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Should We Give Birth or Have an Abortion? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 2,202,203

  • MARIAN - 14 years ago

    de verdad que estoy indignada con lo que ustedes estan haciendo, son unos insensibles, ni los animales actuan de la manera que ustedes estan haciendo, por si no lo saben me imagino que deben ser analfabetas o algo por el estilo, existen metodos anticonceptivos que controlan la natalidad, por dios mujer que te pasa donde esta ese instinto materno que se despierta desde el momento que tu ves esa criatura creciendo en tu vientre??? solos le digo algo "TODO LO QUE EN ESTA VIDA SE HACE SE PAGA!!!!" ALLA ARRIBA HAY UN DIOS QUE TODO LO VE!!! PIENSEN BIEN LO QUE ESTAN HACIENDO PORQ NO SOLO ESTAN JUGANDO CON LA VIDA DE N SER HUMANO QUE ES SU H I J O SINO QUE ESTAN JUAGANDO CON SU INTEGRIDAD EMOCIONAL PORQUE ESE BEBE ESTA SINTIENDO TODAS ESAS EMOCIONES QUE ESTAN SINTIENDO USTEDES, ESTO ES UNA BURLA HACIA ESE BEBEY EL SE MERECE RESPETO!!!!! ¿ A USTEDES LE GUSTARIA QUE VENGA UN ASESINO LOCO (ASI COMO USTEDES) Y COLOQ EN LA INTERNET SI LOS ASESINA O NO? QUE SU VIDA DEPENDA DE UN ENFERMO PAPETICO QUE NO TIENE NADA QUE HACER SINO JUGAR CON LA VIDA DE ALGUIEN Y PORQUE HOY LE PICO EL TRASERO DECIDASU VIDA A TRAVES DE UNA ENCUENTA?? Y QUE TAL QUE LA RESPUESTA DE LAS PERSONAS SEA "SI MATENLOS TOTAL MIENTRAS NO NOS HAGA DAÑO A NOSOTROS" MADUREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • MARIAN - 14 years ago

    de verdad que estoy indignada con lo que ustedes estan haciendo, son unos insensibles, ni los animales actuan de la manera que ustedes estan haciendo, por si no lo saben me imagino que deben ser analfabetas o algo por el estilo, existen metodos anticonceptivos que controlan la natalidad, por dios mujer que te pasa donde esta ese instinto materno que se despierta desde el momento que tu ves esa criatura creciendo en tu vientre??? solos le digo algo "TODO LO QUE EN ESTA VIDA SE HACE SE PAGA!!!!" ALLA ARRIBA HAY UN DIOS QUE TODO LO VE!!! PIENSEN BIEN LO QUE ESTAN HACIENDO PORQ NO SOLO ESTAN JUGANDO CON LA VIDA DE N SER HUMANO QUE ES SU H I J O SINO QUE ESTAN JUAGANDO CON SU INTEGRIDAD EMOCIONAL PORQUE ESE BEBE ESTA SINTIENDO TODAS ESAS EMOCIONES QUE ESTAN SINTIENDO USTEDES, ESTO ES UNA BURLA HACIA ESE BEBEY EL SE MERECE RESPETO!!!!! ¿ A USTEDES LE GUSTARIA QUE VENGA UN ASESINO LOCO (ASI COMO USTEDES) Y COLOQ EN LA INTERNET SI LOS ASESINA O NO? QUE SU VIDA DEPENDA DE UN ENFERMO PAPETICO QUE NO TIENE NADA QUE HACER SINO JUGAR CON LA VIDA DE ALGUIEN Y PORQUE HOY LE PICO EL TRASERO DECIDASU VIDA A TRAVES DE UNA ENCUENTA?? Y QUE TAL QUE LA RESPUESTA DE LAS PERSONAS SEA "SI MATENLOS TOTAL MIENTRAS NO NOS HAGA DAÑO A NOSOTROS" MADUREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 2B - 14 years ago

    I voted to keep the kid, not over some high-falootin' moral convictions about life or any crap like that that I honestly don't give a flippin' care about.

    I voted pro-birth due to pure malicious intent. Enjoy never having a free weekend again. :)

  • jjr - 14 years ago

    kill the fucking baby. i wanna see pics too.

  • Eli Rose - 14 years ago

    I had a sense of coldness and little attachment from the parents. I think this website is great actually. I am not against it at all. I think you are bold for pushing the envelope. I think you deserve praise,.but actually since you have asked me I think you should have an abortion because I would not want this baby to have cold parents. My wife says you should adopt. I disagree but you can if you want. You can do what you want..but for the sake of the baby please let it go.

  • Notreallyhere - 14 years ago

    This is kind of easy (but I'll pass on voting).

    You either kill your son, and move on, or you will have a son who, some day in the future, will realize the only reason he is alive is because the rest of the world wants him, and not you.

    Kill the... whatever... and be done with it. You have already gone too far, and you cannot go back. No matter how much you might want to.

    And don't worry, maybe you will get it right next time, and you will be happy. Or you will NOT get it right next time either, and the rest of us will be happy. Win, win.

  • Yesica - 14 years ago

    Por favor no aborten a la criatura no maten a su propio hijo. porque no lo tienen y lo dan en adopcion ya que por lo visto ustedes no están capacitados para ser padres. No cometan un homicidio por favor.
    Please do not abort the child not to kill your own child. Wy don't you have it and give up for adoption, because it seems you are not qualified to be parents.Don't do it a murder please.

  • george - 14 years ago

    If you let the internet-users decide wether you should get an abortion or not; YOU DON4T DESERVE TO BE PARENTS!!! What would your kid think of you if he ever got to know this shit????

  • gabriela - 14 years ago

    you are great!! in spide of all the critics i have read here i beleve you will have a wonderfool child. I am the mother of a 16 years old boy and i never, never regreted i have choose to give him birth. there is nothing more chalenging and motivating in life than having and educating a child. i beleve in you gays and i wish you all the best.
    P.S. my son is singing at piano, harmonica and guitar but nothing compares whit a hug from him
    excuse my english (I'm from buckarest)

  • Linda - 14 years ago

    You are obviously not ready to be parents. How is your child going to feel knowing that the fate of their life began from a poll? Seriously. What are you going to say? "Oh... we didn't know if we even wanted you... so we asked the rest of the world". How deeply heart breaking that is going to be for him.
    Having said that, I am against the idea of abortion cause I have had one and understand the full impact it has on your life emotionally, spiritually and socially and wouldn't want that heartache for anyone.
    My advice... have the child and place him in the arms of a couple that so deeply yearn for a child. If your heart hasn't already been captivated by the sound of his heart beat then I'd be surprised if you could love him as he needs. Do the most unselfish thing and give him a life with people who genuinely want him. I'd gladly put my hand up and take him! I have four of my own already but after coming to understand how precious the gift of a child is... I can honestly say I would welcome the gift of another child into my home. And I'm just one of millions! Give him up... it'd be best for all of you.

  • Lindy - 14 years ago

    You are obviously not ready to be parents. How is your child going to feel knowing that the fate of their life began from a poll? Seriously. What are you going to say? "Oh... we didn't know if we even wanted you... so we asked the rest of the world". How deeply heart breaking that is going to be for him.
    Having said that, I am against the idea of abortion cause I have had one and understand the full impact it has on your life emotionally, spiritually and socially and wouldn't want that heartache for anyone.
    My advice... have the child and place him in the arms of a couple that so deeply yearn for a child. If your heart hasn't already been captivated by the sound of his heart beat then I'd be surprised if you could love him as he needs. Do the most unselfish thing and give him a life with people who genuinely want him. I'd gladly put my hand up and take him! I have four of my own already but after coming to understand how precious the gift of a child is... I can honestly say I would welcome the gift of another child into my home. And I'm just one of millions! Give him up... it'd be best for all of you.

  • Greg Laden - 14 years ago

    It has now been pretty well demonstrated that this is a politically motivated fake. Real people, being real jerks, but there is not poll to decide to terminate a pregnancy, and probably no pregnancy.

  • Joy - 14 years ago

    Please give birth to this precious baby. Seek out a loving home for him or her to be adopted in to.

  • Mad Hamster Lady - 14 years ago

    If you need to ask whether or not to have the baby, you shouldn't have the baby. Simple as. If this is genuine, you should not be waiting til the last minute. I am pro-choice, but that foetus is living and the longer it is alive, the more complete it becomes. Late abortions can be traumatic, and I fear you already have emotional attachment to the foetus as you have named it and seen multiple pictures. For goodness sake, make your own minds off - if you're not sure if you're ready to be parents, then you're not ready - get rid ASAP.

  • Becca - 14 years ago

    Frankly, I voted to abort, for one reason and one reason only.

    People this crass, immature and stupid should not breed. We certainly don't need any miniature yous running around. Whether I am pro-choice or anti-choice is of little or no concern, here. This entire process is, simply despicable. Shame on you.

  • Kat - 14 years ago

    In the election in November, Missy Reilly Smith ran for Washington DC delegate to the United States House of Representatives (she lost to Eleanor Holmes Norton). Smith ran largely as an anti-abortion candidate.

    She ran 30 second ads which aired 24 times on local broadcast network affiliates across the greater Washington, DC metropolitan area, preceded by a 15 second warning (added by the station management) due to the shocking content.

    What was the ad?

    It was 30 seconds of still photos of aborted babies. Dead babies ripped apart and sucked out of a mother’s womb aren’t very pretty, but they are real and should be shocking to a civilized society. We can have daily abortions by the thousands, but we can’t look at exactly what is happening?

    If you can’t look at it, perhaps you shouldn’t do it.

    Did you know the "Saline Solution" they inject into the womb literally burns the babies to death? I didn't know that until this week. Think about it -- and look at it. And then choose.

  • Kat - 14 years ago

    Give birth. I'll adopt your baby. Then please, please, use protection or optional sterilization and make your stand that way. The person who is growing deserves to be loved, and if that's an option, I'd love for that option to be considered. I'm pro-Choice, but after the first trimester, your option is gone. Your options from that point should be what to do after the birth; keep or adopt. And I sure wish more women chose to adopt -- and that more grandparents supported their children in adoption. I do pity these children. The world is not kind. But a good family can sure lessen the blow.

  • jessica - 14 years ago

    I sent you an email correspondence and was wondering if you had a chance to read it. Please let me know what you thought about it. Thanks.

  • Ronnie - 14 years ago

    PLEASE, PLEASE - give this little one the chance to live. You will never regret it!

  • Maeve - 14 years ago

    This is SICK!!! You dont deserve to have this child and if u do decide to have the baby, unless you give it to someone who is actually capable of feeling and love, you will destroy its life - something you've made a great start in doing!! There is no way you can keep this child! If he/she ever finds out, he/she will NEVER forgive you! This is wrong, sick, immoral, messed-up etc. I cant believe you would make a site like this just to get your 15 minutes of fame!! You miscarried a PLANNED pregnancy and now you're contemplating terminating this one?? What is wrong with you people??? Its not right! How did you feel when you miscarried? And now you want to be the cause of all that pain and suffering? PLEASE, if you're actually pregnant(which i really hope you're not) give this baby to someone who will love and cherish it, someone who appreciates the miracle of life and who has the self respect and decency not to post thier most public affairs on the internet! You people are sick! I hope you enjoy burning in hell!!

  • Дмитрий - 14 years ago

    Вы - жирные бездушные ублюдки!
    Как вы вообще можете ставить такой вопрос?!!!
    Дай Бог здоровья и долгих лет жизни маленькому, ни в чем не виноватому ребенку, которого вы, его родители, способны уничтожить!

    С приветом из России

  • Cheapshot - 14 years ago

    You are honestly not fit to raise a child. If you are not responsible enough to make this decision for yourselves, you are not in any way responsible enough to raise a child.

    If you decide to abort, that's within your right. If you decide to bring a child into the world however, consider giving it up for adoption. There are far too many unwanted children in need of homes already, but I don't believe your home would be any place for a child.

  • Mark - 14 years ago

    me thinks that whoever posted this is not prego...could even be a teenage boy.

  • Anne - 14 years ago

    I agree with the comment right before mine that starts 'I vote...' If you two are serious - and frankly, I don't think that you are - then yes, you should abort. There are worse things than death, and to be the unwanted child of a couple of idiots is probably one of them. Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame, Mr. & Mrs. Blogger-Guy.

    By the way, if you are just doing this to make a point, why don't you go out and adopt one of the unwanted kids out there that WAS born and needs a family? If you, and all of your followers that want to adopt this child of yours did that, maybe you could be part of the solution to the problem, rather than part of the problem itself. I don't see the 'problem' as being abortion - that's just one of the results. Nobody gets pregnant in order to have an abortion - they have an abortion because they got pregnant. As you are showing, ANYBODY, no matter how stupid, can have a baby.

  • Mark - 14 years ago

    If this is for real - abort. It is clear that if this is how you make important decisions in your life, you are clearly not ready to raise a child. If this a joke - but you are actually prego? Then abort as well. Because anyone who needs this kind of attention is clearly way too young mentally to raise a child.

    If I were pregnant (and a woman) and was seriously thinking about aborting, I wouldn't wait around to get it done. Why not eliminate the pregnancy when it is just a cluster of cells? How irresponsible.

    Raising a child takes intelligence, good-judgment, and money. If you don't possess at least one of these qualities in addition to love, then by all means ABORT! ABORT ABORT!

  • Paulette - 14 years ago

    The only comment I have is how could you abort a baby when you are already 20 weeks pregant?!?!?! And if you didn't want a baby than maybe you should have been mature enough to use the proper protection. I am almost 13wks. pregnant with number 3 and could not ever imagine aborting any of my children. Even when I got pregant with my first at the age of 20 and knowing that I was going to be a single mom!!! If you don't want this baby than the smart thing would be to put it up for adoption. There are thousands of couples out there that want kids and don't have any and would love a baby of there own to love. And I suggest for next time maybe buying condoms and getting your wife on birth control!!!!

  • Paulette - 14 years ago

    The only comment I have is how could you abort a baby when you are already 20 weeks pregant?!?!?! And if you didn't want a baby than maybe you should have been mature enough to use the proper protection. I am almost 13wks. pregnant with number 3 and could not ever imagine aborting any of my children. Even when I got pregant with my first at the age of 20 and knowing that I was going to be a single mom!!! If you don't want this baby than the smart thing would be to put it up for adoption. There are thousands of couples out there that want kids and don't have any and would love a baby of there own to love. And I suggest for next time maybe buying condoms and getting your wife on birth control!!!!

  • Trina - 14 years ago

    PLEASE HAVE AN ABORTION. I had one and it was the best thing I EVER DID. How would you feel if you were brought into this world by a single parent that had no money, no aspiration to do anything in life, and would rather go out to party than take care of you. Its a real shame when uneducated people come onto this site which about 90% of you are as I can tell by reading your comments. I am a single, educated, black woman and there is no way that I would sit here and say no don't get an abortion, go push out that baby and than put it through the pain of getting adopted and growing up knowing than it was unwanted by its mother. It's a sad way to live your life and have many friends that have committed acts of destruction cause they have never got that real love from their birth mother. Its not the way to go. PLEASE abort baby, it will not keep that man in your life, and will actually push him out of your life as being a soccer mom is not sexy and your game will be over. Time to throw in the towel, gatorade.

  • Hannah - 14 years ago

    Please don't kill your baby!

  • bonnie - 14 years ago

    this is a horrible way to treat a child. that baby "wiggles" is a human being! its murder! at 20weeks a baby (if born) can survive...that baby will be taking breathes and you are both going to kill it!!!
    i understand how hard it is to have a baby after a miscarriage, ive done it. i lost my first baby at 12weeks in 2008 i then fell pregnant again in sep 2008 and had a beautiful boy. and its hard. BUT its no reason to kill a child.

  • bonnie - 14 years ago

    this is a horrible way to treat a child. that baby "wiggles" is a human being! its murder! at 20weeks a baby (if born) can survive...that baby will be taking breathes and you are both going to kill it!!!
    i understand how hard it is to have a baby after a miscarriage, ive done it. i lost my first baby at 12weeks in 2008 i then fell pregnant again in sep 2008 and had a beautiful boy. and its hard. BUT its no reason to kill a child.

  • Tamás Németh - 14 years ago

    Keep in mind that the meaning of life is not to chase you own felicity, but to do what you have to do. Raising children is a mission towards future. Do it! Your baby needs your love and care but he/she is not your property. He/she already has his/her own personality. Don't kill him/her. Respect him/her and help him/her to be a human being able to love.

  • joe - 14 years ago

    I hate Obama and love abortion. Coat-hanger it already!

  • Scanny - 14 years ago

    Re: Posted by Tom. on November 20th 2010, 6:52pm
    You're an idiot. It's already firmly established that this couple is anti-choice and this whole thing is a hoax. There is no life hanging in the balance. Voting for abortion is merely calling their bluff. No murder here....just a couple of trolls looking for attention (Not talking about /b/tards)

  • Che Ragazza - 14 years ago

    I vote the poor unfortunate soul occupying your womb abort the two of you.

  • Pierre - 14 years ago

    Firstly I am not sure why there are so many disgustingly awful people on here with comments, it certainly suggests they have some severe emotional issues, that need to be addressed. As for you having a late term abortion , from Obama's perspective he says it is all right in fact he endorses it, and I would suspect at least 60% of you voted for him and his ideas, well it at least it got him elected didn't it. Who knows maybe he and his wife had three kids but got rid of one, who knows. After having three kids and now 6 grandkids, all I can say what a joy they all are my suggestion would be to have the child, in your heart you know that is the resposible thing to do. If it all about monetary anxiety cost of rearing etc. I understand, been there done that and looking back I would do it all over again , hopefully the ones who are advocating the abortion need to look at their deeper issue of being irresposible obviously motivated by the all about me sickness so persuasvie in the post Obama win , if their parents had made that choice they would not be here to voice their jaded opinions. pro-choicers are the ones who support any kind of abortion including late term love Obama, and all those irresposible liberal ideas , which are destroying the very fabric of this country. All the best in the future with your new baby. Cheers!

  • Kathleen - 14 years ago

    Please give this little person, the fruit of your love for each other, a chance to be born. In 5 years. 10 years, and 20 years you will look back of your decision to give this little person life, and be so grateful that you welcomed him/her into your family.

  • KJ - 14 years ago

    Hoax or not, this website is ridiculous on so many levels. If it is a hoax, this will only shame and discredit the valid pro-life information and discussion available on the internet.

    And if it's not a hoax, here's a few things I'd like the authors to know.

    Your baby feels pain when it's aborted. Not only that, but the baby feels MORE pain the older it is. If you don't believe me, please ask your Dr.

    For this reason, I cannot understand why on earth you're waiting any longer to make your "decision".

    Oh, and just so you can rest a little easier, you're not making the abortionists job any easier when you wait so long.

    The other thing you might like to know is, is that there is a possibility your baby would survive if you went into early labor TODAY. That's got to be proof your baby is a living, independent creation.

    Actually, some good friends of mine gave birth to their daughter at only 5 months and 1 week. They dressed her in doll clothes because nothing else would fit.
    She is now 14 years old, and if you met her, you wouldn't be able to guess she was born so early. She has normal height, weight, intelligence and beauty.

    You mention the stress and the hardship you went through with your two earlier miscarriages. If you found that hard to handle, you won't be able to deal with the fact you voluntarily, painfully killed your child. Please, take my advice, and remember that hindsight is 20/20.

    And most of all, you're ignoring that God has created this child for HIS purposes, not yours. The fact that you have gone so far as to publish this poll is evidence that you do not trust in Him (and God created you so you could personally know him, trust Him, and depend on Him, just for the record) and I pray that God changes your hearts to recognize Him as Lord and keep your beautiful baby alive, whether you raise it yourself, or offer it for adoption.

  • Jennifer - 14 years ago

    Please have your baby and give him or her to a loving family. I am bothered by the people using the argument of all the unwanted children in the world as a reason to abort. A healthy baby born here in the United States does not sit in an orphanage waiting for someone to adopt him or her. Families are the ones waiting for a baby to be born to join their family.

  • christina - 14 years ago

    I think you need to keep this you know how many women out there would kill to be in your place?!?!?!?!?!?! My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for over a year and a half and you can get pregnant and not know whether or not to keep it?!? I think you should deliver it and give to a worthy family because apparently you don't deserve to be parents!!! I hate people like you!

  • Rufus K - 14 years ago

    Tacky stunt by attention whores is in bad taste. You do not have the emotional maturity to be good parents.

  • I am so saddened - 14 years ago

    I am pro-life. Thi is an out rage to what you are doing and it hurts me so. That you will leave it upon the world to choose this babies fate. Thik about the pericious carge you two are caring. I know that the miscarages where hard but don't give up this life. Just take care of yourself. I will never be blessed with a fertile body and i have come to terms with that. But you still have a choice to get pregenat or not. So lease keep the baby I work with kids every day and to see the twinkle in their eyes when they find something or do something new it's something that can never be put in words. If you decide to have the child please give it to a couple that will raise the child in a loving way. I beseech you never to do this again. I wonder how your parents feel about you doing this explioting their unborn grandchild. A life is a percious thing to waist and everyone should deserve to live. Think about the childs first tooth, their frist step and jump ahead (s)he wailking down the walkway and recieving thier highschool deploma. Sp lease keep the child and I hope and pray that you see what you are doing is someting very aweful. Think of this would you want to know if your parents truly didn't love you? I say this with good intentions so please do take this the wrong way. I love you both even though I may never meet you and your baby also. Take care and God bless.

  • Erin - 14 years ago

    I don't necessarily think that it is right of what your doing but i don't think its wrong either but in the end just think about what you think is right. I would never abort a child first of all, it is murder no matter how hard you try to think its not. you are taking someones life and they never got a say about it. I do think you should give birth. For all you know you may think to yourself for the rest of your life what if. What If What if. Please consider this child's opinion. and give birth.

  • Linda - 14 years ago

    Congratulations for such a wonderful gift of life inside of you, no alien, but LIFE~~a child! Known by God and sent to earth to be raised by you both. No random act, but specific. Very Specifiic! Meaning, there's something wonderful about the two of you! You two are the ones chosen by God to parent this child. You are valuable just like the one inside of you holds value and a destiny. If you are not able to choose life, don't choose death but rather allow adoption to take place. I offer along side the others who have offered to adopt the child your are carrying. Choose wisely, for so much hinges on your decision. God Bless you. Linda....

  • utto - 14 years ago

    menny az anyadba te szarkurva. az ilyennek nem valo gyerek4 le kellene loni titeket egy lefureszeltcsovuvel hogy szenvedjetek!!!!!!!!

  • Linda - 14 years ago

    Although I think it is very odd to have perfect strangers decide if you should have a baby or not, my opinion is that you should have an abortion. There are far too many children who will spend their entire childhoods in foster care because there are not enough homes out there for them. Over population is the root cause of global warming. Too many women are having babies, and now with fertility treatments, they are having litters. If you really want a child, adopt one! This world doesn't need any more people.

  • Jesús - 14 years ago

    I think what is life must prevail in any situation, many people want to have children but are infertile and you have the opportunity to be parents do not want it. I can tell myself to fight and be given that opportunity and not commit a murder that abortion is murder to destroy a living bone, even a fetus

  • AWDA - 14 years ago

    If you are really asking yourselves this already, then do your child a favour and abort him.

  • Tom. - 14 years ago

    anonymous are a bunch of desperate faggots who crave for attention and decide that, since their life is so shit, they should just make themselves look superior by controlling what you do with your child. mabye they get bullied, mabye people don't notice them, or mabye they're just sitting back and hoping life just takes them away, either way they're wrong - they're special, and unique, and they're too stubborn and craving for an image that they won't accept it. they know that people love them, but they see what /b/ used to be, and want to be just like them. so, they act desperate and distressed, just as everyone else does on that hell hole of a website. and, i can bet you anything that the majority of the /b/tards that voted on this poll hesitated before pressing send, as they felt how large the consequences may be.

    anonymous. this is murder. the child would've grown up to be unique, special, and amazing, and your such scum that you want to take that away from them. how would you feel if you had no say in your life, and that a bunch of desperate 'depressed' freaks got to decide your fate. i love you anon, but this is too far.

  • sheltie1 - 14 years ago

    Now people in other countries think Americans are assholes based on you. I hope you're happy.

  • Anon - 14 years ago

    Obvious Pro-Life stunt is obvious.

    Vote Abortion and call them on their bullsh*t. These people really believe pro-choice supporters WANT to abort babies like it's a FIRST CHOICE option. They won't abort even if the vote goes that way. Prove it to the morons that think this is REAL and not a bullsh*t STUNT.

  • Almost a grandmother - 14 years ago

    Please let your baby live. Abortion promises more than it can deliver. Our daughter-in-law had one over 22 years ago. The emotional turmoil created has left her devastated. She is a healthcare professional who daily helps people. We see the detachment from things that hurt. I myself 40 years ago chose life for my out-of-wedlock child. She was adopted by a loving family and got in touch with me 30 years later. Look down the road at consequences; they will come. I regret not having raised her myself. At least I regret ONLY that. I didn't kill her. She's glad I didn't. May God soon become real to you.

  • Pam and Mike - 14 years ago

    We have a big extended family. We are in our 50's, but multiple people in my family will want to adopt your child as their own and everyone else in the family will love your child. God is love.

  • Hayley - 14 years ago

    Are you two completely sick? If you keep this child I hope he/she never finds out that you put his or her life up for public debate! I hope you one day realize how perverse this whole thing was! What is wrong with this world?

  • Mark - 14 years ago

    It is obviously ultimately your choice, and putting this to a vote seems to trivialize your decision.

    A person can't be forced even to donate blood to save somebody else. Thus, a woman should not be forced to carry a fetus that she doesn't want.

  • Andy Taylor - 14 years ago

    Choose life. It's a human.

  • Lauren - 14 years ago

    I think that you should give this poor child a chance with life, if you still feel your unsure after you have seen your baby grip hold of your finger, then i think you should give your baby to someone who will appreciate your baby more. Some people dont have the chance to have a child but you have!! if you didnt want to get pregnant why didnt you use contraception??!! i understand with you having lost 2 babies already that you wouldnt want to go through with it again but killing a innocent child is not the answer. Just remeber that a child is much better than a job. Dont do something you might regret, this could be your last chance!

  • tom - 14 years ago

    God has blessed you with a pregnancy. He doesn't give you anything you can't handle with His help. Continue to be healthy and bring this baby into the world healthy. Enjoy this time and pass the happiness on to your baby. If you decide you can not raise the baby, putt it up for adoption and let a woman who can't give birth engulf the baby with her endless love, nurturing and care. Do it for the baby. Your question says it is all about what is best for the baby..and a happy, healthy, and prosperous life is the only answer to that part of it. Who are the parents to participate in this wondrous process of raising your child is the only part of the question you need to answer. I didn't know I could handle my obligations during this time as numerous other prospective parents so it's not unusual to fell uncertainty. Pray about it. He will answer you.

  • PABLO - 14 years ago


  • tabitha - 14 years ago

    I am pro choice. I believe that if you consider becoming a parent in such a flippant manner as to have the idiots of the world vote on it then you do not deserve the distinct pleasure of raising a child. To post pictures of the fetus and then ask people if you should abort is either sick or simply stupid. I wish you the best in life....a childless one.
    If there were a test for people to judge whether they might be parents i suspect you would fail.

  • Praying it's a hoax...but doubt it. - 14 years ago

    I don't think you should abort a child based on the decision of others. If you don't want to keep it, then give it up for adoption. I do, however, think that you should kill yourselves (after the child is born, of course). After all, if you're dumb enough to get pregnant with your husband/wife and are old enough to be aware of the consequences then you should have to carry to term because you could have stopped the conception of the child to begin with. It's your fault, now deal with it.

    You are so stupid for doing this to your child. If I was you, I wouldn't keep the child (meaning you definitely should put it up for adoption), because it will most likely hate you for this. Although...I have to admit, knowing you kept the child and raised it and it hated you for this would be a sweet revenge in my eyes. That, however, is assuming you cared at all. Which you don't since you did this to your unborn child.

    In my eyes, I view you as no better than beasts. --Correction, beasts wouldn't make a public spectacle of their decision like this and so you are lower than a beast and I have done them an injustice by comparing you to one!

  • melanie - 14 years ago

    I live in a democratic country too and see the right to vote as an amazing right we are given. Our right to vote however, is intended to be applied to issues of public policy and to create a proxy vote for our interests through our representatives. Our right to vote is given to us for use in public, governmental issues. Reality shows and contests are games. People vote for fun in those sorts of shows. Whether or not a baby is brought into the world is not public policy nor is it to elect a representative. It is most certainly not a game! This is extremely important. Imagine the precedent if the public were allowed to determine the fate of every woman’s pregnancy as a matter of public policy! This makes a mockery of the idea of democracy as you’ve drawn the comparison and lowers it to the realm of a game or reality shows. That’s sick! This is the future of a human being. Quite honestly, I think this child deserves to live but I don’t think s/he should be raised by parents who first humanize it through u/s pictures and nicknames and then consider aborting it. This child deserves to be raised by loving parents who will put his/her needs first! It is most certainly not putting your child’s needs first to hold a contest like this. Imagine your child finding out that you held a vote to determine if s/he should be born or not! How do you think s/he would feel about that? This vote is just sick and if you decide to continue the pregnancy, is likely to be upsetting to your child when they understand what you have done. I vote give birth and give this child to someone who can give it a life free from this sort of drama and attention mongering and put his/her needs above all else!

  • amin ahmad - 14 years ago



  • John Doe - 14 years ago

    It's insane. Even fake or not, this is not the kind of decision/joke to be done at the internet.

  • K - 14 years ago

    This saddens me to my core. My 2 closest friends have both just recently lost their daughters to a late-term miscarriage or complication. Watching them walk through their grief, and grieving with them has been one of the hardest things I've been through. Miscarriages are devastating and heartbreaking enough to live with, I can't imagine the pain of knowing you actually made the decision to kill your own baby instead of giving him or her the chance they deserved. Your baby is a person, and highly valued by many people, even if not by you. I am begging you, as a mother, PLEASE let your baby live. What you're doing is essentially playing Russian Roulette with another person's life. Imagine if your parents had been doing this to make a decision about you. Imagine finding this poll, years later, and being faced with the horrific reality that your parents had not only considered ending your life, but had asked the internet world to weigh in on their decision, and ultimately make it for them. I can't even fathom the therapy you would need after such a discovery. Your baby is a gift, no matter how long he or she lives. PLEASE choose to let him or her live. And if you don't feel you could make this precious person feel 100% loved and valued, take the offers of adoption. There are many loving couples (I know MANY) who are aching to have a child to love and care for. If you can't be bothered, at least take one of these offers for adoption. I just want you to know how valuable your baby is and how much this beautiful life deserves respect and dignity, and how much it does NOT deserve to be killed.

  • Sahil - 14 years ago

    Just when I thought I saw it all. Some people have no humanity left in them. Organizing a public poll to find out whether or not you should kill your unborn child - how sick can one get! Even if you have a legal right to abortion before the 20 or so weeks, why would you want to kill your the unborn child for no reason? You're even sick enough to give the foetus a name "Wiggles" or something like that.

    Abortion should be only permitted in extreme conditions like when the mother's life is in danger. We need to overturn these sick abortion laws.

    If you really go ahead with killing this child, I hope there is a special place in Hell reserved for both of you. Please repent your Satanic thoughts and for the sake of sanctity of human life, give this child a place on Earth.

  • railfair - 14 years ago

    I have not read all the comments nor will I. All publicity aside you both seem to be very intelligent people and capable of making a wise choice I think. Of course not all intelligent people are capable of making wise choices (not a put down but an observation based on....well life). I do hope you are feeling grateful (mom that could be) that you have been given an opportunity once again to carry life and share the joy of raising a little one. May God grant you both the wisdom, grace, patience, peace, strength and love to carry forward. Blessings!

  • Maurice - 14 years ago

    Have faith. Just put your difficulties in this regard into the hands of God. This will make a big difference.

  • anjy - 14 years ago

    The evidence seems to be pointing to this poll being an anti-choice hoax, but on the off chance this is real, this isn't a choice that can be made by other people. Only Alisha can make this decision. She can consult her partner and trusted friends and family, but in the end, she's the one who has to give up her body for 9 months. If this is something you truly want and feel like you're ready for, go for it. If not, don't. If you really are just douche-bag trolls, please stop having sex all together. You don't deserve any pleasure at all.

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • THIS IS ALL A HOAX - 14 years ago


    He's a right wing blogger who goes by the nickname Zeeboid. He has a website (he took down, obviously) to rant about his anti-abortion views:

    Feel free to post comments on his business website:

  • carole milne - 14 years ago

    seee i think you should jst grow up and do what u think is best without puting it on the internet where ppl that dnt even no u are commenting personaly i think u should rot in hell

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