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Should We Give Birth or Have an Abortion? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 2,202,203

  • annon - 14 years ago

    have the poor thing adopted you dont deserve the child and he/she doesnt deserve the pain of the abort, the cruelest thing i have ever seen

  • Nyurka - 14 years ago

    I had been married for the last 20 years and had been impossible for me and my husband to have a baby .I dont know what is in your mind b ut if you can't raise the baby ou should think about adoption a closed or open one. I really didnt want to check what people had placed on your blog.. but think about it.. give the baby a chance to live with another parents if you are your husband are not capable to provide for him/her. May you find peace in your heart.

  • Annonomous - 14 years ago

    You have been blessed with a child. Some people spend years trying for a baby and would love to be in your position. Be thankful for what you have been given and if you do decide to have the child how will they feel knowing you left their future in others hands?

  • Lauri Wade-Higdon - 14 years ago

    Have your baby. Parenthood is full of difficulties, AND wonderful experiences & a love no one can fully explain to you. Such joy!

  • Norm - 14 years ago

    I think this is disgusting. But I voted anyways because this isn't a game, or a blob of cells, but an actual human being's life is at stake. His or her parents are actually considering killing it, but to make matters worse, are turning the whole thing into a public spectacle. Would we be so cool with putting a gun to a woman's head and then having people vote on whether or not we pull the trigger? Probably not. This isn't cool either.

  • Ddubbya - 14 years ago

    give birth and i will raise the child. you'd have to do nothing but give Wiggles life. i'll take care of the rest.

  • nikki - 14 years ago

    I hope your child grows up knowing that you would even consider killing him/her. I hope He or she knows that you did this stupid publicity stunt. And I hope he/she grows up to hate you b/c of it.

    Right now the best option would be to give the baby up for adoption since it doesn't like you'll be very good parents.

  • Jean - 14 years ago

    The person who commented that not all babies get adopted is misinformed at best. As an adoptive parent, I would urge you to give birth at least and then make the decision to place this precious gift in a home where he/she will be loved. There are way more adoptive parents out there than there are babies to fill their homes and hearts. There is obviously no question that this child is alive and growing, so an abortion would kill him/her. Please don't make the decision to end his/her life.

  • Donna - 14 years ago

    You are very sick people, putting the life of your unborn baby up for a vote, to be decided by complete strangers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the FUCK is the matter with you??? If you didn't want to get pregnant, you should have kept your legs crossed/kept it in your pants!!!!!!!!! Have that poor baby & give him/her up for adoption, give him/her a shot at a good life, which you CLEARLY are incapable of providing, given that you can't make a decision this important for yourselves!!! Then do the world a favor, & BOTH of you go get sterilized!!!!!!!! BOTH of you better be really fucking thankful your parents didn't do the same damn thing!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • Andrea - 14 years ago

    you know Im a pro-choice person, I dont judge anyone who choses to have an abortion done but I think is a personal decision to be made by the couple only and not a bunch of strangers. plesae grow up and look for shrink

  • GHJ - 14 years ago

    You should be ashamed of yourselves! You don't deserve to be parents! Give this baby up for adoption and get your tubes tied!

  • Ida - 14 years ago

    I find it hard to believe that you are truly 30 years old. This kind of poll is something I would expect out of a 16 or 17 year old. Shame on you that you are even thinking that this is even a legitimate question. Please do us all a favor and have the baby and give the baby up to somebody who would actually love it.

    Could you imagine being a child and finding out that your "parents" took a vote like this? I am completely speechless.

  • wilfredo - 14 years ago

    if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you make sure that child will come to kill innocent people in Iraq or Afghanistan, it is better to be born when the empire die ...if you mak

  • dona - 14 years ago

    This is a human being, a little person growing inside you, obviously you have no emotions what so ever to let random people in the world decide if you keep your child or not. I beg you to please think of this little person and do what YOU think is right for him or her. This is absolutely horrid.

  • chelo guerra - 14 years ago

    si vous vous assurez que l'enfant viendra à tuer des innocents en Irak ou en Afghanistan, il est préférable d'être né quand l'empire mourir vous vous assurez que l'enfant viendra à tuer des innocents en Irak ou en Afghanistan, il est préférable d'être né quand l'empire mourir vous vous assurez que l'enfant viendra à tuer des innocents en Irak ou en Afghanistan, il est préférable d'être né quand l'empire mourir vous vous assurez que l'enfant viendra à tuer des innocents en Irak ou en Afghanistan, il est préférable d'être né quand l'empire mourir vous vous assurez que l'enfant viendra à tuer des innocents en Irak ou en Afghanistan, il est préférable d'être né quand l'empire mourir vous vous assurez que l'enfant viendra à tuer des innocents en Irak ou en Afghanistan, il est préférable d'être né quand l'empire mourir vous vous assurez que l'enfant viendra à tuer des innocents en Irak ou en Afghanistan, il est préférable d'être né quand l'empire mourir vous vous assurez que l'enfant viendra à tuer des innocents en Irak ou en Afghanistan, il est préférable d'être né quand l'empire mourir vous vous assurez que l'enfant viendra à tuer des innocents en Irak ou en Afghanistan, il est préférable d'être né quand l'empire mourir vous vous assurez que l'enfant viendra à tuer des innocents en Irak ou en Afghanistan, il est préférable d'être né quand l'empire mourir vous vous assurez que l'enfant viendra à tuer des innocents en Irak ou en Afghanistan, il est préférable d'être né quand l'empire mourir vous vous assurez que l'enfant viendra à tuer des innocents en Irak ou en Afghanistan, il est préférable d'être né quand l'empire mourir vous vous assurez que l'enfant viendra à tuer des innocents en Irak ou en Afghanistan, il est préférable d'être né quand l'empire mourir vous vous assurez que l'enfant viendra à tuer des innocents en Irak ou en Afghanistan, il est préférable d'être né quand l'empire mourir ...

  • Jenni - 14 years ago

    ok well I haven't read what everyone else has posted but I'm sure you've heard ultimately it's your decision and what everyone else thinks shouldn't matter. Either way that you go it's your decision and your life and you are the ones who will either be blessed by it (if that's possible) orpay the punishment for it. You will not be NOT PARENTS you will the parents of a child that died.... because of you. I have an either better poll for you... should we get married or not because obviously the fact that you don't know wether or not you want to have a baby that you ARE PREGNANT WITH says to me that you're not ready to commit to something like that. If you base your choice of how many people vote on what you should decide then your next poll should be Should we seek counseling or not because anyone who would leave that up to STRANGERS!!! probably needs it. Then there are so many alternatives besides abortion that you two could do... Adoption, foster parents, or just have the baby and leave it... I mean please do your research!

  • Petya Murray - 14 years ago

    All I can say is you guys are sick, this is disgusting. Your lives should be voted on here not your child's. You dont deserve to have a child.

  • Liz - 14 years ago

    I think all these comments about having this child are correct. If you have to do a site like this you shouldn't have a child, but at least give the child a chance at life! There are so many people out there who do want children who can't have one because of their situations. I have two of my own and would love another child but due to two c-sections my fiance wouldn't consider another in the future so I had my tubes tied. If you really do want this child take down this site; with lots of care for yourself, luck, prayer, and taking it day by day this child may make it. Just because you had two miscarriages doesn't mean this one will end the same. This one has lasted longer and may actually be a blessing and your one and only chance at having a child. I hope you read all these comments and choose the right choice for the baby and for you. If you want an abortion please don't go through with it- Please have the baby give it a chance at life and If you decide you don't want it put it up for adoption! There are so many options out there but this baby has a chance give it one.

  • Maria - 14 years ago

    Dios mio!!!!! que triste saber que hay personas en el mundo que pueden jugar con la vida de un ser humano. Es lo mas descabellado que he leido, estoy realmente asombrada. Claramente se ve que no tienen moral, ni principios y mucho menos corazon. Que Dios cuide a este bebe y lo aleje de ustedes para siempre.

  • Jeremy - 14 years ago

    I heard about this on the Dori Monson show today and felt ill when I actually heard the guy comment that he was taking the results of this poll seriously with regards to making their decision. As the father of two (2.5 and 4 months), I frankly do not understand how anyone could abort (kill) an unborn chiild whether they were just conceived or only in the first trimester. They are a great deal of work, but the blessings are truly remarkable.

    If you are not fit to be parents, please start looking into the adoption channels now and give your child a chance to make it in this world. Having parents who make choices based on an online poll is not what he/she deserve. He/She deserves better and you know it.

  • LR - 14 years ago

    You are so sick i cant believe you are actually asking people to vote.

    There are people in the world who cant have children and you are so lucky to get pregnant. My daughter is a mircle child to me and i long for another baby i would love so much to get pregnant. to me you are evil and twisted you obviously dont deserve children and you should put this child up for adoption.

    You make me so angry, you dont deserve this child. do the right thing have this child and put the child up for adoption.
    this is a life not a bloody toy.

    Grow up for god sake ayou are so sick and twisted

  • CHRISTIE - 14 years ago

    why not choose ADOPTION??????????????????????????????????????????????? why isnt THAT an option besides Birth and legalized MURDER???

  • MNPaula - 14 years ago

    I live in MN and I'm more than happy to adopt your child from you if you actually give birth.

  • kt - 14 years ago

    hi i have read your blog and i cant understand why you have made this website if you have been pregnant before and have suffered the lost of a baby why now have a debate to abort or not abort. i myself have had a abourtion and it not as easy as you think you dont get over what you have done met alone forgive your self and whet if when you have an abortion there might be complication and you may never be able to have children after you would never forgive your self i now have a 6 year old but if i had never of had an abortioñ i would have a 10 year old there not a day that goes by that you dont forget what i did but i dont regret it. you have to decide for your selfs and forget about what other people might think. you will never be finically stable no one ever is. you will never be emotionally ready but once you give birthand you have a little baby in your arms that you have created it the most amazing feeling ever, you wont need to worry if your doing thing right cause as a human being we all mess up at times and no one is perfect you just have to do your best. but if your blessed with a healthy baby this time you should go for it good luck

  • Elias - 14 years ago

    I voted abortion because I think you're probably too fucking stupid to be parents.

  • annoyed - 14 years ago

    Give birth and put it up for adoption, people like you dont deserve kids when there are so many families struggling to conceive....

  • bababababa - 14 years ago

    People like you should not be allowed to procreate!

  • JNP - 14 years ago

    This is the sickest thing I have ever seen!...A child does not ask to be born and If your going to take the "next step" in your relationship or if your married and don't know if a child is right for you take the proper steps to prevent it!!!!!!

    Abortion should not be a option in any case your killing a innocent child...I am almost 30 years old and My husband and I are unable to have children and for you to have the gift and just be willing to throw it away because a hand full of assholes online think its the right choice is total bullshit.... and I feel bad for your unborn child. This has totally upset my day.

    Another option could be foster care or adoption at least give the kid a chance at life! One thing is for sure you two do not need to be parents!

  • Syrinx - 14 years ago

    First off, I want to say that I am pro-choice. However, I also a very big proponent of responsible behavior. From what I've read, this is your 3rd pregnancy within a years time, which clearly says to me that you were not using birth control. Therefore, you're either careless, or you wanted to get pregnant.

    You're married, you have careers that would allow you to support this child - if you didn't want to have him, you should have tried harder to keep from getting pregnant.

  • vanessa - 14 years ago

    I dont usually agree with abortion but this child clearly deserves better than to have parents like you! you do not deserve this child!

  • susan - 14 years ago

    Seriously????? Are you 2 REALLY this callous? You would kill your own baby- AFTER, OBGYN appointments, hearing its heart beat, and seeing its pictures? Did you 2 come straight from Hell are or are you just trying really really hard to get there????? Have that baby and give it to someone who will love it and have its best interest at heart from day one.

  • Sarah U - 14 years ago

    I think its very silly what you are doing here. You say its so the public has a real voice but the birth of a child is not something that the public needs to have a voice about. You can't even compare something like this to a public election, its just not the same at all. YOU two are the parents of this unborn child, therefore you should be making the decision yourselves. I couldn't imagine what my husband would say if I were to try something similar with our unborn child, who is also due next April. I voted to keep the baby and I hope he or she is loved by you as the parents and he/she never finds out about this silly little game you are playing with his LIFE. You two say you are in your 30's but you don't sound nearly that mature to me.

  • Michelle - 14 years ago

    This is a SICK poll. You have no right to murder a child this late. It is cruel, he could survive with some medical intervention. Maybe next time, think about contraception or give him up for adoption. Do not murder your unborn child.

  • Chris Hobbs - 14 years ago

    have the baby. Give it away. Congratulations, you are contributing to the reasons people don't like America. If you HAVE the baby, good luck looking at him when he grows up thinking "We almost let the internet kill you". GREAT idea.

  • mandy - 14 years ago

    can't believe you are even asking this .... i lost a baby at 15 weeks and although it was much too tiny to survive it was perfectly formed ..... a tiny baby .......i think this is sick ... im sorry but if you do decide to give birth you definately dont deserve to be parents and for fucks sake in future either take precautions or just dont have sex

  • Jenn - 14 years ago

    I am completely disgusted by this. Have the baby and give it up for adoption. You do not deserve to enjoy the great love of a child. You are selfish and completely unworthy of the joy a child brings to life. People like you are the reason our world is falling so completely apart. A total lack of respect for life at any stage.

  • Alison - 14 years ago

    I'll have your child, if you don't want him/her. Although, you'd be making a huge mistake by terminating the pregnancy.Especially as it's fully formed now. My daughter is 6 wks pregnant and doesn't know if she wants to keep it yet....I've told her the same thing!!!

  • Edel - 14 years ago

    I'm in total shock, this is the sickest thing I think I've ever come across. A mother and father taking votes on whether or not their innocent baby should live or die. It's reminiscent of the Colosseum with the crowd deciding whether the person in the arena lives or dies, thumbs up or down. It's depraved and completely wicked!

    "These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him
    A proud look, A lying tongue, HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD,
    A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil,
    A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren." Proverbs 6:16-19

  • alli - 14 years ago

    If you think that you're somehow ENTITLED to put a HUMAN LIFE up for vote on the INTERNET, you have no business procreating, EVER. Yes, we are people. Yes, we can vote. It doesn't mean we SHOULD! Some things are better left not-done and unsaid, and this is one of those things. How dare you make a mockery of every person out there who desperately wants and child and is unable to have one. How can you even think about doing this! I would love to be that child should it be voted into existence, "Well, (insternamehere), you're here because the Interwebz voted you here. You're the first! The rest of the kids we were going to have were voted into abortion." Take this insane, ridiculous poll down immediately for everyone's sake. You are both unfit to be parents, and I'm not convinced you are fit to be members of this human race either.

  • TJ - 14 years ago

    First off, this is sick that you are doing this to your child. Have you no compassion for the life that you hold within you? This life is yours that you and your husband created in love (?) WHY would you choose to allow others to decide whether or not your flesh and blood dies? You've lost two babies already and you should protect this life within you with your own life. Thousands of couples across the U.S. would give anything to adopt your baby. Could you hold on unselfishly for a couple more months to give your baby LIFE? Every baby deserves life. God gave you this life for a reason, don't destroy it. I already have four kids, but if you don't want to raise this baby, I will happily adopt your baby and raise it as my own. Surely you can hold on a few more months.

  • Jill - 14 years ago

    I think the best thing to do is to have birth and give the baby up for adopiton to a couple that really wants a child. I dont' understand why you had 2 planned pregnancies that resulted in mis-carriage and now you are condsidering an abortion. What you are considering is murder. The truly selfless thing to do is, have the baby and give the child to someone who is unable to have a child.


  • Sarah - 14 years ago

    Another choice! :-) My sister and her husband live in Montana and have all ready adopted 2 children from separate families from Pittsburgh, PA. They have such open hearts and would love to adopt once again. They have a very nice home in a great neighborhood and are a very loving family. If you are having a difficult time deciding upon what to do there is yet a third option. It's an opportunity to have the baby and grant the baby a wonderful opportunity for life and a future. You never know what's in store for this precious little one and what a blessing the baby can be!

  • D - 14 years ago

    If you decide to have this baby, I will call CPS starting now for intervention. You obviously have no love for this offspring aka baby...if it's gonna be anything like you, you may be doing he/she a favor by aborting!!! Baby's blood is in your hands!!
    I also pray you never develop breast cancer or anytype of cancer because you could very well be killing the Scientist/Doctor sent from above to CURE it!!!

  • L - 14 years ago

    please, choose life.

  • ruth - 14 years ago

    what you doing is evil !!! how can you make your child live to a public vote !! sorry but how will "wiggles " fill when he look back as adult and you put rather he live and die on website ! abortion is matter between couples ! not public matter! and to have late abortion at 20 weeks is sick! that children can live if it was born naturally ! i not pro life or agaist abortion ! im anti what you doing to highslt level !!! my parents are nearly 60, i just start uni ! i dont care they sooo old ! because at least im alive ! you dont deserve a child if that how you treating wiggles already . if you wast sure then why didnt you use condome 0_o

  • Ellen - 14 years ago

    I think it is really sad that you would alllow public opinion to make a major decision ~ life or death ~ (for the most part, from people you don't even know!) for you. I just hope and pray that enough people vote on the side of life (for your sake as well as the child's). If you don't want this child, there are many, many people who would love to give it a loving, nurturing home. People are on waiting lists to adopt children...

    Murder is murder ~ regardless of the legal/social/ medical terminology you use to make it sound acceptable. I hope and pray that you listen to your God given conscience and what it is saying to you ~ when you take the time to step away from the computer and all the voices telling you what to do ~ listen to what your heart is telling you... you are this baby's mother (and father) ~ parents are supposed to protect, love and care for their children, not murder them because they might be an inconvenience to their social calendar. And yes, abortion is murder. If you kill a living being (in a case like this, in cold blood), you are committing murder. And if you choose to do that, your unborn baby will be in heaven, but you will be the one left behind to suffer the consequences for the rest of your life... you think being inconvenienced by having to be selfless and care about someone other than yourself is bad, try living the rest of your life in guilt and regret, knowing you KILLED your own flesh and blood!?! I pray that you choose life (as much for you as for your child ~ and yes, it IS a child, even if it hasn't yet been born).

  • Concerned - 14 years ago

    People like you are what's wrong with today's world. Why on earth would you compile a nation/worldwide vote on such a personal decision. It disgusts me that you can look at those pictures of your child developing, a human life that you have already nicknamed, and still rely on the votes of outsiders. And the fact that you would wait until last minute to make a decision (a term which I use lightly since there's really no decision making on your parts whatsoever) is even more digusting. Good luck on letting the public help you decide on whether or not to commit murder.

  • Josh Brooks - 14 years ago

    you are sick sick people. i hope you have the baby and give it up for adoption because i wouldnt want any child to be raised by you

  • dani - 14 years ago

    You both are a disgusting disgrace and that is all I have to say. Please give your child up for adoption if you dont abort. Sick pigs

  • me - 14 years ago

    Shame on your selfish idiotic fame whore attitude!!!!!!!!! That fact that you're doing this speaks volumes about what kind of people you are. To do a last minute abortion like this is BARBARIC!!!!!!!!! How do you people look yourselves in the mirror. I'm HORRIFIED!!!!!!!!!! If you don't have the decency to do what is best for the baby and don't want her at least consider giving birth and giving her up for adoption. Life begins at conception! You are horrible horrible people.

  • Mattisyahu Shlomith - 14 years ago

    You have seen the images of your child ... can you now say you don't know better? Child sacrifice, which is what abortion is, is killing the unborn to save yourself from the future unknown. Are you ready to live with the guilt of knowing that you killed this child.

    What about in your relationship? Since you both clearly care more about yourselves more than anything else in life, what if one of you becomes ill with a life threatening disease - will the other one just walk away.

    Are you ready to be haunted by the cries of "Momma" or "Daddy" in your sleep for the rest of your life.

    Today, says the Lord, I have set before you the choice; life and death, curses or blessings - choose life. At least carry him through to birth and then adopt him out. It's your responsibility to him.

    Would you kill and vacuum out the carcass of a newborn baby? There is NO difference other than size and age.

    If you do decide to abort - make sure you have a sonogram recording of the procedure so that you can watch as the unborn child struggles to evade the clinician's forceful entry into his warm safe home and eventual murder.

    This is just sickening ... may the Lord save you from yourselves.

  • C - 14 years ago

    I vote you have the baby and give it up for adoption. I am completely pro-choice, but I think voting to abort a baby is discussing and tasteless. You have used the life inside of you as a way to garner attention for yourself. You both make me sick.

    If you don't want to have the baby, then don't. If you want to have the baby, then do it. Don't leave a decisionsas big as the life of your potential child up to complete strangers. We have no idea how you truly feel and we have no idea if you'd make a good parent.

    So I ultimately think you should have the baby and give it up for adoption. That way you get the best of both worlds, i.e. you had the baby, but still didn't have to raise. At least that way a deserving couple gets to be proud and happy parents.

    I weep for this child whether you abort it or not. If you abort it, you have made a sideshow of the brief life this child had. If you keep it, it has you for parents and that sounds like a lifetime of torture.

  • R. - 14 years ago

    I think you should have the baby and put it up for adoption. There are so many people out there who would love that little one. It's quite clear that you're not fit to be parents but there no need to take that out on the baby.

  • Nancy Belzile MEV - 14 years ago

    So much hate in the world. I encourage you to have your baby. Give it life outside of the womb. I support you in your pregnancy and if you need help let me know. You will be good parents. God bless.

  • Ashley - 14 years ago

    Wow how absolutely disgusting! hopefully during the abortion your wife will die! now that would be great!

  • sherelyn - 14 years ago

    you have already had 2 looses, i have a 15 month old boy(im 30) and he is my world, as you get older the chances of having a kid its low, i believe that 20 24 in the uk weeks is way to late , he is baby he has hands a heat beat and every thing you you didnt want one you eoud have ued a comdon or the pill esp after losing two, how could you do that, so many people out there cant have babys would love to have one, and your leaving it up to the public thats elfish and selfish for gettting preg again, im glad the votes are going the give birth, if you dont you will regeat it , we all work to live but i work and raise my son with my partner of 9 and half years , i have gone from a assitant manager to a notmal sales adviser full time to part time but i did that because i love my son and we do what we have to do, if this is true please keep the liite baby hes dont nothing wrong

  • momof4 - 14 years ago

    Just remember if you do decide to terminate this pregnancy that the baby living inside of you has a heart beat and at this point fingers, toes and the whole 9 yards. It isn't an embryo anymore it is a baby.

  • Common Sense - 14 years ago

    1) I hope this is a hoax
    2) if you really ARE pregnant - please give birth, then allow the child to be adopted by someone who will love him or her
    3) I never wanted children, but when I became pregnant, aborting it never crossed my mind. My husband and I had been married for 13 years and thought we'd never have kids. The moment we laid eyes on our son after his birth, God flipped a "switch" inside us - and we fell deeply in love with this person. Life is a precious thing - created by God alone -- not you and your husband's sperm. No one can create life except God - and He did that for a reason, either to teach you something - or for the child to bless another couple. No matter what this absurd and sick "vote" turns out to be - I hope you'll have the common sense to know that killing an innocent person who's only "crime" was that of being inconvenient - is never acceptable. Whether you believe in God or not - does not change the fact that He exists - and He says that murder is wrong (as if we had to be told that). Please let this child live.

  • Andrea - 14 years ago

    Like everyone else, I really hope this is a joke. If not, you should know that your reasons for not wanting a baby are completely normal reactions to any pregnancy. When I found out I was pregnant, I was extremely excited. After everything set in and I start to realize the changes that would be happening, I also starting realizing that I was going to have to change things, that I didnt want to change. Purely selfish reasons too! I want to stay thin, I want to be able to go party, I want to spend time with my husband! These are things that will go through your mind no matter how you feel about the pregnancy. These feelings alone though should not dictate whether or not your baby is allowed to live! They are normal reactions. Allowing strangers to make such a personal and private decision though is not progressive, or open-mindedness or even a dedication to constitutional rights. At best its you making excuses for your lack of responsibility. People do not need a say in your personal life. You and your husband are entitled to your rights. WE (all of your voters) have no constitutional right to force you to do anything, as your poll implies will happen. I will not vote either way on your poll, because that should have been left to you and your husband. But I will definitely give an opinion. You have ultrasounds up of your child and have given it a baby name already! Baby Wiggles! Let this little piece of you have a chance to see the world, and before that show him/her that his parents had some sense of personal responsibility by shutting down your poll. There is no doubt in my mind that you will come to regret an abortion, but I promise you, PROMISE YOU, you will never never regret your little baby. Killing your own baby will undoubtably take away a piece of you and your husband forever.

  • Sally - 14 years ago

    If you don't want the baby, don't kill him/her! You can always give the baby to a couple who are longing for a child to nurture and raise.

  • momof4 - 14 years ago

    Not to sound like a pro-life advocate but if you have had 2 miscarriages and have tried for a baby in the past why want to abort this one? That makes you sound completely selfish. If you don't actually want this baby than use a condom

  • Michelle - 14 years ago

    Best of luck to you as you go through this period of time, I am sure it is difficult for both of you. Remember the decision to abort or not to abort is always yours and only yours, but that does not prevent you from getting opinions from others. My feeling is that you should abort. Yes it is getting late in your pregnancy, and will be a little harder on you then an early term abortion. I have aborted an early pregnancy and a late term one at about the same term you will be doing so - that is if you decide to abort. Late term abortion abortion can be quite uncomfortable, but only for something over a day so you will be able to tolerate it.

  • Jim Whittaker - 14 years ago

    Please Do Not abort. There are thousands of families looking to adopt. Besides, from the moment of conception, your baby has had his/her OWN UNIQUE DNA that not one other person in the world has. I believe that DNA is the fingerprint of God. It states in Jeremiah:1 5-10 that God knows us before we are in the womb.

  • Maria S - 14 years ago

    Anyone this stupid should not be allowed to raise children, even in a democracy. Since you're giving the public a voice, give the child to someone who would love and cherish the child as you obviously have no desire to do. There are many loving couples out there who can't afford to pay $30k or more to "buy" a baby from another country. Give them yours.
    I am adopted and am immensely grateful that my parents made the choice 40 years ago to give me up. Their mature decision is one I will always love them for.

  • ralahinn1 - 14 years ago

    Each child is a gift from God.The choice to do this is actually a personal matter. It seems that you have problems carrying children to term, this child might be the only one where that is possible. Even if you decide not to raise this child yourself, please give it a chance to experience life( even though the world can be a crappy place sometimes).If you have never visited 4 chan by the way, don't go,people who are perfectly fine on other websites become asses when they start posting there( I go,once in a while, because " someone" wants me to look at something and I am usually disappointed at how low that crew can go, but most are"kids" and will hopefully grow out of it eventually.Anyway, I will pray for you, and hope that, for you, the right decision is made, no matter what you decide

  • Lynn - 14 years ago

    I see what you're attempting to do here, whoever you are. I don't for a second believe this site was set up by "Pete and Alisha". This is a Pro-Life scheme/scam... an extremely, disgusting one!

    On the off chance that I'm incorrect, if there really is a couple out there who would leave the fate of their unborn baby up to the idiocy and anonymity of the internet... then may I please ask ANYONE who knows these idiots to contact Child Protective Services. Neither of you deserve to be in the company of children, let alone raise one.

    If you decide to keep this child, if there is one, I could make the suggestion for adoption, but I don't think you deserve that choice. Both of you, again if you do indeed exist, need psychological testing.

    This site and vote misses the entire point of being "Pro-Choice" by miles!

  • HeyRetards - 14 years ago

    STOP BREEDING. We don't need more of you.

  • ryan - 14 years ago

    I wish I could meet you in person so I could kick you in the face. Hell is hot!!!!

  • Christine - 14 years ago

    I can not believe that you two morons would post something like this for the whole world to see. Whether or not you have an abortion should be a private matter. You are making those who seek an abortion look like uncaring women who think abortion is such an easy thing to do. You both DISGUST me!

    There are very valid reasons for abortions and I find what you are doing morally bankrupt. Not because you want an abortion, your way of going about it and making it a public spectacle!

  • HORRORIFIED - 14 years ago


  • HORRORIFIED - 14 years ago


  • ProChoice - 14 years ago

    This is an anti-choice hoax.

  • Marielle - 14 years ago

    This is possibly the most revolting thing I have ever come across.

    For the sake of the child,either adopt it away to someone who WANTS it, or get the abortion. THIS; this whole abomination of a site is the sign that you aren't even close to being mature enough.

  • Jennifer - 14 years ago

    I truly pray that you guys will be overwhelmingly convinced to give birth to your precious baby. If you feel like you cannot raise this little boy, then just give him a few more months of your time and allow someone who is waiting to love him the chance to raise him. I also pray that this little one will point you to Jesus. He has already given His life for you because He loves you just as much as He loves your little boy. I hope you will actually read this and recognize the love of God. And know that no matter what your final decision will be, He will still love you and want to have a relationship with you. My love and prayers for all three of you.

  • Tracy - 14 years ago

    Dear Pete and Alisha, the two of you are clearly NOT fit to have a child if you are leaving the fate of your baby in the hands of strangers. I only hope that you will have the baby and give it up for adoption to give parents that actually care about the child a chance to have a loving family. After three miscarriages, how can you (1) not know if you want a child or not and (2) not be careful enough to prevent an accidental pregnancy. The ability to have a child is a PRIVILEGE, it should not be taken advantage of like this. I think your website is disgusting and the thought of what you are doing makes me physically ill. Personally, I am a very passionate advocate for pro-choice, and stunts like this are making women's right to choose a JOKE. The right to choose is something that women have been painfully fighting for for longer than you have been alive. The fact that you are so blatantly disregarding the serious nature of abortion is revolting. Abortions should be utilized for emergencies and health reasons, not due to stupid decisions made by unintelligent people trying to get famous. I hope for the sake of yourselves and everyone around you that this is in fact a stunt for fame, because if you are SERIOUSLY putting the fate of a child in the hands of complete strangers, you should both be committed to a mental institution. Shame on you for being such a terrible example to our society. Thank you, Arnold Family for making a mockery out of a very, very serious issue.

  • angel - 14 years ago

    kill it! you obviously don't want it anyway so just kill and be done. it certainly can't be a real person with a soul, a heart, mind or a future. if you can create a poll to decide whether to destroy it or not. save us all the fuss and just kill it and with that your sick 15 minutes of fame. done. go away and kill your evil spawn.

  • Opal - 14 years ago

    It is entirely up to you. Your choice. The fact that you doubt your decision either way and want us to chime in, tells me that you may not be ready to care for a baby. I suggest taking some classes in caring for a baby as well as solidifying your marriage. You may discover that you really don't want this baby, in which case abortion or adoption are your options. I know that when I found out that I was pregnant, I wanted my baby NO MATTER WHAT. I would never have doubted myself like you two are doubting yourselves. You both must decide what kind of parents you'd be if you actually decide to go through this pregnancy and try to learn to love this baby. Right now, it does not look all that promising. Consider adoption. It will be the kindest thing to do with this baby, because there is a very good chance that an adoptive parent could give the unconditional love that you two aren't quite sure you have. Maybe in a few years, your desire to love and care for a baby will change, and you'll be ready to give of yourselves. You won't be asking for our input then. You'll know.

  • laura - 14 years ago

    I hope for the sake of this child you are sad enough to be doing this for publicity! I'm sure this child will feel so loved when it grows up and find out the faith of its life was in the hands of strangers voting on a website!. Everyday people in horrible situations go through birth to try and do the right thing. I am definitely pro choice but leaving it right till the latest time for abortion when you clearly have your life together and can offer a home for a child is so selfish, maybe u should have the abortion people this ridiculous should not be held responsible for another life!!

  • Rachel - 14 years ago

    Just remember that abortion is the murder of an innocent life that didn't ask to be put in this situation! There are so many families out there that can't have children and would be willing to give this child a great life if you don't want it. You will bear the burden of guilt for the rest of you life if you kill this baby even if as of right now you don't think it will bother you. Like I said that is a human being that didn't ask to be out in this situation.

  • Caron McCracken - 14 years ago

    I have finally realized that those who don't want children probably should not be made to rear them. Training children, loving them is a great undertaking demanding MUCH love.

    I'm not for ending the child's life, nor Granny's if she gets inconvenient. Fortunately for you, there are masses of couple longing for a child to care for.

    If you are unable to connect with one of these couples, contact me and I will connect to the many that I personally know.

  • T - 14 years ago

    Give birth and give this poor boy up for adoption! You 2 do not deserve to be parents. Give the baby a chance to have a real life. Hope you both rot in hell for even publishing something so idiotic.

  • Marcy - 14 years ago

    First off, I'm 100% pro-choice. We hopefully all know what that means. But I also know what personal responsibility is. The minute one starts polling people on what they should wear, whom they should date or sleep with, personal responsibility goes out the window. Along with personal choice. If you two are really serious about actually aborting based on a poll, I hope the poll for abort is the highest. And then please, the two of you go get yourselves sterilized because no child should ever have parents like you two. How do you think they will feel knowing that they lived based on a poll??? It is absolutely despicable. Shame on both of you.

  • Tonya - 14 years ago

    Reading this site brings me to tears. To know that there are people who would give anything to have a child, myself included, and this couple is making it into a "laughing" matter. Life is precious and should not be taken for granted. Please have the baby, and give him or her to someone who can truly love and appreciate the gift of life.

  • Melissa - 14 years ago

    Carry this baby full term, give birth to him / her, then give him / her up for adoption to a loving and caring family if you're not willing to take on the responsibility. As a mother, you of all should be the most important advocate in your baby's life as well as your husband, not the mass opinion of the world wide web.

  • Lindsey - 14 years ago

    Hi my name is lindsey I have 3 beautiful boys that the Lord blessed me with and if you do decide to have this baby which I pray you do if you dont want it then i would love to adopt it. This is a human being and God says children are a gift from him. I dont know why you decided to make a poll of this that is your buisness not mine but dont abort there is always other options like adoption and I would gladly take the baby if you dont think you are able to take care of it. God Bless and I hope you make the right choice and look to God he will provide all you need.

  • Derk - 14 years ago

    I vote for you to die in either process.

  • Jamie - 14 years ago

    I get that you are trying to make some statement about the voting process. But when we vote for things of a political nature we are voting to help determine what will happen with our lives in respect to the ways in which politics and policy can affect our lives as citizens. You are getting people to vote to determine what happens in your lives. The voting process is important because it is for people to have a say in things that will efffect them. Also I get that you are probably trying to make some statement about how pro-lifers are attempting to make this choice for others but I do not think you are helping at all. What you are doing is reinforcing the idea that women who have abortions make these decisions arbitrarily and could care less when the truth is most women making this decision are facing really tough choices and make the decision out of necessity not just on some whim. I think you are insulting women who have had to make this choice more than anyone. But nevertheless I wish you well and sincerely hope that if you do carry forth and give birth that this child will not be negatively effected if he/she hears of this "poll" as I can't imagine it would cause good feelings to know your parents decided to have you this way.

  • Shauna - 14 years ago

    Ever heard of Adoption? Why is the question kill it or keep it? If you are not sure you want to be parents, that is OK, I dont judge you for that....give that precious child to someone who does.

  • Jennifer - 14 years ago

    A LIFE IS A LIFE. think about this very carefully before you abort. This child is living and breathing inside of you and to kill an innocent is MURDER you would be NO better than the murders on death row and could be classed as child killers. This child did not ask to be made you did it then decide that you have made a mistake no its not on you cant do that YOU CANNOT PLAY GOD

    I am a mum i was only able to have one child We both nearly died in child birth through complications and he came 2 months early He was so tiny HE IS a gift from god. Your not god you cannot take this life and throw it away who do you think you are who gives you that right NOBODY Its not your place

    It is so selfish to think about your selves You could have the child and have him/her put up for adoption and a couple will get a precious gift( people that cannot have children deserve a chance to be parents) You would be doing something for somebody else.

    You should be ashamed of the way you have done this it should have been your choice as a couple not all over the internet What has made you do such a thing you should not have got pregnant Have you ever heard of something called the contraceptive pill oh yes and there is another good one its called KEEPING YOUR LEGS SHUT so in future think of these things and think long and hard. Myself i believe that you don't deserve to be parent. Do you know i would do anything for my son i would die for him i love him that much. Have this baby and let it go to someone that really cares because you BOTH don't i just hope that if you do abort that you can live with yourselves

  • Shay - 14 years ago

    Please don't have an abortion. We would love to adopt.

  • Life - 14 years ago

    This is just aweful! And discusting this is a human life not a seed ther is a baby growing inside your body, not a cluster of cells. Abortion is the greatest holocost in history. This baby has a destiny, dont murder this little life inside u! Please give this baby up for adoption if u choose not to be parents

  • jennifer Skains - 14 years ago

    This is awful. I would advise you guys to give birth and really think about adoption if you are not ready to be parents. I would adopt in a heartbeat.

  • Justin - 14 years ago

    First of all, to anyone else who is pro-life, please read this before adding your comment.
    The name calling and judgmental comments that I've been reading here need to stop. The pro-life cause is harmed by people screaming at/condemning those who have or consider having abortions. This generation has grown up in a culture that tells us at every step that it's acceptable and that this isn't a human life until the baby is born. Most of them don't realize what has really happened until later. They have been deceived and are victims too.

    I'm not sure what motivates you to put such a decision up to the vote of total strangers. I can tell by the tone of some of your blog posts that there is a significant part of you that knows that this is already a life. You'll probably be more certain as time goes on. Please, allow him to live. If you still have these concerns/reservations once you are holding the child, then you can begin the adoption process. Someone will be absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity to raise him.

    May God give you peace as you go through these next few months and finally come to know the joy of this blessing that he has always wanted for you.

  • Ginger Martin - 14 years ago

    You have no idea how much the love of a child can bring. You will love this baby so much and will want to protect him/her with your very own life. You will see the foolishness and selfishness at the very thought of abortion, which kills the very precious gift that God Himself has given to you.

  • mutsa - 14 years ago

    The fact that you are even asking people to vote on whether you are goin to murder a defenseless person or let them live is disgusting. Based on such attitudes i dont think you even deserve to have that child. This is not like picking out new drapes or paint for your walls. This is a human being, however small he or she is. How you cannot be moved by witnessing the mirace that is going on is beyond me. Why did you decide to make that baby? even if it wasnt planned, give it up for adoption or something I am sure ther are plenty of people out there who would die to have that bay. This is not like a mistake on a piece of paper that you can just erase. Savage and barbaric behaviour thats what it is. Please DO NOT ABORT THAT CHILD.It saddens me to think that this is where humanity has gone. I have a son. Yes its challenging and stressful at times being a parent but the hapiness that child has brought me is beyond compare.Dont waste this opportunity to meet a wonderful and unique person.

  • Rich Schoen - 14 years ago

    NARCICISM HEDONISM End them today and get some CHARACTER. choose LIFE LIFE LIFE

  • sham - 14 years ago

    This is just disturbing that you people would actually leave a childs life in the hands of a vote. I pray that you will find God and look back on this only to wonder why you were once so very stupid.

  • Carrie - 14 years ago

    Don't forget that if you abort that baby, he will feel every bit of terror and pain and he deserves every bit of a right of his own life....I know someone who had an abortion and they regret it every day of their life and it has caused her much trouble to be able to get pregnant again, now that she wants to be a is a life and an abortion is pure murder, what if your mom took your right and aborted you? If you don't want that baby, someone out there who can't have kids would be thrilled to raise and love him! Please remember there are always others to love him if you can't provide a loving home for him!!!

  • L #1 - 14 years ago

    Save the trees and kill the children. That is the kind of society we are living in and it makes me ill. YOU make me ill.
    Don't kill this child... he/she has eyes, fingernails, hair, toes and a HEARTBEAT! Give the miracle up for adoption to a family who will love it and is obviously more responsible and compassionate than you. And please, for God's Sake, don't reproduce again. You spit on our country, society, family values - God help us this country continues to enable citizens like yourselves. God help us all.

  • Anónimo - 14 years ago

    What you think your children will think when he grow up about this? he will be horrifyied ... u are horrible parents you peice of shit searching for fame... GET THE FUCK OUT TEH INTERNETZ! U disguting peice of shit

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