i think u're stupid or crazy or something like that!!
sarah - 14 years ago
I would say, give birth and when the baby is born, put it immediately up for adoption because you two are not worth to be parents. There are so many people who would like a healthy child, and give it lots of love and you two make a game of it! Shame on you two. A child is no game, a child is new life for the rest of your lives. On the otherhand maybe it is better that the child will not come to this world because you two are giving it allready a bad example. When the baby is going to school, are you also going to let it deside "I am going to school or I am not " I am going to take drugs or I am not". And what are you going to tell your child when it is grown up, yes we did not know if we wanted you so the world could deside! Delete this site control alt delete, whatever you deside. Do not put a child on this world with a site like this, how would you feel! Becomming a parent is so beautiful and it is something you feel inside or not. When you deside for not having the baby well than that is allright. You can have a beautiful live without childeren to. Think, think , think and delete this site!!!
Andi - 14 years ago
This is something that you and your spouse alone should decide. Yes it is good to seek outside opinions, but not those of random strangers. Opinions should be from people you know and trust. People who know you.
This is just ridiculous. If you dont want the child, you can still carry it to term, and then do a closed adoption and you will never have to hear from/or see that child again.
There are many people who try to have children and are unable, bless them with the child.
Since you had to post a poll, to make a decision, I would say you are ill fit to be a parent. You decided to have sex and get pregnant. This is not the childs fault.
jessica - 14 years ago
This site is fucking disgusting, if you do not want to raise a child consider adoption. Don't harm an innocent child because you want your 15 minutes of fame.
**SIGH** - 14 years ago
thank you Renee!
OrphanedNoMore - 14 years ago
**SIGH** - 14 years ago
to ... whoever u are. an unborn baby IS alive! if it wasn't then how would it grow?? get a life and a clue!
peter - 14 years ago
Terrible people, I'll put two bullets in a revolver and spin it and pull the trigger. Let the world vote if you should live.
Tancy - 14 years ago
Awesome experiment into the human mind, the world really as a whole. Awesome way to garner attention too. I see a TLC special in the future. "Have or abort: Six months later. Fucking Awesome. And other people need to stop giving them shit...it's a free country assholes! Amendments say you can say what the fuck you want, when you want. And you can have the public vote or your life decisions. Seriously though, stop judging. Stop bombarding everyone else with your beliefs.
chrissy - 14 years ago
I hope that you make the decision to keep this precious gift that is growing in your belly. My sister is pregnant and at 12 weeks made a visit to the ER and was told that she had miscarried. Me and my mom rushed there to meet with her and my little sister who were both crying from the devestating loss. My sister refused to believe what the ER doctor had told her even after they said her cervics was opened..She asked if there was anything else that could be done and they said they could do an ultrasound to make sure she didn't have a philopian tube pregnancy..the hours seemed to go so slow while we were waiting..FINALLLY!!!!! My sister and her Husband came out with their verry first sonogram picture of their very tiny, very healthy, & very active baby boy. :) We truly believe there was a miricle that day.. My sister is now six weeks away from giving birth and though she is worried about the challenges she faces she is greatful that her baby is alive and well. Think about it these two ways....If you chose to have your child and they were born earlycould you then put the baby under a blanket smother it and it not be cosidered murder?? Of course not...my sister was saying the other day..Isn't it crazy that if somebody kills a pregnant woman it's considered a double murder (Because the baby is considered a seperate human being)..but if a mother chooses to abort her baby it is considered an abortion and there are no consequenses by the law. I feel like anyone who would reach out with a right vs. wrong decision like this would live with tremendous regret. If your sweet baby's purpose is not in this life it will die in your womb. You can only teach a baby pro choice if you give the baby the right to choose....
My heart goes out to your child if you do give birth. For a child to see on the internet in future years that their parents left it up to a blog poll whether they should live or die is heartbreaking. Perhaps you should wait until the child is born and lives a few years and then let them vote.
Renee - 14 years ago
to .... (apparently not enough guts to even sign their name)
an "unborn CHILD is not human" - so how do you define child? Sorry, but anyone who, in this day and age, still believes that a baby is a "parasite" and is not human, is a MORON. Please don't reproduce!
Jim - 14 years ago
Please be open to adoption. My wife and I would joyfully accept and love your baby. Seriously.
Kristy - 14 years ago
This is assanine. People like you should NOT beable to get pregnant. Just what the above comment said, you already are a parent, it's your choice to be the parent to this innocent child. If you don't want to or can't take care of this baby, put the baby up for adoption so someone who will love this baby and someone who wants to be a parent can. Millions of women out there are unable to get pregnant, let them be the mom they want to be and give your baby up for adoption. It is not fair to murder this child for your bad decision. Give them a chance.
Andy - 14 years ago
I voted that you have an abortion. My reasons for this are simple. If this is your third pregnancy and you are still not sure if you are ready, then you probably are not. If you are asking the "public" if you should keep the baby, then you are not ready. What happens if you do decide to have the child, will you create a website for every decision that needs to be made in the child's life? Shall we feed him? Yes or No? Well suited for a Hollywood blockbuster, but not for a child's life. It amazes me that people like you have managed to stay alive. Morons! Absolute dregs of society. Who creates a website like this? At what point did you think this was a good idea? I am stunned by how many people think you should have the baby. Neither of you should be allowed to reproduce. Spare a thought for unfortunate couples who try for years, at great financial and emotional strain, to have a child. I hope for the unborn child's sake that you do not decide to keep it. Growing up with such repugnant people as parents is simply unfair. Someone commented that you may suffer severe emotional problems if you go ahead with the abortion. I cannot see how that will affect you. You cannot have any real emotion if you are allowing strangers to decide the fate of you and your family.
Suzanne - 14 years ago
I don't know you so I wouldn't know if you'd make great or lousy parents but the sad fact you have elected to put the life of your unborn child up to be voted for is just plain sick.
You allowed yourself to become pregnant and your not kids so you need to allow this child to be born and then place the poor mite out for adoption because you two are completely so shallow and self absorbed that the needs of another human being is beyond you.
If you do have this child and keep it then one day they will find out about how you literally made a "lottery" of their life? When our kids get older they do judge us and hopefully will find that we did the best we could and one day your child will judge you and find you sorely lacking.
For 40 years, abortion rights in America have been about a woman’s Constitutional right to privacy. But not far beneath the surface of that argument was the scientific and moral assumption that the life in the womb was somehow less of a life than every other life, and so privacy, in this case, should win out. The law, of course, would never allow a woman to take the life of an infant in the privacy of her own home, because an infant’s life is real life, or so the argument would go.
But, warning, if you look seriously at science to re-examine abortion you may jeopardize your current platform and its short-term political force. For over 150 years scientists have known a new human individual comes into being from the union of sperm and egg at fertilization. That is not theology. It is not religion. It is not Republican. It is science.
God will tell you I have a plan for that little one!
jackie - 14 years ago
Please, don't kill your lovely baby. If you are unable to parent him, there is help available. I have many children already and we would be willing to give him brothers and sisters and parents. Life is difficult, we understand, but we can help if you wish. You may email us if needed. Please, allow this very wanted child, to live. Thank you.
James - 14 years ago
Let me get this straight... You (the 'parents') are going to follow a poll because it seems to you that it is the democratic, American thing to do.
Leaving aside the more important ethical issues surrounding abortion in general, it is a total error to think that the state, or even the majority opinion of the people in the state should determine your family life and your family decisions. That is not only not American, that is anti-American.
Think about the act in itself.
Carol N - 14 years ago
Since you are unsure that you want your life to change then you should have the baby and give it up for adoption. There are many couples out there who would LOVE to be pregnant, but for whatever reason are unable to conceive. We have been through IVF (that failed) several times and twice have had a birth mother change her mind for one reason or another. Many like us want to change the status quo and share their lives with a child. In our case I would delight in staying home with my child and not miss my co-workers one little bit. So do yourself and your child a favor and give the child up for adoption.
Carol N - 14 years ago
Since you are unsure that you want your life to change then you should have the baby and give it up for adoption. There are many couples out there who would LOVE to be pregnant, but for whatever reason are unable to conceive. We have been through IVF (that failed) several times and twice have had a birth mother change her mind for one reason or another. Many like us want to change the status quo and share their lives with a child. In our case I would delight in staying home with my child and not miss my co-workers one little bit. So do yourself and your child a favor and give the child up for adoption.
mommy - 14 years ago
you people need to be sterilized. i think you should have the baby and it should be removed from your care right after its first breath!! how can you look at pics of the baby and know it is developing and just want to kill it??? you are truly sick and i cannot believe you have to balls to post a website like this!!! i really hope you people arent serious about this!! i am a mom of a 2 year old and i cannot imagine posting pics of her inside my tummy and then even think about ending her life!! how dare you people even leave this up to anyone. thats a human being inside her stomach. just fucking sick!
Andrew C - 14 years ago
Wow! What a beautiful couple...if you chose to have an abortion, will you vote to put the featus up on ebay. Or do your actually have limits?
This is a child. A life. A person.
Posting this is like standing over a newborn child with a knife, saying, "should I stab him? What do you think?"
This is your CHILD.
Please have your baby, and give him to someone who will love him and value his life. In fact, give us a private adoption. We will take him. We will love him. And we would never tell him about how his life hung in the balance, as if he were worthless.
Don't kill your child, I beg you.
Julianne - 14 years ago
You are already parents of a baby. Your only choice at this point is whether to be the parents of a live baby, or a murdered baby. This is your own child, and yet a person in his or her own right, about whom the following rule applies: "Do unto others as you would have other do unto you."
This unborn little one is also your next of kin and nearest neighbor, as in, "Love your neighbor as yourself."
It's a safe bet you would object if you were condemned to death and executed, even though you were not guilty of any crime; you would also object to being pushed out of a safe place, slashed open and left bleeding until you died.
On this basis I say: do not commit murder. Let this child live.
If you can not, or will not care for him after birth, then place him in the arms of someone else who will stand in as his parents and first friends: someone who will love him.
rose - 14 years ago
I am praying very hard for you and your unborn baby. How can you take this human life so lightly? God has blessed you and you may never have another chance. A baby is the most wonderful blessing. Just think..someday that little baby inside of you may cure cancer, alzheimers, or some other horrible illness. If you decide you are not ready to have a baby, please please please give somebody else a chance to adopt your sweet baby.
Sheryl - 14 years ago
sick. truly sick. Must be a publisity stunt.
johnny - 14 years ago
Como dizia Albert Einstein...só há 3 coisas no mundo que são infinitas..DEUS, o universo e a ESTUPIDEZ HUMANA...enfim
Eu voto que se "abortem" os dois...por empalamento..
My question is this - if you do have baby boy - will you tell him that you put his fate in the hands of a poll? What impact will that have on his sense of self? Maybe you should consider placing him with one of the 1.2 million couples who desperately want to start a family - they could adopt him or you could sell him to the highest bidder.
Ashley - 14 years ago
Give birth and give the baby up for adoption. You two don't deserve a child.
Bryony - 14 years ago
Your sick.
You dont deserve a child.
I had my ultrasound done, and almost cried...
You witnessed your baby....you saw it move around, you saw how healthy it was.
And you want to murder it.
mike - 14 years ago
You people make me sick!! have the baby and then give it up for adoption. If you can watch your baby kick and move in your womb, and still consider abortion, than you do not deserve children, nor are you fit to raise children. You should have the child and give them up for adoption. I feel so sad for your child and if you do decide to have the kid they should know how close their parents were to murdering him before he was born. I will pray for you and your unborn child. God knows you need the help.
elite - 14 years ago
Sam - 14 years ago
Please surrender your baby for adoption. If you are allowing the masses to influence your decision on whether or not to kill a baby, you really need to allow someone else to raise them.
I don't mean to be rude or mean. I just want the best for the baby and yourselves.
cjjeepercreeper - 14 years ago
You people are idiots. What is this world coming to?!
NTF - 14 years ago
How about we abort you two and save the baby.
Ashley - 14 years ago
Beyond stupid if it's real.
... - 14 years ago
for the record, WE "have the right to life". but an unborn child does not have the "right" to anything. and unborn child is not a human, it is a parasite that feeds of a woman if anything.
Scott in Cody, WY - 14 years ago
I voted give birth and I hope you will too. How can you look at your ultrasound images and not be convinced that you are carrying within you a living human being? Even if you don't want the child (and it's understandable if you don't), there are so many married couples that would be beyond delighted to have the honor of being the parents of the child. There are a number of good adoption agencies out there that will help you in the adoption process. The point is that life begins at conception. If you don't want to be the parents, you should find a loving husband and wife that want to be, and you can start on that before the baby is born.
NTF - 14 years ago
Have the baby, and give it up. You two are disturbed.
Frank D - 14 years ago
You should definitely have an abortion. If you're so stupid as to not even be able to make this INCREDIBLY personal decision on your own, you sure as hell aren't qualified to raise children. Plus, you OBVIOUSLY are typical Americans and have health problems. We already have enough 50 pound 2 year olds running around. The world doesn't need to sacrifice anymore childrens' health because we're lazy and have absolutely NO self- control, simply digging our own graves. Why don't you have an abortion, hop on a tred-mill and find something more important to do with your time?
Marisa fron Argentina - 14 years ago
I´m pregnant with 16 week, and I can´t see the moment of my baby born... you don´t deserv this baby if you are thinking on an Abortion... give him in adoption!! DON BE KILLERS!! it´s a life... the baby is not culty of nathing, you should be more carefoul if you didn´t wanted to be pregnant... GROW UP!!
NTF - 14 years ago
Have the baby, and give it up. You two are a disturbed.
Anon - 14 years ago
Would just like to say that if you both are that fucking stupid that you unintentionally got pregnant, then deal with the fact that you opened your legs and accept that responsibility. However, if you are that stupid that you are asking the internet whether or not you should have your child then for the sake of humanity, get an abortion. The world has enough people with sub par IQs please, kill your child and the kill yourselves. The world doesn't need more stupid people. It's ridiculous that you are even giving this a thought. Jackasses.
**SIGH** - 14 years ago
the month after i turned 18 i found out that i was pregnant with my first child. i wasn't ready and was unsure if i even wanted a child. afterall i had always said growin up that i never wanted kids. i am glad i didn't have people telling me that an abortion was the way to go if i was unsure. we are all unsure of many things in our lives and becoming parents is no exception. yes my life would have been different if i had chose not to have the baby, yes i would have been able to go out with my friends and do countless things that i wouldn't b able to do if i didn't have a kid. but a lot of people don't realize that once the baby gets there you find a love that u never would b able to understand without being a parent. yes there are so many people in this world who have no business being parents. but there are even more that r great parents. having kids changes our lives. for nine months us women have to watch what we eat, make sure we get decent prenatal care, gain weight and even the dreaded stretch marks. But let me tell u that those are just small inconveniences for the wonderful person that we give life to. yes it's difficult at times having kids and sumtimes u jus want ta kill em, but then they do that sumthing that just makes your heart melt and you couldn't imagine having a life without them. Our great country does everything in it's power to protect our right to free speech, religion, to bear arms, and even protects the lives of animals. Why is it that the life of BABY is not of value? Does The Declaration of Independence not say we have a right to LIFE? in addition to liberty and happiness?
Helga - 14 years ago
GT - 14 years ago
The precious baby you carry is a developing human being, as we can see week by week. The tragic fact that you two are even considering murdering this gift of love tells us that you do not know the first thing about love. The fact that you are making this decision based on an internet poll tell us that you are not fit to parent a child and should give the baby up for adoption.
steph - 14 years ago
I think you are the most mentally unstable people on earth. You should definitely not raise that child! Give it up for adoption the last thing this planet needs is more stupid people like you!
Phil - 14 years ago
Dude, don't have the child. You are going to bring another child into this world that is unwanted. He is just going to turn into one of these people on "b". He is going to steal and rape and murder people, why would you want to bring a child into this world just to turn him into that. Please get an abortion.
John Williams - 14 years ago
You're sick.
Nicole - 14 years ago
you don't deserve to have children, maybe that's why God miscarried your other pregnancies.
disgusted - 14 years ago
I am sitting here crying, so disgusted by this website. Obviously you don't deserve the precious life that is within you and don't value that you have created a LIFE! I am totally against late term abortions and you waiting to the last second is appalling. Go take a really good look at a new baby and know that if you go thru with the abortion, THAT is what you will be KILLING. I voted to for you to have the child but I would suggest you immediately give him up for adoption to people who will love and cherish him because obviously you both will not. This website says that loud and clear. And do us all a favor and go get yourselves fixed.
Debra Ray - 14 years ago
I can't even imagine how parents could see their living breathing precious child and consider butchering it in the womb. It's beyond my wildest imagination. I have always wondered about how humans become so cruel to other humans. I'll never understand the selfish cruelty that would allow one to justify killing another.
Renee - 14 years ago
Please, oh, please have this baby and give her or him up for adoption. All babies are gifts from God please remember that. I am sure you are overwhelmed but please give this beautiful little girl or boy with the sweet smile, the charming laugh and the dippled knees a chance to have a family that will adore her or him.
Mel in the UK - 14 years ago
Is this website for real? Not pro or anti abortion but if you are for real you are beyond messed up. I voted have your baby at any rate but please put the poor soul up for adoption. Maybe it can find parents who wouldn't do such a crazy thing as put it's life in the hands of strangers!
Debbie Fraaken - 14 years ago
The best way to make a decision is to look for truth. Before having an abortion; watch an abortion being done. Only then have you truly confronted the issue. Here is a link to a medical video showing an abortion: http://www.surgeryvideo.net/live-abortion-watch.
Alison - 14 years ago
this is something that only you can decide!!! asking for outside help would mean that your not entirely sure about your future!! I hope everything works out for the best.
Lisa - 14 years ago
You are forgetting there's another option. If you're not ready to "change the status quo" and become a parent, then put the baby up for adoption so that another family -- who's desperate to become a parent but unable to do so -- can raise him/her. Please don't abort the living baby inside of you.
Lesley - 14 years ago
I'm a girl from Belgium and I've just read about this. I find this so disgusting what you guys are doing. Why did you decide to get pregnant if you weren't sure that you wanted to keep this baby??
I'm a proud mum of a 2 year old girl, I can't even imagine what my life would be without her in it!
Please, keep this baby, don't let it feel the pain of an abortion. Because it really can feel everything. And indeed, if you really don't want a child, give him up for adoption to people who really want to care for and love this baby.
I voted for birth. However, if given a third option of adoption, I would have absolutely voted for that. As the biological mother of 3 children, and the adopted mother of 2 more, I can tell you that there are thousands of couples in this country who would gladly welcome your child into their home. Feel free to contact me privately if you would like more information. I would be glad to help with the placement of your child. Just please don't take his life.
Seriously. wtf. - 14 years ago
OK. I had an abortion when I was 19. It was awful and I still think about it. I do still believe I did the right thing, but I made that decision based on my financial and emotional stability. It seems to me that surely you're attached to that baby and I don't think you'll have an abortion - why would it even be an option since you've obviously been trying to have a baby for a few years now with miscarriages? Whatever point you're trying to make here, it's only making you look unfit to be parents. I voted to give birth, but only because it seems you can handle having a child technically. Emotionally, I think you need to put it up for adoption. Who uses their unborn child to make a point? Honestly. Get a life - and not a baby.
lizzybee - 14 years ago
I would like to kindly point out to you the gravity of the decision you are making. This is no small decision. You are allowing the public to vote for the life of a child! The life you hold inside you is precious beyond belief and I cannot imagine that you would be willing to snuff out any hope of life based simply upon "majority rules". Do you realize that your baby is a living and active human being? Our world really has come to some horrifying state when we are to the point that we allow anyone and everyone to vote to decide whether or not to murder an innocent human child. You previously stated that, "I’m not convinced that I want to change the status quo. I feel that as I age I’ve actually gotten more selfish and set in my ways, I’m afraid that I will eventually regret starting a family and 'settling down', as they say.” I must agree that you are being extremely selfish. That you would even consider killing an innocent human baby simply because it would disrupt your normal life, or the status quo of your household: this is an apalling thought! If your indecisiveness is based upon fear of starting a family or settling down, then I pray that you will at least give the child a chance at the beautiful life that God has planned for this baby and put the precious infant up for adoption after birth. You have been given a priceless gift by being blessed with a child. Instead of fearing that this child will disrupt your life, I pray you will see the beauty, magnitude, and wonderful opportunity that you have been given! So many couples yearn for children and are incapable of receiving the wish they so desperately want. How it must pain their hearts to hear of you and of the public's struggle over the life inside of you! God considers every single human being precious; no matter how small, no matter how dependent, no matter how much they are loved by people here and now. God loves your child and He has a plan for this baby. His infinite plan has already taken shape and your baby already will have a story to tell: "My mother and father allowed people to vote in order to determine whether to keep me or kill me." Have you heard of Gianna Jessen? She is an abortion survivor who has an amazing story to tell and is not afraid to tell it. (Her story can be heard here. Part 1:, Part 2:) If you decide to abort this baby, you are not indulging in your selfish ambitions to keep your own life flowing normally and comfortably, but you are also altering the story of this precious infant's life. If I were you, I would much rather have my baby alive and telling their story to the world, rather than in heaven telling their story to God: a God Who will execute vengeance for the life taken. You yourself have recognized that the form inside you is a living baby. This child has a heartbeat! Most mothers would tingle at the thought that a living human could be so tiny and yet so real. You yourself have admitted openly that the child is alive! How then can you, with a clear conscience, publish a vote allowing perfect strangers to decide this issue for you? This is no longer an issue, either. This is a life or death matter involving an innocent baby. Murder of a human baby is called genocide. Abortion of this child will confirm the verdict: "guilty".
I will be praying that you will be able to see the working of God's hands through this situation you have placed yourself in. I pray that He will reveal Himself and His will to you in ways so awesome, so utterly majestic, and so profound that you will be amazed at the working of His presence in your life and in the life of the priceless gift which God has placed in your womb!
"There's a life inside you. There's a beating heart. There's a child of wonder shining like a star. There's a life inside you." (Lyric by Matthew West)
Mike - 14 years ago
I agree that this website is a bad idea, however it is not for me to judge your motives. Let me just say that abortion is murder and has ruined the lives and marriages of vast numbers of women. They suffer severe emotional problems after having an abortion. Do you know that approximately 400 women a year comity suicide because they can't handle the emotional & psychological problems resulting from their abortion. Put the child up for adoption if you don't want it.
I can't believe you think there are only two options! GIve the baby up for adoption to a family that isn't as 'selfish' as you are. There are many families that would be over the moon to have a little boy. Please do not have an abortion! You made your 'choice' when you had unprotected sex - the consequence is pregnancy. You will still get to go back to work and have your life with your husband without children.
Deborah - 14 years ago
Please spare the life of your child. This is so unbelievably sad. I'm praying for baby Wiggles and for you.
J - 14 years ago
Look, if you have to make an internet poll to decide something so monumental as aborting or not, I doubt you would be doing the world a favor by raising a child (let alone doing a favor for the child). This is ridiculous. Abort and don't try to reproduce again. If this were survival of the fittest, you probably wouldn't have survived until maturity anyway, so keep your genes from perpetuating. Sheesh.
Liv - 14 years ago
At 6 weeks old an aborted foetus has eyes, fingernails and a recognisably formed body, despite being so small and young. When you abort a 6 week old foetus you have a huge period, pass blood clots and eventually the foetus itself through your vagina. A lot of the time women have to pull the dead foetus out of their vagina with their fingers.
YOU on the other hand are potentially planning to abort your baby at nearly 20 weeks. By this stage of development the child is fully developed with functioning lungs, heart, brain and most importantly, a nervous system.
If you choose to abort you could have to pass the child, have to give birth to a fully formed baby, OR you could (most likely) have what is essentially a hoover inserted into your vagina and into your womb which will suck the baby out.
The force of the hoover suck will tear parts of the baby away piece by piece. It's important to remember that by this stage your child has a fully functioning nervous system and will therefore feel the pain of this prolonged experience. It will not have anaesthesia administered to numb the pain of being ripped apart.
Rather than put the life of you future child up for public vote why don't you consider the reality of you decision you could potentially make? This isn't the X factor, this is life. It is incredibly selfish of you both to want to abort because of your careers - if you didn't want children you should have used contraception or had your tubes tied. Now you've ended up pregnant and are gambling yours and your child's future on the whims of strangers on the internet. This is beyond pathetic, and you are both incredibly selfish and stupid.
If the public allow you to keep your child then you should most definitely put it up for adoption - it hasn't got a chance in hell with perverted parents like you.
Mom - 14 years ago
I really feel like you created this poll to make "others" think.....I hope you already know how you feel. Other's may find this offensive, but I like that you are giving them the opportunity to see the progress and know how hard this decision SHOULD be for anyone. At this point....I think you are already love "Wiggles" and even though you THINK you could get rid of him/her.....you couldn't. The only thing I hope is that you can get rid of this poll before he/she is old enought to know about it. That could be quite painful for your child! Good luck being a MOM!
Samantha - 14 years ago
I cant believe my eyes to be honest, what kind of woman/man asks the public this kind of question? Only you as a couple can decide this... Cant believe after hearing and seeing your beautiful little boy would could even consider having a abortion, This child has as much right to live as you do, If you dont want him at least consider giving him to a couple that WANT A CHILD. You are 30 years old for god sake act your age, im only 27 and have 3 little girls and wouldnt change it for the world.
jane - 14 years ago
I won't go into the aspect and horror of putting this online, everyone has covered it.
I know plenty of people who thought about having an abortion because of various reasons and decided to have the baby. NONE of them regret it.
On the flip side I know several girls who had an abortion and do regret it. Even with those who don't admit it, they wonder what they would have looked like--will they see them in heaven etc.
Please don't kill that baby. You can already see his little face.
Concerned - 14 years ago
You forgot a very important third option and that is ADOPTION!!!! Why must it be life or death? Why can't it be life or life? There's no good reason for this child to die, especially at the hands of other's opinions. PLEASE consider adoption, even if you decide to birth against what is in your heart to do. This baby is so special and so unique. That high heart rate makes me think it's a little girl. I'm 7 months pregnant right now w/my 5th and I can honestly tell you that having children was the GREATEST thing that could have ever happened to me! I can't imagine not having my girls. They're so incredible and gifted and one day they will give me grandchildren to cherish. Please, please consider adoption as a VALID option for your child. So many couples out there who would love a little girl to nurture and love.
SJMG - 14 years ago
Shelly - 14 years ago
I am completely prolife but I didn't vote because there wasn't an option for "give birth and give the baby up for adoption." I cannot imagine this poor precious baby having the two of you for parents. If you choose to allow him to live are you going to put all of this in his baby book? Do you think he will never find out what you did? How would either of you feel if your own parents had done something like this? How unfortunate for this poor soul to have been given to you.
tammy jakubik - 14 years ago
If you are not ready or willing to be parents, place the child for adoption. There is no eason to kill the baby just because you don't want it.
Robin - 14 years ago
Since you have made it this far and deicide to not keep the baby why dont you choose adoption? I understand that you guys might not want to bring a child into your life but there are people out there that havent been able to conceive at all. Why not bless them with a wonderful baby? Just think about it.
Tim - 14 years ago
There should be a test that people have to pass prior to becoming pregnant...cuz if there was I think that these two would have failed. Stupid people should not be allowed to breed. These two "people" do not deserve to have a child. If they have this child...and I pray they do for his sake only...they had better pray he never finds this website.
Ella - 14 years ago
Give birth and then give the baby up for adoption to a family who will treasure him/her forever. Imagine the happiness you can help create for a family longing for a child! You are already almost half-way through the pregnancy now. It's such a short sacrafice on your part and soon enough you can go on with your life as you please. Please forgo the poll - this isn't a decorating decision - it's a child. My heart breaks for this situation.
jeri - 14 years ago
All I can say is I pray that Jesus will change your mind and take down this site. Please give your baby life. I regret my abortion and mourn my miscarriage. Lord Jesus please intervene!
Bryce McMinn - 14 years ago
I wonder what psychological impact it is going to have on your child when you inform him or her that before he or she was born, you made an online poll to allow perfect strangers to decide whether to kill him or her by hiring some pervert to slice him or her up into pieces, or love him or her and choose life. What kind of parents are you? "Oh, my child. I love you so much...because 74.3% of online voters said that I should." What some people won't do to get attention for themselves. Could you be any more selfish? PLEASE consider adoption for your child. Choose some parents who will raise your child lovingly, and consider never having another child again. Something is deeply, deeply wrong with both of you. Oh, what joy to know that I can hold my children, hug them, tell them how much I love them, and NEVER have to tell them, "Your Mom and I set up an online poll to let other people decide if we should have you killed." My sympathy to your unborn child. The depth of the idiocy, the selfishness, the thoughtlessness, the cruelty, and the pure ignorance to which that child will be subjected by you two morons is quite sad. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE consider adoption! There are some GOOD parents out there who would love to have your child, and who are capaple of raising a child properly.
Lynsie - 14 years ago
I heard about this on my local morning talk show this morning, and was absolutely appalled. I have to say, I can not fathom, how after you have seen the baby, listened to the heart beat and (will soon, if not already) feel the baby move, can choose to Kill he/she. This is absolutely murder. You are trivializing the awesome power of procreation, something that is so sacred and so precious. Please, have this baby, and then in my opinion, you should give her/him up for adoption. Can you imagine, if you found out that your parents had a poll about if they should keep or kill/abort you?
toni - 14 years ago
This website is the perfect example of just how far "off the map" this world has gone. I don't believe in abortion because after witnessing the miracle of pregnancy there is just no way I could believe in something that takes life out of someone so thoughtlessly and carelessly. But I don't believe abortion should be outlawed because we are a flawed and imperfect world; and let's face it: some of us should NOT be parents.
I would definitely say the two of you fit into the latter category. Any two people who would make a website like this has absolutely no business being parents. However, since you yourselves have witnessed this miracle through doctor's appointments and sonograms, you should do the right thing and give this precious gift to a couple who so badly wants a baby and can't have one. Sadly, that is the irony of life--that people like you can reproduce and wonderful, precious people who would make stable, loving parents sometimes cannot.
After the adoption, you two should sterilize yourselves and seek LOTS of therapy. LOTS.
Diane Hansbro - 14 years ago
It is horrifying to me that this site even exists! If this is indeed for real, then shame on this couple. The poll you are taking is not about anyone else making a decision that should only be made by you, the parents. Please note that I refer to you as parents - because that it what you are. You have received a gift from God and as such you have an obligation to receive this gift. Selfishness on the part of the mother does not and should not enter into any decision. The decision should be a full term pregnancy. This unborn child has no choice in the matter. He or she did not ask to be conceived and has the right to be carried to term. If you are 'too selfish' and don't want to raise a child you have another very viable obtion. Adoption! I have a sister and brother-in-law who desperately wanted to adopt a baby some years ago and could not due to our abortion laws. Thankfully they were able to adopt a child at the age of 3 after having been foster parents from age 13 months. He is just as much a part of our family as if he had been born into it. He is loved and cherished by them, his sister and his extended family. He is happy, thriving, adored and knows that he is loved. I am pro-life from conception forward. Your child is a child of God - a gift to the two of you. What else is there to say?!
somebody - 14 years ago
You two are sick people. You keep a diary about this poor baby's developings, post pictures, even give him a nickname. And at the end when more than 50 % people say abort the baby you will? What's wrong with you??? If you don't want be parents use contraceptive! Or if you wanted abortion why haven't done it after you found out the pregnancy? Waiting till 20 weeks into pregnancy and abort a healthy baby is murder! You know what? You don't deserve this baby!!!
Kiki - 14 years ago
Nice publicity stunt. What anti-choice organization(s) do you belong to?
Amanda - 14 years ago
If you can find it in your hearts to go through with the pregnancy, my husband and I will adopt your baby and give him/her the best life we can. We have three children, 1 girl and 2 boys. Our house if full of love and laughter. Please prayerfully consider this.
I will be praying for you both, and especially for the life of the baby living inside of you.
A Mom - 14 years ago
Please have the baby and give it up for adoption instead of choosing to murder it via abortion! There are countless loving couples looking to adopt and can provide this precious baby with a happy life. I will be praying for you and this baby and I hope that you make the right choice.
QOD - 14 years ago
You don't deserve to be parents, but your child deserves a life. Give it up for adoption and grow the f*ck up
Staci - 14 years ago
Pete and Alisha , I am so saddened by this poll- I too have lost 2 babies due to miscarriage and I am so sorry for your loss- we now have a beautiful 14 month old little boy and what a blessing he is! From what I have read about you both- which is not much- but the thought that you would ask for public opinion on what to do- really makes me pray that you have this baby and give him or her up for adoption to a family who will treat this child like the precious jewel they are!!! I can only pray this gets publicity and people see your ultrasound images and are convicted that this child in your womb is in fact a CHILD and having an abortion would be murdering an innocent life- please, please, give the gift of life to your child and make the most UNSELFISH choice and give them up for adoption. May God bless you both and open your eyes.
Erica M - 14 years ago
We are purposely choosing to adopt as a means of standing up to abortion and giving someone an alternative. Our email address is adoptalove@hotmail.com; please contact us in lieu of abortion, if you decide you do not want to parent.
Joy Krupka - 14 years ago
I'm not going to preach at you on here. I'm not even sure if you read all or any of the comments made here. I would encourage you to think about how the abortion would be performed. If the baby has a heartbeat...which he/she does, he/she can feel pain. They would feel the excruciating pain of being killed in your womb. I urge you to give this child life and if you don't feel you can or want to parent him/her, choose a family who is desperate for a child. So many women ache to be able to have a child and are unable to conceive. I have 2 very close friends in that boat. Please choose life for your precious baby.
Mike - 14 years ago
Sick! this is the very embodiment of a once great culture in decline. That "thing" inside of you already has a destiny should you chose not to end it. It will be a baby, a toddler, a child, an adolescent, etc unless you kill it.
sarah - 14 years ago
Sick fools.......follow neiltat's advice please
jen - 14 years ago
i just had a little baby girl at the end of aug. shes almost 3 months now...im 25 yrs old and wouldnt change any of this for the world...trust me if you have your little baby the second they look at you and smile you 'll regret even thinking about not wanting to bring this gift into the world. its hard at first but you will love them so much none of that will matter.
Trixie - 14 years ago
It is not an easy thing to be a parent. I want to urge you, though, to take abortion off the plate as an option. Being a parent is terrifying, heartwarming, heartbreaking, rewarding, and the list go on. However, if you both decide that being parents is not for you, think of the millions of women in American alone, who cry themselves to sleep every night because they cannot have the baby that they so long for. Please, if you're not ready to be parents, be a blessing to someone who's been praying for a baby for years. I will be praying for you both, for guidance and strength.
Denise - 14 years ago
If you truly don't want the baby, there are thousands of people that would adopt him/her. We would love to raise this baby. Abortion is definitely not the answer.
Rich Schoen - 14 years ago
May you choose life this day. If you feel you cannot care for or keep the child, then allow someone to adopt him or her. Please do not polish off the life of an innocent in frivolity. People have always chosen convenience over sacrifice. Children require care and time to be sure. Their innocent outlook on life is soooo precious to see as they develop their personality. I am sad to the point of tears you might even consider destroying this little life. I selfishly put off having children using birth control. Even after the first two I remained selfish. Only after much introspection did I change my mind. Now I have a total of 6. The youngest is one and I love them all. I appreciate the younger ones more than I did my older ones at the time. I'm 47 and they tire me out but believe me its a happy tired!!!!!!!
shain stevens - 14 years ago
I believe strongly you should give birth. There is no reason for abortion even given your admission that you do not want to give up your freedom. You can adopt the baby. At least you give him or her a chance. In fact, my wife and I could possibly adopt your baby. If you have your baby I am sure your outlook will change after looking into his or her eyes, but if not send me an email. Tecnicodedms@aol.com. please do not kill your baby!
Kathy - 14 years ago
I have a son and two beautiful daughters. Your "poll" has literally made me sob. Your baby, whom I understand you have nicknamed "Wiggles", is a life. He may not be able to survive on his own yet, but he is still alive in your womb. Even if you don't love him, please don't kill him. Abortion is not the only option if you do not want/love this beautiful baby boy. Adoption is also a choice, one that people often overlook but one that is a truly selfless gift of love to your unborn child. Please, even if you don't want him, allow him to be born and then give him to a beautiful family who will know that he is a treasure. Please.
Erica M - 14 years ago
Give birth and we will adopt your baby if you don't want to parent!
i think u're stupid or crazy or something like that!!
I would say, give birth and when the baby is born, put it immediately up for adoption because you two are not worth to be parents. There are so many people who would like a healthy child, and give it lots of love and you two make a game of it! Shame on you two. A child is no game, a child is new life for the rest of your lives. On the otherhand maybe it is better that the child will not come to this world because you two are giving it allready a bad example. When the baby is going to school, are you also going to let it deside "I am going to school or I am not " I am going to take drugs or I am not". And what are you going to tell your child when it is grown up, yes we did not know if we wanted you so the world could deside! Delete this site control alt delete, whatever you deside. Do not put a child on this world with a site like this, how would you feel! Becomming a parent is so beautiful and it is something you feel inside or not. When you deside for not having the baby well than that is allright. You can have a beautiful live without childeren to. Think, think , think and delete this site!!!
This is something that you and your spouse alone should decide. Yes it is good to seek outside opinions, but not those of random strangers. Opinions should be from people you know and trust. People who know you.
This is just ridiculous. If you dont want the child, you can still carry it to term, and then do a closed adoption and you will never have to hear from/or see that child again.
There are many people who try to have children and are unable, bless them with the child.
Since you had to post a poll, to make a decision, I would say you are ill fit to be a parent. You decided to have sex and get pregnant. This is not the childs fault.
This site is fucking disgusting, if you do not want to raise a child consider adoption. Don't harm an innocent child because you want your 15 minutes of fame.
thank you Renee!
to ... whoever u are. an unborn baby IS alive! if it wasn't then how would it grow?? get a life and a clue!
Terrible people, I'll put two bullets in a revolver and spin it and pull the trigger. Let the world vote if you should live.
Awesome experiment into the human mind, the world really as a whole. Awesome way to garner attention too. I see a TLC special in the future. "Have or abort: Six months later. Fucking Awesome. And other people need to stop giving them shit...it's a free country assholes! Amendments say you can say what the fuck you want, when you want. And you can have the public vote or your life decisions. Seriously though, stop judging. Stop bombarding everyone else with your beliefs.
I hope that you make the decision to keep this precious gift that is growing in your belly. My sister is pregnant and at 12 weeks made a visit to the ER and was told that she had miscarried. Me and my mom rushed there to meet with her and my little sister who were both crying from the devestating loss. My sister refused to believe what the ER doctor had told her even after they said her cervics was opened..She asked if there was anything else that could be done and they said they could do an ultrasound to make sure she didn't have a philopian tube pregnancy..the hours seemed to go so slow while we were waiting..FINALLLY!!!!! My sister and her Husband came out with their verry first sonogram picture of their very tiny, very healthy, & very active baby boy. :) We truly believe there was a miricle that day.. My sister is now six weeks away from giving birth and though she is worried about the challenges she faces she is greatful that her baby is alive and well. Think about it these two ways....If you chose to have your child and they were born earlycould you then put the baby under a blanket smother it and it not be cosidered murder?? Of course not...my sister was saying the other day..Isn't it crazy that if somebody kills a pregnant woman it's considered a double murder (Because the baby is considered a seperate human being)..but if a mother chooses to abort her baby it is considered an abortion and there are no consequenses by the law. I feel like anyone who would reach out with a right vs. wrong decision like this would live with tremendous regret. If your sweet baby's purpose is not in this life it will die in your womb. You can only teach a baby pro choice if you give the baby the right to choose....
My heart goes out to your child if you do give birth. For a child to see on the internet in future years that their parents left it up to a blog poll whether they should live or die is heartbreaking. Perhaps you should wait until the child is born and lives a few years and then let them vote.
to .... (apparently not enough guts to even sign their name)
an "unborn CHILD is not human" - so how do you define child? Sorry, but anyone who, in this day and age, still believes that a baby is a "parasite" and is not human, is a MORON. Please don't reproduce!
Please be open to adoption. My wife and I would joyfully accept and love your baby. Seriously.
This is assanine. People like you should NOT beable to get pregnant. Just what the above comment said, you already are a parent, it's your choice to be the parent to this innocent child. If you don't want to or can't take care of this baby, put the baby up for adoption so someone who will love this baby and someone who wants to be a parent can. Millions of women out there are unable to get pregnant, let them be the mom they want to be and give your baby up for adoption. It is not fair to murder this child for your bad decision. Give them a chance.
I voted that you have an abortion. My reasons for this are simple. If this is your third pregnancy and you are still not sure if you are ready, then you probably are not. If you are asking the "public" if you should keep the baby, then you are not ready. What happens if you do decide to have the child, will you create a website for every decision that needs to be made in the child's life? Shall we feed him? Yes or No? Well suited for a Hollywood blockbuster, but not for a child's life. It amazes me that people like you have managed to stay alive. Morons! Absolute dregs of society. Who creates a website like this? At what point did you think this was a good idea? I am stunned by how many people think you should have the baby. Neither of you should be allowed to reproduce. Spare a thought for unfortunate couples who try for years, at great financial and emotional strain, to have a child. I hope for the unborn child's sake that you do not decide to keep it. Growing up with such repugnant people as parents is simply unfair. Someone commented that you may suffer severe emotional problems if you go ahead with the abortion. I cannot see how that will affect you. You cannot have any real emotion if you are allowing strangers to decide the fate of you and your family.
I don't know you so I wouldn't know if you'd make great or lousy parents but the sad fact you have elected to put the life of your unborn child up to be voted for is just plain sick.
You allowed yourself to become pregnant and your not kids so you need to allow this child to be born and then place the poor mite out for adoption because you two are completely so shallow and self absorbed that the needs of another human being is beyond you.
If you do have this child and keep it then one day they will find out about how you literally made a "lottery" of their life? When our kids get older they do judge us and hopefully will find that we did the best we could and one day your child will judge you and find you sorely lacking.
Shame on the pair of you.
For 40 years, abortion rights in America have been about a woman’s Constitutional right to privacy. But not far beneath the surface of that argument was the scientific and moral assumption that the life in the womb was somehow less of a life than every other life, and so privacy, in this case, should win out. The law, of course, would never allow a woman to take the life of an infant in the privacy of her own home, because an infant’s life is real life, or so the argument would go.
But, warning, if you look seriously at science to re-examine abortion you may jeopardize your current platform and its short-term political force. For over 150 years scientists have known a new human individual comes into being from the union of sperm and egg at fertilization. That is not theology. It is not religion. It is not Republican. It is science.
God will tell you I have a plan for that little one!
Please, don't kill your lovely baby. If you are unable to parent him, there is help available. I have many children already and we would be willing to give him brothers and sisters and parents. Life is difficult, we understand, but we can help if you wish. You may email us if needed. Please, allow this very wanted child, to live. Thank you.
Let me get this straight... You (the 'parents') are going to follow a poll because it seems to you that it is the democratic, American thing to do.
Leaving aside the more important ethical issues surrounding abortion in general, it is a total error to think that the state, or even the majority opinion of the people in the state should determine your family life and your family decisions. That is not only not American, that is anti-American.
Think about the act in itself.
Since you are unsure that you want your life to change then you should have the baby and give it up for adoption. There are many couples out there who would LOVE to be pregnant, but for whatever reason are unable to conceive. We have been through IVF (that failed) several times and twice have had a birth mother change her mind for one reason or another. Many like us want to change the status quo and share their lives with a child. In our case I would delight in staying home with my child and not miss my co-workers one little bit. So do yourself and your child a favor and give the child up for adoption.
Since you are unsure that you want your life to change then you should have the baby and give it up for adoption. There are many couples out there who would LOVE to be pregnant, but for whatever reason are unable to conceive. We have been through IVF (that failed) several times and twice have had a birth mother change her mind for one reason or another. Many like us want to change the status quo and share their lives with a child. In our case I would delight in staying home with my child and not miss my co-workers one little bit. So do yourself and your child a favor and give the child up for adoption.
you people need to be sterilized. i think you should have the baby and it should be removed from your care right after its first breath!! how can you look at pics of the baby and know it is developing and just want to kill it??? you are truly sick and i cannot believe you have to balls to post a website like this!!! i really hope you people arent serious about this!! i am a mom of a 2 year old and i cannot imagine posting pics of her inside my tummy and then even think about ending her life!! how dare you people even leave this up to anyone. thats a human being inside her stomach. just fucking sick!
Wow! What a beautiful couple...if you chose to have an abortion, will you vote to put the featus up on ebay. Or do your actually have limits?
This is a child. A life. A person.
Posting this is like standing over a newborn child with a knife, saying, "should I stab him? What do you think?"
This is your CHILD.
Please have your baby, and give him to someone who will love him and value his life. In fact, give us a private adoption. We will take him. We will love him. And we would never tell him about how his life hung in the balance, as if he were worthless.
Don't kill your child, I beg you.
You are already parents of a baby. Your only choice at this point is whether to be the parents of a live baby, or a murdered baby. This is your own child, and yet a person in his or her own right, about whom the following rule applies: "Do unto others as you would have other do unto you."
This unborn little one is also your next of kin and nearest neighbor, as in, "Love your neighbor as yourself."
It's a safe bet you would object if you were condemned to death and executed, even though you were not guilty of any crime; you would also object to being pushed out of a safe place, slashed open and left bleeding until you died.
On this basis I say: do not commit murder. Let this child live.
If you can not, or will not care for him after birth, then place him in the arms of someone else who will stand in as his parents and first friends: someone who will love him.
I am praying very hard for you and your unborn baby. How can you take this human life so lightly? God has blessed you and you may never have another chance. A baby is the most wonderful blessing. Just think..someday that little baby inside of you may cure cancer, alzheimers, or some other horrible illness. If you decide you are not ready to have a baby, please please please give somebody else a chance to adopt your sweet baby.
sick. truly sick. Must be a publisity stunt.
Como dizia Albert Einstein...só há 3 coisas no mundo que são infinitas..DEUS, o universo e a ESTUPIDEZ HUMANA...enfim
Eu voto que se "abortem" os dois...por empalamento..
USA , land of stupidity
My question is this - if you do have baby boy - will you tell him that you put his fate in the hands of a poll? What impact will that have on his sense of self? Maybe you should consider placing him with one of the 1.2 million couples who desperately want to start a family - they could adopt him or you could sell him to the highest bidder.
Give birth and give the baby up for adoption. You two don't deserve a child.
Your sick.
You dont deserve a child.
I had my ultrasound done, and almost cried...
You witnessed your baby....you saw it move around, you saw how healthy it was.
And you want to murder it.
You people make me sick!! have the baby and then give it up for adoption. If you can watch your baby kick and move in your womb, and still consider abortion, than you do not deserve children, nor are you fit to raise children. You should have the child and give them up for adoption. I feel so sad for your child and if you do decide to have the kid they should know how close their parents were to murdering him before he was born. I will pray for you and your unborn child. God knows you need the help.
Please surrender your baby for adoption. If you are allowing the masses to influence your decision on whether or not to kill a baby, you really need to allow someone else to raise them.
I don't mean to be rude or mean. I just want the best for the baby and yourselves.
You people are idiots. What is this world coming to?!
How about we abort you two and save the baby.
Beyond stupid if it's real.
for the record, WE "have the right to life". but an unborn child does not have the "right" to anything. and unborn child is not a human, it is a parasite that feeds of a woman if anything.
I voted give birth and I hope you will too. How can you look at your ultrasound images and not be convinced that you are carrying within you a living human being? Even if you don't want the child (and it's understandable if you don't), there are so many married couples that would be beyond delighted to have the honor of being the parents of the child. There are a number of good adoption agencies out there that will help you in the adoption process. The point is that life begins at conception. If you don't want to be the parents, you should find a loving husband and wife that want to be, and you can start on that before the baby is born.
Have the baby, and give it up. You two are disturbed.
You should definitely have an abortion. If you're so stupid as to not even be able to make this INCREDIBLY personal decision on your own, you sure as hell aren't qualified to raise children. Plus, you OBVIOUSLY are typical Americans and have health problems. We already have enough 50 pound 2 year olds running around. The world doesn't need to sacrifice anymore childrens' health because we're lazy and have absolutely NO self- control, simply digging our own graves. Why don't you have an abortion, hop on a tred-mill and find something more important to do with your time?
I´m pregnant with 16 week, and I can´t see the moment of my baby born... you don´t deserv this baby if you are thinking on an Abortion... give him in adoption!! DON BE KILLERS!! it´s a life... the baby is not culty of nathing, you should be more carefoul if you didn´t wanted to be pregnant... GROW UP!!
Have the baby, and give it up. You two are a disturbed.
Would just like to say that if you both are that fucking stupid that you unintentionally got pregnant, then deal with the fact that you opened your legs and accept that responsibility. However, if you are that stupid that you are asking the internet whether or not you should have your child then for the sake of humanity, get an abortion. The world has enough people with sub par IQs please, kill your child and the kill yourselves. The world doesn't need more stupid people. It's ridiculous that you are even giving this a thought. Jackasses.
the month after i turned 18 i found out that i was pregnant with my first child. i wasn't ready and was unsure if i even wanted a child. afterall i had always said growin up that i never wanted kids. i am glad i didn't have people telling me that an abortion was the way to go if i was unsure. we are all unsure of many things in our lives and becoming parents is no exception. yes my life would have been different if i had chose not to have the baby, yes i would have been able to go out with my friends and do countless things that i wouldn't b able to do if i didn't have a kid. but a lot of people don't realize that once the baby gets there you find a love that u never would b able to understand without being a parent. yes there are so many people in this world who have no business being parents. but there are even more that r great parents. having kids changes our lives. for nine months us women have to watch what we eat, make sure we get decent prenatal care, gain weight and even the dreaded stretch marks. But let me tell u that those are just small inconveniences for the wonderful person that we give life to. yes it's difficult at times having kids and sumtimes u jus want ta kill em, but then they do that sumthing that just makes your heart melt and you couldn't imagine having a life without them. Our great country does everything in it's power to protect our right to free speech, religion, to bear arms, and even protects the lives of animals. Why is it that the life of BABY is not of value? Does The Declaration of Independence not say we have a right to LIFE? in addition to liberty and happiness?
The precious baby you carry is a developing human being, as we can see week by week. The tragic fact that you two are even considering murdering this gift of love tells us that you do not know the first thing about love. The fact that you are making this decision based on an internet poll tell us that you are not fit to parent a child and should give the baby up for adoption.
I think you are the most mentally unstable people on earth. You should definitely not raise that child! Give it up for adoption the last thing this planet needs is more stupid people like you!
Dude, don't have the child. You are going to bring another child into this world that is unwanted. He is just going to turn into one of these people on "b". He is going to steal and rape and murder people, why would you want to bring a child into this world just to turn him into that. Please get an abortion.
You're sick.
you don't deserve to have children, maybe that's why God miscarried your other pregnancies.
I am sitting here crying, so disgusted by this website. Obviously you don't deserve the precious life that is within you and don't value that you have created a LIFE! I am totally against late term abortions and you waiting to the last second is appalling. Go take a really good look at a new baby and know that if you go thru with the abortion, THAT is what you will be KILLING. I voted to for you to have the child but I would suggest you immediately give him up for adoption to people who will love and cherish him because obviously you both will not. This website says that loud and clear. And do us all a favor and go get yourselves fixed.
I can't even imagine how parents could see their living breathing precious child and consider butchering it in the womb. It's beyond my wildest imagination. I have always wondered about how humans become so cruel to other humans. I'll never understand the selfish cruelty that would allow one to justify killing another.
Please, oh, please have this baby and give her or him up for adoption. All babies are gifts from God please remember that. I am sure you are overwhelmed but please give this beautiful little girl or boy with the sweet smile, the charming laugh and the dippled knees a chance to have a family that will adore her or him.
Is this website for real? Not pro or anti abortion but if you are for real you are beyond messed up. I voted have your baby at any rate but please put the poor soul up for adoption. Maybe it can find parents who wouldn't do such a crazy thing as put it's life in the hands of strangers!
The best way to make a decision is to look for truth. Before having an abortion; watch an abortion being done. Only then have you truly confronted the issue. Here is a link to a medical video showing an abortion: http://www.surgeryvideo.net/live-abortion-watch.
this is something that only you can decide!!! asking for outside help would mean that your not entirely sure about your future!! I hope everything works out for the best.
You are forgetting there's another option. If you're not ready to "change the status quo" and become a parent, then put the baby up for adoption so that another family -- who's desperate to become a parent but unable to do so -- can raise him/her. Please don't abort the living baby inside of you.
I'm a girl from Belgium and I've just read about this. I find this so disgusting what you guys are doing. Why did you decide to get pregnant if you weren't sure that you wanted to keep this baby??
I'm a proud mum of a 2 year old girl, I can't even imagine what my life would be without her in it!
Please, keep this baby, don't let it feel the pain of an abortion. Because it really can feel everything. And indeed, if you really don't want a child, give him up for adoption to people who really want to care for and love this baby.
Also please see the following
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5zP3sW0WEE ,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUmSl8xH8_w&feature=related ,
I voted for birth. However, if given a third option of adoption, I would have absolutely voted for that. As the biological mother of 3 children, and the adopted mother of 2 more, I can tell you that there are thousands of couples in this country who would gladly welcome your child into their home. Feel free to contact me privately if you would like more information. I would be glad to help with the placement of your child. Just please don't take his life.
OK. I had an abortion when I was 19. It was awful and I still think about it. I do still believe I did the right thing, but I made that decision based on my financial and emotional stability. It seems to me that surely you're attached to that baby and I don't think you'll have an abortion - why would it even be an option since you've obviously been trying to have a baby for a few years now with miscarriages? Whatever point you're trying to make here, it's only making you look unfit to be parents. I voted to give birth, but only because it seems you can handle having a child technically. Emotionally, I think you need to put it up for adoption. Who uses their unborn child to make a point? Honestly. Get a life - and not a baby.
I would like to kindly point out to you the gravity of the decision you are making. This is no small decision. You are allowing the public to vote for the life of a child! The life you hold inside you is precious beyond belief and I cannot imagine that you would be willing to snuff out any hope of life based simply upon "majority rules". Do you realize that your baby is a living and active human being? Our world really has come to some horrifying state when we are to the point that we allow anyone and everyone to vote to decide whether or not to murder an innocent human child. You previously stated that, "I’m not convinced that I want to change the status quo. I feel that as I age I’ve actually gotten more selfish and set in my ways, I’m afraid that I will eventually regret starting a family and 'settling down', as they say.” I must agree that you are being extremely selfish. That you would even consider killing an innocent human baby simply because it would disrupt your normal life, or the status quo of your household: this is an apalling thought! If your indecisiveness is based upon fear of starting a family or settling down, then I pray that you will at least give the child a chance at the beautiful life that God has planned for this baby and put the precious infant up for adoption after birth. You have been given a priceless gift by being blessed with a child. Instead of fearing that this child will disrupt your life, I pray you will see the beauty, magnitude, and wonderful opportunity that you have been given! So many couples yearn for children and are incapable of receiving the wish they so desperately want. How it must pain their hearts to hear of you and of the public's struggle over the life inside of you! God considers every single human being precious; no matter how small, no matter how dependent, no matter how much they are loved by people here and now. God loves your child and He has a plan for this baby. His infinite plan has already taken shape and your baby already will have a story to tell: "My mother and father allowed people to vote in order to determine whether to keep me or kill me." Have you heard of Gianna Jessen? She is an abortion survivor who has an amazing story to tell and is not afraid to tell it. (Her story can be heard here. Part 1:, Part 2:) If you decide to abort this baby, you are not indulging in your selfish ambitions to keep your own life flowing normally and comfortably, but you are also altering the story of this precious infant's life. If I were you, I would much rather have my baby alive and telling their story to the world, rather than in heaven telling their story to God: a God Who will execute vengeance for the life taken. You yourself have recognized that the form inside you is a living baby. This child has a heartbeat! Most mothers would tingle at the thought that a living human could be so tiny and yet so real. You yourself have admitted openly that the child is alive! How then can you, with a clear conscience, publish a vote allowing perfect strangers to decide this issue for you? This is no longer an issue, either. This is a life or death matter involving an innocent baby. Murder of a human baby is called genocide. Abortion of this child will confirm the verdict: "guilty".
I will be praying that you will be able to see the working of God's hands through this situation you have placed yourself in. I pray that He will reveal Himself and His will to you in ways so awesome, so utterly majestic, and so profound that you will be amazed at the working of His presence in your life and in the life of the priceless gift which God has placed in your womb!
"There's a life inside you. There's a beating heart. There's a child of wonder shining like a star. There's a life inside you." (Lyric by Matthew West)
I agree that this website is a bad idea, however it is not for me to judge your motives. Let me just say that abortion is murder and has ruined the lives and marriages of vast numbers of women. They suffer severe emotional problems after having an abortion. Do you know that approximately 400 women a year comity suicide because they can't handle the emotional & psychological problems resulting from their abortion. Put the child up for adoption if you don't want it.
Also please see the following
I can't believe you think there are only two options! GIve the baby up for adoption to a family that isn't as 'selfish' as you are. There are many families that would be over the moon to have a little boy. Please do not have an abortion! You made your 'choice' when you had unprotected sex - the consequence is pregnancy. You will still get to go back to work and have your life with your husband without children.
Please spare the life of your child. This is so unbelievably sad. I'm praying for baby Wiggles and for you.
Look, if you have to make an internet poll to decide something so monumental as aborting or not, I doubt you would be doing the world a favor by raising a child (let alone doing a favor for the child). This is ridiculous. Abort and don't try to reproduce again. If this were survival of the fittest, you probably wouldn't have survived until maturity anyway, so keep your genes from perpetuating. Sheesh.
At 6 weeks old an aborted foetus has eyes, fingernails and a recognisably formed body, despite being so small and young. When you abort a 6 week old foetus you have a huge period, pass blood clots and eventually the foetus itself through your vagina. A lot of the time women have to pull the dead foetus out of their vagina with their fingers.
YOU on the other hand are potentially planning to abort your baby at nearly 20 weeks. By this stage of development the child is fully developed with functioning lungs, heart, brain and most importantly, a nervous system.
If you choose to abort you could have to pass the child, have to give birth to a fully formed baby, OR you could (most likely) have what is essentially a hoover inserted into your vagina and into your womb which will suck the baby out.
The force of the hoover suck will tear parts of the baby away piece by piece. It's important to remember that by this stage your child has a fully functioning nervous system and will therefore feel the pain of this prolonged experience. It will not have anaesthesia administered to numb the pain of being ripped apart.
Rather than put the life of you future child up for public vote why don't you consider the reality of you decision you could potentially make? This isn't the X factor, this is life. It is incredibly selfish of you both to want to abort because of your careers - if you didn't want children you should have used contraception or had your tubes tied. Now you've ended up pregnant and are gambling yours and your child's future on the whims of strangers on the internet. This is beyond pathetic, and you are both incredibly selfish and stupid.
If the public allow you to keep your child then you should most definitely put it up for adoption - it hasn't got a chance in hell with perverted parents like you.
I really feel like you created this poll to make "others" think.....I hope you already know how you feel. Other's may find this offensive, but I like that you are giving them the opportunity to see the progress and know how hard this decision SHOULD be for anyone. At this point....I think you are already love "Wiggles" and even though you THINK you could get rid of him/her.....you couldn't. The only thing I hope is that you can get rid of this poll before he/she is old enought to know about it. That could be quite painful for your child! Good luck being a MOM!
I cant believe my eyes to be honest, what kind of woman/man asks the public this kind of question? Only you as a couple can decide this... Cant believe after hearing and seeing your beautiful little boy would could even consider having a abortion, This child has as much right to live as you do, If you dont want him at least consider giving him to a couple that WANT A CHILD. You are 30 years old for god sake act your age, im only 27 and have 3 little girls and wouldnt change it for the world.
I won't go into the aspect and horror of putting this online, everyone has covered it.
I know plenty of people who thought about having an abortion because of various reasons and decided to have the baby. NONE of them regret it.
On the flip side I know several girls who had an abortion and do regret it. Even with those who don't admit it, they wonder what they would have looked like--will they see them in heaven etc.
Please don't kill that baby. You can already see his little face.
You forgot a very important third option and that is ADOPTION!!!! Why must it be life or death? Why can't it be life or life? There's no good reason for this child to die, especially at the hands of other's opinions. PLEASE consider adoption, even if you decide to birth against what is in your heart to do. This baby is so special and so unique. That high heart rate makes me think it's a little girl. I'm 7 months pregnant right now w/my 5th and I can honestly tell you that having children was the GREATEST thing that could have ever happened to me! I can't imagine not having my girls. They're so incredible and gifted and one day they will give me grandchildren to cherish. Please, please consider adoption as a VALID option for your child. So many couples out there who would love a little girl to nurture and love.
I am completely prolife but I didn't vote because there wasn't an option for "give birth and give the baby up for adoption." I cannot imagine this poor precious baby having the two of you for parents. If you choose to allow him to live are you going to put all of this in his baby book? Do you think he will never find out what you did? How would either of you feel if your own parents had done something like this? How unfortunate for this poor soul to have been given to you.
If you are not ready or willing to be parents, place the child for adoption. There is no eason to kill the baby just because you don't want it.
Since you have made it this far and deicide to not keep the baby why dont you choose adoption? I understand that you guys might not want to bring a child into your life but there are people out there that havent been able to conceive at all. Why not bless them with a wonderful baby? Just think about it.
There should be a test that people have to pass prior to becoming pregnant...cuz if there was I think that these two would have failed. Stupid people should not be allowed to breed. These two "people" do not deserve to have a child. If they have this child...and I pray they do for his sake only...they had better pray he never finds this website.
Give birth and then give the baby up for adoption to a family who will treasure him/her forever. Imagine the happiness you can help create for a family longing for a child! You are already almost half-way through the pregnancy now. It's such a short sacrafice on your part and soon enough you can go on with your life as you please. Please forgo the poll - this isn't a decorating decision - it's a child. My heart breaks for this situation.
All I can say is I pray that Jesus will change your mind and take down this site. Please give your baby life. I regret my abortion and mourn my miscarriage. Lord Jesus please intervene!
I wonder what psychological impact it is going to have on your child when you inform him or her that before he or she was born, you made an online poll to allow perfect strangers to decide whether to kill him or her by hiring some pervert to slice him or her up into pieces, or love him or her and choose life. What kind of parents are you? "Oh, my child. I love you so much...because 74.3% of online voters said that I should." What some people won't do to get attention for themselves. Could you be any more selfish? PLEASE consider adoption for your child. Choose some parents who will raise your child lovingly, and consider never having another child again. Something is deeply, deeply wrong with both of you. Oh, what joy to know that I can hold my children, hug them, tell them how much I love them, and NEVER have to tell them, "Your Mom and I set up an online poll to let other people decide if we should have you killed." My sympathy to your unborn child. The depth of the idiocy, the selfishness, the thoughtlessness, the cruelty, and the pure ignorance to which that child will be subjected by you two morons is quite sad. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE consider adoption! There are some GOOD parents out there who would love to have your child, and who are capaple of raising a child properly.
I heard about this on my local morning talk show this morning, and was absolutely appalled. I have to say, I can not fathom, how after you have seen the baby, listened to the heart beat and (will soon, if not already) feel the baby move, can choose to Kill he/she. This is absolutely murder. You are trivializing the awesome power of procreation, something that is so sacred and so precious. Please, have this baby, and then in my opinion, you should give her/him up for adoption. Can you imagine, if you found out that your parents had a poll about if they should keep or kill/abort you?
This website is the perfect example of just how far "off the map" this world has gone. I don't believe in abortion because after witnessing the miracle of pregnancy there is just no way I could believe in something that takes life out of someone so thoughtlessly and carelessly. But I don't believe abortion should be outlawed because we are a flawed and imperfect world; and let's face it: some of us should NOT be parents.
I would definitely say the two of you fit into the latter category. Any two people who would make a website like this has absolutely no business being parents. However, since you yourselves have witnessed this miracle through doctor's appointments and sonograms, you should do the right thing and give this precious gift to a couple who so badly wants a baby and can't have one. Sadly, that is the irony of life--that people like you can reproduce and wonderful, precious people who would make stable, loving parents sometimes cannot.
After the adoption, you two should sterilize yourselves and seek LOTS of therapy. LOTS.
It is horrifying to me that this site even exists! If this is indeed for real, then shame on this couple. The poll you are taking is not about anyone else making a decision that should only be made by you, the parents. Please note that I refer to you as parents - because that it what you are. You have received a gift from God and as such you have an obligation to receive this gift. Selfishness on the part of the mother does not and should not enter into any decision. The decision should be a full term pregnancy. This unborn child has no choice in the matter. He or she did not ask to be conceived and has the right to be carried to term. If you are 'too selfish' and don't want to raise a child you have another very viable obtion. Adoption! I have a sister and brother-in-law who desperately wanted to adopt a baby some years ago and could not due to our abortion laws. Thankfully they were able to adopt a child at the age of 3 after having been foster parents from age 13 months. He is just as much a part of our family as if he had been born into it. He is loved and cherished by them, his sister and his extended family. He is happy, thriving, adored and knows that he is loved. I am pro-life from conception forward. Your child is a child of God - a gift to the two of you. What else is there to say?!
You two are sick people. You keep a diary about this poor baby's developings, post pictures, even give him a nickname. And at the end when more than 50 % people say abort the baby you will? What's wrong with you??? If you don't want be parents use contraceptive! Or if you wanted abortion why haven't done it after you found out the pregnancy? Waiting till 20 weeks into pregnancy and abort a healthy baby is murder! You know what? You don't deserve this baby!!!
Nice publicity stunt. What anti-choice organization(s) do you belong to?
If you can find it in your hearts to go through with the pregnancy, my husband and I will adopt your baby and give him/her the best life we can. We have three children, 1 girl and 2 boys. Our house if full of love and laughter. Please prayerfully consider this.
I will be praying for you both, and especially for the life of the baby living inside of you.
Please have the baby and give it up for adoption instead of choosing to murder it via abortion! There are countless loving couples looking to adopt and can provide this precious baby with a happy life. I will be praying for you and this baby and I hope that you make the right choice.
You don't deserve to be parents, but your child deserves a life. Give it up for adoption and grow the f*ck up
Pete and Alisha , I am so saddened by this poll- I too have lost 2 babies due to miscarriage and I am so sorry for your loss- we now have a beautiful 14 month old little boy and what a blessing he is! From what I have read about you both- which is not much- but the thought that you would ask for public opinion on what to do- really makes me pray that you have this baby and give him or her up for adoption to a family who will treat this child like the precious jewel they are!!! I can only pray this gets publicity and people see your ultrasound images and are convicted that this child in your womb is in fact a CHILD and having an abortion would be murdering an innocent life- please, please, give the gift of life to your child and make the most UNSELFISH choice and give them up for adoption. May God bless you both and open your eyes.
We are purposely choosing to adopt as a means of standing up to abortion and giving someone an alternative. Our email address is adoptalove@hotmail.com; please contact us in lieu of abortion, if you decide you do not want to parent.
I'm not going to preach at you on here. I'm not even sure if you read all or any of the comments made here. I would encourage you to think about how the abortion would be performed. If the baby has a heartbeat...which he/she does, he/she can feel pain. They would feel the excruciating pain of being killed in your womb. I urge you to give this child life and if you don't feel you can or want to parent him/her, choose a family who is desperate for a child. So many women ache to be able to have a child and are unable to conceive. I have 2 very close friends in that boat. Please choose life for your precious baby.
Sick! this is the very embodiment of a once great culture in decline. That "thing" inside of you already has a destiny should you chose not to end it. It will be a baby, a toddler, a child, an adolescent, etc unless you kill it.
Sick fools.......follow neiltat's advice please
i just had a little baby girl at the end of aug. shes almost 3 months now...im 25 yrs old and wouldnt change any of this for the world...trust me if you have your little baby the second they look at you and smile you 'll regret even thinking about not wanting to bring this gift into the world. its hard at first but you will love them so much none of that will matter.
It is not an easy thing to be a parent. I want to urge you, though, to take abortion off the plate as an option. Being a parent is terrifying, heartwarming, heartbreaking, rewarding, and the list go on. However, if you both decide that being parents is not for you, think of the millions of women in American alone, who cry themselves to sleep every night because they cannot have the baby that they so long for. Please, if you're not ready to be parents, be a blessing to someone who's been praying for a baby for years. I will be praying for you both, for guidance and strength.
If you truly don't want the baby, there are thousands of people that would adopt him/her. We would love to raise this baby. Abortion is definitely not the answer.
May you choose life this day. If you feel you cannot care for or keep the child, then allow someone to adopt him or her. Please do not polish off the life of an innocent in frivolity. People have always chosen convenience over sacrifice. Children require care and time to be sure. Their innocent outlook on life is soooo precious to see as they develop their personality. I am sad to the point of tears you might even consider destroying this little life. I selfishly put off having children using birth control. Even after the first two I remained selfish. Only after much introspection did I change my mind. Now I have a total of 6. The youngest is one and I love them all. I appreciate the younger ones more than I did my older ones at the time. I'm 47 and they tire me out but believe me its a happy tired!!!!!!!
I believe strongly you should give birth. There is no reason for abortion even given your admission that you do not want to give up your freedom. You can adopt the baby. At least you give him or her a chance. In fact, my wife and I could possibly adopt your baby. If you have your baby I am sure your outlook will change after looking into his or her eyes, but if not send me an email. Tecnicodedms@aol.com. please do not kill your baby!
I have a son and two beautiful daughters. Your "poll" has literally made me sob. Your baby, whom I understand you have nicknamed "Wiggles", is a life. He may not be able to survive on his own yet, but he is still alive in your womb. Even if you don't love him, please don't kill him. Abortion is not the only option if you do not want/love this beautiful baby boy. Adoption is also a choice, one that people often overlook but one that is a truly selfless gift of love to your unborn child. Please, even if you don't want him, allow him to be born and then give him to a beautiful family who will know that he is a treasure. Please.
Give birth and we will adopt your baby if you don't want to parent!