make the kid go through the hardships, the trauma, the dissapointment of life. Especially if he/she has such disgusting people as parents like you people.
To reiterate, please burn in hell you stupid fucks.
Andi - 14 years ago
I cannot tell you how disgusted I was to learn of this poll and that you would actually give up your baby's life because some people you do not know vote for you to. It makes me immensly sad and angry at the same time. If you do not want your own child that you chose to concieve there are plenty of people that are unable to have children that would be happy to take care of your baby and ask for nothing in return. For all of those people who are saying that you are stupid and therefore do not deserve to be parents and should therefore abort are not thinking clearly...just because of the parents poor judgement does not mean that the innocent baby should be punished. I weep for you and for your baby and for the state of society today that this idea was ever thought of. I pray that instead of going by what this poll says that you will do what is right and give birth to the life you chose to concieve, I am not saying that you should keep the baby if that is not what you want to do, but do not murder the child just because a bunch of people are curious to see if you will actually do it.
janelle - 14 years ago
I'm so thankful that you are opening up this decision to comments and I am so sorry for the mean comments people have left. The fact that you did not have an abortion yet tells me that something inside of you is telling you the truth that this baby is a person and should not be aborted. People may fight over when this baby became a real person (I personally believe with all my heart that this baby is a person from the moment of conception), but the facts are that your baby's heart is beating right now and your baby is moving around as I'm sure you have been shown proof of during your ultrasound. That means that this is already a live human you are protecting until he/she is ready to make his/her entrance into the world. I promise that I will pray for you every day until the baby is born for protection of you and this baby's precious life, but please do not end this baby's life. Your baby doesn't have a choice to live or die, only you have been given the right to make that choice......please choose life for your child.
Candice - 14 years ago
I'm happy to hear at least your hearts are open. Do the right thing, have the baby. And don't stop doing the right thing. I've listened to you speak from your blog and all I hear are fears. Don't be controlled by fears in life. Instead, live the life god has for you, that god gave you. Allow the miracle of life, by giving birth, to change your perspective. Allow god to control your life. He is a good god who wants to bring you many blessings. Choose him. He is waiting, and weather you fo the right thing or not this time he will still be waiting. That's out Jesus! In my prayers.
Ponziballs - 14 years ago
I will give you twenty thousand American dollars for your aborted fetus, also you must cover the cost of the tortillas.
Prolifer - 14 years ago
You are disgusting people. To put the life of this child up to a popular vote is absolutely horrible. You disgust me, and I hope you rot in hell forever. You have no respect for the sanctity of life, or the gravity of the decision you are about to make. You deserve the fuking death penalty for this, but fuking Roe v. Wade says otherwise. If you have this abortion, I hope you get hunted down and killed like Tiller. Rot in hell, you fuking cunt suckers.
Alicia - 14 years ago
As a woman who's hopes of ever having children with her husband are shattered, I am heartbroken that you would take the miracle of life so foolishly. I, along with millions of women out there, would love to be in your shoes and to hear you guys say that abortion is an option for you is beyond disgraceful... You could put the child up for adoption. There will always be a loving couple somewhere in the world that would find no greater joy then to give a child a home. Shame on you for being so selfish.
Diane - 14 years ago
Are you enjoying the publicity yet? I can't believe you two are the parents of four kids already! If I was one of your kids, I'd be ashamed and embarrassed of what you are doing! Do you really think that we who are strangers to you have been sitting around worrying about your so-called political decisions when it comes to something like this? I strongly believe you're going to do what you want regardless of the stupid poll you created. If you don't want to be parents to the baby you are carrying, then place him or her for adoption. There are thousands of childless & waiting couples who have been waiting for more than two years and one of them would love nothing more than to be loving and responsible parents to your baby! Get a life!
janet - 14 years ago
Let me tell you the truth: Most of the time, its great to be a parent, lol!!! But, your grandchildren will make life "Heaven on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is no greater blessing in my opinion!
Alohra Piatt - 14 years ago
This is clearly a hoax, but seriously, if people are so torn about whether or not they want a child that they would put it up to a vote, they clearly aren't ready to be parents.
Douchebag - 14 years ago
Shanya Almafeta - 14 years ago
This poll is enough to see you're not actually ready to have a child.
Ponziballs - 14 years ago
I'm hungry. Have the abortion.
Laura - 14 years ago
I am a married childless woman and I am typing this with tears running down my face. After years of trying desperately for a child me and my husband have been unsuccessful and seems it will always be this way. I cannot believe that I have come across this site in a british newspaper. I think you are disgusting sick individuals. Why get pregnant in the first place if you were not sure if you wanted children? You say you are selfish, yes you are and you can be as selfish as you want, your call, but have this baby, give it up for adoption, to somebody like me and my husband who would cherish that little life growing inside you, THEN GET STERILISED! You are a mum, that little babys mum and you want people, people you dont know, to decide on whether or not you KILL your child? I truley hope you get your comeuppance. Vile, just vile.
Disgusted - 14 years ago
If adoption was an option on the poll, I'd vote for that, but since it is not, I'd far rather see you have an abortion than see that child raised by people like you. No child deserves to be treated as a social experiment by their parents.
HAPPYMOMMY0811 - 14 years ago
JJ - 14 years ago
you guys are just sick seriously no wonder our world is so messed up because of POS's like yall!!!!!! Keep your damn legs shut or wear a freakin condom something dang all these ways of birth control and you couldnt use one????? YOU GUYS ARE SCUM and should rot in hell for even thinking about this!!! If anything give it up for adoption what right do you have taking life from someone???? If you go through with this i hope u ROT IN HELL!!!!
WTF - 14 years ago
I cannot believe this is something that you are polling. Obviously, if you are going to depend on the internet to make the choice, you two are not mature enough to care for a child. I am not saying either way if you should have an abortion, but for the love of god, do not be the two to raise this child. I don't even know what to think of this.
Joan Philips - 14 years ago
YES! Have an abortion! Because it is the morally correct thing to do. The only reason to have a child is because you really truly want one. Anything else is child abuse. These people who suggest you have a child and then give it up for adoption just horrify me. They only think about what they want and have no clue how much a child suffers when torn away from the birth-mother. Getting an abortion shows that you care about the welfare of the child, not just your own selfish needs. A fetus is not a child. If you are concerned about the welfare of children then give to a charity and help one some of the millions of real, already-born children who are starving and suffering.
Tiffany - 14 years ago
Have the child and put it up for adoption. Let it go to a home where it can be truly loved. You people are a disgrace! You should be ASHAMED of yourselves for even using a social experiment. IF YOU WEREN'T READY TO BECOME PARENTS YOU SHOULD HAVE USED PROTECTION!!! Do not make the child pay for YOUR mistake. Adoption is my vote. You do not deserve children after this. And after you have the child and it's in the hands of someone safe, I honestly hope God strikes both of you dead. We could use a world with less morons. You are literally disgusting. Have a nice day. (Not really. I hope your day was completely horrible and you cringe at the very thought of reading any of these, if you actually do.)
Lisa - 14 years ago
You people are absolutely twisted sick in the head. When I heard about this I didnt believe it, I had to come see for myself. May you rot in hell. God save that poor innocent child who will either be murdered or be cursed with evil unloving parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maria - 14 years ago
i would happily and pleasingly adopt this child and care for it
Erin - 14 years ago
You should give birth to this precious life and if you don't want the baby...then give it to someone who would LOVE this baby. I, along with several others I'm sure would happily adopt the baby and love this child.
Anonymous - 14 years ago
This is horrifying. Coming form someone who is pro-choice. You need to have this baby, deliver and give it to a couple who will love and care for him unconditionally. Too many people out there know the heartache of trying for a child without success. Show the world adoption works. Babies are gifts and if I had the opportunity to give someone the ultimate gift I would jump at it! Deliver, give this child to someone who deserves this and never speak of the haneous site again!
MO - 14 years ago
Pete and Alisha, I can not imagine that after seeing your child in the ultrasound you could seriously consider this. This makes me so sad, really. To think that such a decision (life or death) would be left to a vote of virtual strangers. I pray that you will will give your child life. If there is some trouble or turmoil that makes you think you should not have a baby right now, [please reach out to someone for help. There are many wonderful groups that are willing to help couples in need. I personally work with such groups and would be happy to help you.
Pete and Alisha, this is your baby, your child. How could you think of destroying them?
Please, you are so far, practically there , to the day when you will be able to hold your son or daughter in your arms. I read that you have already had a couple of miscarriages. I am so sorry for your loss and so perplexed that you could be giving this idea any thought. Please, please think this through and do not make a game of your baby's life.
If you feel you are not ready to be parents my husband and I would happily adopt and love this baby, My children would welcome him/her into the family and feel so blessed to have a baby in the house to love, just as they did when we all welcomed our last child, our daughter, home and adopted her years ago. Please consider that alternative so that this baby may have life.
sm - 14 years ago
Reading these comments make me fear for my country. God is the author of life and only He can recall life. Every human has a right to life as God ordained. Some of these opposing posts are astounding!
Appalled - 14 years ago
You sick, sick, SICK pieces of crap.
Sara - 14 years ago
This is absolutly ridicoulus. You post comments about your ultrasound and the heartbeat, you post pics of your baby and yet you still want to kill an innocent humna being. Just remember that you will be judged at the resurrection and that the choices you make in life will determine where you will spend eternity!
Exodus 23:7: "Have nothing to do with a false charge, and do not put an innocent or honest person to death, for I will not acquit the guilty."
"Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him" (Psalm 127:3).
"Before I was born the LORD called me; from my birth he has made mention of my name...and now the LORD says--he who formed me in the womb to be his servant..." (Isaiah 49:1, 5).
You may not believe in God, you probbaly don't since you are even considering this, but think of this, what if you are wrong about there not being a GOD!
mark rollson - 14 years ago
how about if your mother's decided to "clothes hanger" both of you all those years ago before you turned into a pair of inbred retards. what a pair of sickos you both are and any clown who supports your right to buthcher the little fella. at least give birth and adopt him and spare him the shame of growing up with you as parents. the truth hurts i'm afraid.
Ann - 14 years ago
You are married. Why on GOD's earth would you choose NOT to carry your baby?
I cannot fathom why you would even put this up for discussion; Unless you don't
love and care for each other? When you hold that baby, your heart will change
and you will be aghast that you even considered this heinous act of violence.
nathalie - 14 years ago
Hi both,
hope all three of you are doing well...It's a weird thing asking people's opinion on something that is ultimately your decision to make, but I would like to give advice.I myself am only 27 and don't feel ready for a child yet either. mostly cause I cannot offer everything a child needs right now. SO you should decide if you have the opportunity the financial stability to have a child. I read you already had two miscarriages, what if this is the only chance? what if faith is forcing this decision because you cannot make it yourself. I think you should consider keeping the baby, you are a loving couple and could give a baby a happy home to grow up in and a child gives back so many joy and love, I even see it with my godson, I wouldn't want to give him back for anything in the world. however should the baby suffer from severe abbarations think of that aswell and the quality of life you give, cause it will one day have to continue with out you. You're both adults, do the thing that's right for you.
Love, Natalis
Linda - 14 years ago
I can't believe you would kill your son based on votes by strangers. Your own son and you have no love for him or regard for his life? You would murder him if enough people said to?
You both do not deserve to ever be parents. Man, you need to go get a vasectomy NOW and woman, you need to arrange an adoption for this poor little baby boy now so that he can go to a loving mother who will protect and love him. You are not it! And when he's born and given to his adoptive mummy, you should have a tubal ligation.
How dare you think you can kill your own son just because you don't know if you want him?
How dare you create a life you don't care for? You need to never do this again. You don't deserve the blessing of a pregnancy. You would not be good parents if you could have him killed. Sickos.
Seriously, get steralized and get an adoption in place so that when he's born he doesn't have to know you worthless peices of shit.
Ethan'sMom - 14 years ago
This is unbelievable. I was in shock to hear that anyone would be this horrible and sick! My baby boy died almost 6 months ago. He was 6 months old. I would give anything to have him back. And here you people are having people vote on whether you will murder your child or not? I cannot even comprehend this!! Like others have said, sounds like it could be a stunt, but if so, you two are sick and need help. I hope somewhere inside of either of you is a conscience that will choose not to murder your child. This is exactly where abortion has led us. People giving the thumbs up or down on another human's life. Utterly sick.
Abby - 14 years ago
Have an abortion. Clearly you two are not capable of being loving parents.
I'm not sure why people are for "chose adoption"...oh well yes I do, they want your fetus....still adoption is a parenting choice, NOT a pregnancy choice.
The question at hand is weather the pregnancy should continue, not what to do after the birth.
Rosemary - 14 years ago
I prayed about this. I am for the life of the baby, God's gift. If you don't want the little one then please please find someone who wants a baby and would love and care for this most precious gift. There are so many who cannot have children who would give your baby a wonderful home and life. Please choose life. God Bless you both.
Christina - 14 years ago
I think it is very sad that you would see the pictures of this miracle inside you and then consider murdering this innocent child. Do your research and see what happens during an abortion. I truly believe that if you knew what you were doing, you would not be able to go through with killing this child. I know people murder their unborn children every day and it is sickening that this is legal. I truly hope this site is really intended to show people the reality and absurdity of the "pro-choice" stance.
Ashley - 14 years ago
Don't have an abortion! It is unfair to all the oher people ot there that wantt have babies but cant. If you dont want th baby give it up for adoption.
Sarah - 14 years ago
I'm pro life but what you're doing is sick, you either want the baby or you don't. So many people in the world can't get pregnant and would do anything to have a little person growing inside them like you do and you're teasing that foetus with a chance of life if the rest of the world wants you to have it. Stop beingdicks
beetkvass - 14 years ago
I think this is a stunt. But stunt or not you two are sick and not fit to be parents any time soon. Please give this child to someone who wouldn't make a mockery of it's life. I've got another "pro-life" friend who resorts to some truly sick perverse attempts to prove that those in favor of abortion are sick. But in reality he is just sick, sick, sick and clearly gets off on exposing the perversity of others refusing to see the depths that HE has sunk to. The truth is everyone knows that in aborting they are killing a child. The problem is that most people do not care! You are only riling up the people who do give a rat's ass. You won't change hearts and minds with this. You are just showing the degradation our society can reach. We not only kill our unborn but we vote on killing them. Congratulations on helping us sink to a new low!
fatjewcock - 14 years ago
Just abort the infidel already.
Jennifer Smith - 14 years ago
I would love to adopt this child also, it is a gift from God. We all have a purpose and are loved and made in the image of a Creator God. Because of Jesus' great love and sacrifice for us, we have the opportunity to be made free from the bonds of sin, to become a new person, and to live an eternal life in His Presence.
The little child in your womb is not only made to look like or resemble you, but is a reflection of the care and creativity of an eternal God.. God has given the child personality, a destiny, and many unique traits that make him or her very special. When he or she is born, please consider how precious a gift you have been given, and know that God has also made you and cares for you just as much.
Kim - 14 years ago
We are a family expecting our 4th... We will adopt this baby from you if you truly don't want the responsibility of raising this beautiful child! Seriously... There are so many people who would love to give your child a home where he or she will be properly nurtured and loved!! After the birth of your baby, it is time for some surgery for you to make sure you can never get pregnant again! I am mortified, first of all, that you are actually considering abortig your child and second of all that you have made this into a public debate. This is a LIFE!!
Dave - 14 years ago
Hard to believe you would consider MURDER an option.
Mcosyns - 14 years ago
I seriously hope this is a sick joke. However, the more I thought about it- and more importantly, the more I PRAYED about it....I believed that I could not forgive myself if the vote were to go the wrong way because people like me thought it was a sick prank and refused to vote.
I pray this is a publicity stunt and that you two are just pro-lifers who want to get attention to drive home the point to everyone that they need to vote pro life whether they're talking about one particular couple's baby- or some more generic law about to be enacted in some state somewhere.
My guess is you'll see just how heavily weighted pro life this poll will be, regardless of the whacked out message boards trying to sway the vote. It's interesting that the real votes cast on ballots every November don't display this same disparity.
jen l. - 14 years ago
Have the baby, but give it up for adoption. Any prospective parent that would pull a stunt like you have, probably doesn't need to be raising a child.
Abbey - 14 years ago
I suffered a miscarriage on 22nd March 09 and the baby would have been due on 22nd November 09. I have since found out this year that I have numerous health conditions which would make it highly unlikely that I will ever be able to conceive or give birth. To be honest I haven't read your site fully but I would urge you to consider that if you ever think you might even want a child then continue with the pregnancy as you don't know if you will ever be able to have the chance of having a child again.
Looking at your scan pictures makes me so emotional as my baby never managed to hang on long enough for me to have a scan so I don't have those sorts of memories of him/her. I have just noticed that you too suffered a miscarriage previously, so to be given the chance to have a child within a year of the previous child not making it is something real special. I haven't noticed whether you say if you had decided to keep the previous child or not prior to the miscarriage but whatever decision you made then bear that in mind but also keep in mind that you have been given this chance, luckily, of another pregnancy. Just read that you have pcos too, so as I was saying about my health issues making it highly unlikely I will be able to conceive again or give birth then this is something too which you will need to consider (I'm sure you have considered it but I am just highlighting all my views to you).
I hope you make the decision which is right for you both, Best wishes x
Amber - 14 years ago
I am pro-life, but an abortion at 20 weeks is cruel. Parents and Doctors try desperately to save babies born just a few weeks older. I voted "Give Birth", but not because I think you should be parents. I think an abortion at 20 weeks is horrifying. My opinion, give the child up for adoption. He would be adopted in an instant, to people who love and care about him. People who want him.
Mr. Abortion - 14 years ago
Free hangers for all who voted to abort! Yay! This is twisted.
Delores Mahogney - 14 years ago
A court needs to take custody of your fetus if you cannot to protect its life; then place the child for adoption into a loving family. Your desire to attract attention shows you would harm your child, even though you are blind to it! You cannot see what you are doing; this shows major mental health problems and denial. Anyone who had several mnisscarriages and then wanted an abortion splashed all over the intenet is narrcasistic. You need help. A cvhild doesn't deserve to live with these wackos. Let the baby be born and give it to a LOVING, NORMAL family. The baby's weel-being needs to be first. You have already destroyed any chance of allowing this child to grow up normal. YOU NEED TO STOP BEING SELFISH AND ARRANGE FOR AN ADOPTION!!!!!!!!!!! If you have any faith, or decency, you will give this child to a loving family.
Slaneymary - 14 years ago
Think how you'll feel attending any childrens party in the future knowing you killed your child when he/she wad most vulnerable.
Madeline - 14 years ago
Have the baby a gave him/her in adoption. The baby has the right to live but you don't deserve to be parents. Give another couple that cannot have their own children the blessing to be parents. May God help you make the right decision for both you and the baby.
Jizz Blaster - 14 years ago
Pull the plug. Too many people on Earth. Do mother Earth a favor.
Matthew McDonnell - 14 years ago
what a pair of absolut idiots you both are. You should spend ur time on losing weight not killing ur child u fat ugly fuckers.
Kateri - 14 years ago
Dear Pete and Alisha,
From the bottom of the heart of a seventeen year old I pray that you will keep your baby.
Look at the pictures of the ultra sounds you have posted. Look at the beauty of a life that you both have created! It is a beautiful thing. If you guys are afraid of parenthood, many parents have been there and never regret having their children. I'm sure you both would make great parents but the fact that you are letting a poll decide whether YOUR BABY should life or die is just morally wrong. Look at your parents, they both chose life. This is why you are here and now. That is why you both are alive. Please reconsider this poll... I see that somewhere inside you're heart you truly care about your baby. I just don't understand why you would let the world help you decide whether you let your child live or not, because the world will lie to you. Abortion is murder and I don't see why you would want to be responsible for the murder of your baby. Think about the future for a minute, you could be pushing your baby girl or boy on a swing or you could be buried within your own pain and sorrow for choosing the wrong choice... for not choosing life. God bless you both and your baby.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
A Mom - 14 years ago
I will gladly adopt your son, since you don't want him or love him. I would be blessed to have another little boy in the family.
Melissa - 14 years ago
There are more than just two choices. Abort, keep, give up for adoption. If you don't want to be parents, then give someone else a chance to love this child. babies don't 'end up in the system'. They adopted almost instantly. wonderful couples who can't have kids wait for year to get a child. Please consider the other option.
p.s. I'm pretty sure this is just some ploy for publicity or a social experiment, but maybe someone else will read this realize they don't have to have an abortion if they don't want their child. Please remember adoption is an option.
Kim - 14 years ago
PLEASE do not kill this baby! I had a miscarriage 2 years ago and finally found out we are pregnant again and am 6 1/2 weeks along. I live on pins and needles afraid of another miscarriage. Life is the most beautiful of miracles and gifts. Please pray about this decision and I will pray for you as well!
You are so sick! If you don't want it then get it adopted by parents who can't get any kids but so want a baby. If you have an abortion you are a murderer and should be prisoned for life or maybe even get killed as it is in the states!
Katie Layne - 14 years ago
I have a few things to ask you...
1) If you have already been pregnant before, you know how to get pregnant. If you did not want children, why in the hell even get pregnant again???
2) If you do have this child (I pray for it) then how are you going to explain this when the child finds out? Google lasts FOREVER.
3) How can you be so selfish in your wants and desires? If you are truly that self involved, you dont DESERVE a child...
4) How exactly does it look when two whales mate? I think you should put a video and a poll on how many people are disgusted with seeing that ! (my bet is 100% disgusted)
In all honesty, you two are very disgusting and preverse people. How you can make a poll on whether you should have an abortion or not.. Really? I have a son, I wake up everyday, look into his eyes and KNOW that he is the best thing to EVER happen to me. Without him, I am nothing. He is my heart that walks, talks and loves me no matter what. The sad part is, I dont believe you two will EVER feel this way about your child. I voted give birth, but I wish it had said " give birth and give to someone worth a damn". You two sure are not. I hope you rot in hell, and your beautiful baby gets a loving home with parents with a bit of heart, and common sense. Pure trash!
edgardo - 14 years ago
I can't believe this! Shame on you guys! God gave you the opportunity to conceive after two miscarries and now you’re asking people to vote if you would have your baby or not? People like you don’t deserve the gift of having kids. This is the better example of immaturity. This has nothing in common with democracy.
Bridgit - 14 years ago
You are absolutely the two most disgusting people on this planet right now. Who the hell cares how many babies you have lost or if this child will be born with a genetic disorder? Guess what, I'm on my second child, 4th pregnancy and I would love this child even if she came out with two heads and a tail. There is nothing on this planet that would make me abort for the reasons that you are considering. If your health and life were at stake, then you need to do what you need to do, but for the simple reasons of not wanting to be older parents or have a child with a genetic disorder is completely selfish and idiotic. I'm not religious, nor am I pro-life, but I believe that the "choice" needs to be made for better reasons than yours. For you to leave it up to voting up until the last minute is inhumane. Wiggles is now an actual baby, heartbeat, hair, bones, physical feelings. You are disgusting. Obviously, you don't want this child as much as you put across or you would not even think about doing this, much less whoring yourselves out to the general public for attention. Have the baby because handicapped or not, there is someone out there who wishes that they were able to have children and they would gladly take this burden out of your hands. And do everybody a favor, get sterilized and stop trying to procreate because we don't need any more idiots like you people.
Matt - 14 years ago
Why isn't there an option for adoption. For yours and this child's sake just have it and put it up for adoption, if you miscarry again then you have lost nothing in your eyes, but just maybe if everything goes right you will be changed people and be grateful for the gift of life and passing yourselves on. May God's will be done and not the tangled will of the internet
mikkel - 14 years ago
ask's the internet for advice.
grow up.
James Boyd - 14 years ago
I pray that you both stop this lunacy and consider your child and only your child. It is no one's right to decide if you keep or abort your son. God and only God can do that and he has so far blessed you with a beautiful baby. Did you ever stop to think what your son will make of all this, should he survive?? PLEASE STOP this madness.
Jon - 14 years ago
Maybe in 40 years we can have another poll on wether your son should abort you two.
Youneedtodie - 14 years ago
Too many people in this world already, abort it.
Krystal - 14 years ago
Well im not going to call you guys idiots, or morons for doing this....the decision to becomming a parent is definitely not an easy task no matter what your age. At the age of 20 i found out i was pregnant and even before knowing how far along i was, the father and his mother were telling me that i had to have an abortion. My family and friends kept telling me it was wrong. So i finally came to my own conclusion: I wont go and abort my baby, i will carry on my pregnancy following all the "rules" but if i happen to lose the baby then it just wasn't meant to be....which turned out to be a good call on my part since we found out a week later i was almost 4months already.
I guess my words to you both are: If it's meant to be then let it be, and if not...then carry on and live a happy life
Tiffany - 14 years ago
I understand the feelings of selfishness. Even though, I'm pregnant with my third baby (my husband and I have been married 7 years and always wanted kids), I still have periods of doubt over this next child - many "what in the world were we thinking" moments happen - even though this pregnancy was unplanned.
We will keep our baby - we're in a stable place in life and have two great kids already, so why not?
But you? Feeling selfish, having an unplanned baby - do what some friends of mine did - let the baby be adopted by a couple who truly wants to have a baby and "settle down." It will make everyone a lot happier.
Allison - 14 years ago
should you decide to keep your child, please please don't tell sweet Wiggles that you left the child's fate in the hands of random strangers. what a sad thing to learn someday... i know i would be really hurt to learn that my parents had a site like this because they weren't sure that they wanted me or were selfless enough to love me.
Suzanne - 14 years ago
This is beyond the pale. IF this is indeed true, you do not deserve to be the parents of this precious child. If you would be so apathetic about whether your child is born or not.... what kind of life would this child have with you as parents? Please have the baby and do all of us a favor and put the baby up for adoption. I can not even imagine the emotional trauma you would cause this child.... SHAME ON YOU!! You are disgusting, heartless and vapid monsters. Shame on you!!
Nicola - 14 years ago
I cannot believe that you are asking strangers advice on whether or not you keep your child! Firstly why on earth did you risk pregnancy feeling this uncertain about having a child? Secondly, anybody that can have an abortion at such a late stage so lightly is heartless! I faced the possibilty of this with my second son due to a possible disability and it was a heartbreaking time! I could never have killed my child regardless of what the outcome of tests was. I nearly lost him on several occasions until he was born 9 wks early and very poorly. He is the most amazing, intelligent and caring 7 year old now and I'd die without him and his brother. U don't deserve a child!! U should have had an adoption option to save your baby's life and let it be raised by parents that will love and raise it the way good parents should! Go and live your lives carry on with your careers because they won't keep your heart warm and make you laugh like only a child can.
John - 14 years ago
Let the baby live and PLEASE, put it up for adoption. Then, one or both of you should take surgical measures to ensure that this doesn't happen again.
tatittle - 14 years ago
Cutting off someone's head because they have a headache is not charity!
Amy - 14 years ago
Using other people's opinions to decide the fate of the unborn child you are carrying is disgusting. You should have been practicing birth control if you did not want children or had the slightest question in your mind. Obviously, you are not going to be a good parent. There are millions of people in the world that want children that would be great parents unlike you two sickos. Give birth and give the baby up for adoption. At least this way, the child has a fighting chance at life and you can go back to your selfish ways. Then you should sterilize yourself and your husband before you have the chance to possibly ruin another life.
Nicole - 14 years ago
OK obviously Alisha has some kind of mental illness for even thinking like this. I completely understand that you do not want the baby, however, there are thousands upon thousands of people out there that are unable to have children and are looking to adopt healthy US babies. Ok so be selfish and don't raise the baby, but you don't have to kill it. How can you kill someone or something that you have already given a nickname too? By the way I am a mother of 4 and do not have problems having children but there are a lot of people out there that do!!!!!
tatittle - 14 years ago
No child would choose a violent death over less than optimum parents or poverty---none.
No retarded person wishes they were dismembered and decapitated instead of being born--none.
Nobody has the right to decide SOMEONE ELSE'S life is not worth living--no one.
Jenni - 14 years ago
Why would you let the world decide the fate of your baby. That is so sick. If you don't want the baby there are so many couples who are not that lucky to be able to get pregnant looking to adopt babies. I would give birth to the baby and give it up for an adoption if you still aren't ready for kids. There is a way to prevent pregnancy such as birth control and condoms. If you are not ready for a child then take the necessary precautions so you don't have to make this desicion again. It's all your choice in the end but keep the pregnancy going and give it to a family who can't have a baby themselves.
Stephanie - 14 years ago
Once again, like so many others have already said, leaving your decision to the internet public is a stupid, stupid idea. I too am pro-choice, but I think that if an abortion is going to happen, it should be done EARLY. Not at the very last legal second. This whole thing is disgusting and I hope you DON'T have an abortion.
Marlee - 14 years ago
I voted give birth but there should have been an option of give birth and then adoption because you people are too sick to be parents.
Annette - 14 years ago
Please give birth to the creation of the Lord God Almighty. And since you don't seem to care if Wiggles lives or dies please find a good home for this precious child to receive the Love that every child deserves. And request that no one ever tell this child the circumstances of the unloving uncaring parentage of the biological parents. Every child deserves to believe they were love fromt the beginning. Praying for this wonderful creation.
This is a horrible thing to do. I did not vote, but yes I will give my opinion since you decided to make this a public issue. Life begins at conception. While pregnant you baby can feel, hear, see and love. If you do have this baby are you going to tell him or her that they are only alive because people voted on the internet? I would hope your child will be adopted out. I would be devastated that my parents did such a thing. I am pro-life and a baby is the most natural, beautiful blessing in the world. So many good people are unable to become pregnant and have babies and it seems like the most stupid can. As you have proven.
Just think, in a couple months that tender cut of human veal could be on my dinner plate.
Seriously? If you're asking people if you should have an abortion or not... when you've been married and have miscarried before, you should NOT be parenting anything more than a dog or cat. This is just beyond disgusting. How are you going to raise a child and make day to day decisions regarding its care and life on your own?? It's past time for people to HAVE to pass a test and pysch exam prior to becoming pregnant!
Watch "A Silent Scream" and then tell me that a baby does not have feelings. People are more concerned about animals than the life of a baby. "The right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" Ring a bell? And maturity is taking responsiblity for your actions. A womans choice should be, "Do I open my legs for this man or not?" (FACT: most abortions are NOT because of rape, incest, or medical issues). Harsh, yes, but the truth. And every person that I have met that has had an abortion REGRETS having one. To the parents, in the end, you will be raising this child (if you don't give it up for adoption) so, you make your "choice". If you love yourselves more than the child, fix yourself so you won't be in this situation again.
I don't agree with what you're doing with this poll site. This miracle boy deserves life and I pray that you will give him up for adoption so that he will not have to grow up being the "celebrity fetus" of "birthornot". This is disgusting and you will stigmatize and traumatize this child forever. Raising children is not easy, however it is a blessing given to us by God. Give this little blessing to someone who will give him the love he deserves instead of making him a spectacle for the public. Regardless of all, my prayers are will all three of you.
Just think, in a couple months that tender cut of human veal could be on my dinner plate.
You (the makers of this poll) are a disgrace. An absolute disgrace. You need to ask the internet what to do.
This baby doesn't deserve parents like you. Imagine if you had it, and one day you told him/her about this; he/she would disown you. I would, I think, knowing my fate was in the hands of the mental internet.
This is one step above our over-networked lives on facebook and twitter. It's pathetic. You are a disgrace. UNBELIEVABLE.
I am ABSOLUTELY pro-choice, but this is RIDICULOUS. My views on abortion have already been violated by your methodology and how long you've waited. The fact you didn't go right out and have an abortion the moment you found out about the baby means you shouldn't have one. The fact you're 'biding your time until the last minute' makes you a murderer *even to me*, and I'm a godless Atheist that supports a woman's choice.
Your child is old enough to be a child. No, babies are not babies necessarily at conception. Actually, human evolution means we give birth to them before we're supposed to because of the sheer size of their heads that would kill us during birth much more often if our body didn't abort them early. That's why humans have one of the only infant phenomenon of not being able to mostly take care of themselves. Almost all babies can walk or swim within hours after birth-- from horses to dolphins and whales. Human babies cannot because they're technically still fetuses out of the womb by development terms, and are not actually babies until they're three or four months old when they have the ability to start exploring to some degree on their own. So if you wouldn't kill a newborn, you shouldn't kill one that's old enough to have an identifiable gender and name unless your husband happens to be your father and he raped you.
Oh, and the fact you'd let 4chan have any lean on your vote is the stupidest thing you could have ever allowed. 4Chan would spam 'abort' in droves because they think it's funny. 4Chan is the same site that passed around screenshots of a boy who hanged himself on webcam and laughed about it, who invented 'dicknipples' for laughs, and other shit. Ridiculous. At least, no votes should count that aren't put ON the poll. Christ, are you retarded?
I'm pro-life and not ashamed of it. If you don't want the baby just please consider adoption.
Just think, in a couple months that tender cut of human veal could be on my dinner plate.
i am not sure you are the most intelligent people in the world or in your city for that matter. allowing people to decide weather or not to have a child is beyond stupid.
here is what i do know. you have tried twice before planned, and once unplanned, and you are both 30. YOU SHOULD BOTH KNOW THAT IF YOU HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX YOU WILL END UP PREGNANT!!! you are not 16 y/o anymore..get over it.
You are horrible people. Have the kid, but please for the rest of the world, give it up for adoption. You don't deserve to have children.
Can I please adopt this sweet, gift from God baby from this sick couple. Just the insanity of making these options into a poll is grotesque.... I really want to cry.
Dear Mom and Dad,
Hello its me in here, your little baby boy! I love you more then you know right now. Mommy I am sorry for the morning sickness, the heartburn and bloating, but i promise it will all be over as soon as i make my entrance in this big beautiful world. Daddy, when i kick Mommy tells you and you come running over to feel me kick and i know you love me. I may be small but i understand what love is. I feel it everyday when mommy rubs her belly and when you come home from work and kiss mommys belly. I love our little conversations from the womb. Oh how i wish i was here so i can show you what true unconditional love is.. You will love me the moment i come into this world and you look at me face to face.. Mommy sometimes I feel your pain of not being sure, but i am here and I am healthy.. I can feel, I suck my thumb preparing myself to suck from a bottle or breast, and i can even breathe.. I am your baby boy, and right now i am fully formed as a baby i am just gaining body fat so that i can survive at birth.. This baby fat helps me to maintain heat and body temperature when i am born.. Mommy and Daddy this is going to be quite the experience for me too, and I would be lying if i told you I wasnt scared.. It will be a new venture for us all.. And did you even think that this time next year i will be 29 weeks old, and I will be here to celebrate christmas with you.. and Maybe meet the jolly old man..
Mommy and Daddy, Please dont give up on me know, we are almost half way there.. and technically i can be born within 12 weeks. Please I Love you..
Have this baby. Consider his life now: he's safe inside your womb. In just a few months, he could still be safe, either in your arms or someone else's. Just a few months and you can claim to have given life to another human being. You may not think you're ready for parenthood and I respect your honesty. There are, however, many who can't give life and are burning to do so. Imagine your possible gift to them. The gift of life to this little boy and the gift of a son to another couple. All it would take is just a few months. Peace.
Have the baby. It is so selfish of you to even debate this. However, if you haven't matured enough by the time the baby is born to actually love this baby, give it up for adoption. There are plenty of couples who would love to raise this child if you will not.
you people sickening me no one should be allowed to kill a baby abortion is killing its baby the moment the sperm and egg meet and make a baby i dont care what any doctor or anyone else says to me its a baby the moment its in your belly growing no matter what. Also you shouldnt have a poll online or anywhere deciding the fate of a poor innocent baby if your not ready for a baby you should be having unprotected sex and also you should have the baby and give it up for adoption there are plenty of ppl who want children and arent bless to have them and love to have a child even though its not bioloigically theirs. Stop and think about what your doing i feel sorry for the baby
you people sickening me no one should be allowed to kill a baby abortion is killing its baby the moment the sperm and egg meet and make a baby i dont care what any doctor or anyone else says to me its a baby the moment its in your belly growing no matter what. Also you shouldnt have a poll online or anywhere deciding the fate of a poor innocent baby if your not ready for a baby you should be having unprotected sex and also you should have the baby and give it up for adoption there are plenty of ppl who want children and arent bless to have them and love to have a child even though its not bioloigically theirs. Stop and think about what your doing i feel sorry for the baby
I voted 6 times. Your numbers are skewed.
1. Drink a lot.
2. Do some crack.
3. Post pics on internet so we can mercilessly mock your mutant child.
Don't give birth to this child. If you really are this fucking retarded to rely on an internet poll to decide the fate of a person, you shouldn't have a child. Please, go die. This child will be born into a shitty world with shitty parents. Don't make him do this. You really are the scum of the Earth. Don't make the kid go through the hardships, the trauma, the dissapointment of life. Especially if he/she has such disgusting people as parents like you people.
To reiterate, please burn in hell you stupid fucks.
I cannot tell you how disgusted I was to learn of this poll and that you would actually give up your baby's life because some people you do not know vote for you to. It makes me immensly sad and angry at the same time. If you do not want your own child that you chose to concieve there are plenty of people that are unable to have children that would be happy to take care of your baby and ask for nothing in return. For all of those people who are saying that you are stupid and therefore do not deserve to be parents and should therefore abort are not thinking clearly...just because of the parents poor judgement does not mean that the innocent baby should be punished. I weep for you and for your baby and for the state of society today that this idea was ever thought of. I pray that instead of going by what this poll says that you will do what is right and give birth to the life you chose to concieve, I am not saying that you should keep the baby if that is not what you want to do, but do not murder the child just because a bunch of people are curious to see if you will actually do it.
I'm so thankful that you are opening up this decision to comments and I am so sorry for the mean comments people have left. The fact that you did not have an abortion yet tells me that something inside of you is telling you the truth that this baby is a person and should not be aborted. People may fight over when this baby became a real person (I personally believe with all my heart that this baby is a person from the moment of conception), but the facts are that your baby's heart is beating right now and your baby is moving around as I'm sure you have been shown proof of during your ultrasound. That means that this is already a live human you are protecting until he/she is ready to make his/her entrance into the world. I promise that I will pray for you every day until the baby is born for protection of you and this baby's precious life, but please do not end this baby's life. Your baby doesn't have a choice to live or die, only you have been given the right to make that choice......please choose life for your child.
I'm happy to hear at least your hearts are open. Do the right thing, have the baby. And don't stop doing the right thing. I've listened to you speak from your blog and all I hear are fears. Don't be controlled by fears in life. Instead, live the life god has for you, that god gave you. Allow the miracle of life, by giving birth, to change your perspective. Allow god to control your life. He is a good god who wants to bring you many blessings. Choose him. He is waiting, and weather you fo the right thing or not this time he will still be waiting. That's out Jesus! In my prayers.
I will give you twenty thousand American dollars for your aborted fetus, also you must cover the cost of the tortillas.
You are disgusting people. To put the life of this child up to a popular vote is absolutely horrible. You disgust me, and I hope you rot in hell forever. You have no respect for the sanctity of life, or the gravity of the decision you are about to make. You deserve the fuking death penalty for this, but fuking Roe v. Wade says otherwise. If you have this abortion, I hope you get hunted down and killed like Tiller. Rot in hell, you fuking cunt suckers.
As a woman who's hopes of ever having children with her husband are shattered, I am heartbroken that you would take the miracle of life so foolishly. I, along with millions of women out there, would love to be in your shoes and to hear you guys say that abortion is an option for you is beyond disgraceful... You could put the child up for adoption. There will always be a loving couple somewhere in the world that would find no greater joy then to give a child a home. Shame on you for being so selfish.
Are you enjoying the publicity yet? I can't believe you two are the parents of four kids already! If I was one of your kids, I'd be ashamed and embarrassed of what you are doing! Do you really think that we who are strangers to you have been sitting around worrying about your so-called political decisions when it comes to something like this? I strongly believe you're going to do what you want regardless of the stupid poll you created. If you don't want to be parents to the baby you are carrying, then place him or her for adoption. There are thousands of childless & waiting couples who have been waiting for more than two years and one of them would love nothing more than to be loving and responsible parents to your baby! Get a life!
Let me tell you the truth: Most of the time, its great to be a parent, lol!!! But, your grandchildren will make life "Heaven on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is no greater blessing in my opinion!
This is clearly a hoax, but seriously, if people are so torn about whether or not they want a child that they would put it up to a vote, they clearly aren't ready to be parents.
This poll is enough to see you're not actually ready to have a child.
I'm hungry. Have the abortion.
I am a married childless woman and I am typing this with tears running down my face. After years of trying desperately for a child me and my husband have been unsuccessful and seems it will always be this way. I cannot believe that I have come across this site in a british newspaper. I think you are disgusting sick individuals. Why get pregnant in the first place if you were not sure if you wanted children? You say you are selfish, yes you are and you can be as selfish as you want, your call, but have this baby, give it up for adoption, to somebody like me and my husband who would cherish that little life growing inside you, THEN GET STERILISED! You are a mum, that little babys mum and you want people, people you dont know, to decide on whether or not you KILL your child? I truley hope you get your comeuppance. Vile, just vile.
If adoption was an option on the poll, I'd vote for that, but since it is not, I'd far rather see you have an abortion than see that child raised by people like you. No child deserves to be treated as a social experiment by their parents.
you guys are just sick seriously no wonder our world is so messed up because of POS's like yall!!!!!! Keep your damn legs shut or wear a freakin condom something dang all these ways of birth control and you couldnt use one????? YOU GUYS ARE SCUM and should rot in hell for even thinking about this!!! If anything give it up for adoption what right do you have taking life from someone???? If you go through with this i hope u ROT IN HELL!!!!
I cannot believe this is something that you are polling. Obviously, if you are going to depend on the internet to make the choice, you two are not mature enough to care for a child. I am not saying either way if you should have an abortion, but for the love of god, do not be the two to raise this child. I don't even know what to think of this.
YES! Have an abortion! Because it is the morally correct thing to do. The only reason to have a child is because you really truly want one. Anything else is child abuse. These people who suggest you have a child and then give it up for adoption just horrify me. They only think about what they want and have no clue how much a child suffers when torn away from the birth-mother. Getting an abortion shows that you care about the welfare of the child, not just your own selfish needs. A fetus is not a child. If you are concerned about the welfare of children then give to a charity and help one some of the millions of real, already-born children who are starving and suffering.
Have the child and put it up for adoption. Let it go to a home where it can be truly loved. You people are a disgrace! You should be ASHAMED of yourselves for even using a social experiment. IF YOU WEREN'T READY TO BECOME PARENTS YOU SHOULD HAVE USED PROTECTION!!! Do not make the child pay for YOUR mistake. Adoption is my vote. You do not deserve children after this. And after you have the child and it's in the hands of someone safe, I honestly hope God strikes both of you dead. We could use a world with less morons. You are literally disgusting. Have a nice day. (Not really. I hope your day was completely horrible and you cringe at the very thought of reading any of these, if you actually do.)
You people are absolutely twisted sick in the head. When I heard about this I didnt believe it, I had to come see for myself. May you rot in hell. God save that poor innocent child who will either be murdered or be cursed with evil unloving parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i would happily and pleasingly adopt this child and care for it
You should give birth to this precious life and if you don't want the baby...then give it to someone who would LOVE this baby. I, along with several others I'm sure would happily adopt the baby and love this child.
This is horrifying. Coming form someone who is pro-choice. You need to have this baby, deliver and give it to a couple who will love and care for him unconditionally. Too many people out there know the heartache of trying for a child without success. Show the world adoption works. Babies are gifts and if I had the opportunity to give someone the ultimate gift I would jump at it! Deliver, give this child to someone who deserves this and never speak of the haneous site again!
Pete and Alisha, I can not imagine that after seeing your child in the ultrasound you could seriously consider this. This makes me so sad, really. To think that such a decision (life or death) would be left to a vote of virtual strangers. I pray that you will will give your child life. If there is some trouble or turmoil that makes you think you should not have a baby right now, [please reach out to someone for help. There are many wonderful groups that are willing to help couples in need. I personally work with such groups and would be happy to help you.
Pete and Alisha, this is your baby, your child. How could you think of destroying them?
Please, you are so far, practically there , to the day when you will be able to hold your son or daughter in your arms. I read that you have already had a couple of miscarriages. I am so sorry for your loss and so perplexed that you could be giving this idea any thought. Please, please think this through and do not make a game of your baby's life.
If you feel you are not ready to be parents my husband and I would happily adopt and love this baby, My children would welcome him/her into the family and feel so blessed to have a baby in the house to love, just as they did when we all welcomed our last child, our daughter, home and adopted her years ago. Please consider that alternative so that this baby may have life.
Reading these comments make me fear for my country. God is the author of life and only He can recall life. Every human has a right to life as God ordained. Some of these opposing posts are astounding!
You sick, sick, SICK pieces of crap.
This is absolutly ridicoulus. You post comments about your ultrasound and the heartbeat, you post pics of your baby and yet you still want to kill an innocent humna being. Just remember that you will be judged at the resurrection and that the choices you make in life will determine where you will spend eternity!
Exodus 23:7: "Have nothing to do with a false charge, and do not put an innocent or honest person to death, for I will not acquit the guilty."
"Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him" (Psalm 127:3).
"Before I was born the LORD called me; from my birth he has made mention of my name...and now the LORD says--he who formed me in the womb to be his servant..." (Isaiah 49:1, 5).
You may not believe in God, you probbaly don't since you are even considering this, but think of this, what if you are wrong about there not being a GOD!
how about if your mother's decided to "clothes hanger" both of you all those years ago before you turned into a pair of inbred retards. what a pair of sickos you both are and any clown who supports your right to buthcher the little fella. at least give birth and adopt him and spare him the shame of growing up with you as parents. the truth hurts i'm afraid.
You are married. Why on GOD's earth would you choose NOT to carry your baby?
I cannot fathom why you would even put this up for discussion; Unless you don't
love and care for each other? When you hold that baby, your heart will change
and you will be aghast that you even considered this heinous act of violence.
Hi both,
hope all three of you are doing well...It's a weird thing asking people's opinion on something that is ultimately your decision to make, but I would like to give advice.I myself am only 27 and don't feel ready for a child yet either. mostly cause I cannot offer everything a child needs right now. SO you should decide if you have the opportunity the financial stability to have a child. I read you already had two miscarriages, what if this is the only chance? what if faith is forcing this decision because you cannot make it yourself. I think you should consider keeping the baby, you are a loving couple and could give a baby a happy home to grow up in and a child gives back so many joy and love, I even see it with my godson, I wouldn't want to give him back for anything in the world. however should the baby suffer from severe abbarations think of that aswell and the quality of life you give, cause it will one day have to continue with out you. You're both adults, do the thing that's right for you.
Love, Natalis
I can't believe you would kill your son based on votes by strangers. Your own son and you have no love for him or regard for his life? You would murder him if enough people said to?
You both do not deserve to ever be parents. Man, you need to go get a vasectomy NOW and woman, you need to arrange an adoption for this poor little baby boy now so that he can go to a loving mother who will protect and love him. You are not it! And when he's born and given to his adoptive mummy, you should have a tubal ligation.
How dare you think you can kill your own son just because you don't know if you want him?
How dare you create a life you don't care for? You need to never do this again. You don't deserve the blessing of a pregnancy. You would not be good parents if you could have him killed. Sickos.
Seriously, get steralized and get an adoption in place so that when he's born he doesn't have to know you worthless peices of shit.
This is unbelievable. I was in shock to hear that anyone would be this horrible and sick! My baby boy died almost 6 months ago. He was 6 months old. I would give anything to have him back. And here you people are having people vote on whether you will murder your child or not? I cannot even comprehend this!! Like others have said, sounds like it could be a stunt, but if so, you two are sick and need help. I hope somewhere inside of either of you is a conscience that will choose not to murder your child. This is exactly where abortion has led us. People giving the thumbs up or down on another human's life. Utterly sick.
Have an abortion. Clearly you two are not capable of being loving parents.
I'm not sure why people are for "chose adoption"...oh well yes I do, they want your fetus....still adoption is a parenting choice, NOT a pregnancy choice.
The question at hand is weather the pregnancy should continue, not what to do after the birth.
I prayed about this. I am for the life of the baby, God's gift. If you don't want the little one then please please find someone who wants a baby and would love and care for this most precious gift. There are so many who cannot have children who would give your baby a wonderful home and life. Please choose life. God Bless you both.
I think it is very sad that you would see the pictures of this miracle inside you and then consider murdering this innocent child. Do your research and see what happens during an abortion. I truly believe that if you knew what you were doing, you would not be able to go through with killing this child. I know people murder their unborn children every day and it is sickening that this is legal. I truly hope this site is really intended to show people the reality and absurdity of the "pro-choice" stance.
Don't have an abortion! It is unfair to all the oher people ot there that wantt have babies but cant. If you dont want th baby give it up for adoption.
I'm pro life but what you're doing is sick, you either want the baby or you don't. So many people in the world can't get pregnant and would do anything to have a little person growing inside them like you do and you're teasing that foetus with a chance of life if the rest of the world wants you to have it. Stop beingdicks
I think this is a stunt. But stunt or not you two are sick and not fit to be parents any time soon. Please give this child to someone who wouldn't make a mockery of it's life. I've got another "pro-life" friend who resorts to some truly sick perverse attempts to prove that those in favor of abortion are sick. But in reality he is just sick, sick, sick and clearly gets off on exposing the perversity of others refusing to see the depths that HE has sunk to. The truth is everyone knows that in aborting they are killing a child. The problem is that most people do not care! You are only riling up the people who do give a rat's ass. You won't change hearts and minds with this. You are just showing the degradation our society can reach. We not only kill our unborn but we vote on killing them. Congratulations on helping us sink to a new low!
Just abort the infidel already.
I would love to adopt this child also, it is a gift from God. We all have a purpose and are loved and made in the image of a Creator God. Because of Jesus' great love and sacrifice for us, we have the opportunity to be made free from the bonds of sin, to become a new person, and to live an eternal life in His Presence.
The little child in your womb is not only made to look like or resemble you, but is a reflection of the care and creativity of an eternal God.. God has given the child personality, a destiny, and many unique traits that make him or her very special. When he or she is born, please consider how precious a gift you have been given, and know that God has also made you and cares for you just as much.
We are a family expecting our 4th... We will adopt this baby from you if you truly don't want the responsibility of raising this beautiful child! Seriously... There are so many people who would love to give your child a home where he or she will be properly nurtured and loved!! After the birth of your baby, it is time for some surgery for you to make sure you can never get pregnant again! I am mortified, first of all, that you are actually considering abortig your child and second of all that you have made this into a public debate. This is a LIFE!!
Hard to believe you would consider MURDER an option.
I seriously hope this is a sick joke. However, the more I thought about it- and more importantly, the more I PRAYED about it....I believed that I could not forgive myself if the vote were to go the wrong way because people like me thought it was a sick prank and refused to vote.
I pray this is a publicity stunt and that you two are just pro-lifers who want to get attention to drive home the point to everyone that they need to vote pro life whether they're talking about one particular couple's baby- or some more generic law about to be enacted in some state somewhere.
My guess is you'll see just how heavily weighted pro life this poll will be, regardless of the whacked out message boards trying to sway the vote. It's interesting that the real votes cast on ballots every November don't display this same disparity.
Have the baby, but give it up for adoption. Any prospective parent that would pull a stunt like you have, probably doesn't need to be raising a child.
I suffered a miscarriage on 22nd March 09 and the baby would have been due on 22nd November 09. I have since found out this year that I have numerous health conditions which would make it highly unlikely that I will ever be able to conceive or give birth. To be honest I haven't read your site fully but I would urge you to consider that if you ever think you might even want a child then continue with the pregnancy as you don't know if you will ever be able to have the chance of having a child again.
Looking at your scan pictures makes me so emotional as my baby never managed to hang on long enough for me to have a scan so I don't have those sorts of memories of him/her. I have just noticed that you too suffered a miscarriage previously, so to be given the chance to have a child within a year of the previous child not making it is something real special. I haven't noticed whether you say if you had decided to keep the previous child or not prior to the miscarriage but whatever decision you made then bear that in mind but also keep in mind that you have been given this chance, luckily, of another pregnancy. Just read that you have pcos too, so as I was saying about my health issues making it highly unlikely I will be able to conceive again or give birth then this is something too which you will need to consider (I'm sure you have considered it but I am just highlighting all my views to you).
I hope you make the decision which is right for you both, Best wishes x
I am pro-life, but an abortion at 20 weeks is cruel. Parents and Doctors try desperately to save babies born just a few weeks older. I voted "Give Birth", but not because I think you should be parents. I think an abortion at 20 weeks is horrifying. My opinion, give the child up for adoption. He would be adopted in an instant, to people who love and care about him. People who want him.
Free hangers for all who voted to abort! Yay! This is twisted.
A court needs to take custody of your fetus if you cannot to protect its life; then place the child for adoption into a loving family. Your desire to attract attention shows you would harm your child, even though you are blind to it! You cannot see what you are doing; this shows major mental health problems and denial. Anyone who had several mnisscarriages and then wanted an abortion splashed all over the intenet is narrcasistic. You need help. A cvhild doesn't deserve to live with these wackos. Let the baby be born and give it to a LOVING, NORMAL family. The baby's weel-being needs to be first. You have already destroyed any chance of allowing this child to grow up normal. YOU NEED TO STOP BEING SELFISH AND ARRANGE FOR AN ADOPTION!!!!!!!!!!! If you have any faith, or decency, you will give this child to a loving family.
Think how you'll feel attending any childrens party in the future knowing you killed your child when he/she wad most vulnerable.
Have the baby a gave him/her in adoption. The baby has the right to live but you don't deserve to be parents. Give another couple that cannot have their own children the blessing to be parents. May God help you make the right decision for both you and the baby.
Pull the plug. Too many people on Earth. Do mother Earth a favor.
what a pair of absolut idiots you both are. You should spend ur time on losing weight not killing ur child u fat ugly fuckers.
Dear Pete and Alisha,
From the bottom of the heart of a seventeen year old I pray that you will keep your baby.
Look at the pictures of the ultra sounds you have posted. Look at the beauty of a life that you both have created! It is a beautiful thing. If you guys are afraid of parenthood, many parents have been there and never regret having their children. I'm sure you both would make great parents but the fact that you are letting a poll decide whether YOUR BABY should life or die is just morally wrong. Look at your parents, they both chose life. This is why you are here and now. That is why you both are alive. Please reconsider this poll... I see that somewhere inside you're heart you truly care about your baby. I just don't understand why you would let the world help you decide whether you let your child live or not, because the world will lie to you. Abortion is murder and I don't see why you would want to be responsible for the murder of your baby. Think about the future for a minute, you could be pushing your baby girl or boy on a swing or you could be buried within your own pain and sorrow for choosing the wrong choice... for not choosing life. God bless you both and your baby.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
I will gladly adopt your son, since you don't want him or love him. I would be blessed to have another little boy in the family.
There are more than just two choices. Abort, keep, give up for adoption. If you don't want to be parents, then give someone else a chance to love this child. babies don't 'end up in the system'. They adopted almost instantly. wonderful couples who can't have kids wait for year to get a child. Please consider the other option.
p.s. I'm pretty sure this is just some ploy for publicity or a social experiment, but maybe someone else will read this realize they don't have to have an abortion if they don't want their child. Please remember adoption is an option.
PLEASE do not kill this baby! I had a miscarriage 2 years ago and finally found out we are pregnant again and am 6 1/2 weeks along. I live on pins and needles afraid of another miscarriage. Life is the most beautiful of miracles and gifts. Please pray about this decision and I will pray for you as well!
You are so sick! If you don't want it then get it adopted by parents who can't get any kids but so want a baby. If you have an abortion you are a murderer and should be prisoned for life or maybe even get killed as it is in the states!
I have a few things to ask you...
1) If you have already been pregnant before, you know how to get pregnant. If you did not want children, why in the hell even get pregnant again???
2) If you do have this child (I pray for it) then how are you going to explain this when the child finds out? Google lasts FOREVER.
3) How can you be so selfish in your wants and desires? If you are truly that self involved, you dont DESERVE a child...
4) How exactly does it look when two whales mate? I think you should put a video and a poll on how many people are disgusted with seeing that ! (my bet is 100% disgusted)
In all honesty, you two are very disgusting and preverse people. How you can make a poll on whether you should have an abortion or not.. Really? I have a son, I wake up everyday, look into his eyes and KNOW that he is the best thing to EVER happen to me. Without him, I am nothing. He is my heart that walks, talks and loves me no matter what. The sad part is, I dont believe you two will EVER feel this way about your child. I voted give birth, but I wish it had said " give birth and give to someone worth a damn". You two sure are not. I hope you rot in hell, and your beautiful baby gets a loving home with parents with a bit of heart, and common sense. Pure trash!
I can't believe this! Shame on you guys! God gave you the opportunity to conceive after two miscarries and now you’re asking people to vote if you would have your baby or not? People like you don’t deserve the gift of having kids. This is the better example of immaturity. This has nothing in common with democracy.
You are absolutely the two most disgusting people on this planet right now. Who the hell cares how many babies you have lost or if this child will be born with a genetic disorder? Guess what, I'm on my second child, 4th pregnancy and I would love this child even if she came out with two heads and a tail. There is nothing on this planet that would make me abort for the reasons that you are considering. If your health and life were at stake, then you need to do what you need to do, but for the simple reasons of not wanting to be older parents or have a child with a genetic disorder is completely selfish and idiotic. I'm not religious, nor am I pro-life, but I believe that the "choice" needs to be made for better reasons than yours. For you to leave it up to voting up until the last minute is inhumane. Wiggles is now an actual baby, heartbeat, hair, bones, physical feelings. You are disgusting. Obviously, you don't want this child as much as you put across or you would not even think about doing this, much less whoring yourselves out to the general public for attention. Have the baby because handicapped or not, there is someone out there who wishes that they were able to have children and they would gladly take this burden out of your hands. And do everybody a favor, get sterilized and stop trying to procreate because we don't need any more idiots like you people.
Why isn't there an option for adoption. For yours and this child's sake just have it and put it up for adoption, if you miscarry again then you have lost nothing in your eyes, but just maybe if everything goes right you will be changed people and be grateful for the gift of life and passing yourselves on. May God's will be done and not the tangled will of the internet
ask's the internet for advice.
grow up.
I pray that you both stop this lunacy and consider your child and only your child. It is no one's right to decide if you keep or abort your son. God and only God can do that and he has so far blessed you with a beautiful baby. Did you ever stop to think what your son will make of all this, should he survive?? PLEASE STOP this madness.
Maybe in 40 years we can have another poll on wether your son should abort you two.
Too many people in this world already, abort it.
Well im not going to call you guys idiots, or morons for doing this....the decision to becomming a parent is definitely not an easy task no matter what your age. At the age of 20 i found out i was pregnant and even before knowing how far along i was, the father and his mother were telling me that i had to have an abortion. My family and friends kept telling me it was wrong. So i finally came to my own conclusion: I wont go and abort my baby, i will carry on my pregnancy following all the "rules" but if i happen to lose the baby then it just wasn't meant to be....which turned out to be a good call on my part since we found out a week later i was almost 4months already.
I guess my words to you both are: If it's meant to be then let it be, and if not...then carry on and live a happy life
I understand the feelings of selfishness. Even though, I'm pregnant with my third baby (my husband and I have been married 7 years and always wanted kids), I still have periods of doubt over this next child - many "what in the world were we thinking" moments happen - even though this pregnancy was unplanned.
We will keep our baby - we're in a stable place in life and have two great kids already, so why not?
But you? Feeling selfish, having an unplanned baby - do what some friends of mine did - let the baby be adopted by a couple who truly wants to have a baby and "settle down." It will make everyone a lot happier.
should you decide to keep your child, please please don't tell sweet Wiggles that you left the child's fate in the hands of random strangers. what a sad thing to learn someday... i know i would be really hurt to learn that my parents had a site like this because they weren't sure that they wanted me or were selfless enough to love me.
This is beyond the pale. IF this is indeed true, you do not deserve to be the parents of this precious child. If you would be so apathetic about whether your child is born or not.... what kind of life would this child have with you as parents? Please have the baby and do all of us a favor and put the baby up for adoption. I can not even imagine the emotional trauma you would cause this child.... SHAME ON YOU!! You are disgusting, heartless and vapid monsters. Shame on you!!
I cannot believe that you are asking strangers advice on whether or not you keep your child! Firstly why on earth did you risk pregnancy feeling this uncertain about having a child? Secondly, anybody that can have an abortion at such a late stage so lightly is heartless! I faced the possibilty of this with my second son due to a possible disability and it was a heartbreaking time! I could never have killed my child regardless of what the outcome of tests was. I nearly lost him on several occasions until he was born 9 wks early and very poorly. He is the most amazing, intelligent and caring 7 year old now and I'd die without him and his brother. U don't deserve a child!! U should have had an adoption option to save your baby's life and let it be raised by parents that will love and raise it the way good parents should! Go and live your lives carry on with your careers because they won't keep your heart warm and make you laugh like only a child can.
Let the baby live and PLEASE, put it up for adoption. Then, one or both of you should take surgical measures to ensure that this doesn't happen again.
Cutting off someone's head because they have a headache is not charity!
Using other people's opinions to decide the fate of the unborn child you are carrying is disgusting. You should have been practicing birth control if you did not want children or had the slightest question in your mind. Obviously, you are not going to be a good parent. There are millions of people in the world that want children that would be great parents unlike you two sickos. Give birth and give the baby up for adoption. At least this way, the child has a fighting chance at life and you can go back to your selfish ways. Then you should sterilize yourself and your husband before you have the chance to possibly ruin another life.
OK obviously Alisha has some kind of mental illness for even thinking like this. I completely understand that you do not want the baby, however, there are thousands upon thousands of people out there that are unable to have children and are looking to adopt healthy US babies. Ok so be selfish and don't raise the baby, but you don't have to kill it. How can you kill someone or something that you have already given a nickname too? By the way I am a mother of 4 and do not have problems having children but there are a lot of people out there that do!!!!!
No child would choose a violent death over less than optimum parents or poverty---none.
No retarded person wishes they were dismembered and decapitated instead of being born--none.
Nobody has the right to decide SOMEONE ELSE'S life is not worth living--no one.
Why would you let the world decide the fate of your baby. That is so sick. If you don't want the baby there are so many couples who are not that lucky to be able to get pregnant looking to adopt babies. I would give birth to the baby and give it up for an adoption if you still aren't ready for kids. There is a way to prevent pregnancy such as birth control and condoms. If you are not ready for a child then take the necessary precautions so you don't have to make this desicion again. It's all your choice in the end but keep the pregnancy going and give it to a family who can't have a baby themselves.
Once again, like so many others have already said, leaving your decision to the internet public is a stupid, stupid idea. I too am pro-choice, but I think that if an abortion is going to happen, it should be done EARLY. Not at the very last legal second. This whole thing is disgusting and I hope you DON'T have an abortion.
I voted give birth but there should have been an option of give birth and then adoption because you people are too sick to be parents.
Please give birth to the creation of the Lord God Almighty. And since you don't seem to care if Wiggles lives or dies please find a good home for this precious child to receive the Love that every child deserves. And request that no one ever tell this child the circumstances of the unloving uncaring parentage of the biological parents. Every child deserves to believe they were love fromt the beginning. Praying for this wonderful creation.